Daily Standard! IV KHY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY AMEW COOK, Editor. ; T;a cents je. week by carriers to ,ny jnirt of town, - L'hirty-five cts. per month through he mails. Single copy three cents. Address all communications to 'he Stjdaud VEDNESDAf .February 17, 1892. A. ' WHA'AtIIE MATTEIl? - ' I About the only thing the matter nth this country, U poverty. This is pre'ty bad, indeed. Is t because the people are lazr ? s "V neopft- a-e riot lazy.. Is it bf Aine our apiVis poor and ..... , ... nr eliniate'is frigid Uur eon is iyht and our c'imatethe best under ).- Lravens. 9 I- it becaut we do not exert ourl . to the situation r A more !er;etic pofle Jive nowlere. If the North had been subjected -.the harda' ips,' conditions and !i vc-jihe S.tiurj has ' been for 23 ixi. would he North-be nvhufit is uhtv No, i:"e tenths of the Wikees'wou'd be.in the poor houses : s mthern e-mutfes Tnrow the beu-fitsTof the robbing y itP in, t is section ; 'throw out av-ally $150,000)00 of pensions i yiis eectiuii and withdraw them ui the nut h .iiidepend millions ' . i I . 1. 4. ! COilarS li' lift L iJiHC UL-CU CJIClll j Itiic iii,pioeraents in the north '-well, you ;o this: The sou'h will be in the saddle .ld i he nornv w ill be the jackass. people on earth could stand up n-er .fgn at udds and hardships '. tLtse the mii h has. We are not a hater of the north, .it thif'SUudi.! J does ha;e the vile .uMslation that has been going on a ecrieh"; ihrf north atidiaipover ,ties the sou h. : Xi?The man that says- that the uth i suffering poverty on account I lziuesy, i. a liar or u knave, or woids to ! ha effect. CoiiurcM.Hiounl Itrrfi. A rebtIuu a as passed th-i House oviding for an investigation of ium ail tho pension office The geuuto committee on Coinage :ported adversely on a free coinage Jl, Mr- Vance voted favorably. A Senate committee has reported vorably a bid to erect at Washing u a $800,000 Wronze equostrain itueof the 1-Sld Gen. TJ S Grant. The committee on Co mmerce has vorably reported a bill to the ouse permitting railroads to grant Hal rates , to comruereial travel- The Ayord's FuirCornmioners 11 . ciif oxtai ut Chicago, on true! ml, as many of the membfrs pi :r!cricss :is v.i'l Hceepfc thoiuva IlectGen. Wheeler's West Point bill is (ip.rpnnincr the tra;iiitle of tboIIouse W 'd is submitting to soino pretty pf !'i(a3 "cheese paring." Jt frill .ve to be cut. tv The House ;minitte on the elec- n of PreBideut anJ Vice-Tresi intjjviiiprouaDiy report jk dui pror i t r t i- f n . Uupf for the ejection of lhoso ohi- i-s by a direct vote of ie people. i ", ... . ' i 1 i By a vote of 8 to 5 Mr. Bland's ouse Commit tCk on Coinage rj.or d favorably Mr. Bland's bill for e free coinage of sold and sil v r d for the issue of coin notes. The Virginia dbt questiou a xed question that has bothered is generation is being wrested th by the Senate in dealing with 'est Virginia's share of the direct x that is to be refunded to the aies. .State Treasurer Bain says that 'tout $1,350,000 of old bonds are t outstanding. Of these $30,000 e what are known as construction nds, issued in aid of the North urolina railway. SEWS XOTJSf. The white republicans are trying to get up a party of their own in SWlh Carolina. It is considered the height of fffeminacy for the young man to send the valentine in Leap Year. . I he dowry of a Turkish bride is fixed by custom at about $1.70, and the wedding day is invariably Thurs dav. rati m m jneg:ripj3 being lonowea in Vienna by a disease rnoredeadly. It is something between the grfp and the cholera. The Washington Gazette joins the Record for Hill, of New York, and Gry, of Indiana, as president and vice president. Mistaking a bucket Myeforrain water, Michael Lintner, of Bazil, Ind., tvashed in it and both eyes may beblinded It is said that one woman in every sixty la Ltntfon is a gjndrisker, one in every twenty a pauper, and one in thirteen illiterate. James Couch, the aged millionaire and pioneer of Chicago, ,and pro prietor of the Tremont House, was run over by a wagon and cannot re cover. Mr. S L Clemens, who h gone to the Continental cures for gout and indigestion, writes that the suf ferer is allowed to eat any kind of bod he doesn't like. In the Virginia legislature Air. Clacks tone has presented a bill for the division of the school taxes paid by the whites and black?,' and for the application. of such taxes to the support of the schools of the race p tying the same. The Cherokee cout : The pros pect of several hundred Cherokee indians going from this section to the Indian territory to get a sum of money, ubout$150, that is due each of them, has caused a large delega tion of railroad representatives to visit Murphy within the past ten days, each one advocating the advantages of his respective route. TtieXoi-tti Carolina Seed I.atr. Mr Gerald McCarthy, btate Bot anist, has called our attention to the following law enacted by the last legislature which is of interest to seedsmen retail merchants and pur chasers of seeds : Section 1. That airy person or persons doing busiuess in this State, who sbull sell s.eed or offer for sale any vegetable or garden seed that ae not plainly marked upon ach package oring containing such seed the year in which said seed weie grown, shall be guilty of if misde meanori4id upon. conviction thereof shlil be fined not less than ten doK !a?3 or more than fifty dollats, or impit-'Oed not morethan thitty days for ea h and eury offence. Provided, That the provisious of this act shall not apply to farmers selling seed in ojen bulk to other f ai iners or gardeners. ec. 2. That any person or per- CUUO II OliUlij (Mill llillliLlUil Itl , . . , . , , . deceive, wrongly mark or not label ' r J t() tl;lte iinJ lockage or bag con taining garden or vegetable seed,! shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be finded not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars, or imprisoned not less than ten nor more than thirty days. The objects of this law are firs, the projection of innocent purchas ers from being defrauded by having stale and detorated seeds palmed off ujon them; secondly, the pretention of honest and careful seedsmen and retailers who handle their seeds from unscrupulous competition. It is hoped that seedsmen and mer chants will cheerfully co i ply with the requirements of this law. st In. UNDRESS.Z.D I KID GLOVES FOR GENTLEMEN. ELEGANT FOR DRESS. Assorted Shades. Cannons ' Fetz-er Prepared by Herself. MRS. GltlER'S nil ei mm Is now offered for sale in the three drug stores of Concord. It"is pre pared by herself, though put up iD tho style of its late pioprietors, Abernethy & Williams, whose mis take in its preparation rtjined it in thfir bauds. The Ileal Hair Restorer is nol recommended for . -OLD BALDNESS- but is an infallible remedy for FALLING CUT OF 'UIIE HAIR DANDRUFF, . ITCHINGS AND ERUPTIONS peculiar to thojscalp. It is perfef tlj harmless, coolfngf cleansing and re freshing, There arpersou8 in this iown who hive. bad one application to cornpW-ely uheck the falling hair. For testimonials see circulars. &&" Jjfulies, Gentlemen and Chil dren, try it! my"30 Special tefife, Gur Entire Steft cf I'mfe? Goods Blast Go. , We have reduced the prices x to figures that will move them, the cold weather is not over yet and we have some special bargains to offer. Come as soon as you see this ad and get the benefit of these goods. CASH SALE. Morrisox, Lentz & Co. Feb. 13, 02. i WE INVITE The attention of customers to OS, Manufacturetlrom the clioi eest varieties of winter wkaat to meet the requirements of tjie best city trade, it is posi tively the Lightest, Sweetest and Best FLOUE made, Try, a sack for your Xmas baking. WHITE ROSE is a line Hour and we guaran- r,p,A ttvprv snclc tn trv& snris- faction. PRICE, $300 tWe 'have the exclusive sale of. both these Hours in Concord. You are invited to examine our stock which is 'COMPLETE IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. Always glad to sliowour goods. No charge for deliv ery ofods ii the citjr, PAT TERSON'S. SWEET Haul Concord, N. C. J. M. Odell, President. U. B. Coltrane, Cashier. L. 1). Coltrane, Book keeper. Capital, Surplus, $50,000. $y),000. DIRECTORS: J. M. Odell, . D. F. Cannon. Elara King, J. W. Cannon, W. R. Odell, G. M. Lore, D. B. Cojtmne. CLINE & WELL. "We have moved next door to Dr. Johnntou's druff store, and ant 'your trade. Wejiavo a full line of Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Such as Cftffee, Sugar, MoUes, Flour, Candies, Nuts, canned goo is, spices, and in fact everything k ot in a first class grocery store. To name ail the good thmgs we havu to exfwould take up a four page paper. For BARGAINS Call and see for yourself- "YWmean business. Bring your .country prodr.ee. Thankful for jast patronage, we are truly, . CLINE & CORRELL. REOPENED SCHOOL. School reopened January 4, 1892, in the Brown school house, students prepared for business or college. Book keeping for ladies and gentle men a specialty. Instruction given in classes, indivdually, or by correspondence. H C. Dunn. TOP GROCERIES. All kind3 f produce: all kiwis of groceries and lots of 'em. Come here, if you are hungry. ,'ou can get your Xmas goods here. LOWMAN& BLUME. TIUEV GERMAN SAME. The THIE V GERMAN SALVE. when propely applied, is infallible, in the following distressing and gainful diseases: Boils, Carbuncles, Bone Felons, Ulcers, Old Sores. Burns, Wounds of all kinds. Erup tions, 1'iles, uaked Breasts, j etter, Rine: Worm1'. Scrofulous and Can eejous Sors, Corn3 and Bunions- . i t wiij relieve innamea points, lum bago, congestion ai,d strains. Iu all tlu"- rases tho SALVIi, ha, been tested without a case of tailure. TESTIMONIAL. "I have used on myself f nd on o'herB CABT. TIJIES' GERMAN SALVE for boil and take nleasure in stating that it is unsurpassed in efficacy iu not only driving the boil to a head, but ia extracting the 'core' and tfce healing of the 11$ cted parts. NVITTKOWSKY, Charlotte, N- C Tho medicine is fifr ?a at the lrnr stores of Concord. N. MY NEWflOME. ilioi lion I have moved my stock of GIlOCEltlES into the store room next door to Hoover, Lore & Co. and un der the Standard office. You know what goods I keep you know how I serve you and come to me if you want good, fresh groceries. On clear days you can see my goober parcher in front of my store. JNO. A. KIMMONS. )