Send One Dollar I HE STANDARD. and get this paper 1 year. Only $1 Per Year. SKB CT.t'UUtNO UATKS oil PACK CONCORD, N. 0 THURSDAY, JULY, 31, 1302. Single Copy5Cts- SPBSCPIBB FOR THK STAN f DA UD. j Only - $100; FOl If MMHVXKtl IN A EI.01H'. A l'laiirp I'nrif (nuuhl Like ltl In a 'l iiiji The Ciii(iiin's lurch Action. Savannah, Oa., duly 3. The Sloop LoVull Doll, OWtlel ami sailed by Capt. Allen N .-.illur of Thunderbolt, aud having on hoard a pleasure party, was capsized in the Ogeeclice river, near Hetl (iaU) duriug a squall yesterday nf tt.rtioon aud Captain Caldor's aged mother and infant daughter wero drowned. Cap lain Caldor's failior aud wife wero seriously injured and liis fat bar may dm. Oa the sloop wore Dr. aud Mrs. Stephen A Calder, of Sun bury; Capt. and Mis. Alien N Calder, of this city, their five chih'n n Vernon, 12 years old. Frank, 0 years old; Lawrence, 7 years old; Dolacy, 5 years old, and Olga, 1 months old, who whs drowned, and M rs. Sandi ford, who is tiO years old. All except Captain Calder aud his son Vernon wero in the cabin at dinner. Vernon was holding the jib sheet. When tho storm struck the craft Captain Calder ordered his son to slacken the sheer, The boy was frightened ami became excited, lusteaa of doing as ordered he pulled tighi on tho jib halyards, and the sloop refused to answer her heim. Without warning tlu craft was capsized and those iu the cabin wore instantly sub merged iu water. They were penned in like rats ia a trap, as trie ontruuee to tho cabin was under water. With desperate courage Captain Calder dived into 'he cabin and succeeded in dragging out all except the baby, Olga, whom he could not find nlrs. Oaldor, the captain's moth er, died soon after being brought out. Later. Stephen A Calder and Mrs. A lion ( alder died to Eight of congestion of the lungs, brought about by taking in water while iu the cabin of the capsized sloop. Will Cure Sumach Ache In Five Mirutes. This is just what Painkiller will do; try it. Dave a bottle ia the for instant use, as it will save you hours of suffer ing. Watch out; that the dealer does not sell you an i'l'itntion, as theg. eat reputation ol Painkiller (Perry Davis'), ha? induced many people to try te make somlhing to sell, said to be '-just as good as the genuine." Fulled tit Uriiiln? a Peeler-Arc Found (Juitly of Crliiiimil Sesligenee. Spokane, W ash., JuIySfi. The coroner's jury that investigate-!1 the de.dh of small children ot Mr. and Mrs. G io Gralrun, oi this city, reported that death was caused hy diphtheria nne the parents are "guilty of criui inal uegligence for failing to em ploy or recept. skilled rnodiea assistance." The jury recom mended that a Stale law cover iug such cases ana exacting a penally bo enacted. Mr. and Mrs. Graham are members of a society known as the "Church of God" and do liot beli.'ve in medicine, though sur gery is permitted. When theii C iildren became sick they were anointed by an eidei of th' Church. Later a doctor wa called and wn- allowed to lanet the children's throats but not to give tlif iu medicine. Three died and one recovered. Whether the par'Tits will be prosecuted has not been determined. Stops Hie Cipiii;h ami Wurlts ud the Old Laxative Bromo yuiniue Ti'b lets euro. a cold in one day. Kc cine, no pay. I'rice 25 cents. Tlir e Brollierx. isnrTlTorn of the HaUIn ot Hie VVi!(l"ncs. Mr. .7 C Sykes, of St. John's, Cabarrus cdunty. is hei'e to visit his brother, Policeman 8ykes The S.yhos aro warriors. Police mm SyWes. .1 C Sykes and a younger brother, John Sykes. who lias in Mecklenburg, weie all in the same company in the battle of the WdJertiess in ls(i-l Policeman Sykes and J C Sykei were wounded, eacti receiving one tuillot. John .Sykes, wht was color bearer, was snot five times. Thes.j three survivors ol 1 1..- bnttlo of the Wilderness arc among the bt;.st inen of Cabarrus and Mecklenburg.- -Charlotte Obsei ver. TO (11! E A .(!,! IM 0.F. ItV. Take Laxative Hrotno Quinine till L is. All druirgists refund The money if it fails to cure. n Nfci'Ai -W ir- Msi kA Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you cat. Tl.iH proration rontai.H M f fho diL', t. m's ami il:t'."i -i nil kin.H t,K.:l. it h'.vw iesi -mt, relief and i.-v.t fiiilstoi'uru. it uli'.i" - yen id cat till ; th food you want. Tim imwt sensitive 1 nin, u'k" - '!v' nr ,,B Tny ' lit mi -(and of 'tysitopticf have Iweti wml ,,..r ever, hin else failed. H rr..i7, f.inri-ii'i.ncfi'ason Ihestriii). vU- rei ii' v i ntr a'l 'i.-'iip after eat inir. xcnry. Pleasant to take. 'u t u.g mini' can'X Itr'ti I i,eo.i.,.fHU,t!!w( ntui(i'4 wtiitewc.i Drui? Store IF YHM WH I PUT timifulofMeTlrn Huston I.fn. II 1V.J I1ILL.I Ul lmrnt mil it kIiuk hair full t wntr ami villi tliia gargh) your throct of u-u it will qumkly cuts a ii av 'i'Urwifc Keep fact always fresh ia your memory: For Cuts, Mastit t and all Open Sores, you need only to apply Mexican frusta n& i nimenr a few timed and the (soreness and inl'amiriati m will be conquered and the winded flesh healed. To get the best results you should saturate a pieeo of soft cloth with the liniment arid bind it u tho wound as you would a poultice. 24c, GOe. Had $ 1.00 a bottle. ICCD AM CVC n' Tir poultry arid at the ver firs sti n u f iVLtr Mil ClC Ul lump. Bumlikifxit or olhr diMuisee ainoiie jour lowia uc Mexican 31ut.iiig Liniment. HE CHKATEO THE CALLOWS. While the Jury Wan )-lit f-rullriy on HIh Case, in AIIt ,;d Murderer Kfils lllnifflf. While a jury was d(diberating upon the question of his life or death, John B McGhoe, charged with murder, stopped his trial by taking his life this morning. Tragedy, human interest and cowardice figure largely in the most sensational story that Homo has known in years. Wild excitement prevailed in Ihe jourthouse when the announce- ment was made that the jury in ! 'Ant case would bo forthwith dis- nissed as the defendant had committed suicide. Last night McGhee was locked in his coll securely. Prisoner Lfill, who was his cell mate, was awokened this morning at 3 o'clock hy groans, followed by gurgling, dioking sounds. Hill saw by ho dim light from the corridor hat McGhee was lying tu the rloor. The light was not sufli :lent to betray the wound, gap ing from ear to ear, or tho blood ib at had dyed the floor of the prison. Hill left his bunk and went to the prostraleman, think ing that McGhoe was ill. With horror Hill sprang from he scene before him. McGhee was dead, but tlie blood still Tickled from the gash that had severed tho jugular vein. An investigation revealed tho fact i.hat MeGnee had killed himself by cu'tiug his head almost from Ids body. The weapon which obe desperate man usod w?,s a P;pc, of shoo spring which tho prisoner had torn from the solo of his shoo. Though the iron was blunt, it had fearfully exe 3uted its ruissiou. The Mesh was torn and ragged but tie wound was long and deep and the man doubtless used herculeau strength in dealing li e b'ow. Home, Ga.. Special, '.'2d, to At lanta Journal. W0.MA1 STABDED 10 1EATU. 1 SlrKhrlons Murder In a rilUburw Drinking ileum. Pittsburg, July 23 One of the most mysterious murders iu tho city's histcry was committed tonight in a drinking room in the rear of tfte Traction ilotc-i. The victim is Agnes King, of 139 Crawfo'.d street. The mur- lercr, who escaped, is unknown. The story is that the woman and man had been drinking together dnce Monday at the different sa loons iu the neighborhood and the ca.'ousal ended in a rjuanel this afternoon, which was re sumed Lonight when the couple met on High street. The woman went into tho hotel bar and took a seat in the rear room. The man followed her and asked her if she would keep up the bluff. This question was repeated three times and each limo unswereu in the negative. Quick as atlasli tho man pulled a dirk end made a lunge at the woman, cutting her under the ear. A second '5 the jugular vein. murderer stepped out mll.,niH - ,t hs tm at large. Th i(.,im tlid while in the pa , , , trol wagon on too way tn the hospital. Tho only witness of tn(J niurder was a woman who happened to be in the room when ' 1 1 , . , CM the couple entered. She .ays the whole affair was enacted so eyidily she can give no de'.eri ()0I, of (lllJ murderer. Senator Pritchard and Hon. Thomas Settle tnado speech' s at Wayoosviilo Thurifjay, t hi! scamku i, (,iJi:rvsnoi:(. Mrs. Ma .HtiiflVrd m IYITp i d MolliiT EIi)e With J C llanlim;, l!.-r llonlor. Greeusboro has a scandal in which preHy Mrs. Ida Stafford of 35 or 40 years forsakes her husband and four children and elopes with one Mr. J JOUai iline a book keener at the Revolution Cotton Mills. Ilardii g was un married and boarded at Mr. Ilardtngs. No undue intimacy was discovered and it i.i believed that a sudden infatuation seized them. They took none of Mr. Jlaro- ing's belongings and tho woman left her jewelry except tho en gagement ring whhieh i,he scut back by mail to her bus mid. They aro believed to have gone West. GtN. CHOSJK Ur.I.F.ASIll). KMnrns to South Africa -Has T.ikru ti e Oath. Bermuda, July H3. General Cronju, the ainous Boer lender, who has boon held a prisoner here in the British prison camp, was r jle-.soil and sailad today on the s-eamslrp Tartar Prince for South. A frica. General Cronje too the oath of a legiance when peace was do ilar id. liis future plans a not known but it is said he will settle down to the rural life lie led prior to taking up the sword against England. CONCOitl) A MOM; TI1K HiNM.KS. Tiken Third Moncx in (irab-TramR l.khuiiiig I'lidtir (irtiot Iisii(hiitaK. The following dispatch from the capital tells us that Concord is not to be left, this year: Rideigh, N. C. July 2ih, Daily Standard, Concord, JS. C. . Concord won third money in grab, fourth place in 150 yards. Teams laboring under great dis advantage. Right entreis in ouch reel contest. . J L M;t.ucit. hltB fur a New F.nh rprlsc. Certainly tho town of Concord is building up fast and this growth is steady and not of trie "Looming" kind. Hardly a week passes with out some new enter prise materializing and others being formed. All of our inllu- entia' citizens seem to have the best interests of Concord at heart and with this kind of spirit abroad keep your rye on your home town and watch for new companies to be formed that will increase tho population and wealth of the community. Une of Concord's prominent men said to a Standard reporter last nigut, mat mere were rumors abroad that before many mouths Concord would have an enler prise that any town or city in the South would lie proud to boast of. He would give no information other than this But from all n ppearamys Jiero is a project on foot for something new for Concord. ilr. Whll Dry IKn.1. Mr. whir. Dry di. 1 at LCD a. his home mis ( t nursitayi at ins Home in Mi. Pleasant, of appendicitis. Lie hud been sick but a few days. Mr. Dry was about 40 years old. He leaves a second wife and several children. j Hon. Lock Craig, of Asheville will open his iart of the ctini- paign at Waynesviile on Aug. 4th. Mr, Craig will speak ex- itemporanoously. (.ltHNSI10ltO KEl.MON Ht'tliiPtdaj, Aiujn.-t 2Mli Teal mid Fair l'loyldrd fur Veteran Major (jimrral nail Four Itrljjiuliers to he l!!titid, , Durham, N C, July 30, 1902. Paragraph 1. The annua! re union of ihe North Carolina Di vision f'f the United Confederate Veterans will be held at Greens boro, N, 0., on Wednesday, tin i'liih day of August, VM2, in uc '.ordauce with the rusoiut'Oi! adojited at the last aunual re union held at VV rightsvilJe, at which will be held tho annual election of Division and Brigade Commaiiuoi s, to-wit: A Major General and four Brigadier Gen i erals. Only those will bo entitled fo vote at this election who are ouly acerotlued delegates from camps which are reported as having paid their uues. ine at lent.ion of Camp Commanders is especially called tc this, and i hey aro urged to see at ouce that their camp dues are paid, as required by the constitution of tho U. C. V. Paragraph 2. Gov. Aycock has again aindiy loaned the tents and blankets of the State Guard for the use. of t tic veterans, and an encampment will be hold in a shady grove convenient to the railroad station and near the centre of tho city, where will be accommodated aud fed free all thoie who cannot, or do not wish to board at the hotels and private '0:iditig houses ol the ';it.y Tbis encampment will be ready for occupancy on luesuay after noon, the Huh of August, so that veterans can arrive then aud rest, that night for next day's pleasures. Paragraph 3. The main bui rtesss of (ho reunion will be trans. scion on Ine morning of the 20th, when several addresses will be delivered, and in tiie afternoon of that d ly there will be a grand parade. The encampment will end on the 21 St.. The veterans and other public spu ited citizens ef Greensboro are making pro paraMoiis for die comfort aud pleasuro of visiting veterans, nut are determined to make it (lie most successful and pleasant reunion ever held in this State. Paragraph 4, AM ex Ooufod era'o soldiers iu North Carolina of .standing are cordially invited to this reunion, whether or not they are members of any camp or association. Command ors ot: camps are requested to communicate as soon as possible with Commander J W Scott, of Greitiaooro, as to toe number ci veterans who will wish fret iougtng ar entertainment, so that it n ay be known in advance for what number to prepare. Paragraph 5. A 11 the railroads in tea State have kindly given n rate of 1-cent a mile in each di rect ion for this occasion, and this low rate -a ill bo gi all visitors as well as Veterans Tickets will be on sale on the Pith, I'.tth and 20i ), aud will bo good until the iTifh of August Paragraph 0. All officers, and as many comrades as eao, are rciuestod to wear their uniforms. A lull attendance is urged and a pleasant occasion is anticipated icniy up, comrades, and let us make it the. grandest reu iion ever yet held in our good old Stale. Bv order of J. S. C.AKH, Major General. II. A. London, Adjf. Gen. and Chief of Staff. . - - O001 Fltl lT t'reiii a Thorough ii' HyHteiieifiu Ad niliiihiraKun of Urtiieatiiiiiftl Matters- New llinise id lliirrii'Duiif. Educational matters in Cabar rus are still developing along a substantial line. A splendid oh ject lesson is given us by the llaiTisiniry section. That com munity together with its friends has raised four hundred dollars for a school house. A meeting of the subscribers was hel l Wednesday at Harris burg and the project assumed lefunio shape. Messrs. J E Cald well, .) V Alexander, D L Morri son, ,fno. C Gannon and W Pld Harris wme ejected trustees. Mr. Kd Harris was in town to day (Thursday) to arrange for a meeting of the County Board of Education, when the trustees will tender the above .subscrip tion and its support as a nucleus for the erection of a modern, up to ua'e school build- in jr in ar, educationally aroused community. There is some prob ability of the house being buill of brick. The chairman of the Board of Education. Mr. Jus, P Cook, has called the meeting for IbeO Aug. lib. He is satisled the Board will greatly appreciate this M'ienilid liberality and earnest ees'i of the Ifarrishurg folks aud will treat with duo consideration this busi'iess-llUe i ;ove. Let the good work go on. On the 17th the rotten crop from lim "PunUiur Burns" plan tation in Louisiana was sold iu a '.imp- There, were 4.S')0 bales of ii'Hi pounds each, miiki" . i ",." common oatea. l.ns being one crop from one plant tiuii it is the cnunx lor the world. m. j tor the Standard I KH'-ASO SO 00 VOL1. suppose, .ny doar, that you were I, And by your side vour sweet heart sate; Suppose you noticed by and by The distance 'twixt you were too great; Now tell me, dear, what would you do? I know and so do you. And wheu(so comfortably placod) Suppose you only grew aware Thar tctdear, dainty little waist Of hers looked very lonely there; Pray tell nie sooth--what would you do? I know and so do you. When, having done what I just did With not a frown to check or chill, . Suppose her red lips seewetl to bid Defiance to your lordly will; Oh, tell me, sweet, what would you do? I know and so do you. Selected. T w KI.ITU Jl'Icul7cONY FN TION MeU al 18 O'ebi k Nominate J. L. Webb for Solicitor HarmouiouB Heet Iim. Today promptly at 12 o'clock the Democratic Convention of ','no 12th Judicial district was called to order by Mr. J A An thony, of Shelbv, who called up- on Mr. W C Maxwell to act as i en: porary chairman. Thereupon Mr. Maxwell called upon the re porters of tho Concord papers to act as secretaries and upon motion of Mr. W G Means the organization was made pnrma nent. Mr. P M Shatinanhouse. of Charlotte, then put in Domina tion the name of Mr. J L Webb, of Shelby, for tolieitor of the 12th Judicial dist-ict and this nomination was seconded by Mr. R B Wilson, of Gautonia. Mr. Webb received the nomination by acclamation. The executive committee for the judicial district was then elected, which is composed of the following men: J A An thony, Cleveland; L T Hartsell, Cabar rus; L .1 Holland, Gaston: C 1 Childs, Liucoln, aud Frank M Sbaunonhoupe., Mecklenburg. Mr. J A Anthony was made chairman of the committee. The convention was in sessiot; just, twenty minutes, Daily of 2Tth. SAD SCENE IN CHARLOTTE, Little Jutiu Alexander (Jrohetl Under Freight Truin-He Was Trjriug: to Hiilo. A sad, sad lesson was tought in Charlotte Thursday when I'dtlo John Alexander was cr ushed underneath the ponder ous wheels of a freight train. It was at the crossing at North Brevard streot where the traqs slow up and whore boys are in a nabit ol swiuging on tor a rrde This unfortunate child missod his objective point and. was thrown under the car where the wheels pushed and crushed him iu fearful manner, lie remained conscious however and was carried to his homo to his heart crushed mother. He lived four hours and talked freely and without pam. -- lint lieiiernl UMheriuj; There is a question recently agitated by some of our citisens that is of much importance to Concord. It is to establish an annual central social Business Day for Concord, where the peo ple will congregate from every part, of the county and beyond the county lines; where the farmer aud tradesman can buy, sell, barter and exchange lauds and live slock of all kinds, rent farms, engage tenants and hire help for thocomhig season, with .-poeches and other entertain ment. On investigation it is found that our people are ripe and auxious for a day or two of this kind and call loudly for it. "Many Citizens.' Coucord, July 23, 1902. Will ox t Know Mis Fate. Solicitor Ward, who prose cuted James Wilcox for tho mur der of Nellie Cropsey at Eliza beth City was in Norfolk last week and said this case would colee before the Supremo court on the foiKtli Monday in August and that he did not think the prisoner would be granted a new trial. Wilco.t, as is well remembered, was sentenced by Judge James at the March term of Pasquotank county superior court to die for the mu'-der of his sweetheart, Neliie Cropsey, but an appeal was taken. Wilcox has been in jail since Ivs arrest, and is strong and hopeful. l'retljr Kpecint'ii of IVtrldeil Wmm1, Mr. William M Woddington has placed a piece of petrified wood in The Standard olhee for exhi- bi,if, ,iat, is" a rare sample ! inrie.Hl. It is so natural that il ig n(,t easy to determino which it ,.(.sombles most, wood or stone, Tlj0st, fond of gvjfti, Cttr20s can ,ea(. , 0ye on t.fc.-g beautlial specimen. JEFFKIESTHE WISXElt. In the 8th Hound He Hire Filxstiuniona tho Knockuul Itiow. The great pugilistic battle be tween Jim Jeffries and DobFita simmons came off Friday night at San Francisco. Fitzsiaimons went down in the 8th round uot without having drawn blood from the champion, however, with seeming advantage and every prospect of winuing. Each complimented the other on his fighting ability and no hard feedings seern to have folio.ved the hard blows. Fitzslnimons says he will quit fighting now. liis Demucmt'e Keeoid Clean. Col. John II Long crco ic'o our office today (Friday) and iu answer to certain questions a to his loyalty to Democracy says, he cast one Republican vote two years after tho war and for one man only in Union county. He was elected county commissiou of Union county on the Demo cratic ticket. That he failod to vote on two occa sions in Cabar rus county in which cornplica tiorrs,uot disloyalty to the party, caused it and that he has cast a Democratic ballot every time he has had the chance to do so in Cabarrus. Brown-Mo. The announcement of the mar riage of Mr.Ea.l Brown and Miss Agnes Moss has been made to. the friends of this popular young couple both iu arid out of Con cord. The ceremony will be performed on A ug. 5Ui at. 8 p m by Kev. G 11 Cornelson at the home of the bride in the suburbs of tho city. Ouly the bride and groom's most iutimate friends will be present. The Whlt iey Uullroad. Tho Now London correspond ent of the Stanly Enterprise says: Mr. J M Eelwards, known as ' Capt. Jack," came iu yesterday with 59 negroes to work on the road, which is nearing com pie lion. The road bed is partly laid with ties and the la;y'ing of rails will soon bogi?i. The engineers are now engaged surveying out a locaUow for the dam across the rivvr. Work will begiu on the da' in just as soon as the road is completed. Woman falia 40 Feet on Kwka Without' Breaking bne. Ernestine Valsp, a srlk work er, 80 years old, and single, liv ing at 118 LAlayette street, jumped or fell from the cliff at tire Valley of the Hocks nea r the fall3 this morning, a distance of 60 feet. She landed at the foot of the prrcipice near an augler, who was nearly startled out of his wits. Although sho fell on the rocks of the chasm she was not unconscious nor was a bone broken. The angler and another man assistod the woman to walk to the office of a quarry noar by. She was also able to walk to the ambulance when it arrived. The physicians at St. Joseph's Hos pital fear internal injuries. Pat terson, N. J. Dispatch. Uotiiiu to II n try. It is reported in Blooming'on, 111., and generally believed there that Cape. Richmond Pearson j Hobson is to marry Miss Letitia Stevenson, daughter of former Vice President Adlai E Steven- sou. Capt. Hobson has heen much in Miss Stevenson's com pany. He has been hi Bloom ington more than a down times in the last six mouths. Is Negro's Graiip. Memphis, Tenn., July 24. Miss Birdio Hamlott, aged ID, who was sleeping alone, found herself when awakened at 3 o'clock this moruing in tho grasp of a negro who had entered her room for the purpose of crimlri ally assaulting her. The negro was frightened away by the coughing of her nejphew, an eleven year old boy in aa adjoinlug room. She furnished a good description of the negro aud the po'iee are on his trail. lie will be ronghly handled if caught. Miss Ham en is prostrated rem lr.igb,t. Still Opposite St. Clmnl Hotel ! , rr mg : t 3 '1' If Before moving into ! our row quarters we want to have a genuine cleaning; up. The goods must go and we should think it would be in teresting to you. How aloot. Towels, 14x30, at 5e each. And then the Terry Cloth for Toweling" at 17J cents a pound. Towel buyers should g take advantage of this v 1 opportunity and lay in a supply. I - - - I Bofoi';.' starting to the mountains just look through your wardrobe and see what is lacking. Handkerchiefs Collars Hosiery Belts and Ladies Furnishings. Pa rasols should interest you, es pecially at the price we are moving them. -All the fancy ones at cost. They are this season's goods an 1 the style and color is what you want. We still have some good bargains in Hosiery. Cannon & Fetzer Co. Still Opposite St. Cloud i. Hotel! f. A Mnn From (lend tn Foot. This district has nominated one of tho very best men iu it to represent it iu Congress. Tie L a man from head to foot am! that is a good deal to say. He w;li make an honest, faithful and able sepreseutative in Congress, lie is one of the mot brilliant younp men in the State and w'M make his mark in the National Assem bly. Hurrah for Webb! Cas tenia News. FOR OVER S1XTV KAK, ilia. Wiuslnw'e Hoott:m,' S:.-ip br.. been nted fur over siitv yeai a by ini' Hjph of rool)jer for their e'.iiu'ii whu ietlMupr. with perfect mocvm. I! . lottiem tho child, ao'teus t'uo ?tim al'.ava U lin, oi:ee wiud vli a .1,1 i- ttiebtwt rerif. lv fr Durrboc-s. H sr-l' rcjeretbo poor iMtte fii rv.r iji:;,,..' ately. Bolt bydruRKiHU in evory j..r. cf tli world. Tweoly-fivc otmtu V.f(. Bo. Do uru ana mfi je." Air. V ;. jjowc B?wtfa!Ba Byron ' auJ iv n The Fftifi of an Altraetivv S.i ..1 Houe ami ft Komi Teacher na Ihe Poor ('hilili i n. Tn one of the western countias. three small school districts were consolidated and a new school building with two rooms, well lighted and ventilated, was built at a cost of $00. Heretofore these three districts had been running from two and a half to three months with one teacher in each. Last year the three combined, taught by two teach- "r-i, ran four and a half months. At the Teacher's Institute this ?u".i trier there was an honest but ignorant old farmer present and ue was the most enthusiastic man in attei. dance. Ha said that until the past year his children never attended school, that they didn't care to go, they preferred to work iu tho field, and he never made them go ; but two weeks before the school heaan last year the teachers spent a few hours at his house and talked with the family. The result was that the children s'arted to school, and he added: "My little boys think t'oese are tho greatest teachers in the world. Why, every night they would get (heir books, and until they went to bed they talked of nothing but what the teachers had told thorn at school. They . over wanted to go to school be fore and they never went; but t-boy never grow tired now, aud I am hero to-day to see if wo can't make the term longer." As this honest old man spoko these words there was an ex pression of joy and pride in his rugge.J countenance that would have answered any argument against, the improvement of the .'u.Ax vJ.Y.'ois. His children had been won 'b two faithful women, and what ;hese have done can he done in eCJ''.y coun ty in tho State. AVFUv , school-houses and entcrii'tiif'S teachers will draw half the chil dren who now have no desire to attend school. Sheep Killed by LieLitiiiiiK, During the storm Thursday evcr 'ng lightning killed twenty tive Southdown sheep belonging to Mr. Martin C Davis, who lives on a farm four miles from Char lotte. When the storm began : he herd of sheep, 5 in aii, gathered under a tree in the pasture close to Mr. Davis'heuso. The stroke of lightning killed, almost instantly, all tho animals except one. Charlotte Observer. Viwatioa Dnys. Vacation time is here and tire children are fairly living out of doors. There could be no healthier place for them, You need only to guard against the accidents incidental to most open air sports. No remedy equals P.-Witt's Witch Ha.d Naive for quickly stopping pain or remov ing danger of serious conse quences. For cuts, scalds and wounds. "I used DeWitt's Witch Bazel Salve for sores cuts and bruises," says L B Johnson, Swift, Tex. "It is the best remedy on tho market." Sure cure for piles arid skin diseason. Beware of counterfeits. Gib son's Drug Store. MwlaiK for HulifWR, Hl;i au Others. Washington, July L'5. -Now that the list of officers and men of tlie navy who aro to receive the West Indian campaign med als and bar--, has been com pleted. The naval board on awards s busying itself with "nmrhoriou-i service" medals 1';; h are intended to go to those olUcers who : ndered particular ly t -'ll-i.: services io the Vf-vl lt!il';'!i r.a val t amp:l:gn. So ti" :!.,- ; on r persons Lave tii.-i-ii decided e;!i,ei rr the 1 1 o r -'v i." -.ervicc medal. TI.c-o I.',- ' -,on I i -. u-u.t i.'ich.-ei.:. ! i ul, fc il ' s well t. ri -,' ii tl'.' 'cr: ;mae , leeu- . -.i r.i;.i I ' ,.-, their .' ;v

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