The Daily Standard ByjAJiEsr.ooK. . jfr . , ; "Tcd every day Three thousand people were here to .lfex ceptcd) and delivered by car, day to attend the annual picnic of D.u77 the Davidson county Alliance. Al- IleSl0r ft4.00 1 1 .... Hf, ol nrvnlrU Oneypor .2 00 Three monuU One . 35 .05 Single cojy T Weeklv STandara is '"fi1-' column to page sheet? contain more reading maer and has a larger cirrn! tion thanmy papertsver before puWisfc- ed in the cjnty. Subscription price $1.00 a year, in ad- Vance. Office: Opposite Yorke & Wads- worth. . , Advertising ivvies . lernor regular advertisements made rrri, l. h insertion. Business notices 2 cents per line each : insertion. . . All advertisements and notices con- tinued until ordered out ' OTHER MATTERS. Obituary hotices, over 200 words will act be received except on payment for .excess of 200 words ttanrt rccommenda All aUUOUUCCUlcm"!" " tions of. candidates for office, will be telling of the sad death of the changed f or. four children of 'a family named ' Communications, whan the writers on in the short space of 40 min ftamo; accompany them, will be pub- g Qf Mhed. unless the articles are pei sonany . tiuer or slanderous. In no case is the- a rattle-snake and the other by ;ditor responsible for the views ot cor- respondents. Address all communications to THE STANDARD. Concord", N. C SATURDAY, - August 27, 1892. SCUOl-ItiTH) NATIONAL .TICKET. FOH PRESIDENT: OROVEU CLEVELAND, of New York. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, A IH. A I E. STEVENSON, of Illinois. DEMOCRATIC ST ATE TICKET. FOR GOVERNOR : ELI AS CAR It, of Edgecombe. FOB LIEUTENANT GOVEBNOL: R. A. DOCGIITON, of Alleghany. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE! OCTAVIUS COKE, of Wake, FOR treasurer: DONALD W. II A IN, of Wake. : . FOB auditor: S It. M. FCR9IAN, of Buncombe. ; TOU tfof ERINTENDENT OF TUBLIO .IS" btbuction: JOHN C. Sl'AKHOWU'GH, ot JoLmstou. , FOE ATTORNEY GENERAL: 1JIANU I.OSIJORXE oi Mecklenburg. ' presidential electors for tiie STATE at Targe: C. IJ. AYCOCK.oi ivayne, It. H fjiLENN. ofFoMytli. for compress: ojohn s. henderson. 0 "THE TYPICAL, AMERICAN." JFrom a Speech by Chauncey M. Depew.f" If &n to name the typical American, the man vhinK else-the man who, determin once in what rection his duty leads, cannot be swerved from ft.epath-the man who is doggedly persistent in ' what he believes to be rightthe man who thinks ootoi self, but of his country and Us needs, I would ho loves and believes in nis qeiniry Deyona every ho oves and believes in nis ciniry dcj onu every- name Grover Cleveland. VV hat he has accomplish. I , fjrpgno chief of the reVOlutlO ed is the very highest tribute to the possibilities of I cTai Vreepu, cuici. ui iuc vmericancue.i!.nip. 0 q , Union, Ilariuoiiy Democracy. Difference of ; opinion and judgement in Demo- eTatrc conventions are by no means unwholesome importance of our success to the country and the party, that there should be any where among Dem- ocrats any lack of harmonious and acticer effort to win in thecampaign which opens before us. I have herefore no concern on that subject. It will cerf inly le my constant endeavor to deserve the sup- urt of every Democrat. Grover Cleveland's Card W.he Public. to C1LL1KO ALMAXCEJIES COWARDS aicr. A. C. Khuford ami Massey nt Tbomasville, on Friday. Thomasville, N. C, August 26. Shuford made oe - ODKressmau - straight Third party speeches? con- sisting oi noining out aouee uj. iuc nnwrar. nartv. Massev paid the . i J " mean&t Jhiffg o Jhe day wTien he chargea fehat Senator Vance stayed awayfr0mthe Senate chamber on the day the vote on free sil ver was taken m on!er to keep from voting. Not a thing. was said agaiust the RepuWican party Many Alliance- men were dig2Usted that Strict party speeche8 were made at an Alliance I Shuford said .if an Al- r "reform" ticket he was a coward, . , , Senator Vance was very sick, too sick to be out of bed. There will be Jots' 0f "cowards" in Cabarrus iov 8th, if Mr. Shufc-rd's statement is orthodox. could Anything be More Heartrend ing. Athens. Ga.. Ausr. 2G. A story Uoq rpaohp(.hprp, from Madison coun- drowning. The sad affair occured a few days ago. Mrs. Wilson went tp a spring near the house for water, taking the baby with her. She- had left the house but a short iime when screams attracted her at'tention and hastening I there, found two of. her cnnaren d,ead and the third one sick. The little fellow, however, was able to talk and said that they had poked their fingers though a crack in the floor and a hen under the house had bitten them. Mrs Wilson hurried bck to the spring and there found that her lit tle-baby had crawled into the spring and been drowned. When the mother returned to the house she found the little boy also dtad. Some time later the father returned. Search was made and a huge rattle snake was found under the house killed. How it is in Cabarrus. Mr.' Shakespeare Harris, of Ca barrus, spent yesterday in the city, and when asked about the, politica situation in his beat, said that some Of the Third party lnen about him were so hot that the filling in their teth, had melted. ."It's like this," he said. "There's that boy, there; he can ask you questions which you can't answer to save your life, and these Third party people can get up a lot ofquestions that have no bearing on anything under the sun and because neither you nor anybody else cari, answer them they think they have ti?e best of you m any argument." They are pretty thick I around Mr. Harris,' according to his account, ana styi nave jtfieir neas at Concord, flb "beat somebody." Wnr In VpilPtfln. New York, Aug. 26. The steam- lip "Carcas," which sailed from Venezuela iAugust 17th, arrived here today and broughtanf ormation of considerable fighting in that n-Aa-n frnrprnmpnr. TnrP.PS wuunj fe- . .pvolntionistS' The Venezuelan ana reVOlUUUUiBiO xuc iuwuaU l kpre received n6WS that Gen- COnSUinererei.etveuiiowoi.iiai. I niafa was in retreat Deiore me KUV- i . - i;pPa. Tha last bulletin I UiW VU) WW w I CI ii LlAVlx L BVV4wi showed him to be at San Juande I j XfnroS and that government SOU I w aa uj , Ultra weio , J"wu"ib J r nf v:, followers Were deserting Many 01 niS lOlluwcio nti v v 6 ... s l arniV Wa3 made UD of uiui, uuu uio r rtnroAira nrinrinallv. COWDOyS principally. Only a Question of Time. Acquaintance "So your son has hung out his shingle as a doctor has he any patient yet?" Proud Parent "Not yet but he had vaised a beard and bought a pair of eye glass es Pnrfl llnniT i what, nils the mas chinery of life, eabes every move ment oi the Doa , removes sunueos of the joints, drives out pain from the nerves, stimulates the brain, rtrnfonfa tha ltvpr n. fl lvidnevf from uj.vw'VhJ w - tJ . irritation, enables physical exertion ii j r i 1 I .. lif- A wltnoun xatigue, inoioiiga mc, auu makes men and women perfect in health and feature Good blood and good brain are id separable. Aim fn lrfn tli iilnrul nnrn bv viaintr the only true blood remedy, 13. B. B. (Botanic Jilood JJalm: Miss b. lomiinson, Atlanta, ua., says : For many years I have been af flictod with rheumatism combined with. Kfivrfi kidnev troubles. . indigestions Rhuematism rJ-Zs Several phys sicians were employed t od numer ous patent medicines resorted to without benefit. At last I began the use of B. B. B , and Its eflect was like magic. Rheumatic pains ceased my kidneys were relieved, and my constitution improved at once. Z. T. Hallerton, Macon. ' Ga., Bays : "Three years ago I .contracted blood poison. Lapplied to a vhyi ician . at Macon, and his treatment came near killing me. I employed an old physician and then went to Kentucky. I Hot Springs g and remained two months, but nothing seemed to cuio me permanently, although temporary relief Was given rao. I returned home a ruined man physi cally, with but little prospect of ev" er getting well. I was persuaded to tryB. I3-B-, and to my utter as tonishment it quickly healed every ulcer." Organs,- Pianos, AND Sheet MmsiC) Geo. W. Weight, Salisbury N. C, has the agency for the celebrated Chase Bros. Pianos', one of the best pianosknown. Also the Chicago Cottage Or gans, on small payments. Prices loV. Correspondence solicited. t s MT. PLEASANT, N. C. NINETEACHERS. A FINE COURSE OF STUDY. SESSION OPENS SEPT. 1st, 1892. C. L. T, FISHER, PPINCIPAL. v mi m Amna emmary iff C. U. ft FIFTH Of the Best County Fair in the State. C0NO0BD, N 0 Sept. 7, 8 and 9, 1892. Wednesday, Sept. 7, Old Soldiers' Day. Thursday, Sept. 8, Gover nor's Day. Friday, Sept. 9, Alliance Day. . ONE Oli MOKE ADDRFSSEb EA0II DAY. Turnament, Amusements, SOMETHING TO PLEASE EV ERYBODY. Bacin Each Day Music by 3rd Regiment Band. fniilUTTIUCTIOIlS. Admission 25 Cents. EVERYBODY GOME. J. P. ALldSON, Prea't. H.T. J. LUDWIG, Sec.. -R. A. BROWN, Treas. Oresds May Die. Dogmas become objects of archeos' logical interest, but human neces sities will always remain the same. Would you like to iconomize, yet appear in style, no' i your chance. We are offering some Special Bargains In order to clear out for fall trade. Novelties in dress goods, fancy Arnjure Zaara, Melange, latest thing UbV low new prints, big lot gin. hams, big plaid outing, big lot men s wssimeres, big lot straw hats. An, here's a honey-our P DQ hats ite a Lala-ought to see them. Best Unlaundrid Shirt In the market. See our $1.00 kid gloves-beauties. Don't fail to see us Space will not allow us to mens tain ihe bargains we nave cr you. Morrison, Lentz & Co. YOUR LIFE TI "WE GUARANTLL SPOONS ""Forks , with Sterling Silver p BACKS TO WEAR 2 5 YEARS. The pieces ot Sterling: Sil ver Inlaid at the points of rest prevent any wear whatever. 4 'in. r . rive, invito nflmnp.h silver as In Stand- I i ' I 'f'i ai-dl'late. A 7 V7 FAR BETTER tnan Light Solid Silver and 1 not one-hall tlie cost. Each article Is stamped ' E. STERLING-INLAID hZ. Accept no substitute. Mde Only Br The Holmes & Edwahds Silver O" Ft-sale at Salem; N. C, THE OLDEST FEMALE COLLEGE IN ' :o:-THE SOUTH.: The 91st Annual Session begins September 1st, 1892. Register for ast year 327. Special features: Tne Development of Health, Char acter and Intellect. Buildings, thoroughly remodelled. Fully equipped Preparatory, Collegiate and Post Graduate Departments, besides farst-class schools in Music, Art, Languages, Elocution, Com mercial and Industrial Studies. JOHN II. ' CLE WELL, Principal. r CONCOBD, N. C J. M. Odell, President. D. B. Coltrane, Cashier. L. D Coltrane, Book keeper. Capital, Surplus, Academy, mi Concord iia . $50,000. 10,000.1 . m r- DIRECTORS- J. M Oflell Elam King, W..U. Odell, D. D. F. Cannon J. W. Cannon y Q: M." Lore, 1 A Coliran& y -

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