Vol. IX. No. CONCOBD,;i!r.-C.)' TUESDAY. MAY 1, 1894. ' TEE RUSH OF HUMANITY. People VVho Trayel as Seen by Our Beporter. -Mr. J W Cannon spen the morn ing in Chin Groye. ; A BATCH OF LOCAL NEWS. plcKed Up and Pnt In Shape By Omr jlitatllne: Pencil I'usher The nights are still very cool. Mr. B E Harris is quite sick. The meeting at the Forest Hill M. E. cliurch cloied Monday night. JStatesYilles new shoe factory started up last Friday, turning but 26 pairs the first day. - ; , Miss J jssie Deaton, who has been very seriously ill for several days, is glowly improving. They say cotton is coming up, but if the nights remain cool the cotton will get the sore hip. .. Mn. Lyraan, the widow of Bishop Lyman, is quite sick in Baltimore, S3 the NewsNObserver states. Capt. McDonald requests us to .it .11 " l i ' Say mat an reports in Circulation iu onr New Qerman Residents. regard to his withdrawal from the Some days since the Standard said mayoralty race are without .founda that Mr. Fred Beck was expecting is in it from start to his father and mother from Ger BUM COED OUT OF ft. nnn ' I -- v , w W V . ' - . '.. . - .' , Blch Hew Jersey Farmer lha Tic- tern or two Milch Swindlers. . ... . .. . " j ... James Emmons, a wealthy farmer of White House Station, IT. J., was Mrs. Dr. L & Rose. " of Mt. buncoed out of $5,000 on Tuesday. Pleasant, spent the day in the eity. Two strangers visted him. They Mrs. J N Brown, wha has been described the property on which the visiting her sister m Matthews,' has mortgges lay, and offered them at I returned home. great reduction; The farmer agreed Mrs. T P Johnson,, who has to take them, but insisted on plenty been visiting relatives in town, has of them to verify the paper. He returned to her home in Salisbury. I drove tht men to Sommerville and drew &5.000 from the bank there. AThursday,fcbeing Asenision Day, H1? " nd hftTt there will be seryice of Holy Com- wdhett th br0Qhl the p- munion in All 8ainfa church, be- P'" r ginning at 11 o'clock. . - ' i Sunday next Sunday after As. eension a sermon on the Ascension of our Lord will be delivered by the Rector. Emmons allowed the men to count the money; 4 When they com plated the count; v they placed the money in a tin box in front of the CLASSIS ON SUNDAY. Whole No. 12012 THE FIRST PIPE ORGAN. The Difference Between "Lutherans' and "The Ch a rch Reformed" Dialed Clearly. " ;. L":"; 5 years The 100th Anniversary to be Celebrat v ed Sunday, The -North Carolina Synod of the Ne w Gilead, April 29 Perhaps ErLutheran church meets Thura- never m this bisterv. of the com- riev HrW m?njty has a.Iarger crowd axxembled It is a stone church and is 100 to w orship than the crowd which at ; ten'led , npon the different seryices It got its name by baring the first held by the membere of Classit to- Pipe organ brought to North Caro- dayThe ay was bright, l)iautif oi, iintj. : , glorious; and early in the morning On Sunday the 100th annirersary the crowd was seen cominsr. r Men will h eUhTiA v Tva a bfpught their families in wagonf, in carrlugcf , in buggies, and a jjreat nnmber near the . thnrch came on feot. They occupied the large church building and each was filled to oyer flowing. 'Six sermons were preached, two in each chureh. sent the Standard is as follows : i AT 11a. m. Rer. S Rothrpck, D. D ? presid ing. I - . V - . iy-: : ; Choir Tolnnfary. Hymn 125, "I love Thy kingdom, Lord." ,. Scripture reading, Pi, 49, Rey, W tion. He finish. Commodore Edwin D Morgan, of New York, has become the father of his third child, and under the will ef the late Gov. E D Morgan will receive $750,000, or $350,000 for .ch child. In the new Reformed church, Rev farmer, and then jtnrned the ; key in J J C Leonard aid Rev. A H - Smith R Ketchie. the lock, j They handed him a hex preached ; in the Methodist church Prayer, Rev. W H Cone. i minute later and said they would Key, Dr. Trexler and Rev. J L Hymn 128 "Glorious thinrsof bring tht key when they brought Murphy, president of Clareraont 1 Thee are Spoken. tne papen. Jbemaie uoiieze. in tne oia itC' Introductory remarks by Rev. S Tha fftreiir went koma anil Vent farmed rhurfthi RftTi "If Aisri- I T-iu ..u r t many and that they intended m Rev. G D he received ) letter postmarked . From the fact that the Observer Bernheim, D D. Bennd. Brook, - The key to the box has referred to this meeting as the Hymn by the choir, "My Church, was incloitd. The letter advised Lutheran Classis, I aramoved to say I my Ohuch.,, side here. - It is his sister and her husband that are coming. 4 And they will make Concord their home. Mr. and Mrs.' William Blickle, of Witte m- burg, ' Germau'y, are expected this week.':- . ' -;' ' .- ;;--:.r Last Saturday Mr. Alexander, of North Carolina, offered in the House today a bill autoorizing the Secretary himto open the box and say noth-J that the Reformed chir6h is net ing to any ene,4or the farmer's I well known in Korth Carolina, al neighbors might Vthink- he was a though some of s the congregations fool, 1 Emmons tpened the box and have been organized oyer one hnn- Bans;hirfoand it filled with sticks of wood.fdred years. This church dates its There Is no clue to the swindlers. 1 origin from the stormy days of-the ITew-York World " - .. Reformation of the Sixteenth Cen- Onld Mercantile Company v About January 1st, a dry g6odi of Treasury toease or tell a part of firm under the name of the Onld the United btates mint property at Mercantile company startea DUSiefFrom jto.s. Charlotte, N. C, to the city for ness in Concord, park purpose only. In case of a For several days .there has beam ait, spent last week in - Nt. 5 witi sale the price is to be not less than little stir at the store over some friends.! ;, fifty per cent of the appraised changes Mr. Onld, the manager; rlTGeo. Goodman and childrei, property. . ! was absent wonday an d retnrnmg I Talin, and Miss Jennie Shimpock, the stock of gotds was sold to Mr. f Euochiille, are spending this S .1 Tnwe. nf f hm S .1 T.owe invm wn I iU A nVkA v.l.fi.. meonou ana-u camera iroau IlTMrj of tock ig Htfr cilJr company and its empleyees has been taken; averted. The company has restored The goods, which are new,will r the ten per cent wages to conduc- main in Cencord for sale engineers, firemen brakemen harder atPamt nTck. Anatuncements. Benediction, ' : AT 2 P. Mi Rev. W R Brown, presiding. Choir Voluntary, Prayer by Rev. J K Schaeffar. Hymn No. 1, "Before Jehovah's tury wnen Martin Lnther and Ulric Awful Throne." 7wia-H no9iiinprl their indenen- I ir..:.i j i - u t. :.xv t? Miss Myrtie Miller, of Mt. Pleass - "I r uulCHUJ,ilc' c ?J L r V. dent preaching, the one in Germany pesehan, D D. and the other 'jn: Switzerland These- two srreat leaders had a con trbversy- over the doctrine of the Lord's Supper. These who adhered to Luther's doctrine were called "Lutheraai," while the followers of Rev, Paul Barrier and: faaily Zwinrli called the church, "the spent last week amoig their many 1 ohurch" Refwmed,, er "the Re- friends. ; eW aawsj 'w aei w , ' - . ww. w ters, Hymn. " . .. Address by Hon. Thto. B Stork,- . ' Hymn. Address by Mr. W L Stork; Hymn. Remarks by expastors. : Prayer and benediction by Rtv. S Rothrock, J)J). 1 The Messrs Stork are the grand sons of the Rev. G F Stork, the first pastor of Organ church, and sons of Everything was in tine trim, beauM Church in the world numbers abont 1U WVJ. ... . A- 1 .. . v and telerranh oneratorf. The ial- : Vnr P n tumh. nt th " wMtrf large cruwue pcu- 20,000,000 adherents. ; m tne ary of the men in the efflcea and at Western load, who came down Sat- P1 from the surrounding country, United States it is strong in the tne late Rev. Theophilus Stork, D the machine works will remain at nrdav nirht Ulli the Herald of a Concord and Ferest Hill, and good states of New York;, .Pennsylyania d, LL, D., of Philadelphia. The uruer wm idodj uu; iui.8 and Uhio. church derives its time from ,Jbein . it .New Gilead Classis last week. In North Carolina flourishing the first chnrch in the State to have , On Sunday Old and New Gilead and congregations are found in most all a Pipeorgan which was procured ut . uarmei i ueinoaist; cnurcnei counties settled by tht Germans, about tha clcs of the past century. were filled and a large number or Catawba College, located at Newton, persona antsidt. Among tora af s the church school in this State. the resolutions passed and adopted Olaremont Female College, located was, granting licenses to two young at Hickory, is alsa under the dirts mjsa,viz: H A M Holshtuser, of tion of this church, T?heia ptopla ITewton, and assigned Catawba are censer t ative. and of the most the present figures for awhile. killing at Paint Rock Friday night. ' ; . i w ,nj. A youn man named t5immdn8f vho The remains of Hon. William J . . . - I lives m anrca tha nf&te line in Hooper, out of North Carolina's T T -n -.i fj. Tennessee, was drunk and dword signers of the Declaration of Inde- , . . . i a w. erly and several people were tryiug pendence, were removed from the , . , . f . ' i;-';i...f. ,f t. ta keep him quiet and prevent a row- -V ew-;. U.J In the crowd was a young man named . . J - , . , W-1. Plemmons, whe lived near Paint last Wednesday toineMuiiiora iaie . Ground near Greensboro, Mrs. "Rock. While the crowd was re- Julia Grates, widow of the lat. Prof. Tfc! F H UcSairy, of If .w. B.fcsUntial .haracUr. i-Wlicen Uraves and daugnier oi tne laie rroi. - . . - . mm m mw r p b n . i r ' Hooper, Oi onr oiaio . uuuwwej, . . ..... wa here MperiatendinK , the re- r"Jr 7 . Tw T ? - . I mifftTit lv Arte t ha ehAAfi nor Rm.' 1SM ' A J 1 A SmS -O V M V T O . e.ek V BSSUI W VViMli eWaS-SBh . The remains were turned i .. . . . m . . A,i f a nr. DR Ro.Vienr.V- wha r.Ar tii Or-.w w.ana.T ca; piatel i--hand, and woald n.-.. nw.. Tun. not let any one come near him. He eveniug.-Oraugt Observer, , ... - J vBililCVl IB xaiULW UUva timmi.il ii nignt ana no enort was maae to r- A ryman Memorial Dermon. rcst him, the people beinr afraid of ton, -waa asuigned to Davidson honest and thrif tv, therarei&pc charge. These two young men will B the communities in which their gradnati tti chufchea arclocated. The two vounr men delivered Sun day school addresses at New Gilead last Sunday: morning that are highly spoken of by all our folks. Electric Bitters. This remedy tf becoming so well The Observer i authorized Jt fofe day heleftftr Bishop Cheshire to stats tnat uisnop Ws.. jjO01f pittamont, the- young special mention, au wno nave useit Capers, of South Carolina, has kind QftQ hilled, was unarmed and laid Eleetric Bitters sing the game song ly premised to deliver in St. PauVs notBiBg to provoke his murderer, pf praised A puret medicine dots church, Winston, on Trinity Sunday, Hr. Roueche was standingcar ahe iWvief al 1 1 ? :&n&At6: do all May 20th, a memorial sermon, npon CC3ne of thr tragedy and taw tht - .. . nV.m , r p,AMrm ffppll the life and character of 'the late ul- R; L.' Wutal, that 18 cUimti Ctric Betters Bishop Lyman, before the conven- several shottf were fired and that will cure all diseases of the Liver tion of the Diocese of North Caro- ni seimed naralvzed at the and Kidneys, wilL remove Pimples, . I M W ' - X mi I - - . ... -. . lina. The bishop . therefore desires w Md wih -: f fQr themselves, and requests that the members of the sQQ0Qft' father was in Paint Roca: con ventio'n should mako their ars gatncdftJ morning when Mr. Kousche rangements to remain over Sunday icft. " His sen had reached home in Winston. and told him what he had done and Papers in that part of Bishop he drove to the town to find out the Cheshire'a Diocese, will confer a pMHenlari. When Mr, Roueche iavor upon many ei tnnr xwuw. uj k no effort ha been made to ar- pubiishing this notice. rest the murderer. Salisbury Her aid. . A Church TlshlYecldins;. Invitations have been issued to a tin wedxyrig of a novel kind in Con-' cord next Sunday; Under tVe head . of "Tin Wedding," the card says : "Tod are ivvited to attend the cele- bration of the Tenth anniversary of the present pastorate, at the. First Presbyterian church, Concord, N. C , May 6, 1894, at 4:30 p. m. ' "Hithertoha the Lord helped us.' -lst Samuel 6.12; "Wo press : toward the mark." Cleveland Conn ty C?OMtrihtoaBCoro)v,, Chief ot Police R S Jonciad Deputy Sheriff Andrews, of Shelby, arrived Monday evening with three Phil, 3-4. convicts from Cleveland county gen- The order of exercises will be:. : -tenced to the Cabarrus county chairt Tolunlary hy.the Choir; Prayer, gang,v Thij- w:(Ht'vIit Pcilm AB? First Part: Scripture whitt 12 months;; StcpenyTrnght Julian;" Malachi 4,' 1 to 4 and 16 to colored, , 18 months; Tom Tnrner, 18; Past History of the church, by colored. 8 monthi. - v. : K W AUicon; Report of Sessional This akes a eervice of 8 months xteCords, by H I Woodhouse; Report for one man. ,1 rt n.i. RnnT Sfhrola Church br W Vt IMMMMMJ D FJ Cannon, and Chapel by; A ' N Do you take this paper Boils, Salt Rheum ond other affec tions caused by impure blood, Will diive malarial from the system and prevent as well as cure ali Malarial feyera Fer coure of the headach, corMpation and indigestion try Electric Bitters Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or monoy refunded Price 50c and $1 00 per bottle at Fetzef'a Drnjjxtore. , teflers. The ore that was taken out at the UemCb; a inauciai Report djo u Concord mine, Mr, Church supsrin Burkheai; Report of Our Socitie?, teident, during last week was B E Harris; Pastoral Address, by worked with excellent results, 580 Rev.O M Payne; Remarks; Hymn pennyweights of gold is the result 119; ;Bonedictiorlotjta: Newr of the week's work. This is the mine in which Senator Thfl finMk. biov(ile in Concord, Joaes is interested. If it keeps on pnennatic tiri) witli inner tube. u it has, Senator Jones jaay oeceme :ejfhfc Will sell on time, in reality a bimetalist, v with good csenrity. Apply at this Subscribe for this paper. I office, - 14 : :