received at- 5 A BATCH OF LOCAL NEWS. Picked rp aurt Put in Shape By Our jlustllns Pencil Pusher See Mr. D J Bostains new "ad." W. C. T. U. mettiug at 4:30 o'clock Friday evening Joe Hudson, of No. 5, is seriously ill. lie fcad a congestive chill Wednesday night. The very latest in stiff bats, Phila delphia Hoc just Cannons & Fetzers. Mr. Jno. A Sims went to GastorJ to show np the patent buttir keeper by his sou Chalmers. It is probably a big trade on foot. George Ury,, Garah Oaldwell, Richmond and Breyard Montgomery and 4 Unclb" Paul Caldwell went to Olnrlotie to sea the baseball game. The Colonel Moore, for 17 years solictor of Criminal co'urt of isew Hoover, who died in Wiimingto'n, was once a resident of Salisbury. Mr. Alfred Litaker is building an ice bia in the basement on the corner. It 13 unique, wtll con structed and "according to. science THE RUSE OF H TJMANITY. People Who Travel as Been by Oar Reporter. Mr. W Smithdeal. of Salisbury is in the city. ..... Mr. Strieker went to Charlotte on the noon train, Ex-Sheriff White, of Charlotte, spent Wednf sday night in the city. Miss Jennie Brown has return ed from an extended visit to friends in Winston. . ' DULL AT. DARLINGTON . ) , ROLLINS ACQUI ITED South tonsressman InTown. Cong ress m a n M u r ray, of Carolina, the only colored member in the present congress, is on nis way home. He stopped over in Concord to se hid wife, who is attending school at the Scotia Seminary. The Congressman is a well in formed man, and has a very pleasant bearing. He will go to South Carb lina to see how Tillman, the despot, is progressing. A Delegation of V -MV , W J imman-Troops May Lcrtc Sat- nrain-w- - I wc ui wyianu, r xioiuns FOREST HILL NEWS. The J nry Ret nrneel a Tertf let Between 11 ana 12 O'clock Last HT Kht T" m mKm MiAn O n n,. , '. vo wi fTAJIKUU. A7 -UU1UU3 Zft f which been on trial since last ment of the troubles. ; mu , . A . v-:- , ' . . , . . Ihursday morning wis tremmated A committee of citizen?, consist-'1 i. , . - ' , , , , , . ... vn Jxr' w . last n,5ht between 11 and 12 o'clock mg of E Keith. Darran.W C Cohen u x,, , . . t- . n. wrw ... ,en , by the jury bringing m a verdict of uw ucujc 11 fniau, icLi uere ior Columbia today; ; Their mission is believed to be eall on the Governor in the hope of bringing about an amicable settlement of trouble. They carry with them a letter feigned of twenty-eight of tlio most prominent .: . 1 r, , . ,v 1. ,the jury yesterday afternoon about Citizens of Darlington, pledging aiu if gJ j , . , ! ' 6 o clock. At first, we understand, their honor to use every influence to ,hej W fe CTidently divided as to protect the constables who may come convictk n acquittai, hut they to Darlington to testify at the inqutst ' deliWaUd untiI the hour above ou the bodies of the yictims of the ntmed and brought ia the yordict not guilty of the felony tnd murder of wkieh he was charged. Rollins war immediatley released from prison. - The counsel on both sides ably argued the case and it was given to 91 A Household Treasure D W Fuller, of Canajoharie, N Y., says that he alway keeps Dr. King's New Discovery in the house and bis family Jhas always found the very best results follow its use; that he The City Board of Aldermen of Would not be without it, is procura- Charlotte have thrown up the be; G A Dykeman is'Druggist, Cat sponge, ic nas reuucea ine ncens Rk II. TST.-T sava- that Ur. Kina'a I j 7 j tax on dealers in cigarettes from New Discovery is undoubtedly the Conn fft c n . . : . i . 1 j il.i. t- - u i Dr. W H Wake field will be m usea it in nis iamuy ior eigut years, Concord at the St. Cloud hotel ana it nas never ianea 10 ao an mac on Wednesday, April 18th, for one claimed for it tWhy not tryv& remedy dav. Practice limited to eye, ear, so long tried arid tested. Trial bot nose and throat. a 17 Mesars Jno. York arid L D Col trane left today (Thursday) about it o'clock for Charlotte, viaxlirt read on their bicycler They will certain lv return via R & P railroail. tle3 free at Fetzer's Dru-r store. Regular . size 50e. and $L 00. recent not. The telegraph office here 13 stilj under the controls of troops and no as stated. v At the opening of the court this ti orniner Jud?e She ford said he prSM dispatches are allowed to bs had nQ cnticigm3 to mak9 oa the tent out. The - troops are fed at the hotels and are faring very well. . uonBaoie umu 13 saia to oe in is the lfist of the laissing spie, all having now been beard from. . General Richbourg, who com mands the force here, thinks that the military may be able to leave here on Saturday or Sunday. The dispensary is still eloted. - marnagl; Cards are out for the of Mi33 Lolihe Allen, of Winstoe, to Mr. Hazsl Saunders, of Sump ter S. C. Miss Allen is a grand XOTIOE I will collect due3 for daughter of Mrf. Ann Fink of Con- Equitable Building & Loan Associa- cord. Miss Loline has many friends tion ou Monday 9th, will be out of in Concord. TTTT . 1 1 town tms weeic. w ioanamtr, Your attention is called to what Secretary and Treasury. It Cannons & Fetzer have to Misses Laura Leslie and Bessie say about some Hermsdorf hosr. Header will continue teaching at Then they are giving away elegant the Graded School Building for Steele engravings, or course tms six weeks, beginning next Monday, generosity will only continue so long April 9tb. as the supply lasts. Batter be in a , . , , . hurry and get your spring hoae. X V U U I 1 -mwava mm ted grindstone run by a belt. rang his b:ll vigorously. He Was , A pitiful sight was seen here realitv Wednesday. A man whose legs '"w J " , ; j i - a superior tramp. were off within six inches of his J T Pounds asks us to say that he He 1ms been this way from is still plaining and selling lumber, . . - - y diet; but according to the evi- deiee the jury could have brought in a verdict fcithpr war. He had n Sumter kafe and unin juried., Hedoubt they acted conscientously. In his opinion the town of Durs hara, the town authorities, were re sponiible for this homocide. It was a wrjeckless piece of business to ap p int secret police, and they were unfortuiate in this sslection, Po ice, especially secret ones, go to such places as Smoky Hollow with a mia taken idea. They have no more a right to arrest. a man without a war rant, than any citizsn has to arrest an officer if fee sees fit. Authority is a sacrtd trust. No man with dissipated habiti should be given that authority. An ofiiccr should be .sober, cool and leveKheaded. This wavau unwise and indiscreet appointment. If it were in my power I would make the town pay the co3t iu this action. Dnfham Sun. . - - " v" r.. and that he is ready at any time to arms used for legs. Several years m, -a i laffo a similar case was here, but taKe contracts, xne mea nas gotien " : ,1 . n i...:-" he was addicted to dnnic and con out inai ne was in tue uoiiiu pusiucish , . . . ,. , , oQ verted his alms into whiskey 'Ihe Graded School close's on Fri day. The session has been upon the sch deserve but little aid. Ira Mehaffey has gone into the wt,1a w ,n5,fnl. Indeed the 0ffl rUin2 induitry, if the word in. Board has done remarkably well dn8t7 canbe tortured Jnto that .!,. .1.1. lnd of themhool meaning, nd is raHing two young , , , t , hoo hoo owls, which art nearly large Vina Vt n.n KlFrtof mAOT fT T.hA Tiffin. I 7 w , , . , A A- a enougn 10 ny. ira naa neiuer iook d not well a single day during the 6 rpUin Tlar.l fnnnA an in ' an session. debtedness of $400 and ends the 7 months term clear of debt. Col. C L Smith, agent of the R & D "railroad here left Wednesday night for Los Angeles to attend a convention, of the ticket agents of the United States. He. will be gone as tne motnen wno naye daughters, and young chickens, will be np in arms against him, and may result. in a Til) man war in Concerd. The Standard saw some papers sent Master Leonard Boyd by his brother Charlie, who runs the tele graph office in Columbia. The cen OQ,. Ar;l Tf sorship of dispatcheihas been raised, until the 28th of April, it will r . . . . . . , . . . Tha rPftUlea,, that edited the dis- be a nice and prontaoie trip ior the colonel, and a; recreation he deserves. During his absence, Mr, Pamplin, the courteous and effi cient operator, will be master of ceremonies at the depot. : The "greenies" that edited patches yrere poor spellers: they marked on the copy thus "oca0 for u. Xk. ana "privit ior -piiytc. Kanicipal EI action. " ' An election will be held on the first Monday in May 1891, in the various wards of the tewn of Con cord, for the election of Mayor and six Commissioners, and at ihe same time and plates ah -"electon of s:x School Commi3ioners, one from each ward and two at large. Fegisters and Inspectois apppdint ed as follows: Ward 1 G G Richmon, Register; J B Caldwell and Wm. B Parker, Inspectors. Ward 2 J M Burrage, Register; Aaron Ilethcock and J W Burkhead, Inspectors. Ward 3 Geo. W Brown, Register; G E Fisher and M L Blackwelder Inspectors. Ward 4 J M Alexander, Register; AJ Blackwelder and G M Lore, Inspectors. By order of the Board. Jas. C. Fikk, Clerk. March 30, 1801. a 30 f m mmmam Miss Gertrude Jenkins to Marry. Cards are issued to the marriage of M iss Gertrude Jenkins, of Salem, N. C!, to Mr, Andrew I Howell, Jr. ef Wilmington, N. C. The ceremo ny takes place April 17th at 4 o'clock in the Moravian church, of alem. Miss Jenkins is well known in Concord, During the first session of the Western North Carolina Con ference held in Central Methodist church,, Concord, Miss Jenkins re ported the full proceedings for the Daily Standard. She. is regarded the finest stenographer in the state; and when here she. was the recipient of the ' handsomest of compliments by Bishop Keener. ':':) The Standard congratnlates Miss Jenkins, ia advance, and especially does it congratulate Mr. Howell in winning one of the brightest and lovliest ladies of the Old-North State, Passln&r Events as Portrayed IyX)nr 1:1 Special Correspondent. R F Coble has returned from South Carolina. The calm that fo lows "the storm is now on. Peace be still, Mclnnis and Perkics have cn their rigging this wee.k. That means geld mine business.. We hear that II L Mabe y, wl e sometime ago accepted a position at Psca!et, S. C, hasresigned. Several of our people are engaged in making their second garden or making garden the second time thi season. Our voters are rushing to Barrages store nightiy to see that their uame3 are registered; for the coming town election. : " Mess-s Sim3 & Alexander have put a stock of -groceries in the Shealy . store hous3 at tbi3 place. Herbert Cook is salesman. Quite a number of our residents are having their lots fence d in. Th's will the trouble of belling tte ki-Js the summer. Sometnins: Curions in Ko 5. . r Our correspondent Liuetenant Rufus J Cook, sends in this from N"o. 5 : "Mr. P Gibson Cook gives us this strange news for publication. On Monday A ril 2nd at 4 o'clock p m, while Mr. Cook was in his lowlands at work he saw in the heavens a ball of fire falling to , the earth in a straight line; - . - When a half mile above the earth thelsall divided into four paats, . with small tails, snd coatinued their fast desent to the earth. He saw them fall as they passed through the" top of some small pines. The air roared terribly at the time. Mr. Cook says he'd like for some one to solve the mystery. It would do one good to hear him talk about it," It w&s a meteor, and its signifi cance amounts to a warning: for tthose who have not treated their newspapers in a living manner. This is without doubt a correct solution of the 'mystery." 4 Can't you persuade your neighbor to take this , paper ? Quite a nuiaher of merchants of Greensborot, have agreed to - close their place of business -at 7 o'clock during the ooathi of April and May. This makes the clerks happy. The Old Town llorse Ends His Life. Sam, the cart animal the town has used for. seven years for hauling nd ploughing was sold to Mr Crowell lait Fall, He has been stall-fed ever since. On Wednesday Mr. Crowell had him killed. He was f greasy f aV he was. He weighed in ' the neighbors heod of 650 pounds, 7 Sam was a calf 16 , years ago, on Mr. P M Morris place, No. . v c He was taken to another town as so much beef on this market at one time would top the cogs. The i hnrapion Check Player. Mr. Will Flo we, of Flows, Cabar rus county, now appears te bechainv pion checker player of the country. He simply licks up whoeyer gts in his way and has been beaten only v once or twice in his life, end thn he was thinking of his girl and not of the spots on the board. Will is niw . perhaps nineteen jear3.old, but has ieen a fine player since he was thir Jeen, and has grown better with age, He is y not especially vicl of, the gam ei bu pi ay 3 q ui t e as often for the pleasure of others as for his 07.'h enjoyment, never, failing, ho?.eTer, to take off the honors for himself. He is selfish in only one particular, and that is that he will beat' his op ponent.; Three years ago ha went to Da1 vidEon College as a "fresh," and the boY3 there thought of course , no fresh" could even interest them. Will made no effort to get a game with any of them, but one day, through sheer curiosity, one of tLe boys asked him to play. He played and won. All the players of the college tried him but came out at the little end of the Horn. They did not get a single game, and WilPs playing exempted him from the sg oaies of "hazing." - - A few days ago he was in the city and Utterly . "cleared the deck." None of the crack players could holchim a light. Mr. Flowe doesn't py much attention to the board, but wiih his quick -mental calculation on? glanc? at the spots enables hiai to make the proper move to win on a mathematical certainty. Char lotte News.; Willie is a fine player; and we, knowing a little sonething about the -game, have been knocked out by him. But he's yet not the champion for Dr. Lilly, Mr. J P AliiSbn and sev eral others in Concord outcheck him.V v.'r!;f:': XtneXr ten's Arnica salre. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Feyer Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chibiains, Corns and all Skin" Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale at P. B. Fatzer's Drug; Store - . J ' - r ; " I" i'- '! ; A 9 ti ' :i 'it a : H i3 i "1 4 ; u ! i 1 1 I 4 "i i i l ti l It I j H 11 t 1 A r