Vol. V. No. 507. CONCOKD, N. C, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1894. Whole No. 1,086 i A BATCH OF LOCAL tfEWS.' Picked Up and PnMn Shape By Our, Iliistllna: Pencil Pnstier Hear Dr. Greasy tomorrow even ing; . :-i0 Depot agent Soiitli is having, his oflR.ce painted quite nicely. There were large congregations at all the churches, on Sunday. The insurance rates have been raised in Edeigh 50 per cent. k Mr. TJlyfses Alexander, of Lin coin, aged 76, dropped dead from his chair on the 6 th. J udgiug from the testimony in the courts, every blind tigtr has its liar as well as its; lair. Dr. Creasy on Damon and Pythias at the Lutheran church - JLuesaay evening at 8 o'clock. , . Ilein.T loose pickles, chow chow, and bottle .pickles. Sims; & Alex ander. 12 Chick is entertaining the people He is of Greensboro for a week. lilayic'ar -for the benefit of the fire- . w men of the city. 'Mr, H 1 Goodman was extremely ill, on Sunday,. having been attacked suddenly by cramp colic. He is now out of danger. I f w - French candies (fresh), graham wafers, randma J eookiee, crack noils and ginger snaps, Sims & "Al exander. , 1 12 Bob Holshonser has returned from Texas and is sufficiently amused with the country. He is' now a strong admirer of Cabarrus county. 'The" new tank- at the depot is .'.Hearing completion. It is to have a capacity of 100,000 gallons. Capt. Sutton isjhe superintendent of the job. ' There 13 a man m this town that has to give his wife five cents every time she help3 him don his overcoat. The mildness; cf the winter has pre vented him from busting." Canned tomatoes, corn and apples at 12 cents. Fine Ne-v Orleans molasses and old governor Java cof fee. Sims & Alexander. 12 The Standard has received tne first number of the Monroe Journal, a four page,six column paper. It is launched by Messrs G M Beasley & Bro., and the paper has a neat and newsy character. Ed F Correll is finishing up a handsome stick for Mr Frank Smith. It was brought here by Mr G T Crowell from-Argentine? Republic. The head of it will look like a skull when touched up. , " Buds are swelling and it looks now as if there will be but little fruit this year, This will be a los3, and to think there will be a cams paignbeside3 makes it the' situation anything but encouraging. . . The ticket office at the' depot? has been painted; in and out. Several overcoats and. fine suits haye been ruined. It. is a r wonder that the road is not sued for ' damage,', as there seems such a terrible desire to sue the railroad on any pretense. : 1 The assignees o'f the J- S Fisher Estate exposed to public sale today (Monday) one half interest in the elegant residence on North Main sheet.. There was but one bid; put on it, and it was made for "$200 by Mrs. J tS Fisher. There was no other bid, and auctioneer Mehaffey closed the sale at that bid. TEE RUSK OF HUMANITY. People , Who Travel -as Seen by Our Reporter. "I ." John Wadsworth went to Char lotte to see his p. ; -- " - Be sure to go and War Dr. Creasy on Damon and Pytbies. . , , -r" Mis. Virginia 'JKrwm and Mrs, Jane Caldwell went to Charlotte on the 10:37 train. ' " ( Miss Lillie Cannon, of Mt. Holly, who has beeu vjsitin.her orother-in-lawj Rev. Si;rratt,i has returned home. r r Cal cornunicatiou,of Stokes Lodge, No. 32, A. F. and A. M., Monday nicht- at 7:50 o'clock.; Work in third decree. By order of W. M. J L. Bogek, Secretary. Blizzard Coining. v The weather station has received a dispatch that strikes terror to mankind and tickhsthe coal dealers. "Heavy rain Tuesday, probably changing to snow, followed on Wednesday by a severe cold wave. The 51o dny History. Those, who have observed closely, remember that thus far in 1894 every-Monday has been a ilisagree able day. Whilst not raining bard, there has rot yet. been' a single pret ty day, such a3 we are accustomed to frequently during even winter. The lleyenne Collectloi s. The amount collected in January in the Fifth Revenue District are: SUtesville .......... ......... 33,614.04 Winston..... 73,465 76 Mt. Airy 22,662 31 Ashe.ille........ 13,412.80 Total $143,154.95 It does look like Srinston ought to have the head ofiice iu its midst. Two Lives Saved. Mrs Phobe Thomas, of Junction City, 111., was told by her doctors she had consumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles Dr. King's New Discovery complete ly cured her and she cays it saved her life, Mrs, Thos. loggers, .11.9 Floriday St. San Francisco suffeied from a dreadful cold, approaching consumption, tried without result everything else then bought one bottle of J)r. KiDg's New Discovery and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thankful. It is such re suits of which these are samples, that prove the wonderful efficacy of this medicine in : couhs and colds. Free trial bottles at Fetzer's Drug store. Ilegular size 50 and 1 00.- Three years ago, Cynthia ..Eeeyes died at Shelby, and at her rf quest, her rings, bracelet and other jewelry were buried with, her. The Ke view reports that unknown - parties dug; into her 'gravel broke open the coffin and robbed the body of the jewelry.- l: 'y:ri-'-.'. 1 u When you see a youth who . will do any sort of work, no matter how menial it may be, rather than be idlr, you can make .up your mind that that fellow amounts to somev thing. The young man who would starve before he would do anything beneath What he conceives to be his dignity is not made of the right stuff to cut much of a figure in this world. Don't be afraid of any sort of work so long as it is honorable Greensboro Record. Subscribe for the Standard. A, NARROW ESCAPE Gus Tliies and Houe Barrier Are T v l ' Tet Alright. Last Thursday night at the Haile Gola Mine, S: C., an explosion took place, v . c'The; engine and other top ground macninery4are,run at riight as well as during -the ,day. Hope Barrier, of Mt. Pleasant, is clerking there. He and Agustus Thies were in the engine room after supper. They concluded to return to, the house and retire. They had not been out the room five minutes until there was an explosion that knocked down one wall. Had they been in, it would have been instant death. - 1. is one of those explosions such as occur sometimes apparently with out a can ee. Hope Barrier wrote that it was an "instantaneous explo sion, No one was hurt. Jolm JJrock Can clit. ' John Hrock, the wife murderer, so charged, has been caught. It will be remembered, that this fellow was accused of drowning his wife in the sound at WrightByilie, about t'.n days ago. - .; ..-.:. .- v.; . . If he cn substantiate his tale, he is not guilty; but his own conduct and remarks and manners show that he is a very depraved man. He was captured near a barroom in Wil mington. . . . I i m Improve Your Cattle. , Send them to Smith's Grove. 1 have "Buck," the i best full-blood Jersey Bull in the country. Fees $1 and $2. WniGHT Siitii. -Ban rion eJntler Elected President. The National Alliance in session ha3 elected Mr Marion Butier presi dent of the National Alliance. He was formerly yice president of the Alliance. This is quite an honor not cnlv to Mr Butler, but it shows that even the National Alliance sees good timber in North Carolina for carrying out its purposes, . This will -virtually take him out of the Stele, but will give him a salary of 3,000 per j year. aa 31 r. Simmons' IiCtter. Mr. Simmons writes a letter that kn0Qks the bottom put. of Senator Vance's opposition; though its always been a personal matter with the Senator, the old man! will not let up m his opposition. Mr. Simmons has not done half what his friends thought he had and; Senator Vance or no other strong believer in the great rights of a Senator, can object to what Mr. Simmons did. uThe horse ihat pulls the plough should have' the ' fodder." Senator Vance. " J ; tuuiy comity court. ' On Monday, the 19th, Judge E T Boykin, with j Solicitor. Webb, will open the spring . term, of Stanly Court. It .will be for both criminal and civil causes. i . Stanly court , has; , lost lots of its glory- indeed the times they? now have don't seem at all akin to those of even ten years ago. u 4 Court use to be a side affair, and the main performance was in the swapping grounds ,1 where every variety and character pf . horse flesh could be seer; and I every kind of flavored breath cculd be found. All has been changed, j the fair (?) grounds are gone a-, church ' and private residence are thire. Stanly now has as qniet a court week as any county in the State. A kind, generous people live there. Dr.Creav Tuesday Nijjnt. , t .. Dn Creasy, of the Try on. Street Methodist Church of Charlotte, by invitation of the Concord Lodge of Knights of Pythias, will deliver his lecture on Damon and Pythias. This lecture will be delivered Tuesday ni tht in St. James' Lutheran church. It is said to be one of the finest and most entertaining lectures ever delivered in the State ; and Dr. Creasy has the reputation of being a splendid' orator. The public is cor dially invited no charges .what ever. ' ' A Boy's Arm Cut OfT. Yesterday afternoon vtne little ten year old son of Mr, Albert Sanders, of Crab Or j Hard, suffered a -terrible accident. He was in the woods where his father was chopping wood, and had an axe to hack about with i imself,- While attempting to chop a limb off he fell against the log and the axe fell on his arm and nearlf served it from his bodv. Be fore? assistance could be rendered the little feilow had about bled to death Dr. Pharr was summoned and bound up the wound.Charlotte News. Tbc '.Second to mini? of Clirlst. Kev. J C Davis, of the Episcopal church, pleached the first of a series of discourses on the second coming of Christ, Sunday night. It vas an interesting" f nl ir structive sermon, one that was most attentively list- ened to by the congregation. The Standard has prepared notes of the i discourse, which will' oe printed in Tuesday's issue. ' Thougn tne most insignificant among European f powers, Turkey is closely connected with the condition ui juiauH iiaL ojiibo exist oeiore Christ's second coming. Sued tbe Iatleut. ' Vadesboro Messenger Intelligent cer : Tho town of J Wadesboro in curred a debt of 1 70 in coping with a recent case of yarialoid in our midst. The bill was presented to Mr. Wei. Preston, the natient. and he refused to pay it, consequent- ly the town has broughtsuit against him for that amount. It is said that Mr. Preston is quite well to do and there is little doubt buf that he will he copmelled ultimately so settle the bill. 1 ' " Lic is pretty rough ousmess to i- r i . . .... ! have smallpox, and then be sued . . o , . . .. . $170 for it. Such a course ' as that will Irave marks forever. "Oar Cliurch Worlt." We have received the second num ber . of the' above monthly, ' which Kev. H M Blair is issuing at Mt. ixj. 1-: tnmg .nice aoout ixev. .biair (ana , . t . , , ; , , . tnis is just wnat evervooay in uon- ! 1 ,v.- j, , uuiu wuuau uu vvuetitjvfr uuuasiua presents) and he is sufficiently pro-, voked (?) to reply thus: r .... "We want to assure "Bro, Cook that we heartily v appreciate ' these kind words. About twelve years ago, we washed our hands of print er's ink,; thoroughly satisfied that we would' never again defile our selves. But it is still true as of old, that circumstances alter cases, and we have fohnd it advisable to meds die with it again. Once getting printer's ink on our .fingers, it is hard to set it off." '-U. Money To Lend. Tek thoueand dollars in cash to lend on Cabarrus realist ate, i 31. Montgomery & Crowell, JILTED AT 66. An Ag;ed Spinster Tons Reveusc on Her Fa 1 tit Till Lover. Brooklyn, N, Y., Feb. 8. Jilted by Henry Casper for a( young woman, Mis3 Amelia Uoldman, an aged spinster, threatens to follow him to ;he ends of the earth to get her revenge. Amelia frankly ads mits that she is ' sixty-six years old, and she looks eyery day of it. She called at the Lehigh Avenne Court, Wil liamsburg, today to secure a warrant for the arrest of Cas per who is but tventy-seven. The specific charge is thatch has tiilled with her affecriona. , Mifs Goldman, lives with her brother, who is much her junior, on Cen rial . avenue, near Stanhope stiek. Six months ago Casper arrived from Germany i ml w;js look- inS woric Wjjeu ha met Goldman, who took a fsnov to him and J offered him a home. Miss Goldman 'says Casper asked her to. be Ms wife and she consented. .Now he is courting another woman. Ilarneit 'oart Iloujso 2?:irad. Judge W P Hoke arrived in the city yesterday afternoon;- says the Kaleigli Observer of ! theJOth, ke has been lioldir, court this week, but the term of court was brought suddenly to a close by the destruction of the court house bv fire about 3 ...... 9 o' clock yesterday morning. The origin of the fire is sap- posed to have . oeen entirely accidentiul and it .Was so far under way when discovered that it was impossible to save the building. All the records and other contents of any ' val He were saved except some Supreme Ooort Records. The Harnet Cjuit house was burn ed about two years ao, and ' since then court been held in a large ' frame building I wll l rh too a ron l or f i-k-t' flirt -i-Min . I -. -i, i J- VQse d whicll bejono-ed to ,rAi t Vw;n, ; V -c vol.-J JL v llliams, of Favetv teville. This was the build-' ing des troyed y e s t er day m ort -ing. Of "course court h ad to 6e adjourned in consequence and Judge Hoke came on to tig city :;.Tiie criminal docket had , , , . .t , , x concluded and the civil docket k , was abou; to be taken ur. Bucltleri's Arnica Salve- The. Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt -Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chiblains, Corn 3 and ail Skin'tEruptions, and positively, cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction bi money refunded. , Trice 35 cent3 per box. For sale at P. B. Fetzer's Drug Store. 3rain for Sale. . A lot of. fine red feed cat?. A lot of fine red feed ca'?. Also about 300 bushels of corn, m6 O. G. Heilig, ' - Mt. Pleasant, N. O. Subscribe for the Standard, A." i. t ,: . i r " s .it . " i' .

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