-b-bbb-bm.m . """" : "" - " . 1 ' - -.' : " . - ,i '. - - ' " T"7 . 7, ; .. -' . TIE WSm STINDMB . . - - . i i i. i i ii mm I, ' - - - - . i . Vol. V. No. 506. CONCOBPrH- ay SATORY." FEBRUARY 10, 1894; Whole No. 1,085 A BATCH OF LOCAL NEWS. Picked l pnd Put in Miap By Our WSOirai dicioquibi, uuureu-. rfnvBiMp.ra xtw on turn Ilnstllue Pencil Pnsner r001, pastor. BerVlCe . XI U. . L ; , r w. Tday U one of yo The loose dirt is beiig hauhdoff. Mra. Cameron, widow of the late Pail Cameron, of llillsborb, ii quite cntntcn tuttccToHr. ' ALBEM ABLE B WS. J . I - i - ... Central ACetbodist church Dr. S. Thc BiWadArd vum siur Pool, paitoK 8ervice3 t 11 o ttt. I- ererv LordV Oaj at 11 o'clock a, m. immi , h wwcontiotied and 7 PrK rrapeeuagnQiy" lecture W eu ntrauBT b p v -, I " - 7 ' aii a?nFiol chnrehllet rtcr the Purchaien of TIM n loofie sickles, chow ' choW. r n ti.... Tit Morniff eervitt tte ?3 " i Pce of and bottle pickles. Sims & Alex-Lt u o'clock, a to. rid at r'o'dock ?350i v - ander. 12 d m. 8unday school 3 oxleck p tn, tk cfmiw Praters on Wednesday at 4 p ni lni,?. iilwvr,oA' , . i.. ...... J- ' ill.. V - i WHITAEER'8 SABCA.SU. DEGRAFF CONFESSES Tti J udr Goes fr Coant FtUr tp - " f . It .i. i r ' ' " I , JI i. I c TfittiGUTM Off. at xeHtt In Wiiitoa Thursday 18:25 O'clock. The last day on earh of Peter liat Jones, of Fo.est Hill, declared Prayers on Wednesday at 4 p that this weather made the "chick- eiis crow, awful." Dr. J Y Fitzgerald will haye an elegant office in the St Cloud annex, when he gets in all his decorating John BJackwelder is so well taken to Mr. Cannon's rew office that he Baptist Rev. J O Alderman, pas-1 ties and cord wood, and the farmers tor. Services at 11 o clock :a. m.,jhaTc realized more money trom this and 7 p. m. Saniay school at 9:4 80urce than from the entire cotton o'clock a. m , Prayermeeting every cropof the tounty. We heard one Satujrd y night at 7 o'clock. gentleman say last Monday that he vifP.a at 11 fL. m. and 7 D. m. bun r . L .b I.. m Anln I - t reruseslocomeput,riu:i.i,lul da5 8chool ftt 3 p. m. Services at French candies ' 'PVlA mMtai aKohm Twirl rr? -trWif. -ujiuihi VUCIigv V V vwv ii uim I w iw 1J vii CAi 'U Ul 1 CbCl Lrri ij&'ini2:Li-i;y-xi2 1 -dii o-; ' , xcub ini, x.uo most Birniug cf menuo ucar&, jsiiivooniun, openea aarK ana of barbarianim in tthii State 7exlsftd gloomy r witH r4ii most of the f ore-in'- t;criii-tntttnti i&rpeii noon. and prisonors. Eye'tiian. ifittt&'ai DeQrair' wae astir early At the in the eyes of the fawr until proven appointed hour he was taken to the guilty, yet he is punished ftiran.of pW of execution, which was about, fen-e in adyahc by imprisonfclent in threi miles from the city, by Sheriff such jaili as were to be found in the McArthur and a force of deputies. . ...... -. 1 r m . ' m . m . m i 1 m a & - bUte. fit baa visitea the jail nere Un tne scaffold be made a long and was compelled to hurry out or speech, confessing the crime and omit and he considered , that it leaving the usual warning to others would be a mercy to shoot the to ayoid baa women and bqnor. prsobers confined there as theywere Hitherto Dt Graff had strenuously dying now by degrees. He was denied his guilt and it was supposed heartily sick and tired of asking he would die witn bis lips sealed. Grand Juries to indict County Com- After his speech he joined in missionexs, aa all the thanks be ever singing a hymn, the drop fell and got was a serenade out of the town 1 Peter JJeGraff was no more First Presbyterian Church Rev had r sold over thirteen thousand C M Payne, 1). D pastor. Ser- cross-ties lately; o .- Thft r1pnrfif.iatinn in tliA nrir.ft nf t u day BChooi at 6 p. m. ervi e a oiarminc and anonymous letters couched in Theexecuted man was a tough 3 (fresh), graham Forest Hill every fourtb Sunday at real estate in tnis town lb alarming. " 1 1 a a u- . wafers, grandma'd cookies, crack. 3.30 p m. V I oaunuera 10. aborning iuc 7: Vr" i " 7 fu J ' fc 7 p . - I ... i . . . . . I n Aim Aon K- all fViA liffla oiiifnro nf I iflTP tnp nniopra nf fh lave Trnrh ; 0Q-.a si-Ai. . puoacjquare soia iorsi.uu lust De Mi "vw" v "UUB . ,o forest Hill Church, South-uev. - f Albemarle M A Smith, pastor Preaching every Mrs, T L Alexander, of Charlotte, Sabbath at 11 a. m., and 7 p. m died Friday night at the age of 51 Sunday school every Sunday at 9:45 years. She was sick only a week a. m. Prayer meeting Saturday at with pneumonia. 7:45 p. m. Public cordially invited. Dr. Tiillv con tern olates starting a poultry farm on his place west of the Fridav e?emne. while Bev. Mrsi has developed much depot. If he does Q E Smith will vi q q Scherer. a be in charge of it. zave the officers of the law much fore the railroad reacaed Albemarle the country. He found that a trouble. and is assessed for taxes now at County Comissioner was ico great to . .dkobaff s last words $15580, and yet it was sold last Mon- be indicted; there was nothing so er DeG.aff who a?s banged for$615 i large or so fearful as a County m Winston on Ihnrsday. in the pres- " I L0 Comissioner! ' He knows all the law ence of 6,000 people, said as his last There has been much discussion m0re than the judge who has words : t- latelv amoncr the older Deople-xiiich mAlip lifetime studv of it and DeGraff arose, and stepping to the diversity ot he, like Mahommet, concludes the iu, au. m tie taiKea rapiuiy, oui uiu appear excited. hia remarks he paid: -ell m - i amn i t m m jm m a a " m i w a & w ' u - 4 a m -w m m i . i i i ii'i n i i . i - i i u iiiia uiii Scott, the photographer, can take Uhnrct. ,ttee oppoaue xne e n y .. g0 he woa,d friends, ! stand here before you not pictures at night. He has a Hash 9hurch some v boys were growing , : , U-un V . .. to a8 a ahow but a man who h s9on to light, which for a moment make, rocks at ""V" reason fori saying bo the fact that he e7d them of tioiets md farewell to this . world. These things hghter than day. course. One rock, the s,ze of a dnck & J .. , . M ,i;.W ' thilr are my last and dying words. I can .. ' , eee. struck Mrs. Bcherer on tne neaa ... ' . u.u..v......-7 ;-7 - , , . T . , Uannea tomatoes, corn ana appien --- 1835, and' his parents always tola most expert penman on Tiolets ,uult uauB' "F"" w,c " at Ml cents. (F,ne K Orleans JJJ, whioh thJ blood him that he was born on Friday be- eCented, line guilt edge papWnot f.en mnloaaou orifl nlfl arnvp Ml ftr J ATA fiOI. . ' fnia f V, -lr1 VJnfnrflav . - . i. . -,, rtr. UelDVOU tOtUmanU .V4 & rpv,- .l wV.Hf rnf ri. "Y1- fee.Sim8 & Alexander. lives I know May God th mmnn ' rao nrodnct dont help you to turn and live. There write on one side of the paper and nanas nere 01 nuconyeneu peo- - v .' - -1 ! - - nle who are stained with blood ' V.-- :, J- o fhft I Die wno . are stained- witn ... oiooa. ottferlU;tWommM"), bit. ittet, Will yon hear and hearken my filling up one side commence on the woras ous, is painful and may have been Itih refer t Kins noantaia. The bad clace at the Little Cold much worse. I At Dallas Mondav we were in con- WaW creek will receive the atttn There is too much rock throwing lyersation jwith a prominent King's - m r . I . . . i " " ' ' hon of theconn Cham gang ma enure , ; muoncora. it.. ,e tn. Mounta.n; man . ,EZS;WtiW.W !thM few days, it neeas it-o oaai , doj cua. not nttna w nu m.. the tjn enterprise oi mat place. e .w.-- T- e Gfa cards, ice' and other games of M, H O Cook, who ha. been west or y 0.! say. the jown has the tm SltS&S dhance. pistols and bad women are a year, but returned last fall gaTe V? u u.. . .j, tnHr Honorab e the things which hare bmught . .vM'...f -.ii Mr hont innnelO"" ..wswwnct.. -r . aireaay in large qnanuuts ana pros. i .k, : ft P,ea"nt c"v uone . tTn i.. rnn.t p t h. L.ii !. .V,iT . iftJLjn i hbdf and then go on and make re- of No. 10 s snbstantiar citizens. fowJdle m rotntfd ft piuUltg stlmd ,eady . ith ;big commendaUons ina gentle snbdoed The Ministers' Association of Con- opoly of the streets with their rock m0ney to take hold of the business nanner. Place thii letter with the cora win meet nex, monuy wu throwing business r MM -800a ftS tln enon2tt 18 a" am going to tell you. God Kev. M A Smith, at the parsonage It ig almost a daily -thing about to justify! working the mines. But dd ess toThe dnorable. The - inlwu,ki .u.f of the Forest Hill M. E. church. me to this place to stand on this scaf fold. ' White and colored, I. pray you to hear my words. .Vhave Kept back for months . r .- v . i Id4 ; ' f VMWtika Anavi f thA tViU tuc tu aM iv uavnt j. ouwu Allisons corner; : ; if the metal is found in sufficient - that woman. I was drunk at the , ; ;.,. .... . .t t, Jrinantitiei it is hardlr likeW that the V01111.. of KWJkingham. Don t , TwoLiruBTd. , s i , Vr . . , , . 8end it through themails but send wme. -i punw pwwi w uw uiCii0t Phobe.Thoma, of Action S Shy a ..sselger, monnted on tht d $ only;. she .. was told by her doctors r,V" TTr" "V,. LJ finl horse roi can r.t Do VerT aia aiter i sno were -iora aae . lailOW mucu QI me irou- W www . T a . . I mAAV An mp' T stand liPrf tndar conaumotion and that there i . ... U.kinr MtrardUm of TnpnR: "an it is mercy on me. l stana nere toaay frnm hnma. Knm nr tn orei .- r i. . . - T . m tpppiv m v lnsr. riwara 1 a?ain ww - t j - - a Miss Isabella Montgomery has re turned frem a yisit to liishop Dun r8 can, of Spartanburg, -tier visit was QftYt i cut short bv the extreme illness of HuA had - - . AVfl her sister, Miss Amanda, who is re war no hone for her. but two bottles! J i . r,-. - , , J? fr,i?aK- Hp Wtfftd them not to in ported not improved. Dr. King's New Discovery complete- ft fZ iAhaZ diet, as he did not care to be serenade say to the people here, beware of ... A. .i, eJa ?f. Lva .while the general percentage about : oad women and whiskey. J A Wright, of Enochville, ran away her life, Mrs. rhos. Eggers, 119 t Cornwall Uare the town quietly and peaces today (Saturday). iSot much dam- A J -T. mines of England.Ga8tonia Ga I -uj,",,i-'cvi,',A- x t -l-k-J3E-l a I 3 v M a n aUim 1 1 - - . - age was done. The ttam was stopped irom a ureauiu cum, 111 j consumption, tried without result t mirouu ...v.u,. ? - -t,, 'AH Saints Episcopal Churcli. inff tmi from L.ltaker'8 lot. - cvcijtiiiiift 6 vv - - . . - bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery Mary Jane, the eight year old ana in two weeks was cured. He daughter of Mr. and Mrs, V F Fag- is naturally thankful. It n such re- gart, of No. 11, died February 9th. BUtg, 0f which these are samples, that prove the wonderful eflicacy or TTcr rt-Tnn:nq vfire interred at Mt. Her mon. The bereaved family have the sympathy of a large circle of friends. ! The Standard regrets to announce that the condition of Mr. D G Holdsbrooks and Mr. Lawson Misb enheimer, of No. 2, who have been quite ill, are now critically ill. But little-hope ia- entertained tor. their recovery. Mr. P E Chambers of the farm of Snyder, Harris, Basset & Co., large -clothiers of Philadelphia, arrived in the city Friday. Mr. Chambers is a stockholder in the Odell Manufac turing Company, and has many friends here. this medicine in couhs and colds. Free trial bottles at Fetzer's Drug store. Regular size 50 and 1 00. J Says a Winston writer : It is be lieved here by many that the body of Feter DeGratt was stolen last t nigni. -CV CU1U1CU uumu atu near the grave sskys she saw several men about 1L o'clock s carrying a burden between thenj; with a cloth spread over it. V Call comunication,of Stokes Lodge, No. 32, A. F. and A. M., Monday night at 7:80 o'clock. Work in third degree. By order of W. M. ; J. L. Boger, Secretary. ' 1 Sunday, first Sunday in Lent, sers vices and sermon at 11 o'clock a m, ad 7.30 p m. ; Should circumstances justify, the sermon at night will be a Prophetico Historical discpurse, relating to Tur key in connection with the second advent of Christ.! The downfall of Turkey is the redemption of Pa-list- tine and j a sign of Judah's restoras tion. and the speed v coming of A Free Deliyery f Mail. A Gentleman is taking the census of the town, with a view of securing a free delhery of the mails for Concord. It is said that if the town has 5,000 inhabitants, it will be no trouble in securing the service. If this is all, i est notify the authorities to start the system, for there is no doubt of the popnlation being 5,000 or more, v The devil had such a great power over me that I thou gh t 'I could aK most walk witn death without fear. He (the devil) said he would be with me, 1 again say don't put jour hands on cards, bad women and dice. Hear my djing words. I have wash ed my blood and bop3 those who have enmity against me will forgive me. "May God bless you all is my prayer on this side cf tie bar of God." ; : - 1 IJucKIen's Arnica salve. The Best Salve' in the, world -for Outs, Bruises,. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Ilheum, Fever Sdes, .fetter,' Chapped Hands, Chiblaiiis, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively curc3 Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale at P. B. Fatzer's Drug Store V Imrove Your Cattle. , Send them to Smith's Grove. 1 have 'Buck," the' best full-blood Jersey Bull in the country. ""Fees 1 and 2. . Wkight S:,iitii. Uloney To liencl. - ; 1 Tex tiiouraxt) dollars in cash to lend on Cabarrus real C3tate. i 31. Montgomery & Crowell, ;rain for Nnle. ; A lot of. fine; red feed cats. A-so about 300 bushels of corn, niG 0. G KriLiG, . Mt. Pleasant, X. C. 1 c c Prof P J3 Wright, of Enoch ville, was in the city. There was a considerable wreck at tti. ,1,,,- TTInpsf!a l.i --Ait. Two j.uiifcuui& .1 v,iuv-v.-J - box curs and a'biaadaru u-pre derailed. The caused by a sharp lln,2t xu.aerabx car. The wreck .was qui ck lye ca: yd. occasioning only h slignt .e5 trains. ' rrink car to l - V t 4 4.-: -it-. r '.4 ' " ' ' 7 rt.. V - v i. v; - 1 i .' t IT, I'.. l.i if ' tv it i ' 4 s ': - f 1