w-t i;';;':'-";)-, - , , '. -.'. 'V" '.rr"'"', - iv v. . 4 -.- Vol. IX. No , 358 'X . '. . - . , " T,"',1 i ."' . - '' ' NY WMIA A BATCH OFOOAL PicKetlvUp andj Pnt In hapo By Our ilastllnc Pencil l'usher rf When will we havethe; telephone in operation, ' There are 445 Uniyer&itf. Your attention is called to the mortage sale by Mr. J A Nankin, trustee. The yearly protracted meeting at Forest Hill Methodist church will begm a week from next Snnday. Rev. T W Smith is conducting a " : i People tVho Travel aS3eei by Onr Mrs. P V Barrier- ha pf studentaV at h "t?r and : -. V-i ffie Misenheimer speni the day in1 -rMr. W,W RftnVJv. senta the ; tobacco -factory at Statesyille, was in ih6 city. ' wr. donn Kobeftson; of Augus ta, Ga., who was visitine- iW ihi city, left todyjf Or Charlettfti very successful reviyal at Cannon. fr:Hix,; of illce ville. Much interest is manifested 3 16 visl8: her after Wjfr Statesville for September amounted 0 , "TH;":' r!rBMr' .odk m Qin 006 97 1 - . V & - wniQriy.: ot,me i ' wv,10 man. to iDyo.y. IMfc- Xir. vi '(v - fi b ? " entered i BCQOOl i - -J Twenty-seven inch bleached as a candidate for the decree; for "ltfjall?r- : r 'S, ' ft Batchers or embroidery linen only doctor of philosonhv ' in vRn . .Oarharsdaynight to the 'sound 25c yard. The Racket. v 5 George is goini to be a mvZlJ: df Wful erf of a female Voice. When a merchant stops' advertis- ' Duriiam Snn tvL 1 citizens .oaV North Main street ing people get the idea into their Concord, superiiten their peaceful heads that Wii S!!!mht down" citv tedav nti ' t t. 'r:. : " ""ioriunare negro v,Uy "O0 'H -i;r ,"-'u. vlut" na aait starved: driven from home beea jsaued u.to date this month, 8nd ?pennter.dent of abends wit&ut monev o where . that loreduRle- -,11,,, bat ol the tocher head. She olaimed AngnstaaCnlp to Bhoda Miller. hereon MiUsJ - i frotn-'aiKflmai a :Ji.i.- ,. i i- ' i . .wyiMiw auu oaiu. hiir ri n The much talked of Jabez Myers, yim Scherer, brother of Rev. been on throadifor two weeks. Her MB. niLEMAN SURPRISED q. Pnryear Itttk on MinVf anit Did pw. Hileman,;.the man who has S oewt, iudependenV bemo again, then on V the fence laiid Means wiped up for the North Card- ana senate two, yers ago; was "ex meeting s bully (imThurfl Ut,i dpwjj and theyay it wag an kwful sigai; tiow Mr. Hileman a was hacked. fie go t OLe-of the best lecturings he oyer naa. . ' ' - , ; . ft Mr; T J Sia tells ns iht At?! ronfeatlmadeoie of the -finest nomi ?7 n( J?'n v i n CI ng speeches .however neaf1 ' ll v ' .TTi1An.H - r, A IJt tie Child Snail &e4 Them. 1 I GEO. MILMCONFSSES. ;of 'umnieiv k'Hot ''a : breath irTMu&n, stirs, de leaves ianliitless rS:. on the trees," and the flowers perhaps the a.irtiest and ; most at hbld rip their heaOa to Heaven ftotu crime known .in. the annals to' welcome ih&niiniri.P S"ftMW! conrti. has be.n . i- A on3 ..L. . 'K taraTelled in the Superior Court of : A sqnad of workingmen-are T7aVe'cdan'tv.' ' " - .xuugmg along me road in si- The iriaFhas beenvon!th Week ;' stnmblesand to save himself, picture anoTcarVy into homes, helets go- Ms bag of tools "dn?wadrirSiS which falls with ji clattbn ca George Mills was jailed on- vitxs ujf roaa. - , ; wie cnarge of ssdncing and murder. sWhd did5 that1,J ie tfv iJaWniberly, vcWak' maMed savagely; ft' ft f: -ft un eihe was a niece of his. I V ; ininnte later he ' offers to i 8 unraveing :of the case and fight any one--the whole lot, neV woven ; around George Words fly after fwords, and Z? 'him to it, the Than loea his tehiper altoi J?trong suspicion fiether. - t are standing opposite hgSM a genueman' s honse.-: and. J rf,:v v..;" . 7 7 ir rc-' when the dispute is at its I murder: 'ft." worst, the opens, and a The me went to the 'grand jury little goMcnlred girl; nd George Mills. was -called before scarcely mora trtin k; Kir ?o that bodv 'knii in j in their midst before thev 80 dely W confessed the- wholA reilize it. v V I thing, and his tale sounds straiahf.: ' I halve never seen a morel Tbe Sr-the poor dead girl :; striking scene-the man strnck 5M not vTirtuous in life her own dumb the oMtantllirS consciona of ri .i tnefamily, without the knowledge What's- h beii iioin' ? reit Als Adveriisin8r. mother of Mr. : Ckarleaton. - Wakefield, of WastonV will be in Concord, at the SkClond ana'ysis of the vote' in this Hotel, on Saturday, October 0tfe Tdf the Repnblican the pracUce limited to eye, ear, nose f 1 " 7. ?. . campaign cpmmitte made it decision and throat. , , tfr , i--'f V- to setid camPaiSn i-to t. v . . ..:. 4ii ? ?era aoRTere last night. Mr. this State, add; Th fi,. .w, ,.wo 4Q w w a oncu auau nil tuc KmqIap TTJ TTsii -.. -s-iw owtc , - - j " wuu UU 1105 aavertlfiP Thfl rorfiA 5:.-k SlSLS :D"-s y-15S muu nanasomo 'wmYi canons are jhome V , . .v.v.uxUW n lt,tjUWj m ixujr uuuus nejpea to j mat tne great aid to success m mer out and a great time is anticipated! " - was 100,000 about; showing that of gather up the tools. alovaAha u) bue ub ciass oi oar coiorea people. v r Inyestigatisn of Bradstreet's rec- a. . tends '" " U1J ouow tnai si per cent., of. the Tn tl, k.,.. p"ess cWrns that fall are. those S S! Th8"eord the PoiotfTiat vote, nf 41 nnn UarTma . CI.TIC4 .. Mr,.... ..." "-aoucvcf grown quite Mr. HW Smith, snnpwn 'r f were coia. Held sway- in their t mi k t ... ' -"""-" urawn irnm tne Kenubhon; parly -heaW- ' ! - HearLopst wiirhave oysters of the Cabarra. convict gang was The flBures.this fall should stand j L ' . ' - ' , -every Saturday and will serve them over yesterday, Mr, Smith stands nemotno oon- pl " ,' , .Love is lovable in m staws or fries, by quart or pint kuard over 28 men. He was taken Populist combined no nnn I otners, for in every fallen man I tuoio ; .. germ xnat may and delivered in any part of the city Leave orders at store. - 3t. '. A lady, was asked by a Standard . man if she had any news. - Her re - f r ' ply was that if she had heard any thing worth noticing she .coulcfnot remember it, as sne could anink of nothing but that fall hat. .... V ... Mr. Kimbro J Davis, who has been in the Odell i mill here for a ..... ... i- year or more, has accepted a position as superintendent of a mill at By num's. Chatham conn ty. Mr. Dayis has many warm friends hers and we hate very much to lose him. The Standard will have to retract its statement as to the hole in the sidewalk in the front of Smithdeal & Morris's. A nice little pond is there anOIr. Peuick Query is harc at work oh a boat he Is building. for his own private use. Later : it is now filled. : ' ;ft; ; If there is a townshipMn the coun- LJ m wnicn a Democratic Jclub has nok. J-t been , organized Vno time should be lost in forming one. -We are going to, whip thisfight, but; or ganization is J absolutely necessiry to it, and from now r until sun; set .on tne day of election every -patriot ould work without ceasing success of the party that has 'given us good government, - v " - . -.. I " tutu yesterday put to see Mecklenbure's iihuriof k. r camp, and was greatly pleased with tUe WOrk, 4 navelou KclsterP(l prove the promise of a better. vices nave worKea tneir r.egi8iranon ooaks are tio v open, tears well np, in your eves way on the Statesville road as far as Persona entitled to Tote who have when yon think of the men Dr.Irwufs.and on the Dilworth not previously voted in. the to and women you have passed ,,lulta m oo air. d. -"o wiicj iivc, auuuiu. reels-Yixr f . WKnf Wa,TJI;.:w.w;". 2i The work on both roads ? r,rrtrr4a ter without :afllav. - ThnB . , y uu B4Jr 11 fvft'T' J" -w. " uac von eoW fA-,,,'- voted before should see that lhelr """" x-oorjy uvea ana poorly died, Poorly buried-ana nobody cried? ing well. Charlotte Observer, New Wny lo Lay Ont tiie Rep.-PopM. With one of the places of reeis tration at an undertaker's establish Wanted, Solicitors with reference, wanted - Full or History. ment with a tombstonft vrA by the iartreat. stronst mncf Tbere a tree on Gen. James D door, Democrats should have no progressive live stock insurance corns Glenn's f arm in the Meadows, that trouble in lavinff 'em tmt. pany in the world. Liberal nnnn measures twenty feet in circumfer- Greensboro Eecord. I tract and big inducements to both ence and shades .an acre ot ground In one of the wards ia 8tatesyiile a2ents an insured. Address at wnen its foliage is full. It budded the registrar is a tombstone man once, with stamp Aetna Mutual ana ihe leaves Pt out last spring, , j www. ixuuwci ,wGC UU j,UO and registers the voters at his J office Live Stock Insurance, Co. :M .c.i-c-.: - 'lAnH mu, Gi- nun. iu wc miuoL ujl uia maroieyara. in another ward the registrar is a men. chant and he registers the voters j in his store, which adjoins an under taking establishment i Tnese are eyil omens for the con fu8ionists.-Strtesvills Landmark. A XItnseltoI( Treasure. D W Fuller. of Canajoharia,.N, Y. says that he .always keps . Dr. KingVlJew Discovery in; thp house and hisfamily has alwas found the ; very best results follow its use; that he would not- te witbot j ;, if pros curable. ' G A Dykerman Druggist, : Catskill, JST. Y., says, that Dr. Kin ' New. Discoyery is; undoubtedlv the best cdugh remedy; that he has used it in his family for eight years, and it has never failed to do all that is -claimed for it. Why not try a remedy so long tried and tested. Trial bots tie free at Fetzr's Drug store. Reg ular size 50 c, and $1.00. kW XUOUiUUUC, JJ, 1 ' - -a-.wWw.w ,n -v; UU uo 100 S. 10th St., Phila., Pa. 3ts Pcebears the name of Wm. Byrd wuv uw;wn j. j c, vim ujr Jjjru. nim self. Both trees are oak. TKa Music Hetiool. " -y ,.. j : .-V .! I wXS.M HIV, ICwOk. . JL lO mnnrfonf tVtof I General a fftrm'f A Tvarf fliA T?Ntrn1 - w uijvj wmuw vucu jruii UUIlolUC-T .t. v. w w vwv j .iuj m the character of coal yqu buy. An ffrant to Wm; Byrd, ? who surveyed inferior quality is always expensive, the 'Land of wSdeh, ' Gen, Farley rne celebrtea Jeilico coal possesses won " irom nocea surveyor in. & ti i T ' . .. I noma vinUn. .1 J ? L - A TIT . me nigoesc uvauug capacity ana tne j 6"" Ui- vuu buiu ib 10 ivm. smallest rrnrort!on nf ftaWoa LBrodnax. the father of Dr. Brod I have orened a music school an r? coal known: and a nnnmAoA in, i I It descended from the ast nampil am prepared to teach piano, ortran the most satif actor v on the I markfiL I gentleman to his nephew, the pres and orchestral instruments. I- will It is offered"with the trnarantee owner. An office built by Gen. that it will shew the best remits. Farley before the Keyolutioh is - still Always reliable. Its reputation is ( standing. and in good state of presers uaaca uii its uucxiwO. xuur OruerS 80 f , b--w nvw vu weeKjy.- r1-,".:,.-..,!;i ... . . ii .I give lessons at the home of the pu pil'or a c my music room over John ston's drug store. Respectfully, ' ol 1 w ; . ; Prop. R.' J. Keesleb. . liced. JLost I - A butterfly breasUpin with small chain between Methodist church and Loan street. Finder will be suitablv rewarded by leaving same at Mies Mary Brachens milliner? store. ' Did Yoa Ever ; Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for troubles? If not get a bottle now and get relief. Th,s medicine has" been found to be peculiarly adapted to tne relief and cure of all Female complaints, exerting a wonderful di: rect idnuence in giving strength and tone to the organs If you iiave" loss appetite, constipation. Headache: : fainting spells, or are ner ous sleep lees, excitable, melancholy or troubl. . ed with diizy spells, Electric Bittera -. is the medicine r vou need. Health and strength are guaranteed by its , use. : Large bottles only, fifty cents at, Fetzer'aDrug tore . :; - 1 r . ... I

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