THE KTAKDiRD leads the procession, and each re turning day finds It (row. 'ft favor of wide fcwake and Judicious wra f business. Try am Ad. Til DAILY Bead the Dally or Week!; to friend, but pay for it It is supposed to furnish livelihood for an amiable and peaceable family f one. Please do nothing t' dispel the sweet.illusloK STANDARD, V Vol. IV.-Kq, U2. . ' ' CONCORD. C, FRIDAY, .APRIL 88, 1892. " Whole No. 6l7 . m 1 " - I - .. : i lor mpfiiiniT linnort in 1 1 aoon i MrEditob Please allow me to ventilate this. question. The won "Majority" means the exegss of a grater numljer over a less. , X claim that it is precisely anala goua to two opposing candidates To illustrate let bs nanfe those for subscription, Mr. A. and those against subscription Mr.B., there are 561 voters, 389 of these vote for A. and 172 vote for B., 217 is the difference or excess and therefore A, ia elected by 217 majority. Again, it is true that the railroad, or any other measure or candidate mu8tgo beyond one half of the whole number of a two sided con test before it or he is in the majority; but in this case the affirmative has all its toumbers entirely from that Bide. Therefore, every time a vote is cast "For," it adds one to the affirmative and takes one from the negative thereby gaininsr a difference of two at each time. . . jnow, m counting the excess, we base the calculation on the less num ber is here diminishing by every vote and thus the basis is continually changing. The law says there shall be a "Majority of the qualified voters,' therefore the other side must neces sarilybe in the minority and the Act does not and cannot designate what that minority shall be, the difference between the two numbers therefore is the majority. Respectfully Submitted, Inspector. "Inspector" has our sympathy, If he saw his error we believe he would surrender. The Board of Canvasser against him. the law yers now, and the facts in the case are against him. lie's bound to admit that the least possible vote that would insure the election is 281 and all above that number, of course, is, majority. He must remember that the obstacle to be surmounted is 281, and after reaching that and moving on then majority is moving. "Inspector," everybody who is offi cially concerned in this matter is against you so knuckle. And when the weather clears away dirt will be moved. Hurrah for the t Concord Southern. Editor. Standard : for meeting Robert in Heaven, where Reading ere bewio more separation, ek, "Let W S Blackwelder, TV D A Lefler, 0 0 MlSENHEIMER, Committee. ROBBING THE GOTEBXHEXT. Big Frauds Discovered In the York Custom House. Guilty of Perjury. Asheville Citizen. "No man on the fleor of congress can vote for a protective tariff for protection's sake without oommitU ing pejury before God," said Judge Merrimon iti hi3 speech Saturday . night. That sounds harsh, but ac cording to .the constitution which every member of both branches of congress swears Li uphold nd sup port, it 13 strictly true. They, can levy taxes only f 6r the "general wel fare," according to tha instrument. A tariff levied forrotection is not for the "general waif are," but for the welfare of the few at the expense of the many. - Editor vour timely article of last week m , s Keep Cool," suggested th thought that it would not be amiss for a Democrat rVbg had .never bolted or scratched a nominee) to give his idea of who is entitled to participate in the primaries. The county Executive Commifcte'e has . Jl - . 1 it r it mj , m r maue me can ior ine.vtn oi JJiay. xrpw VnrV k-.. on f1 d0? ' lDOW ? house authorities for some'time r!t but am t it recorded m the memory t,QO j l v . . ... . . , L . ,J has turned out to be a gigantic con of the voters of each precinct wheths B; , i v , , . . vr , Jr! . spiracy of custom houso employees, . ,.. , . , . ; . brokers and importers, who have for bolting or kicking to the nominee, many years been robbing the govern- My idea is for al Democrats to meet ment b undervaluing imports, at their usual places of voting on ThrAO fllWa a , . the 7th, and instruct their delegates and lt ia lea,ned that thirty are to what they expect them to do anil arrested later on. These include send men with some back bone to tvnnr-ihr0Q t;nWo OTW, the county meeting for some ol . he three and resfc .0 M,auv. ca8toin house employes. There is they are not expected. I will name not h f afc eflt to war onma In 114- 4t.n, K, ll.l 1 1 Wi,tuCm uw tub rant their arrest win De welcome by the true party men. au tne uemocrats who voted n wanted to Know. for Hileman when Means was nomi- Chicas Tribune, nated, all Democrats who voted the J-ne lecturer on theosophy had liberal ticket in the days of York, concluded his long and able address aoouc w according to tne rimes) auu otuuu wug aiineauuience: and till Democrats who have not been there is 'any question," he said, very particular for whom or how "that any of you would like to ask they voted in the past m regard to me before I sit down, I should be the sheriff. 0, the Long, the Jim Phased to answer it. General Directory. i ohd mm Long Democrats, are especially in vited. Come Democrats, all meet on th 7th, bury the hatchet, and hereafter vote for "Betsy and the babies." Respectfully, "Blab Mouth" of No. 2. Amid the deep silence that foK lowed this remark an eai nest looking man near the door rose up and said : "I'd like to know, professor, if anybody has ever yet discovered a reliable and certain cure for warts !" COUNTY GOVERNMENT. Superior Court Clerk Jas. C Gibson. Sheriff L M Morrison. Register of Deeds Jno. K Patterson. Treasurer Jno. A Sims.. Surveyor Jno. II Lon. Coroner M C Walter. Cotton Weigher R S. Harris. Commissioners J Dove chm'n C D Barringer, M.V Nesbit, W M Widenhouse and J II Earnhardt. TOWN Mayor William G Means. Clerk and Treasurer Jas. C- Fink. Chief Police J L Boger. Commissioners Wm. Propst, II I Woodhouse, M L Brown, J C Lippard, Chas! McDonald and W R Od,ell. CHURCHES. Baptist Rev. Alderman Episcopal Rev. B S McKensie. Lutheran Rev. W G Campbell. Methodist Rev. Il W Bays. Methodist (Forest Hill) Rev. H M Blair. Will be here, ray masters. Give it time. The in STORE Is here right now, and is al ways on schedule time with a line of FURNITURE that will suit, all classed and conditions, from the halls of the wealthy to the homes of the poor. Come and see us. The invitation is .to all. Our delight is to show you through Our chief delight to sell. Yours with best wishes, n i a .n ii retzer & ii. HI IlCNOlutioiiM lijFrlends. Robert Jones Ritchie, son of Mr. and Mrs. A E Ritchi, died at the home of his parents at Copal grove, Stanly Co., N. C, on April 11, 1892, There are twentv rpnrosfln voa in Congress who are under 30 years P'esbyterian Rev. C M Payne. Reform Rev. Paul Barringer. of acre. Y Storehouse for .Sale. 1 will be glad to have offers for LODGES, Stokes Lodge, No. 32, A. F.& A Now Are offered in the 24th year of his age, Deceased the storehouse and lot now occupied M.meeta on or before every full . was a consistent member of the Ev. oy Dr. Johnson. . moon. Rev. W G Campbell W M An PPrtunity Which may not be again 1 Luth. church, and to make known their appreciation of his worth W a Christian, and as a means of stimu lating others to a more earEest devo tion to Ohrist, the church and S. S., jointly, appointed a committe, with power to act, passed resolutions of respect to hi3 memory. The follow ing are the articles : Whereas, It has pleased Almighty uoa to remove lrom our midst our worthy young brother er la the cause of Christ: o'c9 W. M. Smith. CONCORD MARKETS. COTTON MARKET. Corrected daily by Cannons & Fetzer. Low middling 6f Middliner a. Good middliner fif Stains . 4j5 PRODUpE MARKET. (Corrected daily by W. J. Swink.) Bacon...,. S8l bugar-cured hams li Bulk m ats, sides 8i 10 ueeswfti Concord Lodge, No. 39G, K. of II. meets first Fridav niehf, in nnoh month. J W Burkhead. Dictator. Presented in a Cold Water Lodge. I. 0. O. F.. t meets first and second Thnrsdav niphtsin each month. Rev. W G At Fetzer's Drnff!Stnr. Campbell; N, G. . Cabarrus Council, No. 11&5. Rov- or tne next al Arcanum, meets first and second Thirty davs. 25 . m IIIIl s Color. Indiectly there was a test of th"e strength of the stiver men in h Senate the 19t (Tuesday.) The question came up on Mr. Kyle's mo tion to strike out of the Arizona funding bill the clause requiring the payment of interest in gold, or its equivalent in lawful money of the U. S., and insert "lawful money of the United States." The motion prevailed 23 to 21. Mr. Hill voted for it. And Whereas. He was al wava at bis a . . :. . 11 & platfe m"S. S. an J church, never Corn r,o askiner for worldy exaltation, -but kergs 15 w tm w m w 1 n laiimuiijimunug wiiatever uuiy DUour (North Carolina). 2 30 was assigned to him, thus setting a Meal 650 TrnrtViTT ommnL fn. oil . o,l I X ftA8 40 nv.Uj,v.uUJ1,v..ul0u,auu TallOVU. I (rh --r-r. . . - . I " ....... w nereas,'iiis wnoie life was char- salt ... 70 - actenzed by a deep humanity, and he was always striving fof greater aiiainnjents in the Uhnstiqp lite; mereiore " Resolved, 1. That our dear youns: brother wilbe satlly missed in the community, S. S. and church, but ffieiiumbly bow in submission to the wilkof HimfWho doeth "all thiners well." M. Odelh President. Resolved. 2. That his humble and P-B. Coltrane, Cashier. 3hit-likfl dpmpannr nnt-. . to Pn. - Coltrane, Book keeper. , I - A Simsv Recent POST OFFICE. Office hours from 8 a. m. m. to 6:30 p. Money order hours 9 a. m to A beautiful lhre of Decorated Lamps Will be slaughtered. Yes, Slaughtered is the word. ConcoK CONCOED, jjT. c. courage us to a more faithful dis charge of our duty, and to struggle for greater acquirement also, in christian life. Resolved, 3, That we truly sympa thise with the family in their be reavement, but can do naught more than mingle our tears with theirs, and pray God's blessings to rest Cnpon them, and fully prepare them Capital, Surplus, $50,000. $10,000. DIRECTORS: J'M. Odell, D. F. Cannon. lilam Iving. J. W. Cannor. uaeu, li. M. Lore, D. B. Coltrane. 4 pi m. Sunday hours 8 a. in. to 9:30 Librnrv. Rmnnf. nn,1 Vna a, m., and 15 minutes at noon, I ua iiixia, Beautiful designs, High art decorations, T Vt QQ(? prices ridiculously low ome and look at them. If tle priceseem Too Jow, 4" . ' Offer us more. . We wjll probably Acef)t the offer. m Almost any offer will be Accepted, if low enough And it 11 y yum uiuiic v iui i worthless watches when vou CASH. V can get a genuine Elgin, Wal- tiiam, or setn Tiiomas move ment in an cp3n face, silver ore case for $5, warranted for 12 months, at COHRELL & BRO. in w

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