As an AflvertlxiiigMrtTiiim TH E STAS DARII Icju'.s he procession, and each re- urniiir lay finds ft grow ing in fle favor or wi!e wake and Judicious nion business. Try au Ail. ScikI the Dally or Weekly (OMirlriHl.biitpay If. ft J sujios-l to lnriiiK!i a livelihood for on ami iiile aucl peaceable funilly of one. Please !o mti'.it t t Uispeftlie sweet i!lofoii Vol V. No 33. CONCORD N. C, WEDNESDAY JUNE 8. Ib92. WiiolJ fio. GG. THE TEAl'HEKS' .tSSII.miLV. I'selul Information for Tettc!ievs nl the Public. Tn rpnlv fn a It Hath nf mqiry received" every day by Ue Tt Johnstown disaster in Penn officers of the Teachers' Assembly 'sylvania two years ao filhxl alj our concerning the arrangements which") have been made with tie railroads ! regard to t'.i assembly certiorates thi3 season, Hugh Morson, pres cient, and E. G. Ilarrell, secretary, gave.the desired information to the public a.3 follows: Tne lvjk'V-d rates are the fame, as heretofore; only - about one and a quarter cents a mile. Tickets are on. sale from June ISth to July 3d, good to return until July, 15th. The annual fee3 for membership $2 for males and $1 for females. These amounts are not to be sent to the secretary, as hereto fore, but at his specufl request the railroads have added a membership coupon to the railroad ticket, and all who attend the assembly pay the f.e to the railroad agent with the price of the ticket. When you reach Morehead City the secretary will take up the coupon and issue an official "certificate of membership" without charge, which will secure for the : holders the rate cf 1 per day for board at the Atlantic Hotel and free admission to all the exercises of the assembly, special lectures and enters tainments. To all female meubers of the assembly who have paid $2 to the railroad for certificate coupon the secretary will return $1 when ticket is presented at Morehead City. The programme has been prepared with a special view to interest, ben efit and entertain both the teachers - and the public. The assembly opens )n June 21 and continues in session ,wo weeks. Catalogue of Ihe University. The catalogue of the University for 1891-'92 is a very handsome and readable publication. During the year past there were 218 students, a gain of 50 over the year before Of these 55 were students of law and 18 of medicine and pharmacy, There were 27 students who were graduates o colleges and were pur suing advanced, or special, or pro fessional courses; of these, two were graduates of Davidson College; two of Wake Forest, two of Guilford, one of the University of New Bruswick, and twenty of the University of North Carolina. The most popular lar course of tndy seems to be the "Course irr Philosophy" wfiich re quired Latin but not Greek. There w.v, 5.7 students of Greek. There f f V V. w were nine students in engineering. We are glad to observe that six brief courses of study have been es tablished for young men ho aie not ablcto spend four year3 at the University. These briff courses give special preparation for busi nes?, for- farming, for teaching, for journalism, for the study of law and for the study of medicine. The University ha3 21 teachers and 11 buildings. The entire ex pense for education may be reduced t6 200 a year. Tuition costs $00. There are about fifty scholarships granting free tuition. Any deserv ing young man can get help. Those who are interested in education are advised to write for a catalogue to President Winston, Chapel Hill. s Sew Officers. The new officers of the Masonic lodge are : Joseph Bacon, W M ; A J Blackwelder, S W ; J L Eddie man, J W; J C II Burkhead, Treas ; J L Boger, Sec'ty. a mexe or iioanoK. Terrific Explosion ami Fire In Penn sylvania. papers with its horrors. This state ciVnlun; inters is Vgam visited with u horacaust of death. he STews and Observer of the Cth says: A. terrific explosion of gasoline occurred at Oil City, Pa., resulting U fearful low of life and property. There wa3 a terrific explosion and the air fri filled with flames. This was quickly followed by two other explosions. The men thought hell had Uroken loose on earth, and they were not apparently very far out of the wsy. Three gasoline tanks had exploded almost at the same time. The oil on the crick blamed up, the gas in the air burst into roaring flaaie and sheets of water; laud and air were all literally ablaze. Meu, women and children were knocked prostrate by the shock, and many never arose. The multitude fled, with screams of anguish, for higher grounds. In the rush many of the weak were trampled upon and badly injured. Flames in the air quickly burned out, but they left huge vol umes of black smoke across the face of the heavens beneath which reared the fierce fire of burning oil upon the water. Many submerged houses and shops along the creek bottom were soon in flames, and the silent lire of blazing gas wa3 succeeded by the crackling flame3 of burning home:?.' In many of these houses people were confined. 'They could, riot escape for the fire. They were in sight of thousands who heard their piteous screams. They burned to death or leaped into the river and there perished by both Hood and fire. Such a combination of destruction by the two terrible elements were seldom witnessed upon this earth. It ij marvelous that from this valley of death any were saved alive. It is strange that out of this mingling of fire and Hood any houses were saved. At 2.30 o'clock p. m. a 2,500 bar rel tank at Thomas' refinery in the upper part of the town of Titus Yille, caught fire and the burning oil is running down through the devas tated district endangering such properly as was saved. . Mayor Hunt places the number of deaths in Oil City alone at 150. Sixty three be tics were gathered in the temporary morgue today. Many people are missing. A number Cf bodie3 floated'away on the Hood, and manyofth5se rescued alive from tr-a wacr r're r.o br.'llv Inrscd that death will undoubtedly ensue A Nvi ry Hrco A repixsen. tl ii-d AVitnessed the game of ball between Charleston and Charlotte, on Tnes dav. The score stood o to 3 in fa vor of Charlotte. It wag a sorry game, not even eual to that played by an old-field school nine. Had the umpire been au umpire, Charles ton's score may have reached 17 cr 20. YTith an umpire like they had and a crowd of pullers, rattlers and 3 or 4 parties worse than mobs, the Charlotte team ought to beat any thing in the world. Nine 'men can be chosen men who make no pre tentious who could beat the back 3 off of Charlotte, provided a just urn-1 pire was in it. We quite agree with the Chariot) Observer that their! team "con1' beat a carpet." 'j Nome Announcements By Rev.John G Anderson: He will preach to the children at Harrisburg ijext Sjjndy at 3:30; he will not holi communion serviees at Poplar Teat on the 2nd. but wil on the 3rd. He will als' preach the Satur day preceding at 3:30. The young feople'8 Missionary society of Rocky lliver will met next Saturday night. 5I.V1I1J1.VGK IX MLASl KE. Ag they came from p$ayermeoting Inst, Wfiilnpsdav nifrhfc A stranje horSo Fied close up to a tree. The minister and a lady saw a ery strange sight: But no trace of the rider any where could they soe. ise discussing how we did They came in the manse the matter. When in a moment scatter! in wnlkpil -nn name was Ed) And straightway to the minister said. A couple will fdr, in a few minutes be here . To Le married, hen it was all clear. The young man wished to bo out of sight Till the prayorrneeting people were all gone quite. We hastened away to don our best, We hadn't a moment to think of rest. For the happy couple came walking in Twas Mr. Will Morris and Miss Minnie Brwin. They said 'twas rare fun thu3 to surprise Their friends, and avoid many cu nous eves: Tho parties themsolves were well asrecd To consult any others, was there any noecu The minister soon with a solemn look Propounded the questions from a little book. Then indeed every thought of fun was still And earnestly, solemnly, each an swered "I wilL" Hearty good wishes were offered by all And wo earnestly hoped no sor row befall Them, in tne new Jiie eo strango uo gun With the richest of blessings when that life was done. They lado, us good night and went on their wav Greatly pleased with tho ending nf this Juno's first day. May their days all bo June days with its sunshine ana nowere, With none of its storms nor its dark cloudy hours. Kf'IMl TIllM. The Concord Perpetual Building & Loan Association will commence its 8th series of etcck June 4th lf$2. jjooks are now open lor buuj muu with the. Secretary . the. Secretary and Treasurer at C;Limon.s & Fcter's store. Persons wanting to help a noma instituW'on that is building up the town, or that is building up the town, or wih:r;j a i;ivt.'Stmcnt tlrit in r:ivinr' food interest, or a r:ood sa- 1 J - o ' vingi Vnk for small earning?, will subscribe to thi.3, one of the beet i':- EtiVdonj of ouc town. Borrov.xro Eettirg money through thfs associa tion pay a less rate of interest than thv cm ohfmn mony from any - - ' other source for. W, tnnl-n fin fr, . the fob lowing estimate (based on our cjpc rieiico of four years) : A loan of $1000, at time of subscription, will cost, to repay, about $1,250, making the interest for the use of $1000 for about six year3 250, or about 4 per cent. We are now lending upwards of $1300 per month and hope to in crease the numbi-r of shares so that we can do still better. The presi dent or secretary will explain its workings at any time to any one de siring information, J. P. ALLISON, Pres't. HI Woodiiouse, Sec. andTrea3. IStorelio nse for Kale. I will be glad to nave offers foi the storehouse and lot rJfew occupied Dr. Johnsoi bocOy V. M. 'lfn CO S CORD MAKKETS. COTTON IA$KET. CdtrectM daily by Cannons & Fetze Low middlri? C2 .... c a Middling Geod middling ...... Staiu . fRODUCE MARKET. (Correcto tiailv bv W. J. Swlnk.) Bacon Suerar-cured hams Bulk m ats, Eides 8Sv& 10 X 7VJVa ! iiX . V" AO Butter 15 a 20 Chickens 20 25 Corn CO 15 Ueeswax & 18 Maur (Noi-th Carolina). 2 30 '65 .94 40 45 Tallow 4 Salt ... 70 5 80 Keen Out The Flies A. I am now'prepared to furnish uoor ana winuow screens, rivanu i i t i n i i musquito proof. Prices within the reach of all. Satisfaction guaran- teed. Edgar S. Siiuman. i National Bant Concord, N. C. J. M. Odell, President. Cashier. D. B. Coltrane, L. D. Coltrane, Book keeper. Capital, $50,000. $10,000. Surplus, DIRECTORS- J. M Odoll Elam Kinjff yt (Januon, W. 11. Odell, O. M. .Lore, l) "R nnltrnno. fit.olt THE AMERICAN RAMBLER f',rt Tll-.ST W11F.EL OJI THE MAUKET tills year. BECAUSE s tho combination t ho celebrated O. (t J, ,'nrunintlc Tiro and KprliMf Krarno limk'M rMim; on It a luxury. TRY. IT AND BE CONVINCED. Sund for Illustrated Catalogue. C0RMULLY . & JEFFERY M'F'C CO., Washington, D. C. Conco WHY fn i,ro iu, iT ..fli...U' I r,,- ' , YfliSJI a WE (j LTAiiANTEE SPOONS te ATD F O R K S 1TII 29rlfcr SUvGr . t ? a rrci DiiUiW TO WEAR 2 5 YEARS- ofl'ho pieces of Ptorlln Sil ver lulal.1 at tho pil;:ta of rost proveut auy wcurwuatovcr. FIVE TIMES t.3 iz'iclx f 'uvpr as la Stand ard Plate. FAR BETTER t!im IJTht Ho'i.l S'J'.or aad not oiio-haU the cost. Each article la stamped E. STERLING-INLAID IE. , Accept no oiibsutute. r.?cs Only bv The Holmes & Edwarc? Silver Co. For sale at COU BELL & BRO. UFETIHE! pTESLINCJ V IsilverI t U 222 occ mm tap YcV can buy on. 2 i the Iiefrig- Celebrated Kakn Kfcfi eraMi, the tlie world, for $10, at tUe rill IB. Nov? Full line of New window shades, just in. The handsomest line of hammocks 'if 1 Ml T with anchor ropes, pillow and spread, in a few days. Remember we keep canopy 9 n t. i V i your slumber to be destroyed. Everything in the furniture line. Conije and see. i mi in n n Now about Sear, before the war 1 ;ihvnys snjoked Hen- ry Clay's but since the old mains dead lnsboys have Jet the brands run down and 1 hr-td fu0 cefit Segar is at Fetzer's Drug Store. Bid you ever try ?in i well, you just drop ii; there some time. You won't to disappointed. Fe'.er sevms to have the knnck of getting hold of about all that's worth having in that line, and, the fact is you'll get abetfer Segai there for live fnts tiiau nines tenths of the Sgar oitij iu tne counrry vmii gi'- yuu 104 ten. ,And by the way, Fetrsv's is the best place in tho State for iced drinks, Soda-water, Lemonade, and such stulf, if you ever drink anything a mild as that. I do occasion ally. A man will get a little behind on 'water sometimes, you know. r Concord, 4 ) A & C