The Daily Standard ; EVJSilY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY JAMES P. COOK, Editor. ' Ten cents per week by carriers to any part of town. Thirty-five cts. pelynonth through the mails. Single copthree cents. Address all communications to The Standard. THURSDAY Ail 21. 1892. ABOUT THE DEATH BITCIIFE. OF MR. ; Editor of Concor J Standard : I ;; have a painful event to record. Death has visited this congregation (New Bethel) again. A short 'time ; ago a dear little darling, Daniel Lee ; Kitchi infant son of D. D. 'and F ' A V Ritchie was lain to rest. , God ! permitted it to live upon earth but a short time, and then took it to live with with Him in Heaven, be fore it had eyen become tainted with sin. While, the grave was being filled up over this one, the pastor, as helooked over the congregation, and thought, "Who will be the next." Early on the. morning of the 11th inst., the sad news came, that the next is passing away. Hurrying to ; the bedside we found it trne. This : time it was not an old decrepit one, 1 nor one so tender in years as the former, but a promising veung man, who was becoming more and more active in all good works. Robert Jones Ritchie, son of M and Mr.s A ERitcnie, was born Oct. 22, 1868, and died of measles April 11. 1892. and was interred on the j 12th. The president of the Synod, Hey. Geo. H Cox, was invited to assist in the burial services, and having been pastor of this flock not long since, was assigned by the present pastor. the dutv of Breaching: the sermon. w w He based his remarks upon Trov. XII ; 28, "In the way of righteous ness i3 life; and in the pathway thereof, there is no death." In this sermon the Christian life and character of the departed were eulogizedj but we think not too highly. Always present, when pos sible, at all services of the church, and ready and wiiling to assist in any of its duties, and he cheerfully con tributed of his means for the sup port of the same. II wa3 constantly becoming better acquainted with the workings of the church through its papers and other available source?. Not long before he died, .in a con vention with his pastor, he ex pr s:od his sorrow because so few of the church were subscribers for church literature. Already ho was trying to incite others to a greater Christian energy both by word and by pen. In a recent article to the Visitor, in which he spoke encouraginglytof the work here, and especially of the work done by the W. H. and F. M. S., he said he would write again on the same subject, but God called him up higher before that article was writ ten. Certainly hi was an abiding I faith one that ouiias up ana strengthens and broadens day after day. Robert is gone and left us weeping, but let us arouse to a great er activity, and meet him in the Heavenly land wheiG there will be no occasion for tear3. To the be reaved family I would say, I know that the church sympathizes with you in your grief, and is praying God's blessings to rest upon you. To all I would say, "Be ye therefore ready also." 0 0 Lyerly. Copal Grove, N. C, April, 1892. At Meeting of the ClJizem N After the adjournment of the County Alliance,the following reso lution was adopced : Resolved, That we the Democratic . citizens of Cabarrus county in mass meeting assembled at St. John's Grange Hall, April 15 th, 1892, do hereby protest against the call that appeared in our county papers, daily- and weekly, since March 21st 1892, and do assert our purpose to meet according to the call issued in Concord Daily Standard, March 21st, 1892wRich'-caIl is issued accord- ing to the regiiliplaa, and at oui polling places in our primaryoon ventions on May 7th at 2 p. m. and vote our convictions. Ajad we do hereby call upon ail true men to do the same hing, We instruct our chairman to have thi3 action published in oar countyv papers till the 7th day of May, to gether with the call issued'the 21st flay of March, 1892. Jno. A. Siufl, Chairman. A CALL FOR, PRIMARIES. The Democratic voters of Cabar rus county are requested to assem ble at their customary yotf ng places on, the first Saturday in May next (the 7th day of the month) at 2 o'clock p m., for the purpose of electing delegates to the county Democratic convention to be held in the Court House in Concord on the following Saturday May 4th, at 12 o'clock, noon. By order of Democatic Executive committee of Cabarrus county. Robt. S. You no, March. 19th, 1892. Chairman. t A Call For Primaries. All voters, who-intena to act with the Democratic Party and support the nominations made, and the plat forms adopted by the Democratic State Convention at Raleigh in May next and by the National Democratic Convention at Chicago in June next, are cordially invited to meet at their usual voting places on the first Sat urday in May, 1892 (being the 7th day of May) at 2 o'clock p. m., and elect delegates to attend a County Democratic Convention to be held at the "Court House in Concord on the following Saturday (May 14th, 1892) at 12 o'clock noon. By order of Democratic Executive Committee of Cabarrus county. itOBT. IS Young, Chairman. March 19th, 1892. There are two horse-drovers in towp. . They are having slim busi ness. Two doctor of an Eastern town. To learning much inclined. Were called to boo a gentleman. Whoso health was undermined. The first one used his stethoscope upon nia patient mceK. I find," quoth ho, "one luDg You cannot live a week." lionet To this the other wise M. D. Vehemently objected. I see," quoth he, " as all may geo m Your kidneys are affected." These wiso men argued loud and Ion;, Yet the patient owes recovery (Not to those dootora, but to Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery ). There oro some patent medicines that are more marvelous than a dozen doctors' pre scriptions, but they're not those that profess to cure everything. Everybody, now and thel$ feels "run down," " played out." They've the will, but no power to generate vitality. They're not 6ick enough to call a doctor, but Just too sick to bo wtlL That's where the right kind of a patent medicine comes in, and does for a dollar what the doctor wouldn't do for less than five or ten. We put in our claim for Dr. Pierce's Gold en Medical Discovery. TV'e claim it to be an unequaled remedy to purify the blood and Invigorate the whole eystem. It's the cheapest blood-purifier, sold through druggists, no matter how many doses are of fered for a dollar. Why t Because it's Bold on a peculiar I plan, rind you only pay for the good you get, Can you o&k luure , ing .Co,, MANUFACTURERS OF GifiGIIAIS OUTING CLOTHS, PLIIDS, SHKIJft GRAIN AND SALT BAGS, &C. DEALERS IN BUYERS .OF CountryFroducsofaU kidns Four foot wood always wanted; best prices for same. Wo invite an inspection of all the goods we manufacture. 9 A o cs- ur jSl. isr o MANUFACTURED BY The Wilcox & Gibbs Gnano Co, CHARLESTON, S. C. When Baby was sick, w gaveher Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. tVhen she had Children, she gave them Castori TOE t I'UWIi'S Emporium includes everything in FROM A CARhET TACK TO A Four-Horse Wagon. urood tirsclaaa. Price low. Udell. Mb GElIERAL DEICUD it wTf rTZ s JiojS WE INVITE The attention of austorners to swni Maiufactured from the choi cest varieties of winter wheat to meet -the requirements of the best city trade, it is posi tively th Lightest, Sweetest and Best FLOUE made, Try a Xmas bakiDg. sack for your WHITE ROSE is a fine flour and we guaran tee every sack to g'ive satis faction. PRICE, $3.00 !51PWe haye the exclusive sale of both these flours in Concord. You are invited to examine our stock which is COMPLETE IN ALL DEPARTMENTS x Always glad to show our goods. No charge for deliv ery of goods inBthe city, PATTERSON'S. i. WANT. TO BVY GOODS YES. YES. - Well, let me tell you whefe to go. Morrison, Lentz & Co. is the ftlace. Now the proof of the pudding is the chewing of the big For pretty Hen riettas, alhs'ades ; for pretty dress patterns, no two alike; for pretty challies, for pretty muslins of India, for pretty white goods of all kinds," for pretty Hamburgs, 'for pretty umbrellas, "for good. shoes for ladies and gentlemen, for la dies' and missss' pretty ties, and anything in the dry goods line you wish, you can get at bottom figures. MY NEW HOME. I have moved my stock of . GROCERIES in,to the store room next door to Hoover, Lore & Co. and un der the Standard office. You know what goods I keep you know how I serve you and come to me if you want good, fresh groceries. On clear days you can see my goober parcher in front of my store. JNO. A KIMMONS. TII1EV GERMAN SALVE. 'The THIES' GERMAN .SALVE, when properly applied, is infallible in the following distressing and painful diseases: Boils, Carbuncles, Bone Felons, Ulcers, Old Sores, Burns, Wounds of all kinds, Erup tions, Piles, Caked Breasts, l etter, Ring Worms. Scrofulous and Can cei ous Sores, Corns and Bunions It will relieve inflamed points, lum bago, congestion and strains. Ia all these cases the SALVE has been tested without a case of failure. TESTIMONIAL. "I have used on myself and on others CAPT. THIES' GERMAN SALVE for boils and take pleasure in stating that it .is unsurpassed in efficacy in not only driving the boil to a pead, but in extracting the 'core' and the healing of the affected parts. S. WITTKOWSKY, Charlotte, N- C. The medicine is for sale a the drug stores of Concord. N. C. Prepared by Herself. . MRS. GRIER'S REAL II EDI Is now offered for sale in the tnVee drug stores of Concord. It is pre pared by herself, though put up in the style of its late proprietors, Abernethy & Williams, whose mis take in its preparation jruined it in their hauds. The Real Hair Restorer is not recommended for OLD BALDNESS but is an infallible remedy for FALLING CUT OF THEHAIR DANDRUFF, ITCHINGS AND ERUPTIONS peculiar to the scalp. It is perfectly harmless, cooling, cleansing and re freshing, There are persons m th.s town whn Viav had one ariplication to completely check the faLlmg hair, Vrtr toef lmrmiola SPfi cifCUHarS. ST Ladies, Gentlemen and Chil : aren. trviti i "i" A- ; ?