i Tne Daily Standard 15 Y JA.ES T. 00 II. v lie Standard is published every day t nday excepted) and delivered by car r $4.00 2,00 1.00 .35 .05 STANDARDISES. The walking delegate may be said to get there with both feet. bome of the officeseekers claim to have srotton Mr. Claveland'd eve and some his tar, but so far nobody has laid claim to his head. J3ix. nuiilks Three months One ' Single copy The Weekly Standard Is & 4-page, 8 olamn lo page sheet ; contains more reading nidiier and has a larger cirrtnla tion than any paper ever before publish ed in the county. - Subscription price $i.uu a year, m au ?ance. UFPicjfi: Opposite Yorke & Wads Worm. ADVERTISING RATE 5. terms for regular advertis-uitnts made kuOwn oh application. L-ieaiing notices 5 cents par mw each insertion. business notices 2 cents per !ue each insertion. .Ml advertisements and u.nloes con tiuued until ordered out. OTHER MATTER"4. offjarv notices, over 2(;o w )tds will 30. not hi.-, received except on pyjient for excess of 200 words The New York hack men have put; up apetirion to be allowed to retain their whiskers. It would be aa ill wind that would blow through them after such a pitiful plea. The New York Morning Adver tiser sees in Southern efforts to so cure direct trade 'a conspiracy against the manurac During interests tikibi . Etfan &Ft ha ut cy !To2iio SYiip'or .Improved CHILL CURE. The most successful remedy for Fever and Agne evesr Jtnoviu Prevents --"Malaria?' in its various forms. Contains no Qniniae, Arsanio nor anv dele,io" amu whatever. He&sons o. ,4J.iori..y or wintersmith's TcaJe The remedies ns or break the chill. L'. 1 tj V 1 11 111 1 1 U U 11 1. W tin v, t,; will- AJ 1 . I 1 I'l'. Jill JtS VA Ull. Ulll.lk. lO K V A. BU1UU k- " V - " . ' ' 1 1 I'l- i J 1 A - 11 " is roqmrea vo tuecs a rauicai cure, a jiroiJr use ui r tersmith'B Tonic never fails to remove the eause andcace the most obstinate case of fever and ague. Two Sizes50c. & SI. AUTETJa PETER 6 CO.. Ag'tB, Louisville. Ky. For sale by D . B. JOHNSON Druggist .aallyiven only prevent tne pnroje;3xa without reference to the condition thj 4 hb Afiillri i .T Vint- e amill rr r f " 8H n i EL i yi of the United States Mr. Hoar says the people can't be trusted to elect the right men to the ernate, Senator lioar is himself a shining example that the legislatures can't; so whom are we to trust? Fortress Monroe is eaid to be the largest military fortification in the 'world. The 'aggregate cost of j building and equipping the fortress I is said to have exceedeu 3,000,000,- PANTS I PANTS G M Heldt, a German planter, who is 63 years old, has just entered All aauouncemen and rec :nmenda-j the agricultural department cf the ion of candidates for oihoo, will be ! TTn; vprAirv nf n-pnrmn TTo o,, - - -j Q M u , posed to be the oldest college stude it char -red for. Co.u. nunications, when m writers naia - company them, will be pub .33 tne articles aic personally t)iusr or slanderous. In no euse is the edir tesponsible for the views ot cor re;oieients. A(i.:.o.is all communications to THE STANDARD. Concord, N. C jin the country probably in tie WUiJUi SA URDAY APRIL 22, 1893. i UEIlCCOUD BBOKEN. Tere has been some complaint, cheifly among the ofl5ceseeking army marshalled at Washington, of alleged slowness on the part of Prudent Cleveland in sending nuiLlnations into Ihe senate during its extraordinary session. -a comparison oi tne work and . duration of the extra session just closed with those preceeding it ehows this complaint, like many others carelessly made against the administrator, to be unfounded. The tru h is that Mr. C eveland, during A 1 - ... ccooiuu wjuiuu euueu jasc weeK, fairly t4broke the record." 7 - more appointments than any of his . predecessors, and even .exceeding i those of President Harrison during the same period by more than twenty five. in the appointment of United Stales ministers to foreign powers JVlr. Harrison took th looi " '.MV4 tJ poiuting thirtyfive, while Mr. Cleveland nominated in his first term seventeen, aud withdrew one, and in his last term sixteen. During bis first term Mr. Cleveland sent to the extraordinaiy session of the senate the names of ten of his nomn inees for consuls and consul gen eral. Mr. Harrison, four. At the last session Mr, Cleveland got rid of twenty-three such appointments. Mr. Cleveland also leaped away ;ahead of hi3 previous record in the .appointment of postmasters, and .mis year 113. There is a liquor saloon for every 93 persons in ban Francisco; in Ah bany, one for every 110 persons; and in New Orleans, one for every 121 persoos. Now, let somebody figure up the number of drunkards, and make the statistics complete. A Fake cat covered with calico, placed in the window of a Westmin ster (Md.) residance, frightens awav the English sparrows, which before the advent of the inaKe believe pussy filled the trees near the house and kept up an endless twittering. We see it sated thit Mr. N B tfioughton, of Raleigh, is a candi date for public printer ad is strong ly endorsed. The Landmark would like to know, and asks for informa tion, if those who are endorsing Mr. Broughton can vouch for his Demo racy? Statesville Landmark. A few weeks ago an English lady was obliged to pay 20 as damages for having given a good '"character" to a servant whom she knew to be unfa thf ul. Her written recom mendation enabled the servant to get a place, in which she proved unfaith ful. It was on the proof of these tacts tnat the damages were ad judged. The Spring time is coming and the birds are singing. Picnics are the order of the day. So are those nobby p.tnts which are made up to uiu.er uy macKwemers new system. Remember he fur nishes the goods at New York cost plus the cost of making. A few days ago the Spring Poet composed and sang the following about these new pants . "We may live without cousins. ve may nve without aunts. But civilized men Cannot live without Pants. We may live without poetry, We may live without art; Now, for Blackwelder'e tailor -shop Let's make a start." NO Fit, No Pay. M. L. BLACK ELDER, Tailor. With G M. Lore. NEW STOCK NOW IN AND SELLING. It has been Raid that the nen1 is mierhlier than t.TiR swordbnt T -l n . ne snouia nave gone lurtner and said mightiee still are a few $'s in the auction rooms. Here is the way we do lusi- ness. We picked up a lot ot 25c and 50c novels, 250 in all. To sell them at 25c would bring 62 50: we sell the 250 at 10c. ' 3 $25, our customers will, save o ou. rne old way was to asK lull price as every otner 1 "1- WW t m m store does, lney say it is reckless to throw' $37 50 awav m such a way. Our experi ence has taught us different. We know the trade will buy more 10c than 25c, besides they will leave their $'s where they haqe the most purchasing power. Ween we opened our S27 stock thev shook their heads. Shey knew nothings of the 25 per cent cash down sys tem. This has forced us to move three times in six years. We have bought a large stock this time; the freight charges on the goods amounted to more than our first stock was worth. Spring, - fell Spring! I i IS RAPPING I AT THE DOOR ! ARE YOU PREPARED ? If not, you are invited to call at Morrison, Lentz & Co., and see what a beautiful spring line of dress goods they have in stock. DRESS GCODS DEPARTMENT. 500 yards of mull, challiea and good calico remnants at 5c per yard: 26 pieces of whitP goods, nainsooks, P K and In dia linens 6c to 25c per yard; black India linen 14 and 16c a yard; - " in flouncing hemmed at 35c per yard; black nainsooks 10 to 15c per yard; colored cheese cloth 5cvnrd- cheviot for shirts and waists j M to 12c; embroidered cham bry robes containing 12 yards plain and 3 yards embroidery at &i dw per robe; Uanton flan. Eclipse dress shieldsat 10c. Em) broidery and crochet cottons in rtd, blue and lemon at 5c per ball or doz skeins, or 20c per doz spools; Silk floss at 50c per 100 skeins. Standard wash embroidery silk at 3c per large skeins. This is les3 than some houses ask for it at wholesale. Black sewing silk, short lengths, re duced to 20c per doz. Best seeing silk only 4c per 50yd spools. Bar-, bours linen thread at 4c per spool. Brooks 200-yard machine cotton wnice, oiacK ana colors at dc per dozen. This thread will sew on any machine that Goals' does. Compete tion tell you cheap Racket thread; they sell at 5c, and we 3 for 10c, o; 6 for 16j, and warraut every spool. Try it. 3 cord spool cotton at 2c, full 200 yards. Large jet buttons, about 1 inch, 10c; Jarge pearl buttons, assorted styles, 1 incn, 65c per doz What have you been pavinsr? Our nrine really does not amount to mnoh moe than the freight and tax on them. Great bargains in ladies Iiosp xjauies DiacK irom Oc to 4oc. Combs from 4c to 25c. Needles at lc per paper. Brass pins 4c. Kubber and horn hair pins at ic up ro oc. Whale bone dress stays, only 5c per doz, worth 10c. "Steel dress stays, covered, 5c per dozen. Pearl buckles and slides very low to close. Bargains in jewelry : Spectacles, 5c up. Cuticle soap, worth 25c, only 10c Also Pine Tar. Turkish Bath do, at 2c. Hair curlers, at 5 and 10c. Hair wave, 20c. Silver plated head bands, 18c. iiuooer round combs, 5o. Good extracts, 10c to 25c, in cluding crab apple. Petroleum jelly, 5c, worth 10c. Sperm machine oil, 5c. Tooth brushes, 5 to 25c Hair - i0 l0 40c, and danburne, 5c. Fresh shoe blacking, 5c per i lb box. Shoe dressing, ac 5c, and bixbys at 10c. STATIONARY DIP. -SUCH" A SPREAD ! I The comparison ahnws timu.u President Cleveland has judiciously allowed himself time for careful consideration in determining on nom inations, he certainly cannot be ac oused of delay. Atlanta Journal Why His Wife is "ridsety." I have the best cook in towr, Whose bread is delicious and white; Hjr coffee is fragrant and brown, Her pastay a perfect delight. But she daily complains of the Wrry tney bring She's my own daline - C3 ' J U U C4I fidgety thing ! Your wife is worn out, and needs Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre cription the only medicine guaranteed to cure debilitated women. How many overworked American ladies we see with lackluster eyes and harcmrA faces growing old before their time, from those exhausting ailments that men know nothing of. Thv nr u permanently cured by thisreiredyl as numberless grateful wom will ! attest. Price refunded, if it fails to give satisfaction in every case. See guarantee printed on bottles wrapper. Wo jen in Finland, it is 8aid, compete withmen as clerkmanagers of limited corporations. rW, dentists Kr C -u ? upiuaucers jsnown. aentists, hcuse builders and, bankffbf AtmlvCto ound more honest than me i. EgS for natchln Black Minorcas. the jrrpfpCf producers known. Thirteen' eggs ml9 D. V. Kbimingee, Concord, N. C. Those novelties d are there. Ther are kaleido scopic in their extravagance of gay colorings and bright ef feets. Our Pauge Silks in the jery latest, shades, heliotrope electric blues, and satine Glo rias m beautiful shades, Pers sian mulls in rloiiVafA 36 met Henriettas in every shade at low figures; of the year 1830 Swisses. snrnpM attractive and exquisite; fine French lawn in beautiful even ing colors. Our sublime silks are Just Tdb Loveiyl Come and see what grand we have in store for you. We know that with our well-selected stock we can suit the most fastidiois. We have a full line of La dies' and Mens' Fine Shoes that we defy competition. Don't fail to see us 111, LEIITM 0. nel 8 and 10c: 36 innh hlftpnh. .n 7 --- mg wortn yc at 7c; 38-inch x:ute PaPer a 10c per lb. lb scrim at 5, 81 and 12c. packages also, at 5 and 10c quire. Lace curtains net taped at f?tter fol.and legal cap paper at 10c per yard. i i a pe (lulre- Tablets, 3c up to I Bargains in towelimr at Hp. InoL paffr an5 eelopes at hnrl ain x. Yn . oou- very nne mottoes. 2 iW UCi V Jl II I I fXT(l tn. J doilies, napkins, lunch cloths. Lace curtains worth 100c at 67ic, much wider at 2 00. Counterpanes at 95c to 1 45 Marseilles at Si 35 to 2 75. ' Cottonade pants goods at -lvu, wool mixed eans 9 to 33c. Ladies' srauntlet 21 0 VPS 9Kn io 4oc. .Ladies' black silk gloves and mitts 25c up. Baby caps !5c up. Ladies' embroidered mull ties at 15c; ladies' cream lace ties at 9c; black silk 20c yard ladies' satin Windsors 5c; silk do 15c and 25c. TT broidery from 2c to 48c a yard ixj.t.y siyies. About 3,000 yards lace from ?UP 490 yard; big job in silk chiffon at 10c yard, worth j5c. We have six colors of Wis jace. Uhiffon handker. chiefs at 23c. Lace pillow shams at 38 and 55c per set. Ladies' gauze vests q tn ia worth 25 per cent more. C B corsets at 95c; long waist woven do 98c, and 60c ones at 45c; misses' corset waists at 27c. Bargains in handkerchiefs 3c up to 58c each. Auction job of pearl and other buttons, your choice for nve cents per dozen. Feather stitch braids at 10c ana 12c per yard. White stay binding lc per roll. Worsted skirt binding 4c per rolJ, black or colored, liiack darning cotton at lc Hook and I's at 8c per gross! B6ne casing 3 yards for 5C. Silastic web at 5c, 10c and isc per yard. for 5c Rubber baud, 4 for 5c, worth double. Ink, 3c- mucilage, 5c, standard quality, worth 5 and 10c. Auction job in 1st quality envel opes at 15c per box of 10 packs, or .envelopes; we also have at lot Lead pencils at 4 to 48c per doz We sell the best quality; our 20c pencils are as good as our 48c ones m -Large cabinet photo frames 14x12 in. complete, 44c ; smaller at 33c. GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT. Stand and turndown collars 81c; white wing collars iOr. .Ma f; celluloidcoliars 14c; fancy printed 50e: world's fair npllnlm oq. per pair, linen: cuffs 15c and 25c per pair; unlanndered white shirts, sizes to 17, No. 202. front, 39c; No 400 reinforced ana rront, linen bosom, 47c; Wo 154 unlaunderea reinforced back and front, pleated bosom, 73c; New xork mills unlaundered reinforced back and front, linen bosom, 67c "Our Own'Ms a better shirt than you will buy anywhere for$l.X)0; our price is 82c; you will save, at least, 18c on a single shirt. Any of these shirts laundried for 15c more. Four m hand ties, 25 to 48c each: tick scarf from 4 for 5c to 48c each; white lawn band bows, 18c each : fancy silk string bows, 5 to 10c Windsor ties 5 to 25c; cuff holder, full mckle plated, 10c ; collar but tons from fin ru. a x each; cuff buttons from 5c to $2.00 P.er, Pair5 white crepe seperable studs at 25c per set of 3 : scarf pins from 2c to $1.75 each. Come in and inspect our stock. THE RACKET, D. J. BOSTIAN, Pbopeietob. 'A