The Daily Standard BY JAMES V. COOK. rJhe Sta-ftard is published every day dXndeliTered by;car Simdaexcepted) nes ior One year Six mont Three months One . 3 $4.00 2,00 MSI .oo his. skill to permit himself to be put up as a figurehead by the Eaves convention to be knocked on November. "There never has been much the mat ter with Judge Bynum's men taj arrangement when it comes to being manipulated to give resifttitajulitto fellows that Texas Has a War, Too. Paris, Tex".," September 6 As result of a race war which has been in progress for several weeks a body of white men gathered this morning 1 1 i w auu capmrea rnree nesroe nine miles east of hereai1 hamjfcd them. Single copy O The Weekly Standard is 4-pe, 8 X column to page sleety contains more .j! arAaa a larger cird'la reauius ouu.i .05jarefiineed of it. I.IKKI) A WAIL STREET BROKER.'' gentleman who recently saw him in New York, Mr. Wjl- son was attire! for a visit to 4 the Republican National Headqurters in that city. It "LOOK - ,ca ft i Statg Chronicle. . OT,xr TMinpr pver UCfore publish . S ta ir. Sftch Is the Ascription given Subscription price $1.00 a year, in ad- of Mr. S. Otho-NVilsoil, by a Vance. Office: Opposite Yorke & Wads worth. ADVERTISING RATES. 1 ernis for regular advertisements made known on andication. Reading notices 5 cents, per linfc each is reported that Chairman Car- insertion, ter and Mr, V llson talked Business notices 2 cents per line each quite freely about money f Or political DlllDOSe in North ,,;rrr:r uo,ice5 T PosSiWy OTHER MATTERS. . onairman garter was impress es vi ed that Mr. Wilson could use Obituary notices, over 2( words will xv hoc ' nokbe received except on payment for Some republican interest in excess of 200 words. this State. The Goldsboro All an noxi ngsments'and recommence ArgUS published that on Mon w 1! 1 a fn. Vi r r -will I I - - Hons oi. camuuaiea w day night, AllgUSt 29, Mr. - ... Wilson and Dr. Exum and communicauoas, wucu iu n'u" Tl, a o i uSracaJ accompany tliein, wiU be .pub Jolin b. Smith and II. L, lislied, unless tne articles are personally Urant, and other leaders of bitter or slanderous. In no case is the- the Third party and of the Re editor responsiuie ior mc vicnsui .ui respondents.! Address all communications to ' . TIIE STANDARD. . Concord, N. O "all for Democratic Primaries, f , All democrats are cordially in- yited to meet their ustomary votitg places, at 2 o'clock on Mo- CUJ September 19tb,. 1892, and A Sj electa Township Executive. Com mittee to seYve for the next two years, to consist of five active work ers; also to elecifdelegates to a goun ty eonyention to be held at tt.e Court House on, the following Wed nesday Sept. 21st atl o'clock noon. The purpose of the county conven tion is to nominate candidates "for the Senate, House of Representa tives, Sheriff, J Register of Deeds, Treasurer, Coroner, Suryeyor. and ' Cotton Weigher. The township! . executive committeemen elected at the Primaries will meet in the Court room immediately after the county convention adjourns and elect a County Executive committee for the ensuing term. All of these committeemen are urged to be pres ent at that time. Robt. S Young, Chairman Dem. Ex. Com. Aug. 30th 1892. WEDNESDAY, September, 7 1892. JlEMOCKATICIXATIOSAE TICKET FOR PRESIDENT: taiOYEK CLEVELAND, of New York. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, A Ik LA 1 E. STEVENSON,! of Illinois. democratic state tic ket. for governor: elias carr, of Edgecombe. TOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR: It. A. DOCGIITON, of Alleghany. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE: OCT A VI IS COKE, of Wake. for treasurer: donald w. bain, of Wake. fob auditor: It. M. TERM AN, "of Buncombe. ran superintendent of public in struction: . joi1n c. scarborough, ot Johnston. FOB ATTORNEY GENERAL: FRANK I. OSBORNE. o of Mecklenburg. KE!?irNTIAL ELECTORS FOR THE STATE AT large: C. B. AYd)CK, ol Warne. R. II GLENN, of ForsTlli. FOR CONGRESS : JOHN H. lIENDERSOJi. publican party held acinous in Goltfsboro. On Wednes d.ay, after that caucus, Mr, Wilson was seen by a friend of ours in New York City, where he visited the Republi can Headquarters. These cii cumstances are at least suspi scious. Iheyshow that the leaders of the Third party and of the Republican party are not at all afraid ot each other, and that Mr. Wilson is so brother ly in his feelings, and so con fident of pecuniary assistance, that he goes as far as Nev YTork to confer with the Re-" publican chairman. uw im una mean: ire our people blind that they cannot see what is going on? Is it not clear that these leaders are conspiring to defeat the democratic party? Can there be any doubt about it? Will those who have joined the Third party, f.rom honest mo tives and purpose, allow them selves to be used in the inter est of the Republican party to elect Harrison and a tfepubli Congress, and to restore the rule of corrupt men in this State? When thev sea that. they have been deceived ; that those who aspire to lead them are conspiring with Republi cans the deadly enemy of re form, will they longer remain as tlfe foundation for the per petration oj political deception and fraud! By the way, Mr Wilson. P P fl 0 flfl U (V Ul Ui II in. III. t 9m Greeds May Biel become objects of archeo - :A3, but human neces ruiun-'the same. ; . r .o economize yet i irr." Tor chancer 'ltd? tC Jt .t bargains otit fur fall trade. in dirts goods, .fancy Melange, latest thing ik. mm Of the Best County the State. 1 A-. ;r- i u Oi B: ?, ! new prints, big lot ging ha.. tie- j,aid outing, big lot men's cm. ir.xrdi, big lot straw hats. Ah, bvAi n honey on r P D Q ha's: ik ought to see them. Best Unladndrid Shirt In the market. See our $1.00 kid gloves beauties. Don't fail to see. na. Snarfi will nottillowus to mens tam the terrains we have in stow? ou. Morrison, Lentz &Co. COOBD, ST 0 ;'"'5'. 0 ' w I PAP Sept. 7, 8 and 9, 1892.' Wednesday, Sept. Soldiers' Day. i:i oid Thursday, Sept. 8, Gover nor's Day. Friday, Sept. 9, Day. Alliance YOUR IM Til! WE GLAIL. SPOONS S AND -a FORKS WITH Sterling Silver BACKS TO WEAR 2 5 YEARS. ONE OH MURE ADDKFSSES EA.0II DAY. "THE v TYPICAL AMERICAN-" (Froir.Ja Speech by Chauncey M. Depew.) flf Iara to name the typical American, the man who loves and believes in his country beyond every thing else the man who, determing once in what ,i..:oa j,;s duty leads, cannot be swerved from the path the man who is aoggeaiy persisiem m he believes to be right the man who thinks not of self, but of his country and its needs, I would ('.mvei Cleveland. What he has accomphsh- oYii the very highest tribute to the possibilities of A mo ican CJilis-usulp. way, suppose you attire yourself to. morrow in that silk hat and new suit you had onfwheryou visited the Reimblican al Headquarters, so that your Republican friends in tforth Carolina may see how you looked when in New York. They will be here tomorrow at their State onveution. THAT GRAY MATTER. John C. Nmitli for Governor. Concord, N- H., Sept. 6. The The "Wilmington Star rises Republican State convention met o remark: 7 f , p vv"u oulltu Judge Bynum has got too umuiea ior uoyernor oy acias mich gray matter msiue oi Pure blood is what oils the mas cliinery of life, eabes every movei ment of the body, removes stilTueSs of tne joints, drives out rain from the nerves, stimulates the brain, protects the liver a d kidneys from irritation, enables physical exertion without fatigue, rjlolongs life, and maKes men ana women mrlect m neaun ana feature, (iood blood and good brain are ic separable. Aim to keep the blood pure by using the only true wood remedy, IS. 15. 13. (Botanic Blood Balm: - Miss S. Tomlinson, Atlanta, Ga., says : For many years I have been af flicted with rheumatism combined with severe kidney troubles, indigestions Rhuematism ?.eS" sicians were employed rnd numer without benefit. At last I began the use of B. B. B , and its eflect was like nfagic. Rheumatic pains ceased my kidneys were relieved, and my constitution improved at once. T"urnament, Amusements, SOMETHING TO FLEASE EV ERYBODY. The pieces of Sterling: Sil ver Inlaid at the points ot rest prevent uny wear whatever. FIVE TIMES as much Sliver as In Stand ard Plate. FAR BETTER than Light Solid Silver and not one-hall- the cost. Each article is stamped E. STERLING-INLAID tE. J Accept no substitute. Made Only by The Holmes & Edwahds Silveb ft- F'r sale at CORRELL - J3.RO 0 I ! II 1 Conco i National Bank, Concord, N. C. J.M. Odell, President. D. B. Coltrane, Cashier. L. D. Coltrane, Book keeper. Z. T. Hallerton, .Macon. Ga.. says: , Ihree years ago I contacted blood poison. I arjt)lied tn a nhw ician. at Macon, and his treatment came near killing me. I employed an ojd pnysician and then went to Kentuckv. T Hot Springs &? s; and remained two months, out nothing seemed to cure me permanently, although temporary relief was sriven me. I returned home a ruined man physi-i cally. with but little prospect of ev er getr'ng well. . I was nersnadfid tn tryB. B' B and to my titter as tonishment it quickly heale d every ulcer." O Music by 3rd 4 Regiment Band. Capital, Surplus, $50,000. $10,000. DIRECTORS- J. M Odell Elam King. W. R. Odell, D. B U. P. Cannon J. W. Cannon G. M. Lore, filAHY T - TRACTIONS. Admission 25 Cents. EVERYBODY GOME. J. P. ALLiISON, Pres't.,' H.T. J LUDWIG, Sec; L R. A. BROWN,Treas. ? A)R SALE CHEAP. Oneiungof the Road. Bicycle Lamp, Enameled, will be sold cheap. G. L. PATTERSO20 ' Agent for Columbia Bicycles

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