BY JAMES P. COOK. Tho Unilw tariflarmthafc ..fqilowing. . distinguished judges to award these prizes: Hon. Henry Cabot Lodge, of Mass. Hon. Charles F Crisp, of Georgia. Hon.. Julius 0 Burrows, of Michigan. , 0 The prizes will be subdivided a ' The Standard is published every day Sunday ercepted) and delivered ty car ries for ne year iree months )ne ingle copy $4.00 2.00 Art I fnllnwfi? l.w I m .351 . For the best essay respecyng any 05 American city or town. $500: for ; The "Weekly Standard is a 4-page, 8 the second best essay respecting any Dlunm to page sheet; contains more American city or town, $300; for adins matter and hasa larger cir' the third best essay respecting any iv.. nv noiwr pver before oublishr-1 , . AnnA im umu aj . . . .american city or town, $$uu. iuiecouut Each essay is to deal with the uDscnpuou- meritsof thecity or town chosen as Opposite Yorke & Wads suojeci, euner as a aesiraoie piace .Vi-tiv. - I m .j a. -.. - , oi residence; as auoruiug opporm terms for reirular ad vertlsfmentamaae ui juiwi iu", uac- bwn on application. oi unusual rapid growin; as a piace heading" notices 5 cents per line each in which an unusually large amount y m I . 1 t 1 1 1 1 ertion. oi capital ana laoor is empiopeo in ; Jusines9 notices 2 cent3 per line each anyjparticular indistry; as a place possessed of great undeveloped re sources, such as water power, coal and iron, etc,, which is peculiar be cause it has long escaped attention; as a pface of great historical interest or as possessing any other claim to . unione interest or special distinction rpnmraenua 11 anno-ummcuto ,w0 on,ntPS for Office. Will De m itwaiums: J6 a uii ttiiwiuvw- sed for. mmunications, artioii. 11 'advertisements and notices con- led until ordered out. OTHER MATTERS ,-bituary notices, over 200 words will f be'reciived. except on ptyment for 3ss of 200 words A Fine M1JI Desiroj tl hy-Hrr. Shelby Review. . . The tine milling plant of J ulius Stroup, located just over the line in Lincoln county, was totally destroy ed nv fire Tuesday evening. The plant included flour, corn, saw. and shingle mills and cotton gin. Four bales of cottou and one eiu'was 11 tl?at was sftved. The loss amounts to $4,000, with no insurance. 'The fire originated in the engine room. . 9 - Cards are out announcing thqj Miss Sndie, Washington Avtry, daughter ofJuflge and Mrs. A C Ayery, wilh be married pnVednes. day. October 12 th at iJlish noon at Hlorganton, to Mr. Thomas Summr McHee. . e ; s PIEDMONT ALLIANCE SALISBURY N. C, OCTOBER 4, 5, 6 and 7, 1892 will consider the literary merits of when the writers ceaajo, aa wen oo uid 11.0 ui accompany tnem, wxn uc yuyi i wnu vn-j uwunuwi d, unless the articles are personally wjn not, however, go outside of the r or slanderous. In no case is me : r responsible for the views ot cor ' mdents. dress all communications to THE STANDARD. . Concord, If . C. ID AY, essay itseli tor evidence tnat tne town or city possesses any special interest Any claim which even a well-known, city may have to dis tinction within the intent upon which-these prizes are offered must - - October, 3, 1892. rest wholly upon what is Siid by the essayist within the space of the column alloted to him This condi- tion together with the consi leratioa of literary merit, will give the es cayists an even chance. All the es says which are intended for compe tition should be marke d as such and forwarded to either of the oflices of the United State3 Investor, 19 Fearl .street, Boston; 335 Broadway, New York; 241 Chestnut street, Philadel phia. DClt.VTlC NATIONAL TICKET ; FOIt r-EESlDENT: u"KOVERtXEVELA3TD, of New York. OI VICE PRESIDENT, j ADLA1 E. BTEVESSOX, of Illinois. 3IOCIIATIC STATE TICKET. FOB QOVEIiSOB: ELIAS CARR, of Edgecombe. ob lieutenant governol: r.;a. dougiitcx. of Alleghany. fob secbetaby of state! octavils coke, ! of "Wake. X t FOB TBEA8UBEB: DOXALI W. BAIN, of Wake. fob auditob: R. M. FrKMAJf, . of Buncombe. eb1ntendent of public in" struction: I1N C. SCARBOROUlI, ot" Johnston. DB A'JTOBNEY GENERAL: 'BASKI.OSBOUSE. of Mecklenburg. riAL electoes fob the state at large: I. AYCOCK, ol Warn. I EXX.;of Forsyth-! FOE C0NGEES3: IIN S. 1IESDERSOS. i TYPICAL AMERICAN-" , chbyChauncey M. Depew.) ame the typical American, the man believes in his country beyond every e man who, determing once in what iuty leads, cannot be swerved from man who is doggedly persistent in es to be right the man who thinks of his country and its needs, I would ieveland. What he has accomplish highest tribute to the possibilities of ' enships. ;E'S YOUR CHANCE. ited States Investor has 'offer $1,000 in prizes for ')t more than one column ting American cities and I pleasure in announcing To Fill l'p. It doesn't take much of a hunter to bag his trousers. Glen Falls He publican. There couldn't be a more appro priate insignia for a prize-fighter than a belt. Philadelphia Times, . "Did you know his business had run down?" "I supposed" so. I heard he was going to wind it up." Nast's Weekly. The alligator , gets very little credit in this cold unfeeling world, everything calls him"a hard case. Lowell Courier. j Father No appetite this evening, eh? What is the matter?. Late lunch? Little Boy No, sir; early apples? Good News. ' Chawley Chumpleigh says he has made up a whole lot of conundrums that would be gweat if he could only think of answers to them, El rnir.i Gazette. Louisville has a "girl preacher," aged , fourteen, whose professional card bears the legend: "Sunday meetings for men only." Indian apohs Journal. Jack Sleep well last night? Tom Yes; slept like a summer chaperon. Alton Democrat. Blobbs A good deal depends on your luck in poker. Waggles Yes; but your luck also depends on a good deal. Philadelphia Record. The town authorities are to be congratulated. The rough part of the street in front of the bank and St. Cloud hotel is to be cut down and macadamized. Mr. W A Smith will do some 'good work there and everybody will be glad. BP Pure blood is what oila tbo mas chinery of life, t-ftes every movei meat of the bols ivmoves etiffnefia of the joints, dn . t4 out paiu from the nervep. stimulates the brain. protects the liver a d kidnevs from irritation, enables physical exertion witnout fatigue, piclonss life, and makes men md women perfect in health and feature. Good blood and good brain are inseparable. Aim to keep the blood pure by usinpr the only true blood remedy, 13. B. B. (Uotanio Jilootl isalm: Miss b. lomlinson, Atlanta, G?., says : 1 For many years I have bepn fit flicted with rheumatism combined with severe kidney troubles. indigestions Rhuematism mJnnzs Several phys siciana were employed and numer ous patent medicines resorted to without beneht. At last I beeran the use of B. B. B , and its effect was like magic liheumatic nains ceased my kidneys wefe relieved, and my constitution improved at once. Z. T. Hallerton, Macon, Ga., says: "Ihree years aero I contracted blood poison. I applied to a uhyt lcian at wacon, and his treatment came near killing me. ' I employed an old physician and then went to Kentucky. I Hot Springs fe s aud remained two months, out nothing seemed to cure me permanently, although tem porary relief was given me, I re turned home a ruined man Dhvai- cally, with but little prosbect of ev er getting well. T was persuaded to try 13 B 13 and to my utter aston ishment it quickly hesled every ulcer. ..' " 1 km MT. PLEA2TANT, N. C. NINETEACHERS. it A FINE COURSE OF STUiDY. SESSION OPENS SEPT. 1st, 1892. C L. T. FISHER. PPINCIPAL. Tournament : dallooh Ascension ; Running, Trotting ajyl Mule Races. Premium on Trotting Race, SU)0.00, nd Running Iiajv, $W.O0u Sneak, mgand a gool time fojalrt HiXcurs Higa rates on AftL L RAILROADS! Admission, only 25 Cents. ' Everybody C6me I ... "B..LUDWJG, President. . J. C, BRNIUPtDT, Se'cy. FOR COTTON WEIGHER. The friends of Mr. Alfred Kluttz taiife this opportunity ol announcing him as a candi date for the office of Cotton Weigher for this county, Mr. Kluttz was f orfour years cotton Weigher for the Cannon Mfg. Co. and we - unhesitatingly refer to the farmers of the county as to his efficiency and to the fact that he gave per fect satisfaction to them while in said position. Many a kiends. Organs, Pianos AND Stieet Musid Geo. W. "Wkigtit, Salisbury N. C, has the agency for the celebrated Chase Bros. Pianos one of the best piano3 known. Also the Chicago Cottage Or gans, on small payments. Prices low. Correspondence solicited. Furniture, Furniture. If you want to see a stock of Furniture, go to Geo.' W. Wright, Salisbury, N. C, He will open your eyes at prices. Call on him. It will pay you. FOE- SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Sheriff of Cabarrus county, subject to the action of the Democratic nominating convention. L. M. Morrison. Aug. 23, '92. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS. ! Thankful for past favors, at the hands of the yoters of Ca barrus county, I hereby an nounce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Reg ister of Deeds for Cabarrus county, subject to the action of the Democratic nominating Convention. Yourobcpt servant, Jno. K. Patterson. SEED WHEAT FOR SALE. I offer for sale wheat and oafs selected and cleaned especially for seed - Jno. P Allison-. Sept. 15, '955. 1 m. Creeds May, Die. Dogmas become objectspfcheqjj logical interesfcbV hjjrnan ijfces ( sitiea will alwats remain thasame. ould you like to economize, ve.t appear in$le, now isYourshance. We are offering some Sp.eda"! Bargains - In order to clear out for fall trade i)velties in dr'ss goods, fancy . ArmureZaara, Melange, latest jihing 9 out. Big low igw prints, big lot ging hams, big plai outing, big lot men's c ssimeres, big lot straw hats. Ah, here's a hon$y 005 P D Q hats;, it's a Lala ought to see them. Best Unlauhdrid Shirt In the market." See our S1.00 kid glovesbeauties. Don't fail to see us. Space will not allow us to mens fam the bargains we have in store - i ou. Ji M MS ft. mi LIFE TIP . . :t' WE, GTjAKANTEE SPOONS A2JD- FORK S wrrn Sterling Silver BACKS TO WEAR 2 5 YEARS. .The pieces of Sterling Sil ver Inlaid at the polnta ol rest prevent any wear whatever. FIVE TIMES as much Sliver as in. Stand ard Plate. FAR BETTER tBan Light Solid SUverand not one-hall the cost. Each article 13 stamped E. STERLING-INLAID IE. Accept no substitute. M.".de Only bv The Holmes & Edwuido Silveb C' Fr sa'le at CORREAL & BROS. r: ii ho i National Bank, Concord, N. O." J. M. Odell, President. D. B. Coltrane, Casliier. L. D. Ooltrane, Book keeper. Capital, Surplus, $50,000. $10,000. DIRECTORS 1. M Odell D. P. Cannon ElaraKiny J. W. Cannon, W. R. Odell, Q.'H-Lore. ' D. B Goitre F0 2 SALE CHEAP. One King of the Road Bicycle Lamp, Enameled, will be sold cheap G. L.7 Patterson, Agent for Columbia Bicycles I