The DailV Standard BY JAMES f. COOK. 2.00 1.00 .85 The Standard is published every day Bunday excepted) and delivered by car' rs K: one year $400 Six months Three months One Single copy The "Weekly Standard is a 4-page, 8 column to page sheet; contains more reading matter and has a larger cirnnla tion than any paper ever before publish ed in the county. Subscription price $1.00 a year, in ad- T ance. Office: Opposite Yorke & Wads worth. ADVERTISING RATES lermsfor regular advertise uients made known on application. Reading notices 5 cents per line each insertion. Business notices 2 cents per line each insertion. All advertisements and notices con tinued until orderedout. OTHER MATTERS. Obituary notices, over 200 words will not be received except on payment for excess of 200 words i All an. mcemen and recommenda -ions of. . .tndidates for office, will be chunred for. Com truncations, when the writers nam accompany them, will be pub she I, unless tne articles are personally Bitter or slanderous. In no case is the editor responsible for the views ot cor srespoadents. Address all communications to THE STANDARD. Concord, N. C. died in ML Pleasant), one son and) three daughters, the latter, married. Col. Slongh, like all men, had his faults; but his was an individuality that had many a good quality, and there. neyer breathed a braver soldier. Hundreds of people in the county will regret to hear of his death, and hold for the bereaved ones profound sympathy. Col. Slough, after mov iv I - . 05Hng to Anderson about six years ago, liyed a very quiet and peaceful lire. Peace to the ashes of the old sheriff and the brave old soldier. FOKEST HILL NEWS. Beef Market to Bent, - The room (suitable for a beef mar? ket; adjoining my store is for rent. This is a good opportunity for a good DUtCnr.' -Apply tU . vvil,".-" Tonic Syrop or Improved CHILL CURE. The most roeeessful remedy for FeTerani Agn eve Juiown. Prerents ?Malari" in it Yaneu forms.. Contains no Quinine, Arsenic nor anT dle"" '- irbateTer.. . Beasons o Ui. -iory i wlntersmlti'i Tonla over yuimne ana oinur immune. Graphically Portrayed by Onr Special Correspondent. .MONDAY, MARCH' 27, 183. A MEXICAN AND CONFEBER ATE SOLDIER DIES. Cel. elson Slough, of This County, L Tiien Saturday Morning-, at Ander son, SC. f ' No braver soldier ever went to the battle field than was Col. Nel 8 n Slough," was what the reporter h trd on all sides when his death as announced on Sunday. "Col, Slough died at his home in Anderson, S. C, Saturday morning about 3 o'clock, after considerable suffering from infirmity and gradual wasting of his vital strength. Col, Slough was born in this county, near Jhe Dotson Mill place, in No. 4. From those who knew him well, we learn that he was 78 or 80 years of age. He often spoke to his fiiends about carrying brick during the construction in 1825 of the court house that was burned on the corner opposite Allison's corner. From this his age, not being exactly knewij, is estimated. - During the Mexican war Col. Slough, with J N Brown, V N Mitchell, D C Eaggart, Timothy and Ephraim Tucker, Jas, Dorton, George Barnhardt and' about sixty others, went from this county to the Mexican war. All are dead, or moved away from Cabarrus except those above mentioned. At the beginning of the Confeds erate war, Col. Slough raised a com pany and went as captain of the Cabarrus Guard to' fight yankees and those they imported. He rose to the position of lieutenant colonel. Be is one colonel that didn't get his title at home, but in the field where the very souls of men were tried. During the war he was elected sheriff of Cabarrus county. He was once clerk of the county court. He was. elected sheriff of the county twice since the war, and before these days was for many years a deputy. In fact, all during his life, at ins tervalSj he was connected with the execution of the Jaw here in Cabar rus county. He leayes a widow (a sister of Rev. Pieher, once located here, but who John Hargett of Charlotte spent Sunday at J H Kizziah's. Mr. and Mrs, A T Bruten are vis iting relatives in Montgomery county. Rev. J J Renn preached two ex cellent sermons in Forest Hill M, E. church Sunday to a large congrega tion. Fiank Cook, of Salisbury, was here Saturday. Forest Hill and Concord played a game of base ball Saturday even in." Score 16 to 4 in favor of Con cord. The clerks in the company store are inclined to be stuck up today. Messrs. Wilkinson and Cook had the misfortune to let a barrel of molasses fall and burst. This was hard luck to Cook, for besides loosing several gallons of molasses, he ruined his Sunday pants. We think that Wilkinson after a genuine champoo will be himself again. Mr. P L Saunders, formerly of this place, but now of Asheville, was here Sunday. Mr. Saunder's many friends were pleased to see him. High Honor to Dr. Bowman One Which Charlotte Appreciates. Rev. Dr. W S Bowman, of this city, is the recipient of a high honor from a high source. He yesterday received notice of his being aps pointed as a member of the advisory department of the religious congress at the World's Fair. The cougres convenes in September, and will be8 attended by representatives of every known religion. There will be Mohammedans, Conf ncianists, Jew ish Rabbis, Catholics, Protestants, and every other religion in the world. Dr. Bowman will not preach, but direct others how to preach, and advise generally, This is a deserved compliment to the doctor, and one which Charlotte feels proud to have paid his ability. Charlotte Observer Then and Slow. In ancient days for many an ill, We used to take a big blue pill. It did so surely tear and gripe, We felt for purgatory ripe. To-day, when sick, we take Dr Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They are gently aperient or strongly cathartic, according to size of do3e. Cures Sick Headache, Billious Headache, Constipation, Indigestion Billious Attacks, and all derangements of the Liver, Stomach and Bowels. Put up in vials, hermetically sealed, hence always fresh and reliable. Purely vegetable, they operate with out disturbance to the system, diet or occupation. Sold by druggists, at 25 cents a vial. Ice! Ice! Ice! On April 1st our ice business, at the same stand in the basement of the Morris House, will open. We will keep on hand pure Kennebeck Ice, which we will furnish m the city at one (1) cent or less per pound. Thanking our customers for past favors, which are highly appreciated, we solicit your trade for the coming season. rAll orders promptly filled. Jy23 McNamaba Ice Co. i - 11 ' J... .&ifnnl tlii ntrATvnn t.ha .hill without reference to the oondition the system may be leit m aiier ine ojims aru rmuro, the mer breaking 01 tne cauii is ous a emau is required to enec iuvi uun. "uw a TersuiiLii a x on-iv- - ------ -- - i the ziost obstinate case 01 lexer ana ague. Two Sizes--50c. & 81. ABTHU& FTK 6 CO., Ag'ta, Louisville. Ey. For sale by D . D. JOHNSON Druggist PAST, PRESENT AND FU TUKE. In the PAST Election There Were Some Candidates Elected. At pkesent one of those elected candidates is selling and making up the finest line of custom made pants (trous ers), or whatever you choose to call them, ever sold in this market, at very low figures. In the future call and exam ine this beautiful line of sam pies and see how cheap they are before you buy your Spring pants. These goods are made to fit you no fit, no pay, is my motto. Re- member, I can furnish you these 'goods at prices from $2.50 to 10.00. M. L. BLACK WELDER, Tailor. Willi G M. Lore. US TOR GREETING o Easter is rapidly approach ing in spite of snow drifts and pneumonia-spreading winds. But when you see our Eggsquisite Eggsposition Eggshibition Eggsamples of Easter elegance, a spirit of gladness will go abroad and the people will listen for any message of brightness and joy which we have in store for them. JOY! JOY! JOYr! Erstwhile' sack-cloth and ashes, now rainbow-hued coK orings. We have struck it right this season. Our styles and colors are in harmony witfr the fash ion in dress stuffs. Does something new interest the buyers of dress goods, who are alive for catchy and novel ideas! We guess it does, and therefore call their attention to the new ideas being shown by us. Novelties in dress goods will be appreciated by all lovers of bright ideas. Cur line for spring is now complete. We are now pres pared to prove the satisfaction of all who visit us. Don't fail to see our N ovelty wash dress goods, zephyr ginghams, Highland zephyrette, dotted Swisses, high colors in French lawns oaiiu giorias, China silks, in novelties in silk and wool diess sroods -! ' -.. - O na novelties in thousands of other goods that space will not allow as to mention. Call and see us and we will sare you money. Very truly, r- 13000000000000000003: . The best dollar shirt in town for 82c. "Our Own," genuine-Wams.utta muslin, 2100, 4 ply, pure linen bosom, double-stitched, double pointed yoke, double front and back, extra long bosom, linen cuffs, continuaus facings down the back and on the sleeves, tne best shirt that can be made, no better ma terials can be had and the work is of the best. Our Electric Shirt at 67c equals many shirts commonly sold for $1, made of New York mills muslin, 2000 linen, 4 ply bosoin, aTbsalutely all linen, extra length, full and liberal in dimensions, patent extension fac ings, double yoke, re enforced front and back, and double-stitched throughout. 73e. Pleated bosom, open front and back, New York mills muslin, 4-ply, 1900 linen bosom and cuffs, re-enforced back and front, patent facings back and front. 48c. ''400," r3-enforced back and front, double yoke, double stitched, 35i inches long,all sizes, 4 ply. 50c SHIRTS FOR 39c. This a great job, re-enforced back and front, continu ous faoing throughout, and a giant gusset, all sizes. Any of our shirts laundriecT for 15c extra. Domet flannel work shirts 25c, 35c, 38c, 45c, 48c, 55c each. Brown and tan Cardigan knit jackets 50c. Heavy drill draweis 25c, Fents' suspenders 10c, 15c, 20c and 25c per poir. Gents' seamless mixed socks, , 8c. Gents' seamless balbriggon socks, 15c, World's Fair waterproof collars at 14c. World's Fair water proof euffs at 28c. Gents' turn down or standing col lars at 9c, or 3 for 25c. Gents' white wing collars at 10c. Gents' 50c cashmere gloves at 25c. Corset Department. The black J eans Corset at 45c A few u white t u (t u wo yen (4 a u u 94c 45c 25c 98c 74c 74c irrii, hi k Co 1 . uDandillion" "C. B." "P, W. R." "Our Best" Blanche Queen Dr. Hall's spiral spring B, B. Corset waists. 98n. Misses " 97 n Corset laces 5c per dozen, 5-hook corset stavs 10c per pair, J Dress Finding Department, 7 or 8 inches covered stays, white or coloret 5c ver dozen. 7 or 8 inch whale We stays white or colored 9c per dozen. Bone casing 3 yards for 5 cents. Col ored silk swan bindmg 2c yard. Black and colored worsted skirt braid 4c per roll; white cotton stov binding l? per roll; stockinet dress shields 10o j pair; jet black or fancy etal buttons-40 styles-at 5c per dozen; white hooks and eyelets from 5c to 12o par gresa; black do. 12 gross; Standard quality S sewing silk 50 yard spools at 4c, twist 2c; Brooks I cord machine cotton 200 yard spools at 4c each for fvVssBnTATZ!ma ylrd S,P01S 2c ble'f aced1 dress lining 7ic yard; drab colored corset jeans. Miscellaneous Bargains. SaiT1?8 at-63c 90c' 115. 26. $15 ana $2 2?' SI eX-i?a ?1Zl' Marseilles quilts- ki $1 38 and Sfl'J?? P-U-l0W ah?ms 38c pair; do. embroideries $2 ll CUn,amS T-rth$1 00 for m d0" extra large lo ?o1F; la6 ?triPed scrim 38 ches wide at 5c, yaId: fancy bordered oil shades 47ic; old style snade fixtures 5c per set; complete curtain poles a22ic; 4x4 fancy rip table covert lie; 6x? lancy rip table covers 78c. THE RACKET. B.OSTI PROP