r j; ? I i 0 General Directory. COUNTY GOVERNMENT. Superior Court Clerk Jas. C Gibson. , Sheriff L M Morrison. Register of Deeds Jno. K Patterson. Treasurer Jno. A Sims. Surveyor Jno. II Long. Coroner M C Walter. Cotton Weigher R S Harris. Commissioners J Dove chm'n C D Barringer, M F 'Nesbit, W M Widenhousa and J II Earnhardt. TOWN . Ihyor William G Means. Clerk and Treasurer Jas. C Fink. Chief Police J L Boger: Commissioners Win. Propst, H I Woodhouse, M L Brown, J C Lippard, Clias. McDonald and W R Odell! Read This. The Concord Perpetual Building & Loan Association will commence its 8th series it riak June 4th 1892. Books are now open for subscription with the Secretary and Treasurer at Cannons & Fetzer's store. Persons wanting to help a noma institution that is building up the town or wishing a safe Investment that .is paying good interest, or a good sa vings bank for small earnings, will subscribe to this, one of tjie best in stitutions of, our town. Borrowers getting money through this cssocia tion pay a less rate of interest than thy can obtain money from any other source for. We make the fol lowing estimate (based on our expe rience " of four years) : A loan of $1000, at time of subscription, will cost, to repay, about $1,250, making the interest for the use of $1000 for Beady for Business. The Covenant Building & Loan Association will loan in Concord in the next thirty days $2500 and agree to loan $100 forjevery 100 shares kept in force costing $60 for every 100 shares. And for every 500 shares of stock taken the Covenant Building & Loan Association will loau $2500 and lOOforSvery 100 shares kept in 'force; loans to be made -within 30 days from date of Certificates. Twenty cents a day or G.00 per month will carry 10 shares of stock netting you$l,000 at a cost ot $508 in seven years. Do you own yonr own home ? If not why no$ ? Get a prospectus at once. The Covenant Building & Loan Association refer to City Na tional Bank; Knoxville Saving & trust Co.; East Tennessee Rational Bank and Dun Mercantile agency. CHURCHES. Baptist Rev. Alderman. Episcopal Rev. B S McKensie. Lutheran Rev. W Or Campbell. Methodist Rev. H W Bays": Methodist (Forest Hill) Rev. H M Blair. . Presbyterian Rev. C M Payne." Reform Rev. Paul Barringer. LODGES. Stokes Lodse, No. 32. A. F. & A M., meets on or before every full moon. l(ev. v u- uampbeli, W. M. Concord Lodge, No. 396, K. of H. meets first Friday' ' night 'in each month. J W Burkhead, Dictator. Cold Water Lodge, I. O. O. F, meets first and second Thursday nirhts in each month. Rev. W G Campbell, N. G. Cabarrus Council, No. 1105. Roy al Arcanum, meets first and second Tuesday nightsin each month. T A Sims, Regent- SPBIWG UNCE If E T. This is the season for white goods, Embroideries, Lace, Handkerchiefs, Towels, Napkins, Table Linel, etc Thi3 department is complete and prices to suit all buyers. Hoover & Lore. SHOE DEPARTMENT FOI MEN. AND BOYS V Men's Bay State shoes, : $2.00 Men's Bay State Bhoes, $3.00' Men's Bay State shoes, $5.00. Hoover & .Lore. DRESS DEPARTMENT. All shades in Woolen Goods, Henriettas, Serges, new style Sit- teeps, Hair Line, PlokA Dot, Crts- Paid up stock is sold at $50 a about six years $250, or about 4 per share paying C per cent interest per cent. We are now lending upwards annum audj trie share doubles in . . .. I - . - 1 of ijjldUU per month ana hope to in- seven years when you receive $1UU cent Gingham 8 J cents, fast col- crease the numbed of shares so tjiat the face value of vour certificate. ors. Full line of prints. we can do still better. The presi dent or secretary win explain its workings at any.timeto any one de siring information. J: P. ALLISON, Pres't. H I Woodhouse, Sec. and Treas. A man named O'Dell jumped from the top of the North Augusta bridge, ifito the riyer Saturday af ternoon, a distance of 107 feet. He collected $7 from the crowd which had assembled to see the perf i rmance , Thu will of President James K Polk has been annulled. The heirs at law get the proper y valued at $300,000. The old mansion and its extensive enclosures are ir the heart of Nashville, and will soon be im proved. The will was broken be cause it attempted to enforce entail. A president ol the United States ap peared to be ignorant of his coun- trv's laws, or attempted to evade' them. SECURITY. Only first mortgages on real estate in town can be accepted as security under the laws of Tennessee. Don't put it off. Call at once fnd see J. C. Lambert, State Agent, St. Cloud Hotel, Concord, N. C. Hoover & Lore. LADIES' SHOE DEPARTMENT. You .will always find with ua a complete line of Stribley's celebra ted shoes, the moat comfortable Vnoes worn by anyone. $2.00, $2.50, $3.00. Hoover & Lore. POST OFFICE. Office hourslfrom 8la. m. toGSO p. in. Money order hours 8 a. m. to 4 t. m. Sunday hours 8 a. m. to 9:30 r a. m., and 15jminutes at noon. r .. Tki. rlalio-htful fitnrv of M iniim.v from tSe BALTIC to the? vDANUEE Portrayed in 38 Chajert and 12 Graphic illustrations, by cnir es Augustus Sound in Rich Cloth, DecoraTCd with cold tagie. If REE to Every New Subscriber to? : -the- NEY YORK OBSERVER, the foremost Family Religious News- Oni hook and" 6ne new subscribe S3. OO. . 'r vv Two books and two new subscribers $5.00. SPECIMEN COPIES FEES. " 4 NEV YORK OBSERVER, Mr. A O McGahee, a prominent citizen of Deanng, Ga., was shot and killed by a neffro Saturday after- noon. m Sample Carpets and Iluga a spe cialty. Hoover & Lore. f We keep" on hand always a full line of heavy groceries, f ola at the lowest cash prices. Hoover & Lore. Umbrellas and Parasols. Hoover &' Lore. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. We are prepared to give you betv ter prices than ever before. Here you never hear of 5 cent cotton. Call and see us before you buy. We will guarantee that you will see , no 5 cent cotton. Hoover & Lore. HOOVER & LORE. This government is fast becoming "furrinized." 'JO. 959. immigrants arrived here durjng the mouth ofl April. THE ONLY PERFfECT MMIbYUSDi. NEW f.V r 1 Send for circular and price list to WHEELER & WILSON, Co., Atlanta, Ga. For sale Dy HOOVER. LORE & CO., V , . - v. , . Help In Time of ol. When a man is drowning he will grasp at straws, but straws will not savn him. Extend to him a lifebcat and his rescue is certain. Mr. James A Groer. of .Athens, Ga., (endorsed by the editor of the Athens BannersWatchman) makes tho following statement: "I am first cousin of tho late ex Oovflrtior Alexander II Stephen and have been oostal clerk on dilT erent railroads since 18GS- For ten years I have been a sufferer from a cancer on my face which grew worse until the discharge or matter be came nrofuse and very offensive. T became thorouehlv disgusted with bloo purifies and , pronounced tLein humbugs, as I had tried many without relief. Finally I was induced to u?e Bos tanic Blood Balm (B B B). The off ensive discharge decreased at once and the, hardness disappeared. It became less and less in size until nothing remains except a scar. I gained flesh and strength, and all who have seen me bear testimony. I cannot Bay too muuu m iispimo. j A BIG- LOT OF.'ILAMPS That MUST Be Sold If you need orwant lamp, pome to see me. WI3V THE AMERICAN III SAMBLER - TflT".iT AW TTTW tT 1 D TVT till. V... v m . wwrtbe combination of U"J A 1 1 V I" the celebrated O. ft 3. IJ L J i U O I Pneumatic Tiro &u4 Sprintr FramWmaken riding on It a luxury. TRY IT AND Bfc i;ureinvtu. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. C0RMUUY A JEFFERY M'F'G CO.. Washington, D. C. lillli1lf',T Kforebonit for Sale. . . .. I will be glad to nave offers foi the storehouse and lot now occupied D. DJOHNSQN, Druggist. -DEALEEl! IN- PURE, FRESH AND RELIABLE DRUd-g and jtEDICIHBi t 37 ANQt3 RRK.KOW, 4 by Dr. Johnson. u oc9 W. II. Smith, Concord, N. C.