a a n r- ' - , - " ' , i - r Vol. IX. No A BATCH OP LOCAL NEWS. ljcke! Up and Int in Shape By Our HnatUiis: Pencil Ptisher CONCORD, N. g. . FRIS DAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1894 TEE RUSH OF HUMANITY. People ,Who Travel as Seen by Oar Reporter. SWUNG TO A TREE. I ASTer Lynched in rinH r I MX IT J.ffm Nnnltlnna 1TI.li. - - ! rDSa 6r' H Starke Sept. 13 -A negro al vears hvpd in nnr n?f i ... "6 near Whole No 1,320 AT BETHPaGE. SHOOTING AT CHESTER. I M ..x,rSiutS exercises. fl wr ... uuuiu jrresDVtery. held at Baths nvMiL- c, ,v . . page church, was inth.X1' I " uucu 3 ia illV fihnt this AI-s Evvie Kime is spending her , Julms .Parker, who for Starke, Fla., Sept. 13 Ai , Uion in the country at Bethpage. eJe yefrs llved onr cityi. but named Jim Smith was lynched The crowd that attend the evan 0 ty ' " l" nere earl? this mninff by,: masked hronrtout the thr Gladden v shot thu gelistic meeting, is immense. . men- The had attempted to ffcSSnXe Smith Darby. a - . "Miss Charlotte Oram, of Char- assault Miss Wi.ey, a yotfj girl. " " These two gentlemen have be,n ene' i. wu main i inrrA nhn -m;: nr; r.n. i Nnm av 4.1 , , i , o noiwug miss oailie "j 'gui me uegio enteretl M aa treet today, to the amusement of Strieker, left this morning for Ashe ikf room, while the family were at cnurcn, and hid under the feed. After the girl had retired the negro crawled out ;nd attempted the as sault. 'Miss Wiley screamed and her father ran in and recMnWoA many The merchants display at the Fair this year will exceed any previous exhibition. " Mr, Frank MeGraw is again at the Eacket, having recovered from a few days sicKnes? " Q w M V ville, where she goes to enter the In. dustrial School. Miss Bessmger, who was visit ing Miss Mary Reed, left this morn- ing for Wilmington, her home. Miss Maggie Castor has re- ,iQ . , Auvo geuuemen nave ben ene day were historical, mstructinfi anrl , ... !u eDe of (interest to everybody. ' At 10 sTms'h t" "o SSST oclock the morning Eev. William Mr. Gladden and MrSj S Pharr, D. 1) preslded and conduct- about a wsman, ahd in a fight Dar ec devobond I exercises, followed by by shot Gladden twice an tbe leL by a sermon by Eey J Rumple, of Gladden has been confined To hU Salisbury, whose subject was "Chris- .h t i T . . Man tt,- on. i, wee, aua jasc nigr; S iStlL I'" n-alkedupto Darbys house.'by thenegro. The ceero esc.irfl at 11 e he was Captured tins moving, and 1 SnT" tf Crnto and "d While bein? taken to iail. amoh'. c o turned frnm a . 1. . . T1'","BU" kulB. IUrl"DS ana dentof Converse Coll t s... . . T" " ' oy ('""uiTMiiioiwcs wnne neine taken to iail .mni'v' o 0-j t,"t""' wme oac, saying he would kill A Druggist advestises: "Presiden- Carrie Neisler Lccom oyerpoweJd the offi erand swunt p" hiS "im. Darby .efused to "'n il prerogative salve: guaranteed to Panie Castor home, and will th . . . 6iIus fresoytenan Influence on door and fJInrlflor, if : -,i Christian CitiVnshin " V , wua About 2 n'Mn!wT' veral oaths, that he woulu see him About 2 o clock the evening ex. again in' the moraine. This morn. rcises were opened by Dr. J 8 Laf- ing he went back toarbS ltL,y'10 "n Darby shot him twi w" h a p-epared by Mr 'P A pm" -WaS W' otg once- Thfa Tl?y u u f,emmiDg with a t' all threethote taking Th.s paper gave the whole -history effect. Gladden is still living b of Bethpage .Presbyterian; church there is no hope of hi ecovey for the past onehundred years, auu Datby ckme in at o.ce aLTurreu," was interesting ani ,-nSf,',M:M ' , . i . oe dUU surren .. uerea to the sheriff. M'M ISnrv o II I Mwivgwocd XiCaiUCU I " vnuio cisitir aCCOul . 1 A iMAMaoJl 1 f" rt ... mi prerogative saive; guaranteed to isa uastor home, and will th hmf. . yeto the bill of the mosquito," 8Pd several weeks in the city, ( Mftsfr Wili;a T? ' I Can't Do Wltnout It. ment of Cannons & Fetzer. Thev lotte is n tne city. Mn John L Robinson, of Forest have fen.thousand yards of damaged -Mr. and Mas. John A Sims are merci JiLZ nu Cm domestic they offer at a bargain. at Rocky River today, attend S TS. S 1 WrUe3 The yellow front to A J and J F fral of Mr. Frank 0 Stafford. "P,eflRfl ZTl v i i 7 J v. : . xriease sena me the wideawake lit- 1 orke s jewelry stor has been striped -Mr. John F Yorke went to e daily ; I must hare it. Icannot wuhred. Anew awning has been Charlotte this morning. stay here without it" - put up. . . ' v- . oine much needed improvements A Geprgia editor says that his h Marveion. Ke-nits, -bollowmg this addresses ere State will furnish th tfmat-ua Prom a letter written bv Rev. J mae by several of the form fir naafnpa 3rth Carolina wilf fnrnioh v. Gunderman, of Dimondale. Mich. an supplies in attendanno. c. are being made on the sidewalks on n est Depot street Let the good 1 i work continue. is The comet band i , t, luvMUKuie maciers .1 very nigh, and probab y some , fe the Sonth and ture dav. the hnva wil - fur nion al some good muaic. . . " " V . j '.- . . has come in possession of a fiddi J,nefoar at Mr8- M L Ross's. made in 1713, which is in an OT .fnrth!r Particulars, address, "rNinrtVi ro..i: -ti j. .. .. I Gundermfiti. nf nimnn.iai .f:.i: land RnnnliM in ofimj.M vu vi vjiiLia win rnrnioh i w- ujuuMaiu, 1 1 : 1 1 . i --rf'wu uvbcuutiiii.H. atar" for the delegation of Rnt,Vh we .are permitted to make this ex- After a report of the SundaJ morning announoW th I Ll m A AA . p ' F I H b UU U m li I I III . . men who have been sent to America trac V- "l have 110 hesitation in school work and work of the soci, Mr. Frank C Stafford, son of Mr S, r to investigate matters concerning """"g ui. jing 's JNew JJis ca 1U tne cnurcn, prayer and sing Lword, of Harrisburg. ? Mr' pmefns the South and her people. : co very, as the results were almost in& the benediction was pronounced Stafford ihad been, sick tor'semal -Hi.v.vMo D Uttae' ui ray wire. -'""jtcry aujournea. weeKs witn malaria fever, but it set- mm mm m -xr u u wa o a rr- w & k. a. A PromlsingYonng Man Dies. -News was receiyed ir. the city this . . " , "w " my wile, Marion Art School begins Septem-' While I was pastor of the Baptist ber twelfth, eighteen hundred and church at Raves Junction she was ninetvnfonr Af. Jlfro nr t t-i i . . .. lent state of preservation. The most costly silver iset in the world is the dinner sefvice owned by Mrs. J W Mackey, and valued at $196,000. MiS3 Bettie Alexander. a3 2w Principal. Anyone haying a 2.gallon fresh milk cow a kind of a wild gera nium with a docile disposition miPnt hp nnt.nn in o clik i - i 'Congressman Williom n nin ln : 0. , ' ' v caning actnis ottice for informa- - , -uiu xiiauoma, will tlOU. Sr?akat Raleigh nn fno 9flfk this month. Uol "er, of Concord appears m5,q ot i- xt. . , 10 a"fact eggs as the magnet attracts Mies Susie Sterling, the daughter the needle. They visited him at . r"""' ie' WMcora two years ago and at Salis- county, Missouri, is a somnambulist, bury Wednesday night. People and was lately found to have written shoul not throw eggs at sneakers a very intelligible letter-while asleep, and speakers shoulf not saj' thinS Some of the business houses closed thafc snSe8t eggs. Charlotte Ob this morning and employers and ems 8er7er ployes were given an opportunity to Miss Marshall, so well known as a attend the services at Central Metho- successful teacher in the graded dist church. school here last year, will open a One anti. lynching meeting in a Private school in the room adjoining community where a lynching prty Mr.. Edward's school room, on Ivfon has been pulled off is more effective day' SePtemberl7, at 9 a. m. Per than all of the efforts of thfl nrn- sons wishing to enter pupils before lessional an ti-lynching. advocates. neramva can apply to Mr. sbrought down with Pneumonia snc ceeding La Grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last hours with little interruption and it Huieu as ir sne could not survive tied in h'is head, causing cono-eafcinn of the brain. He was an unusally Mr. Ed. Erwin was in town with a oad of melons. He says the lon crop is a thing of the past, or De m a few davs. "Poor Boys, You Are Spotted. certain resident of North fain r.m,9in. w . atrppf Mir! frt n ql . : I T "4-6',MU"s tUitu UL1U aeatu oiu to a ocat.gara reporter brings erief to hi paroxysms of coughing would last inat 136 exPected to see the aummy relations. The funeral services honra roifh lifflo ir,i.: i .i. COach COme down fhr lino oA -. Lj.... -i , . . of . . - vc uy vycic uuuuuccea tftis ( Thersdav) at a brealrnpnV on ..u - A I . . , . . . . v wv.,.v ij. oliC wum not survive . . " ow, nritu j terror- eveniog at 4 o clock at Rkv "Rivpr vucui. inenu recommenaea vr . 1 " iuug uurns aoing cnurcn TTina'a fam n;3in. . :i . I the milliner A ortTxr TTtn n I r"6 " A,jT o-uciiy 3 I WHS (JU1CK X G " wn nao giaillj III in its work and highly satisfactory the lot wJiere the coach stands and inresult3." Trial bottles free at t.be roPe attached to the cow 1 was ug Jianui ixi. cume mis chievious boys have got on to a scheme to make ctold red" snort at a furious rate. Of course it was nat- Fetzer's Drug Store Regulir size 50c, and $1.00. How Prisoners n re to be Kept. The State Board of Charities ha ural to see Annie, the broke-up MtS,B t 7! e!eC" ,ued the ne rules for the covprn dummv. nuffiin, an tnaty of the latest inventions. hsued the ner rules for the governs dummy, puffiiog and blowing to get mcui. ui an uiicuuera in inis r.a'P ue coann in mn mn hn if rr-rw 7 a - i - w.wLr, u; II; r I UUlU U( These direct that persons accused or nothing to comnare !with a frn convicted of crime shall be kept cious cow, Youner Americans, hp fiAtMlnnlx J 1- J 1 1 1 1 acijaiaie nu n ueoww, ana tnose con., trareiui. All Sorts of Parn-rppii. The coacoanut tree is the most yaluablejof plants. No one is useless in this-world who lightens the burden of another. A rocking chair worked by elec Unci yicted of crime separate from all - . others, as far as possible. Children are to be kept separate from older prisoners, rnsoners are not to make Special Notice. New York, Sept. 10, 1894. I will be home in a few davs and will haye a larger opening than ever m m v Ml in the nature of a wonder, was born a few days ago to Mr. and Mrs. E coons !" uner, of Jjong Creek. It has six L. perfectly formed fingers on each Relegates to the Road! Congress in hand, and six toes on each foot The flarlotte Thursday, were taken to extra toes and fingeis are perfectly ro d ver MecklenburK county's developed and shapely, having the aas. The delegates, no doubt, sam6 bones and movement as the .vtu, ttu me oi; wnac eooa'othpra. llr. HAndprsnn. nf flrnff says that the child is a finely de- roads are. Mr. Ed. F White, one of Cannon's & Fetzer's nolitA and nlorpy 1oy.vb i- w'wvt vtvtag ill i 8hoe side, bought his! first cotton! uttj I0r that farm. , Mr. White experienced in cotton-buying --we mink he'll do. The 0lell Manufacturing Oom ' ny are always making improve.- enlargements in , and their mills. TheV have re mtPUt in fortJ g looms and a ;ft0 pew spinning frames in vetdped boy and thinks the freak one of the most remarkable on rec ord. Charlotte Democrat.? .. .. - , Will u J uisnui wuuc nurttevci, (J u lay Of 1 r T - - . swear, or talk boistsrously. To sup, , , can prom,se fflenda press disorder and vicious con versa- anf stomers a more vaned hue of Uon or violation of rules, the sheriff l7 l0mi ?nCe,S an eTer dan feed prisoners on bread and 7 .T1 water or imprison in a dark cell. ririf?T mm Des ihere shall be no punishment by f, Q n. , ft T 6 Wnwc P,jiftflM on ... the custom house. I am assured L B Edwards. Terms $2 per month. 2t A 11.-l. lL. -"!- - . -. umiu mat ine aoctors consia, r p.:a -.i 1, L L . uie cusrom nouse. l am assured tered save for the nurnoae f hfiin J udl Dy prolonging my stay 1 can l js a. , nave newer goods at more popular transported, or after attempting to I - m 6 :. . FF escape or assault a iailor.&o or unon prioeB- rnatoig to bs favored by order of a judge. Hucttlen's ArmcanlTe. : V The Best Salvein the world fox Guts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheam,; Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Ghiblains Corns' and all Skin Jfrnptions, and positively cures Piles or; no pay required. . It Js ..... V A ! ; guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale at P. B. Fetzer s Drug store j , Four Blar snccesses. j Having the needed merit to more than make good all the advertising claimed for them, the following four remedies have reached a pheomenal sale. Dr. King's New Discovery, for consumption, coughs and colds each bottle is guaranteed Electric j ltters, tne great remedy for Liver, stomach and kidneys. Bucklen's Ar. riica Salva, the best in the world,and Drying's New Life Pills, which are a perf ett pill. All these rem edies are guaranteed to do just what is claimed for them and the dealer whose name is attached herewith will be glad to tell you more of them, Sold at Fetzer's Drug Store. your continued valued patronage, remain, Very, Respectfully, 810 6t Miss Mary Bbachen. Coal. : i have been in the coal business for three years and haye secured the agency of the largest company in tne oest coal district in America. I can handle coal to 'the veiv best au vantages for -my customers, and will be glad to supply the trade here with hard, soft and shop coal. Respect fully, 1 K. L. Craven; All Pain banUbed by Dr. Miles' Pain Pills. Campaign bills are harder to col lect after the - campaign than nn dertakers' bills after the funeral. No matter what happens, the man with a boil on his nose has some thing to look forward to. Sf.m's e?g crop is worth ... 4 100,000,000 annually. In scandal, as in robbery, the re ceiver is worse than the thief. Senator Caffery, of Lonisiona, has an ism he will not shake bands. He thinks it is aienseless thing and refuses to practice it i . .... Becker- I see bv the" poster that Footlights, the tragedian, travels under his wife's , management. Decker So do most men, but thev don'tadvertise it. She : And is this hair dye as dangerous as the doctors say. He: Every bit. An uncle of mine once dyed his hair, and three weeks after he married a widow with four chili dren. A load clap of thunder will cause a lobster to drop his claws, a craw fish His fins, a wonan to scream, a cat to become deaf, a pig's, nose to bleed, and cause milk to turn sour. ' A scientific authority states that by saturating a bullet with vaseline its flight may be easily followed by the eye from the time it leaves-the muzzle of the rifle until it strikes the target The course of the bul let u marketl by a ring of smoke. caused byj the vaseline being' ignited on leaving the muzzle of the gun. There are three Indiansat Trinity college. Senator " Jarvis will sneak in I Greensboro on Saturday, the 22.

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