rail Y i Pi 1 1 BY JAMES l COOK. 1 nomas A .dison eav3 when a boy he sold peanuts and newspapers on trains. He wouldn t sell nea nuts and newspapers ontrains cow lor Jp4.50 a week. llis a fcqrt o lightning train himself. NEWS Or CiE.3 KISAI, JATl'RE. The Standard is published every day Sunday cxccpte 1) and delivered b car jriers for One year $1 00 Six months 2.00 Three months N 1.00 One .35 ftintrle codv .05 O MT tl The "Weekly Standard is a 4ra:e. 8 column to pr.ge sheet; contains more . ti. t readme matter ana nas a larger circuia tion than any paper ever before publish ed In the county. Subscnption price $1.00 a year, in ad vance. Office: Opposite Y?rke & Wads orth. ADVERTISING KATES. Terms for regular advertisements made known on plication. . Keadinsr notices 5 cents per line each C3 " ktisA'tion. liusiness notices 2 cents per line eaah &ertion. All advertisements and notices con tinued until ordered out. OTHER MATTES. Obituary notices, ver 200 words will not be received except on payment for iYcrqs nf '200 words. J - - W I ' CJ Ak announcements and recommenda-. the bathing suit order, as it tions of candidates tor omce, wui ue were chafed for. G'ommunications, when the writers n , . , ' t. . , California's good yield, but it can't names accompany them, will be pub- ' llshtLl. unless the articles are personally noia a candle to her fruit crop. fritter or slanderous. In no case is the- which is worth $50,000,000, while editor responsible for the views of cor- htr gold pans out only 15,000,000 KTANI)ARDIS31S. Ehz bet h City ha3 introuced a new industry that of shipping bull frogs North. There is no finer, daintier meat than the hind legs of a frog, So people say. A bicycle insurance company has been organized in New York, to in sure bicyles against damage by acci dent. It repairs the damaged hi cycle, or if too badly stove up give8 a new one in its place. This ia all right; but whaWis teally wanted is an insurance company to insure am ateurs against headers and conse quence It is said th'at some of the en graved stones in theBrit'sh museum show that the fashionable female at tire in the days of the flood was sin ilar to that worn now, something There is a good deal of talk of respondents. Address all communications to THE STANDARD. Concord, N. C. FRIDAY June 10. 1892. VlUK WORK OF THE DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. Senator Ingalls still declares that this Government owes the soldiers in back pensions $1,000,000,000, every dollar of which ought to be paid. Ingulls ought to pool his is sues with the third party fellows, and get in that 12th plank. Dr; lrilcliari Resign His Charge Raleigh, June 8. Rev. Dr. T II Pntchard, pastor of the First Bap 1 ' L 1 1 m V r-r . uoi cnurcn or Wilmington ana one of the most eminent divines in the State, has tendered his resignation as pastor of that church. His health has for some time been declining. A protection organ remarks that although "England ha3 'no robber tariff her 18,000 landjords take rent from 38,OD0,O0J tenants." If she had a 'rubber tarhTin addition to her 18,000, landlords, here 38,- 000,000 of people would be in a ter rible plight. FOR GOVEKXOn: ELI IS CARR. of Edgeccmbe. FOR LIEUTEXAXT GOVERNOtt: R. A. DOCCSIITOX. of Alleghany. JF0R SECRETARY OF STATE: omtirs coke, of Wake. fop. treasurer: onali iv. 1iain, of Wake. for auditor: , - It. M. FI RMAN', of Buncombe. SJORSUrERINTEXDENT OF PUBLIC IN- structiox: john c. scarrororgii, or Johnston. FOR attorney general: FRAN K I. OSHOKXE, ' of Mecklenburg. JREs:iPEXTIAL ELECTORS FOR THE STATE AT large: C. R. AVCOCK. of Wayne. II. (ItEXX. ofFwrHj ili. WILL lIFrrCEED II 1 31 SELF ? This district has reasons to be proud of the fact that it has a Con jrressman, who 'tands at the head the North Carolina delegation. You hear nothing else about Hon. J no. S.IIendersou. He's at his post of duty ; he learns ;nd knows his duties. Not brill-, iant, but grainy he's a faithful worker and interested in that that is for the benefit of his cons stituency. Ji3bn Henderson has an influence in Congress equalled by few. North Carolina makes mistakes in changing its Congressmen just when ihe ropes are learned. Mr. Hender son now stands where he can be of raore service to his district and Nojth Carolina than any man the district could elect. this is true, cannot be doubt- X; and piwrirtg that way to us, we would like to see him re elected The Standard believes that he will -nececd himself. Vi.it for the result of the Jlepub :caa Convention I. Organ of Mute Alliance. Marion Butler's Paper. The Progressive Farmer has done much valuable service for the' cause of reform and we regret that it has seen fit to resign as the Organ of the State Alliance In an editorial "We were willing for the Alliance people of North Carolina to dictate the policy of the paper while it was their Organ, but no man, no dozen men can do it." We think the above was uncalled for. "No one man, no dozen men," have attempted to do anv dictating. Any paper that is the Organ of the State Alliance must be under the direction of the State administration representing the Alliance, or else it would not in face he the Onran. This is what th mltnhiistraition of the State Alliance insisted on and it would have, been untrue to the organization if it had done less. In fact the jOrgan of the Allian should be the property of the Order, and its policy must be directed bv the State officials. Itend Tills. The Concord Perpetual Building & Loan Association will commence its 8th series of stock June 4th 1 Books are now open for subscription with the Secretarv and Treasurer at Cannons & Fetzers store. Persons wanting lo help a woui3 institution hat is building up the town, or wishing a cafe investment that is paying good interest, or a good sa vings bank for small earnings, will subscribe to this, one of the best in stitutions of our town. Borrowers getting money through this associa tion pay a less rate of interest than they can obtain money from any other source for. We make the fol owin& estimate (based on our expe rience of four years) : A loan of $1000, at time of subscription, will cost, to repay, about $1,250, making he interest for the use of $1000 for about six years $250, or about 4 per cent. He are now lending upwards of $1300 per momh and hope to in crease the number of shares eo that we can do still better. The presi dent or secretary will explain its workings at any time to any one de siring information. , J. P. ALLISON, IWt. ' II I Woodhouse, Sec. and Treas. WE INVITE The attention of customers to 06 FLOW Onty $0.50 per Barrel. Pound Sack for$3.30. . IHI a t Soli. Charlotte Observer. 1 That is a very pretty stcfry from Minneapolis about an unsuccessful attempt to buy for $1,000 the vote of "W C Henderson, a delegate from North Carolina." The person re red to is W E Henderson, the cofcred deputy collegor of internal fevenue for the division which in eludes Charlotte, and the only thing the matter with the story is that he is not a delegate at all, but an al ternate from the seventh district, ann therefore Las no vote, either to selnar to give awav. Thia 13 not an intimation that he would sell it if hehgl a votfcyv he is a colored man of unusually excellent charac ter. e grcsa amount of receipts of he Yadkin Puulroad f or V seven months from June 1st 1891. to Dec. 31st, 1S91, at Salisbury, Gran ite Quarry, Rockwell, Ritchie, New jondon, Albemarle, Porter and Nor wood was $8112.04, of this amount $3930.90 were received at Albe ! marie. CoPYRiiiHTXaSa CarCt be found tho equal of Dr. Pierce's Gnldon Medical Discovery. If other medi cines of its class were liko it, they'd bo guaranteed. This- is. If it doesn't benefit or cure, in .every case for which it's recommended, you get your monev back. It isn't a "euro-all," but it does cure all diseases arising from a torpid or deranged liver, or from impure blood. For all Scrofulous, Skin and Scalp Diseases, it's a positive rem edy. Even Consumption, or Lmftj scrofula,fe cured by it, if taken in timo and given a fair trial. That's all that's asked for ita fair- trial. Then, if it doe&Vt help you, there's nopay. Wo claim it no bo an unequalcfd remedy to purffy the blood and 4 vigorato tho liver. Wo claim it to bo lasting in its effects, creating an appetite, purifvini? tho aUootl. and . M O 9 preventing ljdious, Typhoid and . " A Malarial fevers, if takm in time. PATTER (TS Tho timo tn tW ? Io A -t-a-1- -A.XA.ik?X KJ Oe first feel the signs of weariness and weakness. Bv druc frisS. 00 No charge for drayage, ar I1BS &' .BIDSBOBA'S Emporium includes everything in ' TfkrY TT- WANT TO BUY GOODS CPEAP? YES. YES. Well, lf me tell you where to go. MoET.ISON'jTeNTZ &Ot)j ist.liA -nlncft Now the -T)roof of the puddin? is the chewfhg of the bacr. For pretty Hen riettas, all shades ; for pretty for Drettv challies. for pretty muslins of India, or pretty white goods of all kinds,' for nrertv Hamburss. for prettv C7 J A V umbrellas, for good shoes for ladies and gentlemen, fof la dies' and missss' pretty ties. X. f f and anything in the dry -goods line you wish, you can get at bdttom figures. WHITE MY NEW HOME. I have moved my stock of GROCERIES into the store room next door to Hoover, Lore & Co. and un der the Standard office. You know what goods I keep you know how I serve you and come to me if you want good, fresh groceries. On clear days you can see my goober parcher in front of my store. ' JNO. A. KIMMONS. TII1EV GERMAN HALVE. The THIE. OF. RUT A V rat.vw I when properly applied, is infallible in the following disfcrflRRin a-nA Dainful diaeftSAS? Rnilsi r!arhnnn7 . - WUUbldQ. JLtne Felons. TTlnprK. Olrl Burns. Wounds of nil Hndu TVv. tions, Piles, Caked Breasts, Tetter, I Iling Worms. Scrofulous and Can Iceious Sores. Corns and Bnninno. It will relieve inflamprl nninfo inm. bago, congestion avd strains. In all these cases the SALVE has been tested without a case of failure. ' TESTIMONIAL- l xuavc usbu on myseii and on others CAPT. TTTT.K' APi?nfAXT oAJj Viii for boils mi1 fnlro nlAOo,i instating that it is unsurpassed in ! elhcacy in not only driving the boil to a head, . but in extracting the ore' and the heal parts. S. WITTJvOWSTvY Charlotte, N- C Ihe medicniM is fnr cola v drug stores of Concord. N.C. Prepared by Herself. MR iUER'S M-m mm FROM A GAElrEl TACK TO A ' Four-Horse Wagon. Goods First-clas3. Prices Low. m Is now Offererl fnr caa j 1 . "" - 1 nniff CTrrn ' t ... pared by herself, though put up), the Btvle of its lofa vv. Abernethy & Williams, whose mis zr l 1 PreParation ruined it in their hauds- The Real Hair T?otf. j. Recommended for VLD BALDNESS, but is an infallible remedy for FALLING Cmi OF THE HAIR DANDRUFF, ITCHINGS AND ERUPTIONS peculiar to the scalp. It is perectlv Larmiess, cooling, cleansing and re Kinf f bere, ar,e Perso in this town who have had one anplication to completely cheek the falling hair 'fcuTLadies, IGentlemen and CLil Q.en. iryuj my8Q

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