Send the Dally or "Weekly to a friend, but pay for it It is supposed to furnish n livelihood for an amiable and peaceable .family &' one. Please do nothing fce dispel. the sweet illusion STANDARD procession, and each re- f timing day iiuds it grow ing: fn the favor or wide wake and Judicious men business. Try an Ad. JIUJJ! eVOL V. No 37 CONCORD ; N. C. FRIDAY, JUNE 10. 1892. WnoLE No. 68. As an Advertising Medium THE STANDARD lend t tin -n rr "w r n i s - MAY WHICH ARE HIGHER, MX OR AJT- m m "Cast down to hellnddelivered in 5"kej e PKESgLY, d d. to chainsof darkness, to he eserved r unto judgement." There Is ttiot I .mm ' . Coddle CkeekN. C. We have been thinking a good deal recently about both iueut and angels. Vith prayer for direction the conclusion reach ed i3, that man . is higher in position, , honor and privilege than angels. After some though and research it might be safe before settling down to say something about.our'ftrst impressions. As the foundations are now being tampered with all aboit, we do not wish to fall into a Briggeism; neither do we wish blindly, not to comply with what we solemnly promised whtn ordained, namely, that we would of light and were, as Peter says, ' from God, in the Scriptures is called aauitry." h but more, Isaiah (54: 5) savs to God's people: "gfhy maker ts thine husband. The Lord of hosts is his anything aboift all this which shows that angels are higher and more nearly related to God than man. We Storehouse for Sale. Ijvill be glad to have offers foi the storehouse and lot now occupied Dr. Johnson. bocfly W. M. Smith. ! jij Keep' Qui name," etc. Here His people arereminded of CONCORD MARKETS. ()TTON MARKET. believe it Decauseof the divine pro- the Trinity as the Maker of man; cedure. and also when it is said, "Remember Corrected daily by Cannons & Fetze I I m (3) In developinthe plan of this thy Creator;" the -Hebrew in each Low middling, r 6? salvation. In do nz this, the Son of piace is piuraz aiaicers, creators. Middling 6 (ft (,ood tmddJinff bi Staius 4J5 PRODUCE MARKET. (Cortecte riaiiv bv W. J. Swink.) Yjoii can bnv one of the c&ebrated Kakan Kee Refrig erators, the best in the wenid, for $10, at the God assumed, another nature con- l his should impress those in such joined with the l5i vine person only relationship with God of tHe ini- two natures and on person, portance of faithfulness, and of the Uence, in the epistle of Hebrews it relationship as having been origin is said, mere literally as the Holy ated by thy Triune of God, Spirit has it : "He taketh not hold It was oar desire to assign plain of angels, but of the seed of Abra- reasons tfraf might be satisfactory ham he taketh hold." The assumption of .humanity by ICrfUC, Ui S"o " - chicko anv supposed number of aneeW and hM been wntQ Wl11 PrePare uch Qom i. L, -i i . r- r for what follows, as four pood rea "not iouow anv uivisie courses uv tneir Dem? onereu as a sacriuaj xur ( ' o - !,,., complying with the defections," etc. man's beneCt, would have been of no sons have been presented, opened Flour (North Carolina). Our subject, however, conflicts avail to satisfy divine justice, make alia mustraieu, our ion argument WIT DP ID STORE. Bacon Suwr-cured hams. Bulk in ats, sides. about this matter for the people, the Beeswax .! . . . Lutter iw d3 20 GO 15 8 2 30 65 40 4 70 10 18 20 10 45 5 80 (5) To the umpire the Hebrew of the Old Testament. T am now prepared to furnish In Psalm 8: 5, it is said, "Thou door and window screens. Fly and hast made Him a little lower than musqui to proof. Prices within the reach, of all. batistaction guaran- jthe angels." Here the maker is Jehovah, the first Lord of the Psalm, known in the English by teed. Edgar S. Shuman. very decidedly with what had been reconciliation for iniquity,or procure should be doubted or is unsatisfac Tftn0-w sunff and read in the Bible accord- a righteousness that would secure t01 J- many, we rerer tne matter, paiu. incr tn ihfl anthnri7Pd vprsion fif fnr man nnfitfttinA in KntVa sifrhL that mail is higher thai! the angels, King James, long before our day. All this, however, and more, was ac- by appealing KeGD Ollt TllG FHeS In just about one score of years complished by God s Son taking hold more that version will have existed of the seed of Abraham, thus assum for three hundred years, or since ing the nature of man, or taking to ,1610. himself a true body and a reasonable The question of our subiect is a soul. We believe it. because of his I very important one, though some being brought mav think it aouidditv not deserv- incrafffntion. When we sat down Li ' n.nA ;f being written in capitals; the. per. to write it was simply to bring the whlch it is not posibie for ange3 to son ,ma?e '? man: . Tf. W . enqairytoview. But down, we of- be recelTed. angels m the original is Elohim, a. i liiti. au which means God. A form 01 tnis ten nave uut iitue iuea ywm tue nf Phwof ond iha imlivirlnfll nr . . - , u.vuo -- tinctly stated that they sustain to each other the relation of hnsbaqd L , ra . 6 tran8,atea onela. The J. M. Ode.ll, reaP:wh. re We ll e e and w!fe' teM00- word correctly translate angels i, I) 15. Coltrane, Cas ,LIh f ! .J2 .1,1! Hence, rani sajs of believers : "Ye eotMy dlfferent in the original. In L. D. Coltrane, Book ke, ,r r-r ,ro marr.efl to anotherieventoU.m ... , . r of references. m lie was so maae ai nis crea- . . - j i t"v v ' ' ... , . who was raiseu rrom tne ueau. PftWVrtnno, t.t.ti ;n h! Anas Jesus himself assumed Bride an lyticai concordance, though he goes Capital, $50,000. Bridgroom as a title which lie bore, ,l lit th psalrn8 never Surplus, $10,000. and a charactor he sustained to liis lfera to thia psalm and verse. Now Full line of Kew window shades, just in. The handsomest line ol hammocks with anchor ropes, pillow and spreads,-in a few days. Remember we ke:p canopy and fixtures. .Don't allow your slumber to be destroyed. Everything in the furniture line. . Come-and see. Cam Concord National Bail, Concord, N. C. President. Cashier. eper. tion. When this was done, God as the Divine Three in unity, said : "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness." Such an im age and likeness would, of course, be higher, nearer and more like God than any angel he ever made. chosen ones when he asked His dis ciples : "Can the children of the 'bridechamber mourn while the nrr?Trr!Tnr?vj We have not the revised version oi the Bible by the committees of two Continents. They were composed of w. 11. Odell. godly, faithful and learned men, and surely would not overlook a Vmrtafrrnnm ia with tliem ? The Soman was made as the Trinity I - inn Pnil, proposed. distinctly annouce3 when he says: maffpr Rn vprv ;mr)0rtant There Angels were never made so near T. J , , . f f J it matter 80 very important, inere . r -u "lhat we should Dring lortn iruic b m sprint in our Hebrew to God in their creation, neither, fl , Believers are members Tl , . .. !.CTe. b!L? ; '1 "r:Cl of IIia fle8b- and f UiS We will t UtU. .Ul. after such iHuiwuiuu, um. "-'-MDone8 ana that he who is joined un increased since maue airecuy oy fa . d . Qne .t UOd. i)ian was so maue, anu -iuus D. B Coltrane. 1). F. Cannon. J. W. Cannotf, G. M. Lore, hard but profitable work till we hear from some one who has MIMV THE AMERICAN VV H B RAMBLER i. h nv.RT wiiffT. OS THE MARKET thlnyear. tno coniumuiiou m the celebrated O. & J. Pneumatlo Tiro and BECAUSE f .minn malrAB rlill HIT OT1 It & lUXUrT. the revised try it and be convinced. through him ihe habitable earth . x . x L en i -.i. i. t.'- between the duties of the marriage was to be nlledwith human beings. , , . .. w 5,i relatl0n as subsisting among men, lb Was tuai buio n Uiuci iui nuii . . , . , i.U version. was tp be for thousands o; years a place; where woul be developed the most amazing possibilities and the most gracious and glorioue rsults. We believe man higher, as appears in connection. (2) With hi5 being involved in the 8yi of Adam and its causal and occasioned rctults. Col. I'olk Helter. Indications now are that Col. Polk will recover from his serious husband of the church: and he adds : "This is a great mystery, but I speak illness, in Washington City. concerning Christ and his church. Jesus is also the elder brother of believers, and ne i3 not ashamed to r.all them brethren.. Now." is it possible for angels to be received in- j to such a union with Christ and - i such a close relation with God hin Send for Illustrated Catalogs. C0RMULLY & JEFFERY M'F'G CO., Washington, D. C. Rusted Wide. A Federal pensioner, living in this county, ha3 been notified that it i3 impossible to pay until the treasury has something in it with which to pay. If this Federal pensioner lived in the North he migtit get it now. But really there is no sur prise when a little editor becone YOUB LIFETIME! WE GUARANTEE SPOONS FORKS WITH An fn liahilitv pvprvthintr fhrpat .1 .1 tii i i ui.self ? Onconenednna wav of deliverance L Vgaini the Old Testameat Scrip out of the estate of sin and misery tures aye just as clear on thia point strarped) bnt ita awfai for Uncle epri;T1p Silver to those thus involved, by faith in as the New Testament, indeed, gam to t 0 with n. K the promised seed, who as the great they go more iuu. ucum uuu, tuC jvx Redeemer of those the Father gave Klutie3 between lod a3-the husfcand raimre rirStsiKnt. . TO WEAR 2 5 YEARS. TTi nw T,anWfT,n, ?nfn and.Hia peopttaaHis bride and The Standard learns from a relia an estate of salvation. wife. He is never unfaithful; she When an els fell and rebelled in often is. Hence she is represented heaven there was an entirely diCer- away fer unfaithfulness, as a ent state of things. There was no forsaken and restored wfe. There great plan devised through cove ia also a mutual pledging of faith, nants, promises and oaths. There fnlness to each other, when to His was no great mystery of God's man- chosen people He says, "I will ifesting himself in the nature of man even betroth thee unto me in faith- i; twa v,;a fulces3. Thou shalt not 1U1 iCU.CCiLXi.l-t liUVCV m W Wvi8 JJ Ally I ble 'source that it wa3 the purpose The pieces of stcriinj? sii- r ver inlaid at the points cf a band to mob Whitley On TUCS- or rest prevent any FIVE TIMES as much Silver as in Stand ard Plate. FARBETTER Uian Light Solid Silver and liOt GiiO-liuU the cost. day night but their plans miscar ried. Quite a number from Cabarrus had promised to go, bf t their wives persuaded them not to go and the matter wa3 frustrated for that night. I The Standard believes that one of n;0,PPtnkw.W TTia play the harlot; and thou shalt nofeitheniobbers is now in Concord, if and th shedding of blood divine, be for another man; so will I also be the Insinuating remarks mads by a Nay, verily, the angels thus sinning for thee,"-Hosea 2: 20; 3: 3. passenger of the noon train, Thurs were driven from their high abode Hence unfaithfulness or defection day, mean anything. 3 STERLING! R : coco N 00 22 ti a U For sale at COHREL & BRO. Am 1 Se Now about Segars, be fort the war 1 always smokedH&n- ry uiay's our since tne oia rhan is dead Ins boys have let the brands run down and I had to give 'em n) entirely. I find the only place I can get a, de cent Segar is ijt Fetzer's Drug Store. Did you ever try 'em ? well, you just drop in there some time. You won't te disappointed. Fetzer seems to have the knack of getting hold of about all that's worth having in that line, and. the fact is you'll get a better Segar there for five cents than nines tenths of the Segar stores in the country will give yon far ten. And by the way, Fetzer'r is the best place in the ;State for iced drinks. Soda-water, Lemonade, and such stuff, if you ever drink anything af mild as that. I do occasion ally. A man avill get a little behind on water sometimes you know. Each orticlo ia stamped E. STERLING-IN LAID tE. Accept no substitute. Made Onlv by Thb Howies & Edwards Shveh Co. alia ivIED' r testimony. I