V. Vol. V. No; .534. A BATCH OP LOOAL NEWS. ricked Up and Put in Miapelty Our iTnMtlins1 Pencil lHisber Easter cards : at Ifetzer' iDrug store. . ' , . m 20. The Ministerial A8ociatica will meet next Monday at Dr. Poors rei- idence. The Standard is glad to announce tnat Airs.f j x i? itzgeraia, wno. nas been cnticailv ill. is now convales cent. " . ... . . . :. Vrs. M. L McRary, nee Miss Lizzie Long,pa38ed through Concord euroute to her old home in Union county. j The' subiectUf the sermon at St. Jame8 Lutheran church Sunday morning is. "Christ ExalUd"- A Pcilm Sunday Sermon. " Mr. C K Pool opened school 'at CahnottTille on the 12th nnder rery encouiaing prospects, having an enrollment of 30 pupils. . The Standard, in com on with other friends, hereby congratulate the Re r. J O Alderman. Oar read ers know what we mean, Rst N R Jone. of Salisbury and Xev. J O Alderman, of the Concord TWit Phnroh will .roknira nnl- nits nn Rnn.v and Snndpv niahL Lost or Stolen: A Shenhtrd. DUp. with white lege, white breast and white spot on head. Please return to Master Jtmmie Cannon. 3ts. Arrangements ara making for an elegant reception and ball to be ghen after Eaa'er. It is - by the ladies comnlimentarv to the younsr men of Concord. Dr. W H WakeHeld will be in Concord at the. St Cloud Hotel on Wednesday, April 18th, for one day, Practice limite to Eye, Ear, Nos-and Throat a 17. There will be a regular comrauni- cation af Stokes Lodge no. 35 A. F, and A. M. Monday night at 7.30 o'clock. By order of W. M. - L J. L. Boger, becretary, : : t rP Pnnnrl. aV nn fn aavlihat Tip is still plaining ad selling lumber, and that he is ready at any time to take contracts. The idVa has gotten out that he was in the coffin business alone. v a8 At 3 30 tomorrow, Rev. U G G Sherer will preach at St. Andrews Luthern church, at Cannonville The public cordially invited, In conseaence of thi?, there will.be no A , t ' - - services at St. James at night. The Salisbury Herald speaks of a young lad v, who has many friends in Concord and relatives at ML Pleas- onf- till- will hm a satisfaction to the MUV A V J-W - - many f rieiids of Miss" Nonie Craw- ford to know that she is improving. Jast one of the prettiest and most substantial del' Very wagons eyer brought to town, u that one Mr Cf T Crowell, of the Fenix Flour Mills, hag purehassd and put into; service in delivering flour to" his many cus tomers. : ;. . . , : ; ," Miss. Mary- Brachen is now in Kew York attending the Millinery operung of - Jas G Johiason & Co.,f and many otheis and wilLrcturn on 20th March with a large and iceed ingly handiome line of pattiirri hats and bonnets ""put up in the. les: houses, in i New York. Will take pleasure iir showing tHeie'to ail who; will aomt in. On view Wednesday and Thursday '22rd ahd:3rd of CONCOUD, THB RUSH OF HUMAXITT. People Who Travel as Seen by Oar Reporter. . " Mr. and' Mrs. Gritgom went to LCharlotte'on the 10.37 train. -mL - -' K-t. Mrs. J K Brooks, of Mon- roe, is Tisiting friends in ths city. A bcantifnl line ot Eister crds at; F,tz.r'a Drur store. tn 20. cnuucii wiuectory. Ceutral Methodist church Dr. S. Pool, pastor. Services at 11 a. m, and 7 p. m. . ..- "St. James Lutheran church Re v. M G G Scherer, pastor. Service evrl7 Lord's Pay at 11 o'clock a. m. aaa 7 P- m' Grayer meeting ana lecture Wednesday at 7 p m. All Saints Episcopal churchRer J C Davis, rector Morning service at 11 o'clock, a m. and at 7 o'clock p m. bunaay school 6 o clock: p m. Prayers on Wednesday at 4 p m Baptist Rev. J O Alderman, pas rnr rarvinom or i i f'nirv o m j r ....... t VJ. Mt V.U A.- V V V W U. M. ' lilt, and 7 p. ri. Sunday school at 9:45 o'clock a. m Prayermeetlng every Saturd y night at 7 o'clock. First Presbyterian Church Rev O M Payne. D. D Dastor. Ser- Uices at 11 a. m. and 7:30.m. Snn J day school at 3 d : m. Services at Forest Hill every fourth Sundiy at 6:6) D. m. Forest Hill Church, South Rev. M A Smith, pastor Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a. m., and 7 p. m Sunday f-chool every Sunday at 9:45 a. m. Pravermeetincr Satnrdav at 7:45 p. m. Publio'cordiallj jilted; Ills First Nlekt in town- Mr. J H Long, county surveyor, has moved to town to live Ht first moyed into a small hoaie and in fact so small that he had difficulty in breathing. He said it ramined him of a tree a liar once saw. The out tide of it would go out and draw in bellows like and oh examination he found it full of squirrels. Mr. Long did not stay in the little house: long enough to see what effect it would - 1 m ''mm' ' m ' . have on the siaes of the house. He Is comfortably quartered now in ont of Mr. W M Smith's houses on Bell Avenua. Mr. Long and his family are wel ome to town. ? v A Millioli friends A friend in need is friend indeed, and not less than' one million peo pie have found just such a friend in Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and, colds. -If you have . never used this great J cough medicine, cfne trial will con- vmce you that it has wonderful curative powers in all' diseasss of throat, chest, ar.d lungs. Each bot tie is sruaranteea to ao ail that is claimed or money will be refunded Trial bottles free at Fetzer's Drug store. Large bottles 50c and $1 00, Monday night a week ago the store hbnse'of J A Polk in TJnitn conn tani just v beyond rus line was burned down, . Biggers & Tucker, occupying- it, lost their entirestock of goods.; There was no nsurahce. Loss about $500, - : i Durham ; Sun": -That the spider was on the market again this morn ing. A darkey was so frightened that he was ou t of his ceat and yeit in a flash and when he found out the sell, tie remarked: "What kinder bag is dat? I-thought he had me Bb8cribe for? the'Standard; N. C, SATURDAY, MARCH M IN ISTERSr CO LUMN. I cliteI By the Coneord Ministers AsKociatlon. : - INTRODUCTORY AND SUGGESTIVE. The Editor of this paper sent a request to the "Minister's Associa. tion,,;this: one column of the j)per, nd-to put -f in ic suitable articUs for Sunday.! reading. Af a recent meeting of the.brntat mardr," The last pugilistic association the rrquest was f vorably acted on and thispaper is the ube- gining of the resulV of that action. -Men and. women, and the young folk?, who reai at all, trill read - oh Sandaj; and some, because they have mora time to reid on that da? ' than on the busier days of the weec, oomt win jia the IJible, wdion, perhaps, ttiey hare not touch- tcrough; the six days, and so it may become to them a Sunday book, ust -s some people hve a Sunday , religion. Now Sunday Bible - rea - mg ana ounaay religion are most; excel lent things, bat to make tHem do duty for the past six days to come, one ot those intolerable habi's that po enlightened Christian conscience can appove. And cn 1 SundaX they may read iho Bible in a pwfanctorj way, j use because it is their dutT to rad if5 D(I when they Uct through several chapters in some hte, they do not ?ven stop to think what they have really learned. In- dae4, they did not read it with the settled and solemn purp3:t of learn ing apy thing, but just read it bev cause they ought to on Sunday." " ' Now the Bible and Sunday sug- ec8t hnrch and ehnrch Somgr and nenca mr ioougnr uaiuraiij cumer, tkaf. reading the Bible at home on Sunday is xade a substitute for going to . church. And sometimes, when. the husband or wife, or sonie of the oTder children are asked if they are "going to church today" blurt out the question:; "what's th e use of going to CHURCH?" " I can re?.d moire- of the Bible at home than I canhear atr church !" Tfhile we m iy innocently admit that he may, or caa, the question comes like a ponderous reactive force that kntcks his "care" injo iavisibili iy does he learn more? As he reads on, and on, do some inyis'ble hands lift hm up to where strength is found to aid him . in the coming weak of struggle, and prepare him for the victory of a profouader faith ? ; Now let this man, if he should. read this paper, try to get it into his intellect in the' dearest fashion, and into his conscience with the profeundest conviction, namely that there is no human substitution for a divine institution and tha church-going is one of this last! .v But " then." men and women read something else besides the Bible on Sunday. That book couldn't be treated much worse, if it was but a heterogenous mass of legends "and lies They never read lit; t- even on Sunday. : They read: instead, Wwral litaratnra. the magazines of f ashioni or commercial aff airs in the newspapers, mixed u p with men u that ought to satis fy :thetasj;e of "totalt depravity." Sitting ife his. easy chair before the fire on Sun day. morning, the wife says st me 'what timidly, letTgo to church I" This to her husband, who was ; vsrj tond of going to 'church in wovihg )dijt; just bef ere she i tbod a. beautU bride at the alter. : But naw be looks - over, thaedges of his papers, 47, 1894. aud asks, "what's the use, of goin to church?" Turning his : eyes back - to hit paper, he feasts them on 4the fa mous diYorct case,' the latest tagsdy ,1D raiJKlin Part: "Female snffer- "A: highshan burg jar j,' Thej Burlesque opera' UorruPtlon m Washington," "A imil, nc 610 on, and sq on, while t he sad hearted tw if r. and perhaps a child or two are quittly worshipiag m church. A u when she came home, how she longed to f ; ... .-- - ... an- swer his question, if she could, or dared, if he would only listen to her. She knaw.what ha would . saj, for "u it onen oeiore: -i m S9 enongn f wunoot going, to cnurcoi in put my honesty ana integrity against their religion any a) v nate nyporcrues i Ana so e wife, who was made his in CI?urca, ana ny ine cnurcn s rituai remains sad . by silent. But her 80U7 is not silent. It is pleading with ou ou oniy nears wnat ic says. . '. j Now the pap-rs are not intended to occupy tht time that ought to be gWen the public warship of God, nor ary part of it. Rather the hope is that there may be found in them a stimulus to that duty, tnd other duties that belong nof- only o Sunday, but to all days, so that "Religion'bttwetn; the Sundays" may be encouraged. 1 : ?:f-xi Tti Christian Adeoeate. This week's issue of the Raleigh C hn stain Ad vocte can tai ns the fol lowing notice to its patrons: "Phis will be the last itsue of the Raleigh Christian Adyocate from Rileigh, The office will be moved this week to Greensboro .where the consolidated paper, the North Caro lina Christian Ad vocate, will be published. Oa account of the move it will be impossible to . publish a paper next week. We beg the in dulgence of our subscriber, And we feel sure they will apprfciate our necesskie's and make allowance for this interim. The new paper lll be issued from Greensboro, - N. C , M arch 2 8 th. All co rrespondence wi-h the paper should henceforth be directed to the North Carolina Christian Advotate, Greensboro, N. C. All our exchanges will please note this change. ' Untrue as Far as Learned. Today's Charlotte Cbserver has a special from this place saying that news was received here yesterdayof the death of Mrs. T B Keogh in New York. ; Mrs. KeogK has some warm friends here, but none of them has inlormation to this effect Furthermore no telegram was received here bringing such intelligence to any, one. tit has been known that she was very, ill J or several days, but if she is dead none of her friends here know of it neithV er do they credit the story. "Nervous ;prbstratiotf I; was given as the cause of -death, Mrs. Keogh hasl)een afflicted with an organic f trouble- for some ti me nnd fears have be to entertained- that it would-uT- tima t ely cause .her deathV Greehst or o Record " Take the StaodarcL -it. Whols No: l,rt3 TTant the Bill TetotL. ; x Washington, March IC delegation of New York bank er, headed by Mr. Stewart and Mr; Hepburn, are hes?e to urge the President to eto tke silyer seigniorage bill. 1" These bankers are the same gentle na en thro agh whom Secretary Carlisle negotiated in Nevy Yorhrfor placiDg the -000 bond issue. T aey assert that the bond issue wa s snb seabed , by the New York banks on the assurance tkait th6 President would not ss.cc tion any silver legislation fcy this Congress, ; ... , ;Four Bisr Snceessors. - Haying the needed merit to more, than make good all the- advertising claimed for them, the folio xirur four remedies have reached a pbea omealsale- vDr. Ki-a'd New Dta covy, for consumption, coughs, a "- .colds, each bottle gu ran teed "fee- trie Bitters, the great remsdyfer liver, stomach and kidneys 5ack: -len's Arnica Salve, the best, ie. ths -world, and Dr. King's ' New Life . Pills, which are a perfect pilL Ail t hese remedies are guran teed ta d just what is claimed for tham, aad the dealer whose name is a.t aca.ecL herewith will be gUa to tU - yaa moreT of them.. Sold.: at Fetzec -Drug store. ' Mill Xtwa. Our esteemed townsman, Oapt. O dell was in Charlotte and the Oh server thus speaks of htm z r Cap t. James O Jell, the pretnJixciit mill man was in the city laet afgkt. He camt from Nashvilfe, T!-. where he had been on business-' csto nected with the Ke r Bagiar Gzax pany. Capt. Odell thinks tfccm will be little danger of 'the Sjstliectt mills shutting down. fTrw &s sajs "we tre running oa aat&U margin, but that is better itaa caae; at all. The Coccord mills are aAE " : - m running. mm- Bncklen's Armea salTu The Best Salve in the world far Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum; Fever Sores, Tetter, Okapped rHands, Chiblains, Corns aLd all Skin Eruptions, and positively cares Piles or no pay required. It it. guaranteed to give satisfaction er money refunded. Pr.ee 25 ceat? per box. For sale atfPl B. Fatzer's Dnig Store. " . ." : "z. ' ' mm Was in Ao Harry. Dotor," said an anxious citizen, some thing has hap pened to my wife. Her month, seems set, and she can't say a word." - 4 Why, she must have lock jaw," said the doctor, 1 Do. you think: so Welff ii you are up my way sacxe time next -week I wish, yon would stop iii and see wfeafe you can do for her." Candidates In the Sh 49triaSs . It was at first thought that Qagfc- Alexander would hve clear sailEa as tohis.ree lection. - It now appears, that J A Luk hart :of Anscn, J T LeGraB.t a? -Richmond, and-W G Burkheaff, c Columbus, are in the field for Can; grssional honors: H .- Howdoesalinelookwithoutspaxies? i , f l- -'. .-.?vi' '..5 :

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