........ ' " '" t j " ' ' ' i - : 11 "... . ; ; - -. ' . Vol. V No. 535. A BATCH OF LOCAL NEWS. ricked ITp and Put in Shape By Our Jliistlinjsr Pencil l'usher Tomato plants for sale. Apply to Gaston Means. ,20 Rev. M G G Soberer preached at St. Andrews last Sunday evening. Some men never 'learn the differ ence between education and conceit It is believed the fly can make 600 strokes a second with its wings. The women's vote in Colorado this yeir makes politics in Colorado very problematical. Egg Dyes rSix colors for Ive cents harmless No poison ! A t Fetzer's Drug ittre. 24 The number of marriages per formed throughout tht world each day is estimated at 3,000. Egg Djes twelve fancy patterns harmless colors five cents Ftr sale at Fttzers Drug store. 4. J J Vann, one of tht leading lawyers of Honroe, died at his home last night from nephritic colic. Mrs. HC McAllister and Mrs. R L McAllister, of Mt. Pleasant, spent Sunday with their relative, Mr. J F Misenheimer. It takes a lifetime -f experience to teach us that wo are our best friend; that we are our own worst enewy we never learn., A series of meetings are being held at v the Baptist church. The pastor is being assisted by lie v. u S Jwiea. of Salisbury. I , - Lost or Stolen: A Shepherd pup, with white legs, white breast and white spot on head. Please return to Master Jimmie Cannon. 3ts. AVV i ' , , Wet boots "may be readily dried by filling thm to the top with oats- The oats quickly absorb the mtis- ture, and can be repeatedly used. If you have a house to paint we (re notior tne lengcu, ine oreautu or the Height thereof Give us the job. Anthony & Sa.ppenfield There is a lady in town, to keep her children off the streets, that places a false-face on a tree in front of the house. It works like a charm. ; . Services will be held in St. James Lutheran church every night ttys weekbegining at 7:45. The public is cordially invited to attend these services. 3eporter-"De ytu make much money iroui icv;iuiiu. - "No; but my wife dots when she lectures. I empty my pockets in 1 r.rCaf man stantly." A pair of gloves passes through i 4k. mnrno.f fht th .Vin Wei -the dresser's li ko H-mi the aloves are purchased. T nl, rh sav. that criil- a ia L .. -.nfurd dren-should be seen and not heard, in OUt Some OI mem me imu uuiuciy to be seen any more that is abso lutely necessary. Night Superintendent Saunders of the Cannon Manufacturing Com. pany's mills, came in fiom the old home in No. 11, with a string of of ear corn. He's doubtless preparing gectioQ caQ n'ot bt U8ed dump to farm, ing ground for Northern scum. Egg Dyes--no poison ! entirely - harmless 6 colors for fite cents, Easter cards at Fetzer's Drug for sale at Fetzer's Drug store. 24. 1 1 store. m 20. CONCORD, TEE RUSH OF HUMANITY. PeopU Who Trarel as Seen toy Onr Reporter. G W Means came home on the 10:37 train, Capt. Laweon Parker, local freight conductor, spent Sunday in the city. I Her. J O Alderman is again i town, haying returned from Sails- bury where he preached morning and niht yesterday. There will be a regular communi- cation of Stokes Lodge io. St A. F. and A. M. Monday night at 7.30 o'clock. By order of W. H. j J. L. Boger, Secretary. "Do you svppost she rejected you because you were sot rich tnonghf" "Wtll, tht gavt oe to understand I was a man of no inter est and not much principle." J T Pounds asks us to say that he is still plaining and selling lumber, and that he is ready at any time to take contracts. The. idea has gotten! out that he was in the coffin business! alone. aS The average length of lift is greater in Norway than in any other eon n try on the globe. This is attributed to the fact that tht temperature is cool and uniform throughout the year. Mr. Isaacs I sells you dot coat at a great sacrifice. Customer But you say that of all your goods, How do you make a living? "Mein frient, I makes a schinall profit on paper ana sthnug. . AAJUwr "xias your uaugmer uetn delicate alwajs?" Mother "Oh, yes, if she does anything about the house it exhausts her 'so that she is not able to dance longer than midnight some times." Services every night at eight o'clock at the Baptist church. The pastor is assisted by Rev, N 5 Jones, of Salisbury, who will do th h Th bnblic arc rdi d A . thrpm in tne atternoon tnere will oe . m . prayer services. Miss -Mary Brachen is now cw xora auumjf "fJ opening oi oas. kx joncson 01 o., ana many otneis, &na wui return om 20th March with a large aud exceedingly handsome line of pat tern hats and bonnets put up in the best houses, in New York. Will take pleasure in these to all who will .nowing come m. 0n Wednesday and Thursday 46fU UU t?rU Vk MBltU. 23 Modern Civilization. The StAndtrd hears raanr nomTili. ?nftnfc for th .liafionrm' of Rat. Dr. S Pool at the Centra' M. E. church on q-w Amon? other things, he condemn Ld nnailim. a8Nall ood men will The mauner in which the doctor owed'that pugilism was brutish 1 oifthe plane of brutism, was , . nnnA unique. He said that ht could . get a pugilist in uoncora inaujM". WOUld knock OUt the World S Chams pioa in no little time. A fifty dollar mule would answer all the purposes. Pugilism will not be allowed in the North, and the matter should he ar, -fofflj cnn tW.f. thm N. C, MONDAY. MARCH 19, FOIiEST HILL NEWS. Passing Friits a Portrayed y Onr Special Correspondent. It is yery likely that the Forest Hill Second Nine will challenge tht ttwn for & game of bill next Saturday Tht temperance sermoa preached Sunday by Rev. M A Smith was an j able one, and the congregation seem- led very ranch interested. Hutz Kizztah was rigged up in new suit ,v of clothes 8unday, outaway style, flying . him a manly appWaice. Huta said;the coat was too lmall for him. The idea of a toat beior too small for Hutz. Urs. Jno. R Brooks, organizer of tht Parsonage Aid Society, ad- dressed the ladies in Forest Hill Mtthodist Church Sunday evening at 3:30 o'clock. It is expected that something good will grow out of this mcetin A team of mules, hauling house- hold, furniture for John Clayton be- ingntenea ana ran on, "niiihing the boys some amuse- meat for a few seconds. However, theywtre soon stopped and no dam age was done. The Concord team and Forest Hill i played, a yery interesting game of ball Saturday evening. This game had been pending for some timp, our boys feeling a delicacy in playing so early in the season, and with such little practice, but they went at it in dead earnest and ended with a gCort of 15 to 6, in favor of Forest Hill, with the town boys owing them Ian lming. Bnckien's Arnica sslve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chiblains, Corns and all Skm Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is gaararjteed to give satisfaction oi money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale at P. B. Fatzer's Drug Store. . .7,,ti-ir. A Gentleman invited a lecturer to l 1 i J. T J " 1 1 nis mouse to lea. lmnieaiaieiy on beiier feated at the table?, little daughter of the gem tie man said to th ortieflt ouiet abruptly. "Where is yoar wife?" The lecturer, having been recently 8eprarated from the pa' tner of his lift, was surprised and annoyed at the question and stam mere d forth the truth, "I don't know" "Don't know," repeated the terrible infant, "why don't you know? . - . , j- t . fuA .usu ;0fri J? lilUi'lg fellMb blip vuku vioigneu in her interrogatiors, despite the mild reproof of her parents, he con cluded to pake a clear breast of matter and have it oyer at once. So M With calmness : "Well, we don,t llTe togetherrwe think as we can e aeree we u ucucr uu xxe J ttifled a groan as the child began . nd darted an exa8Perated look at her parents. But the little torment would quieted unh sue exciaimtu: - u Sxcc ; why don'i you fight it out, as pa wuj uuu juu a ' . . mi AnV Oreetlngr To Her Concord Friends New York, March 13 Editor Standard: Please saf to the ladies of Concord, and surrounding coun try that I. will be home in due time with a splendid assortment of Easter hats. Styles this season are exceedingly good and there is such variety that eveiy one may have a becoming shape. Very RespecN fully. N L Alexander, Milliner. 1894. 1 Broiidwny Fashlea. New York, March 14 Special to tht Standard. A walk on Broad way yesterday caused me to luve a confused idea of fashion. The sunny side resembled a panorama All the women premenaders were in gorgt ous array, and the "Columbian Scarf" is seen in all colors, combined with lace. Oat was black - moire f of a yard wide and 2 i yards long, trimmed with black . lace and se quins. The lace retails at $3 00 per yard, and the bow takes the place of a shoulder cap. They are very large and elegant, with ample width and flowing ends. Like all striking ia dress it is abused,-and I actlly saw a pet dog wearing one while its mistress ltd it by a string. Hats and bonne's for this spriag are all gorgeous in their new shades of green , and dahlia. Ont handsome bonnet was shown at Jas. G "Johnson & Go's. It was of thick jet and Urge bow of dahlia velvet at back - ana huge jeweled buckle in front Hats with lact brims and straw crown and flowers next the lace are prettie and practi cal. Toques and turbans will be worn more than ever, but not trimmed so high. AH are aim ing at a broad effect which is quite becoming. Many large hats of all colors art trimmed with immense bows cf very wide ribbon. All have flowers under tht brim. Overskirts have come to stay, and th spring fifock will be very notice- able . with their ve3t and' overskirts and.th.ir hitt fronU, ad four in- hand lies. The balloon sleeve seems to be the leader, anl very often is of different material from the d ess. all kinds of ailk aad velvet being used ftr them. A handsome tailor-made gown was of blaek with red vest, collar and large turned back collar and cuffs; hat of black with a cluster of red roses. Altogether it was a charming outfit. Brown dresses are trimmed with velyet, lac? amd gilt braid. Mary E. Bracken. A Million friends. A friend in need is friend indeed, and not less; than one million peo f , pie nave louna iait suca ineuu in Dr. Kin g's New Discovery for consumpuon, cougns auu coius.-xl you have never used this great cough medicine, one trial will con vince you that it has wonderful curative-powers in all diseases of throat, cheat, ar.d lungs. Each hot tie is guaranteed to do all that is claimed or money will be refunded. Trial bottles free at Fetzer's Drug store. Large bottles 50c and $1 00, Dolleered Themselves Up. Yesterday a negro named Smith casie from Newberry county, went to els engaged in Mello's revolt except the peaittntiary, presented his com e officers, whom he intends to try mitment papers and surrendered by court martial if he can.get hold himselfstating that he was ready to 0 them. Former sympathizers de begin the service of his five yeirs' jounce Da Gamass a crowd. tersa vfor burglary and larceny, the State Supreme court haying render ed a decision against tiim. Ht had ben out on bond. Yesterday a white ma-?, Whitner Symmes, did the same" thing. He was coivicted in Pickens county, of manslaughter i or tne fining oi man named Gary. His cast was ap peaita tome Dupreme v,ourC, atcision was renutreu agiun mux. pymmes Bioppca sl nnguio on Sunday. He is saidj.to be promK hent in Pickens county. i Whole No. 1,114 THU COST OF A CASE. Ik Pllard-Breckinridge an Ex- pensive Snit. Washington, March 17. The PolJard -Breckinridge trial was ad journed from yesterday until Mon day. Among people connected with the courts there is quite a little gossip and discussion concerning the expenses connected with the trial, for it is one of the most costly suits for both parties held in VTaghington for years. There is on both sides an array of lawyers who art accustomed to obtain large rtwards for their services. Judge Jert Wilson has been considered leader of tht local bar. Mr. Cal deron Carlisle, while a young man, is also an attorney of exceptional ability and on who is accustomed to receive he wy fce3. One witness for Miss Pollard was summoned from Colorado and several from Kentucky, while heavy traveling" expenses and connB.l fees were in curred in taking the depositions, numbering nearly fifty. 1 he sten ographers' fees alone amount to nearly $1,000. While Miss Pollard is not suppose ed to hay e much money, she must have influential fritnds who are interested in the case. Many news X a per reports have raid that all of Col. Breckenridge's lawyers, except Mr. McKenney of Washington and rjoisiblv Col. Phil Thoinrtfn. who I w nnt llT fl in KBllrftw fnr v- ! r , m arft nol5tlp;a, filVnd, whn wv, tber lojalt; to hlm personally and ptlitically. This is not tru, so far ts Attorney Stop, who has played a conspicuous part in the defence, is concerned, for Mr. Stoll is a Repub lican of the most pronouriced stamp, while his father was one ot the pip" neers of Kepublicanism in Kentucky, and his family has been closely iden tified with the fortunes tf tie party in the Bluegracs State. Four Biff Successors. Haying the needed merit to more than make good all the advertising claimed for them, the following four remedies have reached a phen. omealfiale. D, Ki,Ja New Dis- ... nn,lftl, J nA covy, for consumption, coughs, ana . , aurantd-Klec Wc fi. greafc rcmady foT u? 8tomach ad il(lnevs. Buck. len's Arnica Salve, the best in the. world, and Dr. King's New Life Pills, which are a perfect pill. j All these remedies are guranteed to do just what is claimed for thsm and the dealer whose name is at'ached herewith will be ..glad to tell you more of them. Sold at Fetzer's, Drug store. Condensed Telegrams. Peixoto has pardoned all the reb- The French Minister of Finance proposes, among other measures, to meet an expected deficit of 135,000, 000 francs in the budget for 1895, a progressive income tax based on the ai ount of rent paid. Thursday at Baltimore, Frede- a ricGebhard was married to Miss v Loui f Hollingaworth Morris, the nottd beauty. en yictoria-ha8 lef t England for an outing in Italy. . mm Subscrib3 for the Standard. V: