As mm Advertising Uedinm TRETANJ)ARD lends the Rend tbe Iaily or Weekly t ft friend, but pay for It. I Is supposed to furnlsb a livelihood for an amiable and peaceable family of ne. Please do nothing: t dispel the sweetillusloit TANME f business. Try an Ad. Vol. IV. No. 140. CONCORD, N. C, TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 1892. JSVnoLE No. 610, TIE DAILY: EASTER I WISSTOX-SAUM. This live little city is wie awaken today, (Monday), but yesterday was thegj-aud day of all the year in Winston-Salem. At 3 o'clock Orches tra, began its annual serenade and Continued until five, when it .re turned tj Jhe Moravian church to take part in the annual Easter celS bratioji according to .theMoravlan custom. The Salem Female Acad emy and the Davia Military school took an active part in this beautiful Easter service. The marching from the church to the old ancient grave yard, accompanied by two divisions of the Orchestra, playing beautiful Easter music in a responsive style, made the service very attractive. This annual celebration of Easter is the pride of the Moravian church, as it is the festival of all the church year festivals because tbe cBuch would have been nothing without the resurrection of Christ. Bishop Rondthaler conducted the services at the grave yard in hi3 usual" im pressive manner. The Orchestra and Congregation furnished elegant music, thi3 together with the early hour (sunrise) and- pleasant morn ing, made it a real treat to hundreds of people of the Twin city. Tje graves were 'magnificently decorated which Winston-Salem i3 noted ; there being many flower gardens here. It is estimated that there were between 4,000 and. 5,000 peo ple on the grounds at G o'clock Sunday morning. The electric street cars began running at the early hour of 5 o'clock, so as to be able to ac commodate those living in northern and western Winston. The Winston people have caught much of this Easter celebration idea. The Twin city cemetery wa3 nicely dressed up last week, and highly decorated last Saturday evening with the prettiest flowers that could' be obtained. These cities of the dead were places of mucli attracti'Jn on Sunday after noon by hundreds of old and middle aged people, besides thousands of lovers from all parts of the city. The Sunday school of the M. E. church rendered a beautiful respon sive Easter service last night at the centenary church in the presence of a large congregation. Many other appropriate Easter services wereheld in different parts of the city, show; ing that these people are very fond of Easter. May the people of Win stonSalem have many such joyous Easter celebrations i3 the wish of - this humble scribe. J. A. O. Demoreat Medal Contest. To be held af St. Andrews church, Cannonsville, April 23 1892. Exer cises begin 8 o'clock p. m. PROGRAM. 'Noble Christian .Womanhood, Maggie Ujzman. A Majestic Reform, Esther Parker. A Vigorous Plea for Prohibition, DellaKluttz. rrohibition . ... . Our Only Hope, Mamie Hornbuckle. A Psalm of Eum, (parody) Ella Walter. Prohibition Warriors, Form in Line I Docia Broadaway. Our National Curse, Kate Sewell. A Glorious Monument, Anna Broadaway. A Voice from the Poor House, ' Minnie Hornbuckle. The exercises will be interspersed with music. The public is cordially invited. Jexxie SArr, Supt- I SHOUT STATE STRIPS. Jas. McGuire, Jr., book keeper q W A bailey's distillery, wtft shot in the right breast by Wm. .Jarvieon the 16th, last Saturday. The wound is Reported as serious but;not neceg sanly 'fatal. McGuire and Jarvis are both employees of tjje distillery. From the special to the Winston Sentinel we woulfl infer tljat Mc Guire brought on the row. He is a gra$uateof the University and his father is treasurer of Davie county. From the Raleigh correspondent bf the Wilmington Messencer : One of the delegates to the Republi can convention, from Lincoln coun ty, went to the executive office today and said he would like to see Gov ernor Fowle. He did not even know who wa3 Governor. Another one, old and very drunk, went into the police headquarters last night and askedChief Heartt to show him The way to room 50. He thought he was a't the Yarboro House. The Houie of Representatives at Washington is Democratic and the members on the Democratic side claim to be the chief exponents of economy. On last Friday (the J 5 th) the House Committee on Public buildings presented favorable re ports for tw'exty three new 'pub lic buildings and an increase of ap propriation on two now in course of construction. Is this Economy ? The amount of sugar consumed by each man, woman and child in the United States, List year is cstU mated at sixty pounds. We are a sweet set. A Aiorlli Carolina Slander Case. A dispatch from Danville to Sun" day's Richmond Dispatch says: For the past several days a most inter esting case asbecn on trial in Su perior Court at Yanceville, N. C. W E Hay had beeh a suitor of Miss Juanita Murray, a handsome yeung woman of Alamance county. He was rejected, and, it is alleged, grossly slandered her. She brought suit for slander in Alamance county for the purpose of vindicating her character. Subsequently Hay was indicted for the offence under a North Carolina statute which makes slander a misdemeanor. The crimi nal case was removed to Caswell county for trial and made a great sensation. Eminent .counsel was employed on both sides, and the testimony was infensely interesting The case was given to the jury today and a ycrdict of guilty was brought in. This was a complete vindication of Miss Murray, and ibwas agreed that upon the payment of all costs by Hay the! suit for slander would be withdrawn. - Then, upon motion of Miss Murray's counsel, the court suspended judgment in the criminal case. Wlien the Republicans Durham Globe. Will Act. North Carolina repubHcans had a large pow-wow at Kaleighyesterday It is impossible to ascertain at this time what the alliance will do tbe 17th of May After the 18th of May it will not be impossible to tell what the republicans will do. They will know by that time. An enterpising little fellow acci dentally dropped a nickel in one of the cellars on Main street Saturday afternoon and secured it by placing tar on the end of a stick, touching ing the money with the tarred end and drawing it out. SalisburyIer ald. " The fellow that there. advertises ets BUSINESS LOCALS. St raved A small spotted pig. Any infor mation where it js will be gladly received. K L Craven. Wanted Four thousand cords cf four foot pine and oak wood de . livered at Odell Manufacturing Co.'s UUkLUU J-LLHiO. Storehouse for Sale. I will be glad to nave offers for the storehouse and lot now occupied oy Dr. JolfHson. ; ocO . W. M. Smith. - ail AND ALL KINDS. We have opened a lumber J yard on the liessent lot, Con cord, N. C, and keep on hand FHAMING LUMBER, WE ATIIE RBOARDING, CEILING, FLOORING. We can also furnish linisti ing material, either pine or oak, on short notice. jTTut this in your hat. PKTIIEL&LUDWIG. a;ri6-92 ADKWISTRkTOR'S NOTICE. Having been dulvf appointed and qualified ns Administrators of Frederick Furr, dee'd, all persbns holding claims against the said Fred Furr are hereby notified, to present them to the undersigned daly authenticated on or beforo tbe 2nd day of March, 1803, or this no tice will be plead as a bar to their recovery. Also all persons owing saifl dec d are notifaed that prompt payment isexpectad. Mareh 2, 1892. . J. C. STAItNS, N. li LAMBERT, Administratros of Fred Furr. Kennesaw, Ga., Sept. 11th. B. B. B. Company: My Dear Sir: I take great pleasure in acknowledge iffc" the great benefit my wife has de rived from your great and - wonder ful medicine, B. B- B, For two years she was a great sufferer from scrofula, or some blood disease which haclain dormant alther life. We had attention from some of the most skillful physiciansin the coun trry but all to no effect.unlil we had all despaired of ber ever recovering. Her mouth was one solid uleer, and for two months or more her body was broken out with sores until she lost a beautiful head t hair, also eyelashes and eyebrows; in fact, she seemed to be a complete wreck. Now comes the great secret which I want the world to know: That three bottles of Blood Balm medi cine has done the work which would sound incredible to any one who did cot know it to be so. Today my wife 9 perfectly healthy aud clear from any scrofu'.ous taint, and she now has a three-month old babe, also perfectly healthy. Very respectlly, H. L. CASSIDY. M - unr ... ;jL OH, Tto HAT-! Decidedly the finest andj most ixquisitelvBeautiful Hals, -OF TH-E Very Latest Style, can be found at Miss' Mary Brachen's Millinery Store. The Mies are respectfully invited to call and see what can e done and how well pleased they can be. tdgFNo charge for .seeing. MISS MARY BRACHEN, Opposite St. Cloud. A National Bail Concord, N. C. J. M. Odell, President. I). B. Coltiane, Qashier. L. D. Coltiane, Book keeper. Capital, Surplus, $fi0,000. $10,000. DIRECTORS: J.:M. Odell, ' D. F. Cannon. Elam King. J. W. Cannon, W. It. Odell, O. M. Lore, D. Ii. Coltrane. Why spend your money for worthless watches when you can get a genuine Elgin, Wal tham, or Seth Thomas move ment in an cpen face, silver ore case for 5, warranted for 12 months, at . COHRELL&BRO. Insurance. I am prepared to furnish Insur ance in the United. States Mutual accident association of New York City, the largest and best. J. L. BoGER,1fcgefit. BRIDGE BUILDING TO LET. On Friday the 25th of April, I, as committee appointed for said pur- Hose, win oe at uig i;oia vater Wreekbn ige, on tne Concord and Mt. Pleasant road, to receive bids for the construction of an entirely new bridge at said place. The hour is 3 o'clock. All parties desiring to bid on this job will meet me at place and time above designated. By ors der of the Board of the County Commissioners. C. D. Barrixigek. Bridge Commttee. April 1th, 1802. Conco The Question Is it so that you 'can buy a real, sureenoi1&h four wheeled at the Furniture Store .for three ($3.00) dollars ? You can depend on what we say, and we can. Now jusf one. moment. Our new goods for the Spring and Summer are coming in by the car load. We ask you to call and give us a look. You will buy if you need anything in our line. Yours with best wishes, , Fsbir it Now Are offered An opportunity Which may iot be again Presented in a Lifetime. At Fetzer's'Drup! Store, For the next Thirty'days A beautiful line of Decorated Lamps - Will be 'slaiyjhtered. Yes, Slaughtered is the word. Library, Banquet and Vase Lamps, Beautiful designs, Iligh art decorations, At prices ridiculously low Come and look at them. II the prices seem Too low, Offer us more. We will probably Accept thejoff er. x Almost any offerjwill be Accepted, ifjowenough And Accompanied by the ASH. 1 .1 BABY. MltiE- Gannons 0 u