IX. No 404 i - 5 C0NC0B1), N. C. WEDNESDAY, NOYEMBER 28, 1894. Whole No. 1,384 A BAT0H OF;LOOAL NEWS. TEE RTJ8H OF HUMANITY. FKUSSTRA.TED THE XI. ; I ROBBERY AT HARKISBURG; feed VP nnliSPnt:ln;siiape By Out have seen a4 banana 8tand,but bare never seen "a cake walk. , .; - Money to loan oi tfrG. Means attoriey People TTho Travel as Seen by Oar I Jailer Johnston Catcnes ,bn ' to arid- ttio Reporter. real estate tf i The Depot Was 'Entered Rcheme To Break Jftil. , Drawer Relieved of All Its Casnj i About 9:30 Tuesday night Jailer - Eferrisburg has a .bit of excitement. Johnston went bbmev. Af chayming male . .friend of he He saw a light in one of the cells. Standard writes us the particulars xie suppea on nis snpes, crawiea up unuer uaw oi xmov. jspia,,- liis j,j ; stfii 8 and eye-dropped. . ! ' "Last night about VloiSo epme onb They certainly rh a Jight; -A entered th railroad7; office 'at'this piece of fat - meat ' was stuck 'on a place and relieved the ! cash ' flraWeir Mrs; LQ Wertz, of 8tf tJohns traw. and securing , a V inatchttib of all its conten t3$25; fhd agent spent Tuesday. In thexity, -...A J "burnt this novel lamp tirnake ligrJwfcs but at the time; .though his bed Miss Molhe Fetzer is visiting 1 tQ wn it ponatitutes, af cise friends in Charlotte. I a proclamation to lma (iibson, whp of rpobery. ' U it y . I stcod below to receive the message, . A youn? tramp who epent the iLLxo. nucii auu. iTi.xo. vraiiuwaj ,.i Mr. G,WMean8 left this mornn ing for Greensboro. v ' ' : t i , , - t i t Mr. M J Freeman left Tuesday night for a trip Southward. MrfL .T W flannnn Vaa rofrirnorl Master Jonn n wun from a tQ QhMe n j p Gibson ior tnp nonaays? A FATAL LEAP. Engineer Clark Star tie a by Bed Xiijgrnts.Xeaps From 'his ; Cab and is Killed. x " : ' Mr. Alex Clark, , of Monroe, an engineer. onr tb'e .Seaboard Air Line's yestibuled trams, w;as killed at San ford last night, by leaping from his engine. 'It was altogether a strange affairjand (he railroad men cannot explain' hia leap. . As the train was nearing Sahford, the engineer re- deifed the ffed' fi mni to stop. The same jred Bignal is constantly in usp and hevhad seen jit hundreds oi : The next thing to upset the; coun 'T be Christmas, when it will be the women's turn to go crazy, "When time3 are hard and instinc-; . . i it . t ve effort at soicening tnem is . j, ifc wassent down fastened to a piece evening around the .office .up till times. As the signal flashed nr QAmpnnttin'their watches are spending the evening in Chart . : i -i' t u V mimit 4. u. u 1 j - 1 " ,8 tae 818nai nasnea up: shown by some puumg meir waicnea & 9 , of old pot. Jailer Johnston rushed 10:30 last night is suspected;" . the nmnppr rPvprspH ha iPMf flnr jn eoak. , down, and meeting Tina face to face, ' Master Jay Sims, son of Sheriff The front end of Litaker's stables Jas. P Query has gone to Har-j captured the note ; and' proceeded to elect John A ' Sim is the agent has been converted into a nice office "sburg to spend U hanksgiying. and shop, occupied by Mr. Skinner lecture her. .Ttava Tit Pnni our! m a MmUii I Jailer Johnston told her tha!; if there. :i 1 the tinner. ,- :. " What does it signify when a law yer carries a sheep-skin around with him? We thought probably he bad skinned the wolf. W H Wakefield will be in left Tuesday :f 01 'Statesville, for be caught her in the lot again he Jt how it is. Conference. Mrs. A G Trotter, of Mt. Airy, is visiting the family of Rev, W O Alexander. the engineer reversed his lever and leaped" from the cab. When the traincame to a standstill, the con ductor arid brakeme n went baek to look for Eim. Tnev found him fy ing dead about 20 feet from the track. His neok was broken. The btfdy,was brought to Monroe on 1 1 e train this morning. Tfie only rea- I son able explanation ?.f his fatal leap is that he had probably been dozin;?, Dr. would lock her up. It is customary with pious papers Tina is trying to gee on the chain to observe ' Thanksgiving day, In gang again. . keeping with this enstom the Stand- The document thrown down to ard will not issue a paper on Tina was instructions to get tools day. Squire C G Montgomery left with whjch Amzi Harris, Ed Hagins None of the shop haye any special land wakm suddenly to see the red Concord, at the St..Cloud, on Friday last night for Stateaville to attend Will Rollins (the blind (?) horse worldly reasons for being so thank light.aheadhe thought that a col November 30th. Practice limited to Conference. . . I thiet), Col. Coot Fitzgerald and ful as to stop work for a :day, -yet lision" was impending, and leaped to eye, ear, cose and throat - " Miss Florence Alexander, of oth(?f8 were to liberate themselves, ; , we aie all just.as thankful for being e8cape the crash, Mr. Clark was Salisbury's Chief of Police went Charlotte, is yisiting Miss Lily PatJ The ever watchful jailer is to alive as those who have their tur- one of the best engineers on the line bird hunting and killed a fox. Our terscn, i sharp for his scholarly prisoners, kevs to devour. . and his tragic fate is greyly de even though they c;.n beat him m Y naVG 0Qr campaign rooster, pibred by the railroad men. Char-I inventing llgdtS. . wniuu uaa ucaaeu 1 j uruw juu uave u0tte Wews, Johnston killed hogs Tuesday and your turkey. What's the difference. there's ; where the fat meat lamp my masters. came from. Chief has gone bird hunting and ivintu uuuu, m 11 xiau a An Immcnse offer. anyway: That old watchmen firm, who ' The Standard has received the stand ready to give the people the first number of the Statesville Daily benefit of every chance and bargain Landmark. It is gotten out . during have a half-page; ad in this week' a Conference. It is as eood as the weekly. As the ad writer says; Tomorrow At st. John's An Aged Lady Dies. Mrs.." Lucy Lewis died. Monday about 12 o'clock ater home in No; Weekly and that's saying-lots, t "The manufacturers calamity is the Uepaty Sheriff, Johnson arrested peoplj opportnmty,-' and this firm I , , n snatching this opportunity before it on lueaaay uod. uiimer ana parson Wallace. :He took them to Char lotte, where they are wanted for re tailing and adultery. Mr. W B Smith, of the Coddle Creek section, was in to see us. Mr. tchihg this opportunity goes elsewhere in the moral vine yard, offers.it to Cabarrus people, j The prices of clothing and ehoesi are awfully low. ' The Means-Ross marriage. Tuesday evening at six o'clock in Many of our citizens, those who are de&irous ot getting out of town for a day, no doubt, will go to St; Johns tomorrow to attend the na- veiling of the monument in the " 1 . ancient ' graveyard at that historic place. ! The unveiling ceremonies will Smith is as much "broke up" over the recent election as ii a certain All Saints Episcopal church, Col. man vg know, in No. Q township, Paul B Means and Mrs. Moselle F Master Kaloh Bovd brought us Ross were married. two nice pears which he said was the There were no attendants. s,nnnd ewnfch" Thev are as large Before the marriage ce . t:t 1 as any ordinaryhen egg. We thank- Mrs. osa was connrmeu uj A aitpr Ka nh tor nis luscious iruiu ner ima iuc: maraagc tciciuuuji Y nntior ladv: I should like to -"-VMUf, 'II , give my intended a little surprise before cur marriage. What would you recommend ?" "Lady friend, "Don't wear your false teeth, just fcr once.'V t - , Npxr. Mnndav the new board of commissioners will take its place. The Board consists of Messrs J Dove. J S Turner, Joseph A Foif, The Disco Yery Saved Uls lafe. Mr. G Caillouette,. Druggist, at Bsaversville, 111., savs: To Dtf township, probably from old age, King's New Discoyery I owety being. 85 . years old. Her remains life. Was taken with La Grippe Were interred . in the cemetery at and tried al the nhvsiciana for miles Poplar Tent Tuesday. around, but of no avail and 'was P r'8' was an aunt of Mr. J given up and told I could not jASimof this city Having Dr. King's New Discovery in my store I sent for a bottle and began its use and from the first doF3 Look Out! . A cold wave is coming ana if you want to keep warm, buy vour coal of Brown & Kimmous ; they have begin promptly at 10 o'clock--by an , . ffetbefcte- and after using addres by Rev. George H Cox, f ol- th uleg a and bout aVainl iowea Dy xv. xrum owim8. i I It is worth its weight m gold., We" e oest in tne mareu uveyuur won't keep store or house without oruers ac mmmoaa etore auu : tuey Those from the city who atteLd a l e l. i.T C 1 neeanocputitonunuim iiii it,, G ft fpe3 triftl at Fetzer'$ noon to go for fear . they will not be n torQ carea ior at iuncn ume. j. ne xjiei iwwj j " AnnythisJonWant. mat ana- ; Win erye oy8ter8 uu Wfi desirQ to state to the publiO ThanUgglTlng Oysters. will be filled promptly. We also keep shop cOal on hand constantly, feb3dw Bhown & Kimmoks. ' was per formed by Bishop Cheshire,! the bride being given away by1 RevJ J 0 Davis. ! The beautiful little church was! crowded to its utmost by friends ofi the contracting parties. The wedding march was played by the.organist, Kobt. Benson.1 ..,." To the bridal couple there is exJ t3nded,by many.warm friends in the William Propstantl Stafford Good- cm nty, the very warmest, sincerest man. the latter will not serve. and best wishes. The ladies of the First Presby MViQnWZ else nice and refreshing. thatiWe;haye;secured the services of Oysters ' will be served at theT ' At mht tDere" will be bushels , Mr GeQ Gillehand,; 0f Charlestons sample room of the St. Cloud Holel, of fun at ; the school house. No s. 0., who has had many years, rex on Thanksgiving Day, for the bene doubt you have often heard of ;the perience ln tin and slate roofing) fit of the Episcopal gChurcb. They festive cake walk-probably partici 8tQye and f urnace work, plumbing will be served raw, fried, stowed pated in them. A poverty social and metal work of all description! and scalloped for twentv ive cents and and caKe walk will oe tne w,.0 fliio nrnmntw and sa'fciftfar. a blate. tion guaranteed. New tariff prices This will give the old and yonng on everything. Heating and cooki an opportunity to spend a pleasant ing stoves. Wood and coal grates, hour on Thanksgiving Day. Tnatuone eeiin. J Items, From Bill vllle. terian nndav school : will give a a , on on cava' ' Tfio fiarlr musical concert, m the parlors or ina bone of this country js broken." Wei Htuiontt Hotel Monaay nignu thouffht it was his toe he stumped. u Vill give an interestingprogramme in -Fndav s issue. Don t iorget, MoLdayr night. ; . ... The i newly;ected Board .of ;County There wilL be Ho - election toj morrow. We've got to take a day off sometimes to count the yotes. Cotton has fallen so low that its Commissioners' for jDurhamt county friends can4t affort to recognise it. are , ineligible; They 'ere Jmagis trs i atr their .election iand there as a law prohibiting the magistratea from electing any of their own numbers to the office:" J -': : ,7-,'. . ' A young lady recently Svepped into at dry ' goods store, whereupon she- was asked, in a very sympathetic and serious, manner, had 1 she been m a whirlwind. "No. .Why ?' ehe asked. ( .The young man told her that fudging from the appearance of her frizzes' he thought she had been. We were badly shattered by the recent landslide. Lots for sale cheap for cash. amurement for the young and old a'ike; and everybody ia inyited to be present, : There is a secr-t connected with the jpoverty social" par t (we don't inow ,it) that is one of the main features. v ; ; ' : ; J 'Let everybody who can, go! j Lard cans, 25 and 50 cents.- W. J. Hill, J Iibst. A sable neck band on Sundaf night either in Uoncoru or some-? where on the road between. Sunderi Everyday ;Pnllosopny. j j An enemy is 1 a . person who aps land Hall and' .Concord. Will, the plauds you whenlvou 'fail. . r ! finder please return to this office and Two persons will not ' be f fienAs obtain reward ? long, if they cannot forgive each Mneliien s Arnica alve, The Best - Salve in the world foi Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chiblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and' positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is g uaran teed to give satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For ale at P. B Fetzer s Drug store Two many of us expect othcrj to be better than we are willing to be ourselves. 1 Let him who neglects to raise the fallen fear lest, when he fall no .one will stretch out his hand to lift him np. . ; v. : '. !f ' Small kindnesses, -courtesies and ! consideration for others ' giVea -fail greater charm to a woman's - char-; acter than display of arts, talen and accompii8hments. - - Flnmblns and Wpe-Tltting. ; f I Buildings ; heated ; with; . low pressure steam, hot water arid hot air. ' , 1 Watr closets,' oath tubs, lavatos ries, ventators, sinks, SQwer pipesi radiators, boilers, heaters, valves pipes and;fittings furnished;; UO All work is , done on scien tiflcj principles; such1 as would pass ini spectiom nin .; - our nlarge i rcities New . York, Philadelphia - and :Ohi cago, and all work' is guaranteed toj giveentire satisfaction: S Shop on east corner of-Haip; and Corbin street. . ' Chapman & Satterfield. 1 f Congress gone, Statfegone-, County gone, . Town gone, Township goue, . Courthouse gonet All gone, Dbg;on, :C Cure For Head acde As a remedy' for all forms of headache Electric Bitters has proved to be the very best. It effects a pre manentcure and the most dreaded' habitual sick headache yields o its influence. We urge all who are afflicted.-.to -procure a " bottle, and r giye this remedy av fair triaL Inv cases '-of habitual constipation "Elec' triorf Bitters cures f by giving tho needed tone to the bowels, and few. cases, long resist the use of this medicine. Try it Once. Large bottles oiily;fi.:: cents at ,"; Fetzei's Drug store. ' :V'Ko. " V3T