I Vol. V. No. 458. TERSE GIL TOPICS IN WHICE ARK MIRTH, FOLLY WISDOM AND SADNESS, A IUra'-Ey Ylew of Yarlona Thine Jot(l Down in the IXnnt for Passing CTents. Many people expected BUow in stead of rin. Yard wide rag carpel, 12 1 cents at the Racket Mrs. Jno. Gorman, of Saliabnry, is visiting Chief Bogtr's family, R E Ridenhour ii sick with the jnp. He ir confined to his room, 1 yard of brussels carpet for rngs, 98 cents piece at the Racket Anthony & Sappenfield want your painting jobs, be they big or little. They will doit right Alliance lecturer, Mr, Hoover, will speak in the conrt honse tcs night, beginning at 7:30. "Rex" Henderson, who has been Uking pictures of entire Montgom cry county, was in the city. Rey. F S Starrette has leased the Lincoln Courier the editor holding position in the revenue service. The Wilmington Messenger says: Mrs. 0 A Benson, of Concord, is visiting her eon, John Benson, of this city. All wool carpet for 27$ doesn't jseem possible but we are selling samples at this price, not oyer GO yards left The Racket. About 17,000 bales of cotton have been received in Raleigh since Sep tember 1st. This is about 1,000 in excess of last year. Rpv. 0 A T?nsf nf Ralishnrv vuna in tne city today (Saturday). He was on his way to St John's where he had an appointment to preach. - President Jno. A Fink- of the County Alliance, will accompany Mr. Hooyer, the Alliance lecturer on hi3 appointments in the county. We have just received a second supply of Uncle Sam's Tar Soap, the best in the world. Large bars 10 cents, at Fetzer's Drug Store. Brnte Jim Corbett passed tbrougfi on Friday. He is rather modest now, refusing to come put of the car for people to behold the beast We have just received a second supply of Uncle Sam's Tar Soap, the best soap iu the world. Large bar3 10 cents, at Fetzer's Drug Store. Mr, Stafford Goodman' wants a man appointed to say where the chain gang should work. He thinks the work is not distributed as it should be done. Bishop Whittle, of Virginia, one the oldest prelates in the Protestant Episcopal church in this country, is threatened with total blindness at Clifton Springs, in that State. Uncle Sam's Tar soap heals cracked hands, kteps the skin soft , and smooth and brings the dirt from ay back. Price 10 cents. Large bars at Fetzer's Drug Store: dH. Mrs. stonewall Jackson receives a pension from the United States as the widow of -'Lieut Thomas Jona than, afterward calkd Stonewall lieutenant iQ the First Artillery, j United States army, in the Mexican i ne pension is 3 a month. THETEN PElt CENT TAX. A Dill Tor lis Conditional Cepeal Pre pared hj the Finance Committee. ' Washington, Dec. 8 A bill to repeal the 10 per cent tax on State bank circulation has been framtd by the sub committee to which the full committee on bunking and cur rency referred all measures relating to this question. The bill framed will be reported to the full com mittee for final action before it is re ported to the Houae, It does not repeal the tax unconditionally, but provides that issues of currency hall be under the direction of the Comptroller of the Currency, and ahali be limited in amount The Comptroller's supervision wilt pre. vent the issue of currency which ia not amply secured, and thus prevent wild cat issues. It is understood that the bill has the approval of the President, who desires repeal if it s tnrrounded with proper safe guards. You often hear people say they have tried everything and exhausted the skill of che best physicians and eouH not get rid of Bheumatism. W E Batoman; of 310 Broad Street, Nash file, said the same thing, but Stockton's Antiseptic raaa a cQm p'ote cure in a few weeks. Do not be discouraged, but try Antiseptic and you will praise it as lonjj a you live. For sale by D D Johnson. Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 14, 1893. Gentlemen: Ulcerated sore throat of a nialigant form was prevalent in my ncighborohood, . and ?. aiTected both young and old. Stockton's An tiseptic cured my little son in one night after all other remedies had failed, I know ot others who used it with same results. Respectfully, JW Fuxaiiuu. For rale by D. D. Johnson. The Charlotte News thus speaks of a Cabarrus man: "D B Porter, of Pioneer Mills, has made, for his mother, a three wheel velocipede, on which she rolls herself comfortably through the house. Mrs. Porter is a large old lady about 70 years old, and has been helpless for five years. The ingenious locomotive is entire', ly the work of her son; he making every part of it, wheels and all, at home. If Mr. Porter had an educas tion in mechanics he would not have to raise cotton at seven cents." J A Wright came in to let us know that Enochville can raise big hog3 as well as the other part of the moral vineyard. He killed four, making 1613 pounds of pork, the heaviest weighing 457. They were 18 months old. They were ot the stock one of which Vic Kimmons made weigh 728 pounds, which, by the way, was a Concord hog. The Montgomery mine had a cleaning up on Friday. The result was just 8 pounds of gold. This makes the average man a gold bug. This mine is paying handsomely and all concerned are wearing smiles. It is possible that Senator Jones him- self may come here to live, if- they keep on getting out eight pounds. Dr. JK Jerome and Miss L;zzie Shinn, ot George ville, were married last Tuesday, Tne Standard ex tends its best wishes to the Doctor and his young bride. May theirs be one of unalloyed happiness All wool sample carpeting at 27i cents per yard, worth 40 cents, at the Racket CONCORD, N.O., SATURDAY. DECEMBER 9 1833. IT1M1E1 FOREST HILL NEWS IN A NUTSHELL. rslnr Events Portraytd by Oar Special Correspondent People Will tne dummy lino be operated. Car people are quite anxious to see Annie, " . W R Odell has been ill since his return from Conference, bn is now conyaltscent Messrs, Odell ii having J a new house erected on Church street We uppose this house will be beenpied byMr.Emery. There is a great deal of cotton coming in from the oouotry at pres ent The cotton and wood wagons give the place a businest like ap pearance. - j ' ' A J Whittimort left Friday night to visit friends and relatives in Ala mance county. Mr Whittimore will alio visit several cotton mills while in Alamance. Matt JoViea says it is real strange that children are so ignorant nowa days. He says that hie will not eat hog liver if they know it, but he tells them it is hog tongue and tiiey eat it readily. It Was Jnst Alright. A good audience took iu the en tertainment, Fn lay nfgh gotten up for the benefit of stbe Episcopal church. The Standard has it from reliable sources and competent judges that this entertainment was among the best given by local talent. It would be be a d; to do justice to each filcult matter one were per sonal notices indulged in, The get up and planning of ihe entertain . i ment can, with little rroublc, be traced to Mesdames M L Brown and R E Oibion, Miss Essie Marsha 1 and Mr. Q E Smith. The Wand Drill was attractiyi, because the cnaracters were at tractive. The performance by little Ohla Brown was too cute to speafc of. Miss Marshall's recitation brought forth an encore The Pantomime was excellent but for the fact that the stage was too dark. Mr. Lentz sang in his usual entertaining man ner. Miss Fannie Rogers won new1 laurels by her singing and perform . i i ance. The Cantata was a lauhahlM farce. It was just the ihing to fetch' a laugh agoing and a cotaing. The turkey gobbler and thel bumble bee were dandies, with strong help by all the grasshoppers and black bugs. The entertainment is: good enough and worthy enough to be repeated. Those who were there will go again and fetch others. The usual boisterous conduct generally heard from the rear end was conepicious by its abaence the sympathy and interest of the audi- encewere with the entertainment and for that reason it had its proper effect. Over $30 were realized. i Uncle Sam's Tar soap heals nranked hands, keens thft skin snfh , x - T - . and smooth and brings the dirt lrom way , back. Price 10 cents. j Large bars at Fetzer's l)rug Store. I OLIMBIMG A WALNUT TREE. In Order to Wsn One of Three Beaati fal Iled-Ueaded Glrs. Up in Trap Hill township, tnat srloriouB portoin of Wilka known as 'God's county," under which name Belford's Magazine some two years ago contained such a lovely story, there lives a man. a clever erantle V man and good citizen, writes; BbM Deal is his Cosmoplitan Weekly Wilkesboro Chronicle. He is not unlike a great number of othbr good citizent of the county, butfeere U one feature of difference ahd;that is in his family. He it the father tf three beautiful redsheaded girla,, all grown buxom and attrao ire, with the rosy tinta of health and lovely ness upon the cheeks. ' Of course the boys around were attracted and infatuated as it is ihe nature of boys to be under such circum stances In the yard in front of the house is a larse walnut tree and the first limb is a great distance from the ground. The lovers and devotees became so numerous and so hard to choose between that family consul tatiou was held and a plan was ad dopted which would be fair to all. Next Sunday the old man announce ed it to a crowd of the boys. It was this: The first one who would climb the walnut -tree to the first limb should' take choise of the girls. That wa many months ago. but none had been successful yet. Many have tried in va;n to touch the coveted limb and have gone away, despaiping and broken hearted, i A Cinb House to be Ballt. . . Mr. Clyde and his northern asso ciates who annually visit Harris ourg with their dogs and gun?, are arranging to lease a large tract of land there for hunting purposes. They propose to erect a club house on the entire of the ground and eith er pay the taxes on tbe land, or pay the owners an annual rental for the privilege of hunting on the grounds. The have the option on a large tract, and next year ' will probably see a tony club house ereeted near Harrisburg. No parties will be al lowed to hunt on the; ground tnus secured by ' Mr. Clyde.Charlotte News. A Runaway Match; It's tne old story with the same ending. Papa objected and ejected the suitors, who stole his intended and came to Pelham Wednesday night where they jvere married Mr Joseph Cotiell to Miss Carrie L Cook, of Manchester, VaM daughter of Conductor Cook, of the R. &D Greensboro Record. Conductor J T Cook passes here three times a week. The last time he was awful mad; but alwayslsmiles at the Standard reporter because this conductor never sees us unless he asks to see our tobacco, You can stop your train Cap. but you cau'l stop matrimony. Addition to Annual Statement. The following addition is made io the Annual Statement of the counts It belongs to the "Road Tax'' item: $2, 743,934, value of all prop- erty, cents 2 606 74 $58,210, value unlisted prop- ' a rfc7 9f ce?ts. 55 30 s -ins?lvenfc Property.... 03 28, insolvent polls, 25 cents " 7 00 20, unlisted polls, 28 cents 7 98 Total......... .$3,193 76 Less errois and man! -r vent3i--v- 8 79 16 jjqbb sneriir corns mission 155 73 234 89 ( TotaL :: . ....... $2,958 87 WholiT No. 1,039. CLIPPED; THE COLLECTION OF S1IORT SNAPS. Eyei-yt On h ooJ Readins Hint- Wkat Otbrs Ba Tnat May f Interest You. s An uptown lumber merchant wai forced to assign because be couldn't pay his board bill. : The I Siuih Bend (Ind.) National Bank was robbed Tutsday of $15, 000, vrhile the cashier was at dinner, &WmWmmWmW When a man is troubled with I O U's he is afflicted with what is known as "alphabetical derange, ment" i When a young man asks to be pre sented to a girl he, doesn't really mean that he wants to be given away. Governor McKinney, of Virginia, propoaes that the State rent its oys ter grounds a million acres at $1 per acre. There is said to be a great increase in stuttering in Germany, where now there are 80,000 'stuttering school children. Four North Carolina missionaries Messrs. Herrinsr, Royal, Croaker and Blalqck will arrive . ia China next week. r You cant tell the size of a man's bank account by the length of hi3 coat or the magnitude of his chrysv anthemum. " The Ferris wheel is to be removed from Chicago to New York as soon as a sight for it in the latter city can be secured. The loss by the burning of the Al liance sore at Richmond, Chatham county, is $3,000 $1,400 insurance. It is now alleged that the fire 13 in cendiary. All Saints' Episcopal Churcii. Advent season. Morning service begins at 11 o'clock Subject cf sermon, The Personal Advent of Christ and Millenium Reign. Evens mg prayer begirs at 7 o'clock. Sub ject of sermon: The Physical Changes at the Second Advent of Christ These sermons on the second com ing of our Lord will be continued through' the advent season. Errors In Annual Stateineat. Under the head of "Income" iu tne County Annual Statement pubs lished last week, the types made an amount read "5230 08," whereas the following is what should have ap peared for that item : Less errors and insolvents . . ..$129. 60 Less sheriff's commission ...... .400.48 Total..... .........$530.08 - Bncklen's Arnica S ve.1 The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt I Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chiblains, Corns and all Skm Eruptions,4 and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale at P. B. Fatzor's Drug Store wmm X-