As an Advertising-Medium THE STAM)AU1) lends the. procession, anil each re- timing tlay finds it grow tng in the favor of nide wake and Judicious men business. Try an Ad. fccnd the Daily or Weekl; NBAR to a friend, but pay for it It is supposed to furnish livelihood for an amiablt' and peaceable family of ne. Please do nothing ta JLJJ dispel the sweet Illusion Vol. V. fro. 7. CONCORD. N. C. MONDAY, MAY 0, 1892. Whole No. G31 a OA .D- I 31 0 31 DAY REFLECTIONS. I t You were at church yesterday, o youtogght to liave beef, mjn, and the old man who prides over thetdeetiniOT of thi journal of p.hastfi home lifprtni(- trncts thnW . -.. you were. OnthesunnasiUon that his trust I f to nr i i if u i i ru i.i iiiiii riiiii 11 1 1 i mentioned rroceds to remark that EOine of the sleekest rascals thtt in- habit this sublunary spl are . were? there also, and occnpitl exalted seatsin the sanctuary while ypu, pechans, eat afaroff, ob wltat might be called the bleaching boards of Zionnot daring 10 lift up so much as jour eyes toward heaven, much les3 shake hand3 with the preacher, after the sermon, and tell him how . much good it did you to be there No, you are a bad lot, my sou, not ' up to sample in many respects, .but you are not half as bad as you might be if you followed the example of the "sleek rascals who love to pray standing onthe street, corners and in thet market pluas while tlvy devour widows houevs and compass sea and land to make one puoselyte, who, when they have ma (Jo him, U ten folds more the child of n place not mentionable in this family jour nal than themselves. It is one rf the mysteries of life that vou have to accept without solution, my son, and the soot er vou d it the better. mi I have Efcen the wicked spreading himself like the green hiy tree prd eitting'in Moses' scat. His prayer ascended' like sweet incer o and the Vir.l ir 1 1 rrl-v vr-i fl i"o In i a oriiitifiMi.iw o yea, his fir.jrers trickled with unction of superabundant frnce r.nd his voice was for the Lord and his holy habitation, but, j'mcn-all the sons of Belial there v.r.s ncne who excelled him in the sh etneES of his rascality. When I beheld thii my steps hael well nigh slipped, my feet were almost gone, snd, you are having the game difficulty, my son. But you observed, aUo, a goodly number of saints with small pre tensions howbeir, yet withal a godly people who walk humbly before the Lord frkeir Sod, loving mercy and doing justly. They didn't make much of a show but thev deserved' your notice, my son, for tjiey are the elect.. It will .do you good to coifsider that portion of the worshipj ping assembly and behold their walk anel conversation pr of such i3 the kingdom 01 neaven. ttf, niv son, the next time y&u goto church, re- me Aber this and "mark the pcrfect'j man and behold the upright. You'll be the better for the experience, my boy. Civil Engineers IVanted. Office of the Concord Southern Rail road Coirpany, Concord, North Carolina. Civil Engineers who desire . to make a bid for the preliminary sur vey of th'13 Company are respectfully requested to submit their proposi tions to me at once a3 we-deiire have thew$rk done immediately. The survey will extend from this point to theparolina Central Rail road. Engineers are expected to furnish their own help and instruments and to make for the Company profiles, maps and such other drawings as are customarily made in preliminary surveys. W M Smith, Sec. T l-iln vi,Vo firio nrtnr fliod Rafnr, day from an overdose of good meal SIIOIW STATE STItirs. ' . - CoLElias Cajr 6ajs -he is got a candidate for dubernatnl lienors. Counterfeit twenty five cent pieces havesuccessfully been tysstf upon i . .m,-, t several memnauts attcroiasooro. U Tbe Odd Felloes orpha hou near fioldsboro will be opened to m - (Lay, Monday,for the Kceptiqp of immale The last of the newspapers pub lished in the' interest Tf the Grange in North Caroling has ceased to eiist. It was' the Roanoke Patron, published at Poteaasi, Northampton county. This tyt of news carries the mind back say to 1SS0, when the Grange wtis flourishing all over North Carolina. Chas. F Raukiu has been" elected 'librarian f.or the next two year3 of Davidson College, atd one of the editors of Davidson 'Monthly. The next annual meeting of the grand council of the Royal Arcanum will be held in Charlotte. , Col. L B Long tells tl e AsI.evilk Citizen that there will be a third party candidate is the field in t he ninth conirn s.;io:ia1 district. Col. George Rusheyhead, ex-chii-f il the Cherokee Indians of the North Carolina reservation died in Atlanta l;st week, lie was a dele gate to the Southern Baptist Cen eiilion. lie won his military title in the Confederate Army. Ife was an ordained minister. Joseph Ami He id, i-vd l, t!.e oleless citizen of Kernusvilie, died hist Yv'eelne tday. The I'r::n.-n-i !t. The tu'.vuship primaries were held Saturday. the time of going to press t give the delegations to the County Convention heard rom: a3 far as No.'i Tuwnship-C C Caldwell,1 J V Bethel, J II Earnhardt, J A Overcash, J B Winc-coff. Dr. J S Lafferty. No. 5 A F Ilileman, D M Lipe, E B Deal, Jno A'Fink, N M Barns hardt. No. 1 E C Davis, J C Query, R W Cope, J L Stafford, ' Dr. Grier Ed Harris, W W Morrison, Sanuel McWhirter, No. 8Alax Ilahn, II C McAl lister, Alax Shoe, Jonas Cook, C 1) B;frnnger, Prof. II T J Ludwig, Titus Moser, D C Faggart, Jno. Cook4 D II Ridenhour. No. 11 R M Blackwelder, Caleb R White, D L Parish, W V KriiS. minger, Ed G Lipe. No. 12 C McDonald, F V Bar rier, J S Supp, Will Dry, W G Means, Taul B Means, Dr. R S Young, Joe Bacon, Vernon Allen, J as. N Brown, R O S Miller. Full list could not be had for this issue. . Series of Meetings. A series of meetings began, Sun daylnight, in the Forest Hill M. E. church, !tnd will continue a week or more. Rer. 11 M Blair, the beloved pastor, will be assisted by Rev. W R Ware, of Reidsvifle. Dr. C M Payne wa3 to have preached Sunday night, but Rev. J O Anderson being present preached to a large congre gation. The public cordially mvi ted to these meetings. R D Gourley, formerly of Cabar rus, is a delegate to the Democratic State Convention from Forsythe. Tliey ruMed SI jaws. " TJie election fo Mavor of Alb? ina'le resulteiLjft a tie vote between duo. S Atkins and J no.J W Bostiaif firm m!in'ifyfra pulley straws and Mr. Atkins got there. It is mavor Atkins now: it ivoldn't be, however, if ife were njt for piyifjg a fine of $25 orswearing lhat he is not competent to to fill the office.. Therefore, Mr. Atkins will serve. AIBHESS OJ'TIIE STATE COMMIT TEE. Hooms oFTira State Democratic Executive Committee, tfalcifih, N. C, March 10, 1892. To the Voters of North Carolina : .. At a mooting of the Democratic Ex e2uLiv r'u?!iniittre, held in thta city on I tl Cvl in st.f it was revived that the next S;atc t'onventitm fehould be held, in the ci:y of lialeigh on the 18th day of May,, at 11 o'clock a. m. It will devolve 'on this Convention to nominate Ciindidatea for Governor, Lieu tenant Governor, Secretary of State, At torney General, Auditor, Treasurer and Superintendent of Public Instruction ; to elect foyr delegates at larcje and four al teru'ttfs to'tl:' National Democrat fe Con veniiotobe held at Chicago Juno 23, to noniiauto two candidates for EU-'ctois at Large; to adopt a platform of principles, and to transact each other business nsinay jiroperly como beforo it. In all eases where tlio Congressional Conventions liave not been held previous ly. 11. o .Megutesto this Convention from 'ch e'origreKMoHal District will choose two (lc:eg,-,t:'.s end two alternates to the Xan'onal Demoevntie Convention, and report their nnmcs to the State Convene Hon, T!:"rt 1-ts been for some time a firm.y root, ! ide-t . vQr- the jteople that some y;'.e:.i s-houM l.o ad)ptedby which min orities iii the various counties should have their jiroportionato voice in the State and District Conventions, and, in deference to this fair find just sentiment, the Committee, while realizing that it had no power to add to or vary the "Plan of Organization," as adopted by the last State Convention, ami bind the people to its obtervaee, unanimously recom mended to all County Conventions the following rule, and earnestly requests that it be observed, "In all County Conventions in which delegates shall bo selected to attend any State, Congressional. Judicial or other Convention, a vote shall be taken in ac cordanec with the plan of organization as to the candidates whose names may be presented to such County Convention The delegates shall be selected from the friends and supporters of each candidate voted for in proportion to the number of votes he shall receive, in such County Convention, and no oilier instructions shall be given. Provided that where only one candidate is presented rffid vot ed for at sitch County Convention it shall bo lawful to instruct for such can-, didatc." It is urged that all county conventions shall, at the tame time they select dele gates to this convention, elect a county committee to serve during tho coming campaign. This action is essential to perfect organization, and enables tho Chairman of the State committee to at once put himself in touch with the coun ty chairmen. All township and county conventions should be held at such times and places as w afford to each member of the par ty an opportunity for full and fair 4is ctgfeion. It is essential to success that lanimosities should not be engendered and dissension fostered,and no one should be given even the semblancejof an excuse for refusing to support the Demo cratic party, the supremacy of widely is so necessary to secure good government and an honest administration of public affairs. To divide now is to turn over the State to the enemy, Let us stand to--gether as in the past and thus perpetuate the reign of the Anglo-Saxon. Ed. iiamber3 Smith, Chairman. B. C Beckwith, Secretary. Mrs. Thompson, of Tjro, David son county, was visiting Rev. Mrs. Campbell. L S J Pemberton. Esq.. and Ja3 Ee- I Grand, of Richmond are attending 11 . AT - 1 "! J. T r t . tniFianon;u cnventron,or rungnts of Honor at Charleston. m CONCORD MAKKETS! COTTOIJ MARKET. , Corrected daily dv Cannons & Fet'zer. . . . Low middlings 6J MkldliujrJ 6 Good middling 6? Stains .". 4j5 PRODUCE. MA-RKET. (Corrected daily ly "W. J. Swink.) Hacon Susrur-curod hams.... . 14 Bulk m ats, Bides...:.. 8j' 10 Beeswax . la Butter.. W 20 Chickens 20 (& 25 Corn i GO Lard 8 10 Flour (North Carolina). 2 80 Meal.. 65 Oats....... 40 & 45 Tallow; 4 5 Salt ... 70 & 80 Keep Out The Flies I arn now prepared to furnish Door and Window screens. -Fly and musquiro proof. Prices within the ve::ch e-f all. .Satisfaction guaran teed. ElMiAIt S. SlIUMAK. 1 III in. Concord, N. C. J. M. Otlell, President. D. 15. Coltrane, Cashier. L. D., Book keeper. Capital, Surplus, . 650,000. 610,000. DIRECTOR'S: I HlVlk D. P. Cannon. Elam Kins. J. W. Cannon, W. R. Odell, G. M. Lore, D. Ii. Coltraue. Why spend your money for worthless watches when you can get a genuine Elgin, Wal tham, or Seth Thomas move ment in an ;p2a face, silver ore case for 5, warranted for 12 months, at COHRELL & BRO. Ran 1 n II (1 inn ft mm Will J)e liere, cay masters. Give it time. The L' DA T DP m) ruiuuiuiiu o Is here right npw, and is al ways'on schedule tim'e with a line of . FURNITURE that will suit all classes and conditions, from the halls of the wealthy to the homes of the poor. Come and see us. The invitation is to all. Our delight is to show you .Through Our chief delight to sell. Yours with best wishes, I T-11 If 1111 a a .a ir.&Mau is. x . t JJvow aleut St7;:ir.-, before, the war I always smoked Hen ry Clay's hut suicm 'the old maruis dead his bevs have let the brands nin;Jown urd T ,r;d to give 'em up entirely. Itind the only place I can get a de cent Segar is at Fjetzer's Drug Store. Did vou ever trv 'em well, you just drop in there some time. Yofi won't te disappointed. Feizer semi to have the knack of getting hold of about all that's worth having in that line, and the fact is you'll get a better Segar there for five cents than nine tenths of the Segar stores in the country ill givt you for ten. And by the way, Fetzer's i$tl& best place in the State for iced thinks, Soda-water, Lemonade, and suchjstuff, if you evpr drkik anything as mild as that. I do occasion ally. A man will get a little behind on water sometimes, you know. 1U1 I - V