. . . III M f t t Vol. - uojncord. n. c. SA SNAP SHOTS AT QTTHDT Dixmr . I impiy a molehill re ilUtl RANGE med from the mountain of ,Vnn. Scenes ami Incidents In the Passing Know of tife in this Metropolis and Vicinity, as Caujjnyby Our Kodak tteported by Truthful Persons, or Evolved from the ditor's Brain, r flev. W M Shaw spent the dav in the city. A butting goat made fun on the streets for many. If you havn't registered, then you are not in the electior. 1 . The Charlotte Observer's Wash ington service is fine. The Senoii class of North Caro lina college is now enjoying its vaca tion. . Mrs. J M Odell is visiting her sister, Mrs. White, of Forte MillsJ . c. Master "Dess" Kluttz. of Albe marle, is visiting his brother, J Ed Kluttz. Mrs D R Julian and Mrs Alex Parker of Salisbury are visiting at xMr. G- W. Brown's. 50 conts reward Tnaf. TTatt- a I brass key (falding) abont five inches long leave at this office. tf ... , ' . J A garden will not thrive very well when a cold snap ancT a healthy pig strikes it at the same time. Enochville High School will close next Thursday. Prof, Kizer, of Salisbury, deliveres the address. Mr. J B Wmecoff, of No. 4, re- portr trost for No. 4. He said it lu tilc 1UW iauu8' Quarterly Conference is being held at Mt. Olivet, -No, 4. Presiding Elder Renn is in attendance. When you see a dog, look at ita tongue. There are many signs and rumors of mad dogs in these parts. Biles had a iittle goat, It's hair as dirty as mud ThetSiTsTrZT' ine dirty goat was snre to bitti. Rev. Dr. Jno. A Preston, of Flor ence, Ala,, has accepted the call to the 1st Presbyterian church, of Char lotte. From our dispatches, we learn that the severe wind last few days has been terribly destructive to our - I meat houses those out West, w 1 n, ,n We learn from the Charlotte Ob- server that a forest fire did consider-1 able damage near China Groye, on jenuay. vne buuuui jiQuse was If you don t go to the concert to night, you'll have reasons to regret it. This compamy played to a crowaea nouse in yoiumDia last night. , ' 01 ' VI, W tlvky M n Will Vo in Clrir rvn H I Holfcel. on?Wetfnei?dav. ifav 3rd ? for I fKo'Aul Tiiii.:i 'i:i:i.:j I LliU li IJ1 1 IlilU I I I I I V . I I M I "I II I I I I I I l,f-"l I tn PVP. Par nrtao unH f Vi-nrvo f I L -! I the spring mmunion .will- he ing on Thursday. Pastor Shi ' be' assisted by Rev. Afrowdod , 1 The Swedish Cdnbert. comnanv'T armed in ;, the, city Qn. the.moriiinfirled tram. For the benefit of clerks and other business benthe concert wiilisjontlo say some yery eompliaientary not begin until nine o'clock, Beaitj this Hour in inind; J ; "Tille , . ; : . - mmrmmm mb mm m m m m -m m. r . m 7 ' . ' ' ' j- ' What T71 TT cr- wnen a man is In a brown study does he give colour to his thought. TTTI - A -a a. - 1 ranee. 0 w A pumped out petroleum well, like a man driven out of hid natiye coun try, is an exile. ' . . A cat may look the very pircure of innocence; but don t leave it with a canary. You meet with twenty men in the day who stutter, but who ever-heard Of a woman wVi n In a A ov in her sneenh ? ' It does not require any genius or talent to find fault; but to oive credit when credit is due is indicative of a good heart and sound judgment. A young lawjer wished to cite an authority on a case he was r-on during, and not being able to re- member it, he wittily remarked: Ihongh lost to cite, to memorv dear." ml A western paper announces the fact that an acrobat turned a sumer- sault on a locomotive smokestack. This is nothing. We know an en gineer who turned on the steam iNothing is made in vain" pt- pims the divine, but the nextmo- mentas an aggregation of silk, lace feathers, sweeps up the aisles, he Lfll: fW LJ. : 1 ! I! .uUf5 uiam.xi A woman should not scream at the fcightof amouse. It lets the ferocio- s animal Know right where she is Ion rQ fori ' Q fi-n-f mh(nU ii- '.J with the certainty of death upon its vwwvv, cfcci. nuiuu iu iuaj auvaiiu.i quivering prey. Mr.' W C Coughmour has received the nomination for mayor Of Salis- bury, defeating r. M C Qulnn. Salisbury does right in - holding a convention. Such should be : the case in Concord. We learn through Mr. Morton the Georgeville mail earner who SaredintehBk. He has seen dead trout six inches long. He thinks sulpher water from Gold Hill is the cause. A man reached to n on Thursday. He is evidently behind time ten years or more: He, on alierhtinsr from the 'bus, inquired for "Reed's drug store. Respectfully submit ted to Dan JDivins, our gentle friend of the Stanly News. 7 The many cyclones which are new playing such havoc throughout the wuutrjr uais reiarueu me appearance not appear on the streets in hoop J nen a.wma Pec ted at any minute. skirts when a wind storm is eiN Do not confuse the Famous Blush of Roses with' the many "worthless paints, POWdcisvceams and bleaches which are v.., m-.A..jn. 4- Tj' rt , mm cents per bottle, and I. guarantee it v 75 will I remove vour DimDles. freckles. hTn.pt hfians mnt.n. tAn and snnhnm a-ni ntra -A A. J " 1 " ' ' . ft ' w v Mr. Jno. A Rankin, of Mill Hill, of the nnfnr tunate suicide rri nhisliieigh:bQrho6d. Mr. 'Rankir, 1 in speaking of the faithfulness of a' number who work so. faithfully for several "diys " to ikeeo:awake.the lDatient. - took ocea. things iabout Dr;Stephens, of :.. ' - AiXiJ - i 1 . iKJti HU. 21.- CHVUCH IRJECTORY. church, Eev. C MPiyne, D, D., pastor: Sunday school at 3 o'clock p m Services at 11 o'clock a. m., and at 7:30 p. m at the Chapsl the 4th Sabbath in each month at 2:30 p. m. , - All Saints' isppal Church Rev. J 0 Davis, rector. Services at 11 o'clock, with sermon. Subject of sermon, "The reyelatioa of Christ's Messiahshlp made in Sa maria." Service at o'clock in after neon. Subject, "Must Man Sin.'-' Sunday school meets aa 4 o'clock. Rector's Bible and church history class meets with Sunday school. A cordial invitation to the public ser vices is extended to everv one. Forest Hill M E Church, South M A Smith, pastor Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a. m., and 6:30 p. m. Sunday school every Sunday at 9 a. m. Will always be glad to see you. Trinity Reformed church, Rev- Paul Barnnger, pastor. Preaching 1st. and 3rd. Lord's days at 11 o'clock a. m., and 2nd, and 4th, at 3 o'clock, p. m. Baptist Rev. J O Alderman, pas tor. Services at 11 nVl and 7 p. m. Sunday school at, n-4.fi o'clock a m Services at St. James' Lutheran church at 11 a m . . Z a. mnnieapai Ticket. xne aranaara is authorized to state tharthe f ollowine firen- tlemen will be voted for in the next town election : FOR If AYOT? J, L. Crowell. TOWN COMMISSIONERS. Ward 1 L, D. BnvaL 2 C T Troy. 3- W Chas. Correll. u 4 D Baker Morrison. COMMISSIONERS AT LARGE. JM. IX Fetzer. D, F. Gannon. The Concord Correspondent of the Charlot te 0 iserver has this to sav: There was, if reports are true, an at- tempt at rape in our county a few days ago. Will Means, a coloreu manwent to the house of a white, lady, named Mrs. Melton, at night, and forced an entrace into her bed room, bhe began to scream, and the negro, ' bearing that the neighbors might come to "her rescue,' left very precipitately He has been arrested and is now in iail There is very little being said' of tne matter and there must be some with the1 affair, else it would create rsbme excitement The negro denies the charge and says he4 can prove an alibi.' The occurence took place early in the iorhihg, jusf before day. A lawyer in Georgia named Kinsr, and who is also a local editor nf a i i i i uuuiiiry uewBpayer, lias appiietl lor a goyernment position, and' in his application to Groyer states that he "made a democratic . speech at every 'justices court law ground" in the county, ' and 'spent $2.15 for rice beer to induce three negroes' to vote the democratfc ticket.' v'. Grover J has not yet appointed . ! him, but is cbn - ml m. sidenng the application. Getting nkWcorii whiskey is 1 a ceres tiling; ertisement in- fithis japer. MURDER MOST FOUL. Three Well Collected Mobile Men May Be Lyncbed. Mobile Ala,, April 21, Wedncss day night at a )ate hour, Joseph Goo'k, a clerk in the store of .T P Cljton, at Scranton, Miss., was assaulted and the safe robbJd of 1,100 dollars. No clue was given except a wagon track, but citizens followed that up with tbe result that Cook's body was found near Picket's lane! He was unconscious, with three bullets boles in his body, A doctor was Summoned .and succeeded in brings iug the victim to. Before he died, he stated that he was murdered and robbed by James Smith, Ollie Rolls and Charles Paggert. Citizens s coured the country for the" guilty porties land they were arrested while taking the train for Mobile. The arrest was made by Deputy posse and he now has the jail guarded to prevent the outraged populace from lynching the prepetrators. The guilty parties are connected with some of the bbst famihes in Mobile. I Attention, Confederate Teterans. United Confederate Veterans: You are requested to meet at the court house in Concord on Wednesday, the 10th of May, at 12 o'clock, m., to adopt some suitable resolutions in memory of Col. N. Slough, late of Cabarrus county, who died a few weeks ago at Anderson, S. C. All old veterans who have not joined the United Veterans Camp. are invited to meet with the camp on that day. J. F. Willeford, Pres. Chas. McDonald, Sec'y. Camp No. 212, U. C. V. It is expected that the -Ladies' Memorial Association will meet at the court house at 3 o'clock p. m, of that day to decorate the graves of dead toldiers. The World is a Whale. What would you think of a news paper which has an actual bona fide paid circulation of 375,000 copies per day. These are the figures for the New York World. The fact is amply attested. Nine of the big gest business houses in New York have had representatives xto make a thorough exrmiuation of the books and the records and they certify to to the fact. It is simply tremen dous. Redwine Found Guilty. Atlanta, April, 20. The grand jury today found a third-true hill against Lewis Redwine, the default ing cashier of the Gate City Nation al Bank. This bill charges him with embezzling $5 51,000. Attention, A. F. and A. If. There will be a regular communi cation of Stokes Lodge No. 32, A F & A M, Monday night at 7:30 o'clock. All Masons cordially in yited to attend. By order Of W M. J L Boge3, Sec. Mr. Jno. F Fink, of No. 5, cat down a tall black oak tree. Fiftvs one feet up, there wa3 one inch hole in the tree. He cut in ; he found a bone the size of a " basebalL How it got in' there' is in doubt. Whether it grew up with tha tree, or'was thrown up there and lodge, iri the forkshdTTbecoming a""jpart of the tree, is not known. jcot W sale. A lot, on Spririgstrfeet convenient to the business portion of town anij to" thfe" factory," Apply at this 6fflc& I - " . MILITARY AID ' " It pessary to Dislodge tbe James Tiiy Tenaats. Newbern, N. C, April 20.-There was so small a number of persons reporting to the sheriff this morning that no move was made towards James city to-day. A del colored ministeis are reported to nave gone from this city to endea vor to persuade the nfinnb f tkof place to accept the terms offered by Mr. Bryan, and save all nfW trouble m the matter. ThfirA i T,of much hone - o ii kju.1 l imb direction, and the course nnw nr is for the sheriff to call on the Gov ernor for a military force to enable him to execute the writft now in hand. The detachment of the nas val reserves have mounted two fine Doat Howitzers, and are held readnesB for orders. in North Carolina's Dead lu Cattle. North Carolina voted but 112 0f when doing its best in 18G0. It sfnt to the war in fonr years certainly more than 120,000 men-more in fot than anj other Stafe sent It is nn wonder then that its dead are seats tered from Gettysburg to the Gulf of Mexico. Thatrmore North Carolinians fell at Chicamauga and Missionary Ridge tnan from any other State but Alabama is very remarkable and confirms all previous reports as to the number and excellence of iit soldiers. They lie there in unmark. ed graves . in neglected ct-metery of heroes, Will North Carolina per mitthis to continue? Shall her faithful and gallant soldiers who fell on that bloody field Jie uncared for? 'We hope our people of 1893, will say that this -shall not be. If all the States had done their part in the great conflict of 1861.65, as well as North Carolina - performed her part, the independence of the South would have ben secured and the pains and penalties- 0f the last twenty-eight years woule haye been avoided. Let the North Carolina of the gen. erations sliows of gratitude, ad miration axd patrotism to mark suitably the graves of North Caro lina s fallen neroe?, Wilmington Messenger. For Mayor. At the urgent request of many voters, I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Myor of Concord. , Election tc be held M n- 'day, May 1, 1893. J. L. Ceo well. He Was Too Good, You say you don't George?" drink, "No." '"Nor smoke?" No." "Nor gamble ?" "No.'' ?Nor stay out at night?" "Never ." "Vrell, we never could be happy a man and wife, George. Lhave been brought up in N. Y., not; heaven." New York Standard. - . i Ko Encampment, Raleigh, April 19. Adjt Gen, F. H. Cameron is reported as saving' that the officers who visited the camp ground at WrightsviUe found them in such1 conditiorthat they were forced ta report to the Governor adversefyi as to their -fitness and con f ditionifor occupancy this year. V? Subscribe 'f on The Standard. w-!!,."-.i. ,

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