A BATCH OF LOCAL NEWS. picei;tfP andjmt In Shape By Our .iiticrPencll Pnahev . ' rrhft electric lights will be on in - , ,n narts of town neis wees. ; 1 Mr. E E Gribble was in the city. ge is now living at Newell's, N. 0. Mr. Sam Murr has a ; cut finger that is quite a painful 7 cut and a r, rrrpjit inconvenience. ; veil f . 'Mrs. W i .Dosnamer, wno nas been qoe biu. xui ociwoi wcc&b Witb fever, is impruviiig. The finest and best -assortment of French and plain-candies in town at q- a & Alexander's. i . ... ..I A number of citizens, other than I, caaamaves, c . ..v. 10town3mp,totnoBpeaKing a7. Mig3 Bertha Be1 whe hag been several daj exposed to the corn There was frost Friday night in igitjne at Mr. Will Bell's for some panionship Of the most depraved of the upper part of the county. It was y The Concord Minister's associa tion will meet with Rer. M 6 G Scherer next Monday at 10 a. m,1 Twenty -seven inch bleached Butchers or embroidery : linen only 25c yard. The. Racket." 4 Mr. and Mrs. H C Morris, Messrs J M Moore and John Ross left this morning for a visit to friends in AI ontgomery county. He came rushing into the ofiBce t'Wild geese are going South,5' said he, ''and you may tell the people that an early winter is coming." j Mrs. Judee Jacob Battle died in Baltimore, Md., Thursday. Her re mains were buried in Edgecombe county. , - " . Several Concord people went to Mt. Pleasant Fridav niffht to hear , y w Congressman Henderson and Mr. Shuford. ' ! There will be a joint discussion Monday night in the Court house at 8 o'clock, between Congressman Den't fail to attend. A talented chorus of about forty voices is nractins: for the renditkn of that comic opera, The Mery Milk-maids. When presented to our citizens it will be a good musical treat for everybody. ' ; ' ,. !, Dr. W H Wakefield, of WiEston, win De in uoncoru, at me uu .uiuuu Hotel, on Saturday, October. 20th, the practice limited to eyewear, nose and throat. tf 'Squire D H Ridenhour, of No. 8 township, was in the city. He has been having chills. It had. been thirty-eight years since he had had a chill up to Monday. Mr. U T Moose, a firstrate me chanic of Concord, has met j with a serious loss in Chester, S. O. He got his right hand in a piecejqf ma chinery, losing the thumb and tw finsrers." Henry L Propst will have oysters every Saturday and will serve . them in 8t2ws Or fries, by quart or pint and delivered in any. part of the city . Leave orders at store. - - -I 3t. I On the 22ndof this month .Rey. G W Callahan, pastor of the M; E. Uhurch at' Mt. Pleasant, ' will begin a series of meetings pDrV;S:-Pool, of Central church, will assist ; Rer Callahan and liose good, people down there have in ' store ifor them mos t' excellent an'i: scholarly dis courses.' ' 7 TEE RUSH OF HUMANITY, People Who Travel as Seen by Oar Reporter Mr. o R P. Rftwra want, nwr f ft 'fc.lii&tJii. V vuiuiutig vu bug uwu vtaiu . ei here tonight from New York. Mr. E K Lay ton is., spending a few day a in McAdens ville. .; Mrs, J . M Odell has returned from a visit to Forte Mijls. Miss Carrie White and Master Harrold Correll are visiting in High - - r Misa Alice Freeman of Balis- . .. ... n a wi.a '-1 weWer . . . hM retnrned to her home. iu jus a x.ulw x!jrccz.c, its vieiuug Mr. G A Black welder. Miss Freeze is on her way to Atlanta, her future home. Mrs. U M White, step-mother of Mrs. F A Archibald, who has been vifiitini? here, for some time: has returned to her home in MemV phis, Tenn, Locusts are ripe. The persimmon crop is not failure. -' a cam oiuup uaa auceuieu a puaiuuu with Esq. 0 G Montgomery. J o n i xne sj.ea.iDg mpnuaj 1.1 the court house is looted forward to 1 with great anticipation. " A, large crowd was in town today and our ; merchants, especially our advertisers, had a good trade. So it is. - I A "tourist" . with his cart and grindstone was on the street. His specialties were scissors and razors, What' is the matter with " this v4.a a i.A -J- two days of perfectness, sucn as au tumn only can bnng about. s. Some one. who was evidently hungry "swipped" a basket of din- ner from a wagon in the lot in rear ot D P Dayrault's store. We do not1 know the party that was loser. Ra thft pninfv hcL j White several boys were chunking rocks and sticks at locusts this, Saturday, morning on Spring street, curable. G A Dykerman Druggist, opposite the graded school a ptray Catskill, -NJ Y,, says that Dr. King's rock fell on the head of a-small col" New Discoyery is undonbfedly the bred girl' and hurt her right severly. Boys should be more careful in throw ing rocks, especially bh the street. ! of $100 for the capture and convict- Ue free at Fezer'8 Drug store. Reg ion of the unknown person or per- . CA - . nA sons wno muraerea Mr. jas. urown, a cotton mill superintendent in Ca tawba county last week. It will be rememberd that Brown went to his Btore to watchflfor burglars, and was killed by the latter after a terrible j fight. A picture with all genuine ear marks, one showing Southern hap piness and a peace that i s full and complete, was exhited on the streets Friday evening. A colored man riding a gray ox, spurred up , f o trot peculiar to a cow. Without briddle, wi thV. an erect posture' he manipulated: - fiddle and brought forth h music, the like . of which has ir before been heard: r never before been heard ; -i ' I A lounK Lady Who Had a Narrow Es 1 : 1 j cape From Conviction. "Stories of conviction on circum stantial evidence are rife m ths law books and; have afforded the plot of many andvel," said J 8 Haberling, ot New YorK. aA very sail case, not of conviction, but almost as bad in its results occurred in New York rectntly. A jOTin lady of refine t??nH S6 W tt piis, a girl 15 years old, lost a dia- mond ringf It was found in the desk ot thegoverriess. She declared she had nof seen it s:uce it was lost on the girl's hand, but she iitiLi -U -'rni,. w was nn able to eive ou.l waa kept was Kept, mere her spy. Rfefl was taken to cnnrfc in the Black Mafia with a negress and a white womanbothxonyicted fel- ens. eoinz to be sentenced. She was kept in the pen waiUng for her' case to be called; e;xposed to the impudent gaze or . tne,; norae ot courtroom loafers. ? ! "When her case was called the court appointed a lawyer to defend her, as she .was" penniless. The prosecuting witness and the father l told the story of the finding of the I missing ring. The presumption j that the nhenfiftd had nlred it there 1 wal more of less strong, until tha u-.t..i i . ai I lawver oegaa wj cross quesuou me owner of the riog. Guessing at the trnth. h, arhil n0fiaHnninlr he dreW "Vul -in;L th ft from the unwilling witness the fact that oTir K1 nftn !nt.o the drRW-rW'w of the rn: eflfr- ami that ahe had htn mi: en- eaeed an hour or so before she missed her ring, and the further fact that the ring fitted loosely. The judge - dismissed the case promptly, and the accuser's father apologized, but the young woman, being of a highly temperament, was completely pros- trated bv her terrible experience in the Tombs, and the ill effect; will, it is feared, be permanent." St. Louis Globe-Democrat. A Ilouselioltl Treasure. I D W Fuller, of Canajoharia, N, Y, says that he always keeps Dr. King's New Discovery in the house and his family ha3 alwas found the very best results follow its use; that he would not le withot i if pro best cough remedv; that be has used it in hia f jmily for eight years, and it has never failed to do all that is claimed for it. Why not try a remedy ho lone tried and tested. Trial hot Wanted. - . ; Solicitors with reference,- wanted by the largest, strongest and most progressive live'stocs: insurance corns pany in the world.; Liberal con tract and big inducements j to both agents and insured. Address ' at once, with stamp Aetna Mutual Live Stock Insurance, Car 100 S. 10th St., Phila.;-Pa. 3 ts ' at jot i rA butterfly breasUpin with 'small chain between Methodist church and Loan'street. Finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving same at Miss lMary Brachen's milTinery store. ' 1 Mary SHE WAS INNOCENT, Sender son and Snnfbsd at Mt, Picas- I ant. " ' ; . y ' ' The candidates for Congress from this district met in a joint discussion at M t. Pleasant Friday night. It has been a long: time since those people down there have been: treated toa skinning exhibition. Shuford made all manner of statements. Henderson pinned him down and showed where he was wronsr, then asked him if he knew better why he did not tell the peo- pie, and if he didn't know any bet ter he was too ignorant to repersent any intelligent people any where. It is said that Shuford was hacked un to death. And it is reasonable too. for he's a weak piece of flesh. In the sight of some people he is an angel, so to speak. It is Immense. " The largest" pumpkin we ; have seen was ac tne uair mis year ana is n0 at the store of Mr. John - A Simmons. This pumpkin was ralsed by Mr. M M Gillon, about two miles from town,- and weighs 108 pounds, It measures six feet around and two feet in diameter. It's almost a whale. Notice. . . There will be a regular communis cation of Stokes Lodge No. 32, A. - F. & A. M., Monday night October 8th at 7:30 o'clock. By order of. W. M. J. L. Boger, Sec. i When a P"!,8t ucuiwiau ualill uiii wa -.iaiucu iu . the interest of the Sugar ust and other special interests, ask him how it was, then, that two PopnlistSena-. ' . tow Totea.ror jt ag it nnaiiy passea "e enate,.antt mat seven ropuusi "T" a?ain8'!t when il ot back to tne I 11 TJ nuuse i The Standard man while on his rounds found several ministers of our city hard at work. They were at different parts of the city, and were evidently striving to get a mors eel prepared for their mastication; one was splitting kindling wood and the other was hunting a cook a prevailing scarcity in our city. This was suggestive. . Sir Benedict, public printer; has discharged a large number of em ployees since Congress adjourned. From four to .ten are being dis charged no iv every week, Mr. Bene-, diet sajs that he will continue these discharges until most of. the Re publicans are turned out arid when a demand for force is made by the convening of ; Congress, he will fill these places with Democrats If you Want to be loved. Don't find fault :", ,rj ;,; j ' Don't contradict people even if you are right. - ;;v . Don't be inquisitive about the af fairs of even your most intimate friends. Don't underrate anything because if you don't possess :it, ( Don't believe that everybody else in the world is happier than you. Don't conclude that you havenever had any opportunities in life. " Don't believe ail tne evil you near. ?Don't repeat gossip, even if it does interest a crowd. . , J . r ;'v ,'. y Don't go untidy on the plea that everybody knows you. . r . : Don't be rude to inferiors in social position. ; , I . :r When' tramps ask forpie it wou!d J De a g00d i3fea to offtr them a cake - of soap. ; : ' - ; '' : . . CHURCH DIRECTORY. Central Methodist church. Dr. S. Pool, pastor Services at 11 a m, and'8 p;-'m.! . ; . : Baptist Church Rev.' J. O. Alder- man, pastor, services every Sabbath at II a. mV and 7 p m. : Sunday school at 9:45 a. m, Prayer meeting: every Saturday night at 7 o'cloek. 'a All Saints Episcopal church Re v J; C. Dayis, rector. Morning serrice at 11 a. m. and' 5 p. m. Sunday school J at 10 a. m,- Prayers Wednea day at 4 p. m. , ' Forest Hill church, South Re w M. A . Smith; pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m, and 7:30 p.m.lSunday schooi at 9:45 a. m; Prayer meeting every Saturday at 7:30 p. in. The public cordially invited Bay's Chapel, Methodist Church Rev Thomas; W Smith, pa9 tor. Serril: ces at 11 a m. and 7.45 pm. Sunday school at 9:45 p. m. St. James Lutheran church Rey, M, G. G Scherer,pastor. Service every Lord's Dayla fc 11 o'clock a.im-.. and 730 p. m. Prayer meeting, and lecture Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. : Trinity Reform church Rey. K Frank Davis, pastor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m., and preaching, at 11 a. m., every first and third Sun day. And Sunday school at 3 p. m V and preaching at 4 p. m , every Beoond and fourth Sunday. Prayer meeting on Wednesday ut 7:30 pv m.' AH are cordially invited. Mnsic School. I. have opened a music school and am prepared to teach pimo, organ and orchestral instruments. I will give lessons at the home of the pu pil or ac my music room over John ston's drug store. Respectfully, ol-lw Prof. R. L. Keesler. Says the Sampson Democrat ; ".A new skin' having grown .upon Mr Butler, he is now desirous of meet& ing Mr. Glenn again: - Crossed the Deadline. The ordinanc prohibiting hotel and carriage porters from creating a nuisance at the depot in feshing up to the cars when, a train . co:n33 io and soliciting patronage in' a boister ous, hurrylike fashion, has for some time been violated to no little ex tent, but Chief Boger has put a stop to it for a time at least. Friday night while beating areund the depot he witnessed ' this great nusiance and told the" boys to ap pear at the Mayor's ""court, .his, Saturday: morning. Four of the. porters 'appeared and submitted, paying a fine of $5.35 each. The deauline is there and when' it iTcrosseby the porters, they con-r fuse and worry the passengers no little, and we approve of the efforts, being made to stop it. Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for troubles ? , If not get a bottle now anrl tret relief This medicine has been: found .to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all Female complaints, exerting a wonder tul di rect idnuence in gi?ing strength and tone to the organs. If you have loss appetite, constipation; Headache, fainting, spells, or are nervous sleep lees, excitable, melancholy or troubl ed with dizzy,spell8, Electric .Bitters is the medicine vbu need. Health and.strength are guaranteed by its use. 'Large' bottles only fifty cents at Fetzer's Drug store - r J - -t J j i i ir Jn- v.i-.'KK Ladies are invited. 1 - :, S

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