Vol? V. No, 54. A BATCH OF LOCAL KEW& Picked Up knd Pat in Ahapt By Oar flnstllns; Pencil Pitsuer .A Tht yery latest in stiff hats,Phila delpkia lock just received at- (Janaons ATetzers. 5 ... tfr. K L Crayeu has gone to Climii Randolph eounty, in answer to a telegram calling hia to the bed side of his mother who is extremely -ill ' ::;;:''-:.'v' V;V:1: Dr. W H Wakefield will be in Concord at the St. Cloud hotel on Wednesday, April 18th, for one day. Practice limited to eyew ear, nose and throat. y - a Vt Mr. A J Blackweldtr, whose barn was bnrned on Tuesday, had' full insurance in a company represented by RtT. T W Smith Hi. loss wlllj " u ' J . of Salisbury, was sent up to the B m ' MA Supreme court om an appeal by the aerenaanr. ine oapreme conrc cen- firmed the finding; ot the lower comrt. J T Pounds asks us to say that he is still plaining and selling lumber, and that he is ready at any time to take contracts. The ida has gotten out that he was in the coffin business alone. a8 NOTICE I will colleot dues for Equitable JJuiIdmg & Lom Associa- .... j. . i tion on Monday 9th. will be out of town this week. T7 G tfoshnmir. a i. j m.. I secretary ana areasury. ,: ,j Mr. MUdchor. of Pioneer MilU wan fin the city. Me renor a. th - n.r" v ..IV. ; innnVi with Til m.rn. hwrir.tliat b ran imlf im ll nonjrh fn ra- J cognize eyen an old acquaintance.. The Durham Globe states that - since tne eusappearance or mt. nwi.. t. WWt. vrrtrfti. every cuurt ua wru iu udu uiui uut all has proyea fruitless; o causa r - ... .,: for his disappearance -can be, assign- ed; and none ofhis friends know any M reason for hif leaying;: , His accounts 1?... If Q-UU' V W O s 7 7 died Tuesday night after : a , short ir e t : i . , , , , , caunty laay ana ner maiaen name was Susian L Hedick. She was a little oyer 50 years in aee. tin ? this ucrBttTciacmi, iuu uqo wuic-wi uxs x. ir- Q.:ii. .;iru.. iu.'j jiumr, Mum.- " aito mi ucojr- est of sympathy of friends and Leigh- bars. Jim Carter, a moonshiner from Stanly, was being .conyej ed this Druiug auta xxiuciimi ij tne x ral Court at Greensboro, in charfffi .M J, I k.wi m a I b a LT-I of Officer Neal. Just before the train reached, Misenheimer Springs station, on .wt-Awwu ru, warier was allowed to enter the gentlemen's closet. He closed the door and that was the last lime Officer -Neal , f aw prisoner CarUr. -in open wmaow with the winddw sill thoroughly dusted by Carter's corduroys told the tale, and Carter if still sniffing the hr7i f.bk war loftr ninM of the Stanly forests Dncu,,B ' AricsiiTe. xne isest oaiye in tne wona ior CntB, Brnises, SorciB, Ulcers, . Salt itnenm, jrenr E3oresAier, ynappea xianas, unioiains,, vorns ana an DKin jsrupuons, ana poai wreiy cures v. T4. 4m Pi 1m or no nay' rea nired. It is money refunded.- Price 25 xents per box. For sale at P. JB. JTateef. Df Store -f-; 5' : THE RUSH OF HUITAHITT. Peol Tfh Travel KsSeii feOir Klrter. Vf TUU ir.n.-.u irJI". r-'w"f "c,i. xycain- ; - " w. j . , -Bob Fisherl wentr to Charlotte" A9:37 train. : . I Mrs. A B Recbt, of Charlotte, Miss Lois McDowell, of CharJl00 oVWch tht taxes layied for latte, is TisitiDg-her sister, Mrs, S J Lowe.' -Mrs. HararaTe, of Lexington, is ,i8;tini at herbrotheHeT. DrJ Payne - I , V , " v Mr. A Jones Yorke has gone to; Mt. Pleasant and Albeaalrt, via dirt road. He intends to sell a bie; lot of hats on the trip. Horn. finerf Itflno. Motion.. 1 I The colored a people (many of - - - M. M. M them) are entertaining; some yery peculiar noti6Maboit matrstjon; mcia wun int saa aeatnoi nenry Surrat. This item if not 'written out of lack of respect to the memory of the faithf ul colored manr but merely to show l that spm jpf Ihia friends are entertaining yery foelish, superstitious notions. It is said that a cuspidor in the vftnf Rfi, ninKrnnm VSifnniM 1 .night, rolled from one side; to the . . i ,i j :i f - otner or tne rocm, no one toucning or being near. This the ssuper- stitious claim was a warning to ij. ' umj uuk w iuij. ADeJ IMm 100 tnal -or. I RAVArnl ninnt h j snirifc wnnlfl cone r - -x ---r m beai so that he conld not more them - r - l"eiI1 iuoj wmiu nUCu nM , ,. , . . ii i i . . . . , , . i f rna nrin.i a ror n ikw i r l a ri i " . " . r pearance ot "nis aeaa wire, ana tnen . . . , . .. P nana le" I ; - . - .1?.k -JW i i ww Luesa j c ici t lujiiou uuuuui .t1 . r- , , . . f . . liiMimi nun Ljftin unto cu uci bflb.u&uc w, I A, - uI.a ?M -J;. " auyancemenu ' xuv 1 I Towifn? virA inTArrAfl. I nilnftT Ayen V. - , - hT' one ,f i - . . - W9 wreBK ianirw prouciaiuuH eiwi i - mn m , - Wr rr nd eii. a remsay ior an iorms oi neaa - . . . , . A ace juiectric fitters nai proyea ioi be the yery best; It effects a per- manent cure and the most dreaded habitual siek headache yield to its influence. T7e urge all who are I Ol T i "1 1 111 J amiCiea lO procure ? puilf, IDA I; j 7 TOWNSHIP aw fViia rflmaflT a fa?r trial " Trt Vaiai - : - ' " of habitual constipation Electric Bitter cures by crivinr the needed tone to 1 tne - Dowies, ana lew, cases resist r the : use of ; this medicine. Try it once; Large" bottles only Fifty centf at Fetzer'f Drug itore. r v. ; ""ctx.w.Taxes. ; - property upon wmcn tne s are no paia uy tne iBt aay oi March; 1594 will be adyertised for sale, witn aaaitionai cosis aaaea iHU also ask warrants to b 'issued for the arrest of all Dersona who haye sot naid thtir Boll taxes by the 20th Ij' BDnthi haTe waited patient j. but not-waitany longer; How to B9,J9 costs come fbrward and ... . settle at once.nivT ? v : Town Tax Collector. , Cn t persuade your neiahbor I to take thJf paper ?. " ; tf)R TAXES. ' By jiHu$ of leyifs and pn rsuant 1$93; if IToftlr Cafolia. T will n thuit libaaiy, the7th day of liar lSWcelintMConrt Honsi door fin Concord fcabarrms 'Conn tr, th. State, County, Reads, township aid school pistrits,;or ; other parpbsei JWPrti Tfi tract or lot HJH UPA terns protided by. law, as f0iloWi;toii: r i Wusmp. Vi ..a-vgyi - JrV-- - " r i www . , v v-c ITeter? M-184a,rBack cr. 17 77 1 W.f : F nar ?ion ' 4 m - - - . - 1 - 8prit ft j jr 186a, Mcket 8 74 creeks . .v. - 10 39 - - Jp ;': ifriri .KSBfip,1-5-J " .' Townii" l P. 4Zirm find- I .lecreek;. -4 ' $ 62 I Winecoff, Mrs. R,v 48a, J S I Harris. . 57 10. TOWK3HiPi 4 Bradford J :R, 130 acres CodlecreeVr " . $ H 9? I T j T Benson. R H.W Codl. r! 8 05 i t . - Caldwell, W S, 19a Rocky mer, 1-57 Uewese, Isaan. by o W Jones, It 122a. Cedle creek, , : 6 21 It.'-T3! A'Kti 0:dlcre.k.r " : 9 U I ifni T t: :nrf- ru q q liwi, u u, wuk w, , Fisher, lfrt. O J, 45. liill cr, 6 10 : xo: 4 TOWKSHIIV I vr ; a,uv, .nroo MaM watir $ 7 63 Concord m n in e Co. Concord, 75 76 Itp ah- i jauwiyraiuu,iuwiuwi U W Winecoff land!, ' 10 68 nM0f A J. 158j. Irish i - . Buffalo, s 820 no. 5 township. - . i Goodman, J P, 238 acres, Sa ; . frit; tract, . .. . : ' ' $ 9 32 I Lenr. W M. 83 a, J L Sap p. 5 65 lumu., w,MiJ,ih A . A m, I , llDS trafiu oo Ury, Noah 6a, Eobt. Seaaone, 3 22 i - - Fisher, T S. 90 acres, S n - I Fisher. (baiV y "- $ 4 48 Freeman Jas A 4a Mary C 1 . , A ino i ir Fisher, Jacob A., 192a, J U Bafnt r : v 9 40 Klutz, C A M, 61a, Calb I Cruse, , f f v . ; h 6 96 U Ira?92a, JD Beayjr, 3 44 - S:' ' " ?t? M 6 89 1 ' - ivwwy' x in!! a n.. Lv -1 1 1 fjfrw. D ..Clinton 70a, JBear cr, -1 96 Lentz, Geo. J 194a, Bear cr, . 3 25 jP;! P?5T 4Ti Btsr cr, : 3 98 ' -m ?v 1 xo. 8 townbhip. Harkey J M.-1 town lot, $ 3 33 Rxd Luey, laJ Reidsyille; 1 26 W 9 township. Bot A w 158 , Wres, ;E Tueker. c fU -Htt 13 88 x 1 2 arryar. o ,yw.j i -y J " il ? ;2! Furr, Rachael. 45a, C -F lSmithw : mite zz$'zti 2::79 Heglar M K, 41a; Reed mine 1 39 Litaker, Jno, 64a, D T7 Barn hardt, cuK :,n4--l-.Oa SmithMrs;Mathia 055a'M:;H I Lmdenhoase; 1IT 21 Smith,:TTiH,a0aM Boger, 6 Smith,! CIS 267a M Teter, J.419 VancternrgrirTr," " Bost. ".. f . : 1 a- - ,y: b pb l 'Boat, - vr 5 so Widenhous, D 11 87a, P F iWidenhouse,,4 'd c - ;n Hamilton,; Altx rBa Jas. ; KiM Litaker, , ,1, 10 Vanderurfir; t A, 29a, '; K T ' Grady, ' r 2 78 Ko. 10 ToiriSHiP. Borer. Alexri8crtj. FlotsfS" 3 90 Clay. J YT. 33a. Bethel uhnrch 119 Hsell, F M, SjB Anderi on : f creek, , . : s .. 5 56 McAnulty, J'L, 59a, Bethel " 1 Hshurch, ' ; " " - f 1 :; 74 McEachernvT 8150a, Bethel - a I k church, - i l -30 Sailings, Matthew, 238a, An- .'iv derson creek, ;f 17 93 J ' No. ii TowjrsHiP. " agt 20a, TT if L 1 60 i Bost, S C, 100a,O F O M, : 1188 I Bost, T L, 158a, B H 8, 47 46 t.. Vr V 01. b t If xicr, it ii, oxa, u u, Myers. 8 L. 27a. J Doye. . 3 62 2 35 1 60 Retd wi.leJ 17a, J W psher, m - W . ' W M M ! Bcott. Eli. 10a. D LT.' 1 45 Winecoff W L,n25' Some place(bal) - . Furnace Mining Co, 90a, No.12!TTabd 1. 7 20 6 35 Ezell, J J, 1 lot Spring street. 3 35 7 : oo Hall, E H, Hot Spring st, lie Donald, Lu , 1 lot Spring j? street, - . ,: 3 33 McKnight, Eenry, il lot spring street, (bal) ; Poindexter, Peter, F by Wash i ;-i ' ! - J TMompson; l lot Spring . street v.- - ' 3 33 Concord K IS Co, lor 1891 ana . low .---sw'DO Murr, John,. B Fleming lot,. 9 14 8uther, T A, 1 lot residence, 2 20 U.ley. RT, u 5 95 Winecoff, Peter, 2 Willeford, J A, N TT agent - East Depotstreetv r 2 20 ;- TTjlw, 3. v Eury, Andrew; .Beir;;U-i7U..' Foard, f v , ; : $ a 89 Hi n semap; Mrs. E C, 75a, 3- inile branch, ' 6 96 Wa-rti i. nr"n IJWt?WB' $ Caldwell, Wash; 1 lot Loyev towa, 3 60 Currence, T E, 1 lot Loye- town,, -;:,U 3 10 2 19 Jas. Coleman, lot Colebarg, Harris, W D, adjoining Fair .; grounds, ' ;". " " '. Harris, Eiatn, 1 Hot " Loye- towa, ' . Ingram, Brazilian, 1 lot Loyen town, ;,,,':.v-. -,, 4 33 3 10 Kennedy, Jack, " 1 lot resi dence, ! McCarter, A J, 1 lot Broad 1 62 etreet; vi; I,. 5 3 Moutgemery, Hamet, 1 lot v ,rfr - n i Miller, Giles, lot near Coles ' bnr&(balV--- - 3 Moss, Paul J, lot nearJP Mil- - ; ler, - . ;: 1 Moss, Sarah, lot near Robt ,, , McRee, ; ; , f 1 Parish; W L, lot near resi- ; dencr. ' V 6 DELINQUENT. 0 i- :-' Blair, 0 B, 1 lot , Brocd: st, 5 25 j sale of town : lots fok t-.-.vr-r ;I5TAXES Htt By yirtue of le?ies and' the cer- a t ' - m it . ificate ' ef J L Boger; Tax Collector tificate for the town ot Concord and pnrsn- ant ta h. proTmon, of thr ai . .:,--T. 1, of North Carolina, !- will on 1st J.Monday f ollowinglots; on vfwhich: hetaxes leyiecl by ,the commissioners for : 10M . said town for the-year 1893; remain upaid;ib wit: . " rr,, , hland Rr& D.Iw R, T --:V8 McDbaald- Iulot 'Spring- I Sireit, iresiuencs ; 4 - yciro : m May f1894, sell aU r- , . - . : f Vlnnr in flrtnonrVl tn I . J . ' - - . srt Wholb No. 1,1278 McNicht. Henry. Hot Snrinr street (residence,) i 95 v PoindexUr, P F, 1 lot Mill :?j??sTV, ' 1 3 23 '-; ;warp;v : , Concord Railway Co, I lot Mam st. (Besent lot). bal,rl5 90 Utley Henry T, 1 lot Church v stieet (residence) ; ? . t 5 85 Wileford, J A, 1 lot East Dc- - VfXtLDd. Branick, Margy i 'lot ' East Depot it. (residence) ' $ 1 35 Eury, Andy 1 lot adj.- M Fo-d 3 72 Heinsaman, Mrs. E C, 75a 3 mile branch r , Groner, Mrs, M E lloV,Main " street, old store ribra, , Kbontz, Nellie, 1 lot East De- ot st. (residence). . " a 86 1 35 1 35 Area, Alfred, 1 lot. adj. Joe r. ' Gibson, (residence) - .. T.fcah73 Barriiger, Math 1 lot Cole L Burt;; " 1 16 Boger, Charls W 1 lot LoyeV ' ' " town -v- ' v l: 3 10" Beger, JakeW,llotLoyetown 3 10 Caldwell, Wasb, 1 lot Lore- town - 71 Currence, Tom E, 1 lot Lore- , town, balance, 2 00 1 ihov, J oe, 1 - lot . Prospect ; street, balance. . " 91 urttn, ueorge l lot ijoietown yd TT TIT T 1 1 i. TT-: r ' ' A ucor J?air urouna 4 24 71 00 xagrai, x n , x io6 wu 4 K mailt V .Tlr. 1 lf Pn a t : t iTr -t i-at :a : r (residence), . 1 54 4 "2 ii ' IrMcCarter. A J. 1 lot Broad et. ' ibalance,- " - 2 91 llelchor, Henry r lot Broad st. 3 60 lfontgomery, Hamit; 1 lot V;near Lee S toe tons. ft 1 35 301UilIer. Gilft?; 1 lot Colehu - residence, ,e - ' ' 3 00 Moss," Paul 8, 1 lot Ooleburg,- OS Moss, Sarah, 1 lot Coleburg --90 ?f. W 1 lotnearAM, t cnurcn, oaiance, . Parish, W L, 1 lot West Des pot st. (residence) balance, 2 01 I oiuuT, x lot vuiruurg IhMarto l lot Broad st. . - hwA ' 2 10 2 80 3 04 .75 Rah Kin, Jim; 1 lot Broad, st. Sutton, H H, 1 lot LoVetowB, Blame, U L, lot -Main st. ,3 60 1-3.38 I Montgomery, J L, 1 let Cole , xiurg . , .... 8l Coleman, Jas, 1 lot, Cole :,, Burg . ,.173 Blair, OB, 1 lot Broad si. .2 10 Crump, Zin, 1 lot Co'e Burg .1 54 Phifer, Francis, 1. lot Cole IS Bnrg . ' . 51 To he Shenff of Cabarrus county: The aboTe is a true list, of delin- qnent property of .the .town of Con. n , r . J . . , . 20 ord presented vas in accordence v with law for you to adyertiaa under 08 execution for sale forT taxes. ' vn r V.:LB6geb, Tax ICollector. QO : f Morrison, Sheriff, Cabarrus htZli- V , n . .T 05 r - v' Concord, N. 0., April 4tb, 1894 tljm Jfame Arm Compared. , h t JSone one, who r. has tsome knowU edge of grammar, khowifig- that' ad ;.fiw wi .nVI.of 'frr iAmntrifln t . V"v t euch as "lowjiower, lowest, made an i - p -' --'-- obseryation. Mr. J I S Lowe, wher Mr. G M Lore and thel - , ' w. ,1- . mm w 1 n m h inf. i rn. i nwm mmr nn in I ! y. This r Grammarian thea" remarked I am reminded of t - vie r-irV -tS"- f,t t wh'at lnse to learn in school; Lowe, i&got - -j .V vU li nf - Lore' tjowest. You ta the ooint. fr.T " ' I t WtSmall, farm, .with, good; build- 101' TS "t" vt - . r Jonn Mtuein Jo. -.v iw buic. auuij w u a mm w if' - A ' i u It 1! .1 1 .Ji i i fii 83 V .1 Hi' .SI? .. J t ; s i u Vanderbnrg, T, J: 58a, MjL ; ,r W tixj) -11 10 ; W ML Smith. ' 9

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