SOME SNAP SHOTS AT SHOUT RANGE. Sem axtd Incidents In he Pusslng Show of Life In this Metropolis and Vicinity, as Caught by Our Kodak, Reported by Truthful I'erson, or Evolved from the Editor's Itrain, Col. 0 M Lore did not go to Htir- j risburg today. 51 A Shernll, a knight of the road, is in the city, commercially. Noble Grand Moose went to Char Jotte on the noo train. Dr. C M PcTncopreacbed at Rocky Kiver church, Sunday evening. Nice Pafer ftyprushes only 5c. The Racket d 3 t. C M ook, of Salisbury, spent Sunday here with his family.' There ia considerably harvesting yet 10 uo. A "boat ride on the historic Yad kin," is not to be "snuphed" at. Try our Stainless Black Socks at 15c ; no seams in them. The Racket d3t Mr. M J Freeman is now at home, after a short trip. It was so terribly hot in our office, Saturday that ice melted. J 1 Hopkins on Spring street is so ill, that his condition i3 almost hope less. Lieut Rufus Cook, of No, 5 came to town for the firit time m a long season. There are fools in every section every community must necessarily nave its share. Swink's are having a cement pave ment put down in front of their store. Three spooh of 5c thread for 10c. Try it and stop a useless expense of 50 per cent on the most needful ar ticle you buy. The Racket. 6 d-w. Dr. John C Montgomery, .of Char lotte, spent Sunday in the city with relatives and friends. Harry Pryling will soon have an other engine done. This is for his own use. 3Capt J M and Mr. W R Odell came in on the noon train from a point up the read. Mrs. J II Barringer,of Cleveland, Rowan county, is yisiting her sister, Mrs. M L Brown. Wheat was considerably blown down in No. 3, by the wind Sunday evening. j Rag Doll patterns, printed .on good cloth, 11 by 16Jinche3, mailed to any address on receipt of 10c. The Racket d 4 t w 3 t It is seldom that a Saturday ccme3 around with sp ew farmers in town, a3 wa3 last Saturday. A stranger or even a citizen would really apprediate Concord's she if he attempteJ to walk or itr streets in one day. J F Honeycutt and C G Mont gomery have returned from the Sunday School Convention in David em county. The teams of Forest Hiil and Cmnonville did not corns together, Saturday, on the diamond for vari ous reasons. It may be strange to some people, but it is nevertheless a fact that ice v?m seen on the pavements of Con cord, on Saturday morning.' That the ladies have undertakern tha work, is pretty ure evidence that the cemetery will be enclosed at n 3 distant day. The county has been pleased re cently by splendid rains. It is by no mean3 obscure why some people go to church no, no ! Eight more days and an adopted son of Concord will have married. The Standard is a predictor. There were no services ia Central M E Church, Sunday night, thepas torJBev. Dr. Bays, being sick. Dr.O J Satterfield Sunday eve ning, pre&hed the annual sermon to the studenta of Scotia Seminary, in the colored Presbvtenan church. " Mi33 Lillie Long and Mies Claud Grier, both of whom are well known in Concord, left Charlotte forWash- ington City Saturday. Mis? Bettie Alexander1 has return" 'ed from Davie county. She wa a delegate, to ttie District Sunday c'ioo convention, from Central E Church,. The Standard ha3 a ticket to the sumnfer races at Alamance Fair Grounds July 4th. Editor Kerno die, of the Gleaner, will accepy tbtinks. Two train loads of R. & D. clerks in the offices at Atlanta passed here on Sunday, on tjieir way. to Wash ington. The Atlanta office has been removed to Washington city. Mr. B F Rogers has contracted for the moving of he house between his and D R Hoover's lota to a lot he has on the opposit side of the street. C F Wadsworth, of Charlotte, sp.ent Sunday here to the delight of hi3 many friends. The Standard was glad to see Mr. Vad3w0rth looking the very picture of health. A prominent Republican of the county said. I wish they would nominate Senator Hill, since a Dem-. ocrat elected I'd rather have Hill than any ether Democrat. J G Lambert, wiio. hai effected a large branch organization of the Knoxville Building and Loan Asso-. ciation here, was called to his home in Burlington on account of a very Bick child. A 1 l i i i uruwu oi coioreu ooys nave a military company and a drum corps. Ihey are out nearly every evening near Allison's corner. The only uniforms they have consists in gor geous foora caps. Rev. W G Campbell confirmed six applicants to membership in St Andrew's Lutheran church, on Sun day. There appears tobe considera ble church activity in this yc-un? CJirgregation. Itls said thaWn umbrelle, bear ing the initials of a Concord gentle- man,;vas found at the scene of otaniys only lynching. Thi3 is doubtless a try stake, at any rate the owner can easily prove an alibi by several hundred witnesses. The Standard acknowledges an invitation to the Guilford Battle Ground celebration, on July 4th? The card is a handsome one. The chief feature of the occasion js an address on "Gen. William R Davie," V TT - TTT 1 . rS dj xion. waiter uiark. w Dr. C M Payne has been invited to deliver his address. "Personal Purity," before the Y M C A of Charlotte next Sunday evening. The Charlotte YMCA will have an op portunity to hear a most elegant and practical address, teeming with plain and unmistaken truths. Some one, who is fond of prrins into what ordinary people regard as mysteries past finding out, has as certained that the globe has had 60, 727,842,237,075,265, human inhabi tants since it first became the abode of man. Wesnppose the next work of this distinguished statistician will be furnishing a list of the names for publication. iCfc. SO EI iOE We have opened for the season. We will have on hand from now on pure Kennebeck Ice, which we will f unish to regular customers in the city at 1 cent per pound. Thanking our customers dur ing the past season, we solicit your trade for the present one. J2fAll orders promptly fill ed. . McNAMAKA I cfi COMPANY. fy . . Children Cry for PITCHXK'S CASTOftlA " Cwrtorla Is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any presorir'tioru bwwntome." H. A. Archer, M.D.,C 111 South Oxford St.. Brooklyn, N. Y " I Castorta la my practice, and And it rpoclally adapted to affections of children." A LET. Ro-.BKTSOtJ, M. D., KC7 2d Ave., New York. From personal knowledge I con gay that Castorta is a iuoat excvUfot medicine fur chil dren." Dr. O. C. Osoood, Lowell, Moss. Lumber Yard. cord, J. C, and keep on hand FRAMING LUMBER, WEATHEUBOARDING, CEILING FLOORING. We can also furnish finish ing material, either pine or oak, on short notice .KSTTut tfiis-in.your hat. PKTHEU&;LUDWIG. apri6-92 AND ALL KINDS. Healthful Happiness We have openej a lumber I ard on the Iiessent lot, Cou-1 Thprp is no exercise so health ful, 60 joyful, with so much of nar turtj's exhilaration, so sensible, fascinating, so popular. Cycling is the monarch of sports. The Ccn lumbia, the king of strei.gthful lightness, the accumulation of bicy cled everything. Allrfibout Oolumbias free on ap plication or Eent by mail tor a 2 cent ii. I j. I'ATTKKSON, Agent. stamp. r Cagtorift'promotet'IVireBtloii, tcA' Rtomach, Diarrhoea, arid Feverishness. Shus the chiltfia rendered "healthy and ila eep natural. Castoria contains do Morpbina or other iiurcotic propertj. Eel. F. Correli PAi NTER.- After much eiperieacs in everv feature of the busine I am pre pared to do all kind of houso painting, decorafciu,?, xign paiutlnpr, papering, etc. Trices low. Leave ordrs at Correli JBr'o's Jew elrv Store. mnr MO The World's 4'olui:iniiki KxponlUou. Send 50 cents to Bond & Co., 57G Kookery, Chicago, nnd you will receive, post paid, a four hundred page advance Guide to the Exposition, with elegant Engravings of the Grounds and Jiuild inea, Portraits of its leading spirits, and a Mdp of the City of Chicago; all of the Rules governing the Exposition and Ex hibitors, and all information which can be given out in advance of its opening. Also, other Engravings and piinted in formation will be sent you as published. It will be a very valuable Bok and every person should sec are a copy. '1 mo. MOSS- & BLAIR, Painters, Paper Hangers, Piastico and Oil Finishers. After much experience we are now prepared to do first cla83 work. To do plasticoing, hanging paper, house painting and hard oil finishing is equaled by. few and excelled by none for niee clean work. We work by the day or job. Will furnish trie material if desired. We sruarantev satisfaction. Tjeave orders at Fetz er's Drupf Store. - i n x.v m t i i v.jtu j cm m NNVHH " 1 . 3' i nt -3 hi ,u0 mucous uicuiLi.anc anv. ClirM CONOR RH(EA HiJr.l PKT in tn daw. lr, S other tteatine.-t necessary. Never cainei stricture or rivTTVVWBihw. 6100D BALM CO., Pro't, fltfanta. Ga. For Sale by D. D. Tohnson. j & '-jtm -lb ONLY- 35 GENTS .A. 3C03JTTS to- LOCAL, STATE AND GEXERAL, m Epecialy the Local News I)R. J. E. (TARTLAND,. SURGE lrlltT Successor to Dr. Herring. Record the coming and going of your friends and acquaint ances, and print your own name as well ! Advocate everything of benefit to the community and that promise to promote the growth and prosperity of Concord. Oppose anything likel? to work hurt to our thriving little city? Discussjrpolitics siron pure Democracy but aministe them in broken dose's. Delivered byCairiers or sent by mail at 35 Cents jper month , or $4.'0P yer yeaT . ; ' SUBSCRIBE TO Tim&VJSLY DAILY STAJVLaRD The Full rrospectus of Notable Features for 189a and Specimen 5pies wily sent FjTee, Brilliant Cpntributors, Artlclet have been written expreaslv for the coming Tolume bv a hn&t of mirwrt rwin The Right Hon. V. E. Gladstone. Count Ferdinand de Lesseps. Andrew Carnegie. Cyrtw W. Fkl3 it The Marquis of Lome. - Justin McCarthy, M. P Sir Lyon Playfalr. - Frank R. Stockton. H Henry Clews. - VasIIl Verestchagin. - W. Clark Russell. -The Earl of Meath;-Dr. Lyman AbbcttJ U Camilla Urso. Mrs. Henry m. Stanley, and One Hundred Others. 9 f " vnw iui iuy will VJllUllIJ Nine Illustrated Serial Stories. 100 Stories of Adventure. The Best Short Stortes.1 Articles of Practical Advice. Sketches of Travel. 0 Hints on Self-Education J' Glimpses of Royalty. Popular Science Articles; Household Articles. w . Railway Life and Adventure. Charming Children's Page. Natural History Papers. 700 Large Pages. Five Donble Holiday Numbers. Illustrated Weekly Sopplemtnts. N&rly 1000 niastraticms. "A Yard of Roses." FREE TO JAM. I, 1892. To Few Snbsfrlbem who wtll cat ! nd tend v this with u and addreaa ao4 fl.TS we will nend The Companloa Fr- to Jan and for a Full Tear froa that Date. Thlo offer Inclaoea the THANKS. GIVING, CHRISTMAS aod XKW YEAR'S Doable Holl, "S We will also aead a ecpy fa beaatlfa! palotinr, entitled "A YARD OF ROak. It prodaetlon lma eont TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. Send Cheok, Pott -of. c4 OrVr, or TUjUttred Letter at mr risk. A&drta, 13 TUP Ym iru'e rrkuaauiAu - - ,V J) V ims dim anti oi. J.j i ml I Hi

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