I r-tii :jrWi; ..u,r ' - .-....' ' ' ' 7. " " 1 L CONCORD, "N. C,; SATURDAY, MARCH 16, 1895. Whose NO.l474 COME COME ! COME And st e the greatest of all -lhe Steel . nd - Makible Iron Pnnse fuel, does better work, heats of three to take the matter in hand, more water ami will last lon. look into the case and see if she had ger than and other cooking ap heen mistreated by the; lawyers and paratus in the world. ; the courts. This triangular com A special myiiatidir is given ml83ion is 8ubiect onw to the Su. to every good ladym this city and Vicinitv to' call at ihe-stow v p r '1q'pT.afniiiT oy ot 1 & vv m ana ui-viuiiy e- with delicious majestic coffee, free to all. Special inducements to pur chase --s are made ..during the exhibit ; we ropve to . see only a limited number on this planaod Th3 lirst - purchasers will recti vb the reward. You should not fajl to call and take advantage of this low introductory prices. . ...... ' " :n U, r:t. ljClllS SaieblllUU win uj amine these ranges, where one auupapwa, iravwaujwuwo " WWUuBJr . .iui wiu BUU wiU be in constant nse baking State ard have all the assistance 4th Sundays at 3:30 p. m. ; hisfllltS WlllCll Will DO Stii ytJU neeueu. xue uuic w uun nmnw jjapuaif vuufuu -itm u v. a.iuer" on the floor to explain and 'first .order and takes his antiprohi show the merits of this grand bition three times a day. Campbell Majestic Kange. YORKE & WADSWORTE. THE ARM LOCK -. . t v -I--. -K T I tttsD JtlllN U Adjusted at r both , ndM xxic m8t wx ift J uuv"" vv v world. It will not get one sided it stands perfectly square and will not be come loose. THE ARM LOCK " BED SPRING is an many of the best homes in town andcounty. Mr John,P, Allison and Dr. L. M. Archev say it is complete and they wouia not - ao wmium, them. ?xi nnii 1 iii we or address, J. Wallace Cook. Concord. N. C,' lllp Wantea. i Wanted Active Honest Gentle man or Lady to travel representing established, reliable house. rl Salary $05 monthly and trawltn expenses, with increase, if suited.' 'Encloee re rence and self -addressed stamped envelope. Thb DoiciNidir, 317 Omaha Building, Chicago The Best Salve in tke world for Gats,, Bruisss, Sores, Ulcers,. Salt Hheum, Fever Sores, Tetter.Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns apd: all kia Eruptions, and positively-xiares Piles or no pay required.' ItN is guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. :j Price 25 cents per For sale-at P. B. Fetzer's Drug store ' TIE GREAT MI uu COMMISSION TO 1NVESTI GATB THE PATTIE D. B. - ARRINGTON CASE. Tfme Unlimited, Expense Unlimited and Four Dollars a Day for Each Comer of the Triangle, While the Clerks Get Five Dollars Per Diem---Phillips l.ay Across Two Trunks Disgustingly Dmn Last .Nigh In the Baggage Room of the Yarbrough. ' Of all the acts of tho late mon- grel Legislature the creation of a commission to investigate' ' the case the rag off the bush. , . and has t te court, ana na8 tne ngny w summon witnesses, call for persons A , t. a. four dollars each per diem, and all expenses paid by the State. The three corners of this triangle are uampoen ueP;i ryan Kyj and -Phillips (Pop), of Pitt. Did the members who, votd for these men knov who they are? Camnbell. Renubhcan, of Chero- . ' oi ' , , kee, has become a State character, the . mere mention of whose name TT folr of ha laifcce a emuc. lie io x.ix v v. is a vast joke with a store pipe hat and a se eet . , . . .. Phdhps, PopW, of PUt, is a fine speomenof the genus jueion- ists. He noweaidto be;o tbebeTenth r i a 1 l i 1 I 1 4Un lay Aavenusi, naviiig ib u Baptist church (ia which he was a minister;. ibe mguc iaj u00 two trunKS aeaaaruK iniue og room of the Yarborouglx House, . . . . ' -r-r ' Yesterday Phillips went to the cilice of the State Auditor and. drew his pay for the two days this triangular commission ... has been sitting. Then came v his little ex, penae account. He had a valise full of books, which he told the chief clerk was included in the expenses. Be had been compelled to buy them, he stated, for the use of the committe, which could-notget aiong ,fVionf thpm Tn fftftt the tombs in Uvot vaiiflc wprA PHPPntial to tlifij .... 1 iv. well-being ana nappmess uj. J UlPUlUcro Ut iuaw vvuiuf The valise was opened. In it Weie a few old law books and copies of acts of the former ItegislatureB the latter old books that any one might have picked up on, the floor of the house. The valise was ruled "out of or der." ; Bryan, of Chatham, on the stump in the last campaign, did not deny that he had passed spunoua coin-" crime under the laws of the United States; he did not aeny mat uc uu. been guilty of stealing a whi, ol i,?v, .imA hi was accmea oy ine Chatham liecord.; This is the triohat has; been se lected by the late' Fusion- Legisla ture to investigate and make report to the Supreme Court. Yesteroay and the day before they spent a uua viuii uii mt3 wurj;ea ana mapping opt .titt line of. investigation. They will hold this 'sessions in the Court House hereafjr.. " y Mr. E X Sanser, a well-known Pu8ioni3Vi.;in; Lenoir county, who hanging about the capital much of the time .since the Legislature met, is the clerk "to; the committee. .He gets $5 per day. Attorney General Osborne yester- !i1oi"jm'1oH Kirs'mi ' HwiH the. expense Or jime, waa . named in the tiill, - the committe must finish iheu' work so as. to hand in their re port by the clos of the present term of the " Supreme court- about six weeks, The com nitte, in ' order to Save the expense of mileage in ei- amining many witnesses, will viaii during the inyestigation. Raleigh CHURCH! DIRECTORY. St. . Andrews Lutheran . church, Cannoyille--Re7 0. D.. fcJhealy, pastor. , Bpdy School, at 9-30 a. m every Sunday. Preaching every i.x o'j i 1 ' i oj maD, pastor, services every Sabbath at 1J f- m. and 7 p. m. bunday - All Sa nts Episcopal church -Rev. .? Dayi?' Teci"r' Morningservice at 11 a. m. .and 7 p.; m. Sunday , . : aay at 4 p. m. : , . rch0ll-Kev. w aouiiuj, y9tur.;'lxrewuuig,ai 11 a. in. andf p. m- Sunday school at 9:15 a. in. Prayer meeting every 7 p. m, The public Sofnror of CQrdialI inv ted. v St." James Lutheran church Rey, Q. soierer.-pastor. Services MJ,)w:tof m. . Q 7 p meetins and I t ieetura WedaeadaT at 70 d. m. B chaliei; Mf hbdist Church- Rfi R paBton Sen ices 0f n o U 7 n m. Snnd 1 , school at 9:45 a.m. i ' Trinity (Reformed church Rey. B Frank iDays, pastor. Sunday school at i)a.m., i.rd preaching at 11 a. m., every. first and third Sun 1 day- And Sunday school at 2 p. in., and preaching at 3 p. m , every . second and fourth Sunday. Y. ; P, g c. E. meeting . every Sunday evening at i p. m. All are cordially invited. First Presbyterian church Rev. w n lrfr. Pftstor. Preach- J .incf feTfiTv Saiida.v at 11 a.-, m...' and I iftlOnl r. U ' ifiiirtrlov. oohnnl t nf. 5y;;i-i- :-r o'clock. Prtyermeeting every Wed nesday niglt at 7:30 ! ... I , Central Hethodiafc Church Rev. R, H. Parker, pastor. Services at 11 a. m, and 7 p. m. Sunday school t S o'clock p. m. I "Adan'a Aples. Possibly the largest applt tree f in Charlotte Is in a 5 ard on Nortn Graham 8t,Ut, the roper ty of t j SheriW.Jer&fe ti tne trw 18 cut the came "Adam?' which so fit ge3t8 that possibly (tAdamfi apple' grpw yrkn. charlotte Obsaryer omce itooa to nmut. The roots over A J & J F Tork'i ... jewerly store are- for rent The rtfomtf are in ipiendid 'cbtidition and will be v inted, t , .very, reasonable figures. 4pply to J Jb Yorke, Very Respectfully. W. 0. Cofrell. ,ni,iijnAou iTUODiUALS. The legislature has. broke un-left Ral- eigh town for eood; An some will go to plowin', an some to SPllttl Cl WOOtl I So, ring the bell, conductor ! an people . But. makes no difference where thev TT!1 - : . . " ' I nueman never can ' no decs.' They've broko up house in" Raleigh . tney ve headed now for home-; tnrowed away th comb ; . oo, rirg me oe u , conaucior i just Ke m an me siacK i - i It makes no difference where they go ; xiiieman never can go Dark I The fields are needin plowln the land for labor fails : 1 We're cuttin' closeon firewood an' run, nin' short on rails : . i b'KS0r! G00d pt0" it mates no. difference where they go, mn eoVry ve x,.ie. Mr. G- ti Caillouette, Druggist, Beaversville, 111., says; "To Dr. King's IV eV Discovery I owe my life. was taken with La Grippe and tried l an ine puysiciaua ror miies auuui, but of no avail .and'waa-flriven'nn atitl - o . 1. told I could not live. Having Dr. King's New Discovery in my store T sent f or a bottle and began to its use and from the first dose began to get better, and after usrng three bottles was up and about again, it 1 is ... . . worth i8 weight in gold. We won't keen store or bouse without it." Get i a free trial at pefzeia drue store. Hoeorable ' As the victorious champion of the peopje against tfie Minnesota Goal Combinft, Ignatius Donnelly evinced' a robust, practical good sense, rather at variance with the speculative spirit shown in ' The Great . . ; Cryptogram. " Mr. Donnelly is a -man-of the most . -.versatile talents his successes In medical science, at the bar; and in 2 the neld of letters, are, many and unique. Those familiar with his writings (and - vVt ie nt? art arwavs impressed IilI" ifK tirh He ?diK)tes Authority.. r r 2 To .support -a proposition t One is ...tlius, led .0 hleve,that5he.P9ssesses a rjemarkably retentive mind. But those who know him say-thfe is a i mistaken idea rihathll memory is poor, .but hs Is a tireless Investigator, and has a well selected, 11 pjary. with reference books of every sort, which enable him-to turn at' volition to ' : : -v any desired.infonnatlon or reference.' The work which Iw jraiyes pov - ! i all others Is THE ENCyCtOP . BRIT.NN1CA, of which he possesses - two- setsone at his residence and ' ae at his office. He knows, that ' ;h:s authority Is never questioned -. anywhere, and it said to have won ttveral cases In court upon evidence ' taken from Britannica -- ' iJn ypurENCYCtOPDlAf v i i0WTANJHl,n.e,nne articles pa Bacon and Shakespeare, and hr jtoir pvii satlifactlon, endeavor j . ta;:feo? ia,C&:,iTrJiIng$ -of ; .- :,vilikespeare the;Usged cipher of : ) twu ucfcpmvirisonsare , '. "4 otunl&g and Instructive. - II csi!dl not own THE BncYCU5pfaiA Brit an nic a ? yj-ifepl ettf ptocure It while the ; ' bfeotary; psA!dress : 'TWi:dliRVBR ! . ' ; OMIOTTB. n. . Truth ii xniChr,jind will prevail unless superior inducements are fered the other way. I goat his Oeneral Prosnerllr -.central properuy is me aggregaie r i i -i i of successful individual efforts. It ra - ,aai.nu th iv-JJivuiuiu UAVV UUBJUVW xxx.xa ods and careful and eebnomical man- agement of business enterprise. It at . . m . . lis tne result or peacetut-laoor con- ditions and the thrift and- industry of working people. Therefore it is wiieu me puouc ceases to jogk to Uouffress for relief and .re-urn s to . . vigorous . individual efforts. With a return of good times labor trouble s Will diminisb and work, arid tiioaey 1. . -. . rr, uo muic Mv;uc blul xiauci 8 demand for both, and to 's'imulate trade every business man should put tortn nis best efforts. .Let us stop vuta turn vx uuiu viuivi?) vrctcb uv uti" pend on business salyatiou through leffislatioh and proceed to forge ahead, each' at his chos-n work, and all foivtheXJnited States of America. Washington Post i r . - JNTKNATIONA h H2SatgKJICTIONAIl y ? , .1 Grand Educator. successor oj we " Unabridged." '$ Standard of tLe ,TJ. S. Gov't rrint- ing Office, th).S. Supreme Court nni 5 of nearly aU tlie 5 Schoolbooks. "Warmly com- $ mended by every State Superhiten- dent of Sciiool?, j and otlier Echini-.' tors almost v.rith- a A College rresidant "writes : " ease witli wbicli the eye. finds th& Tt t4' " word sought, for accuracy of deHnt- r "tion, for effectire xnelhotls la iudi- ! " eating pronunciation, for terse yr;t , ; " comprehensive 'stateinents if facts. " aad for practical uso a ? h working "dictionary, T.Ve"bster's Iiiier national' "excels cny other sinslo volume." . v Th? One Croat St-(lard ArJliorlty, $ So "writes Iloa. T. J. I rewr--, Justice U. S." O cl- CZZERRIAH CO., rtibllst rr I J - 5eu:i 'Se ft indlisbers for f re yvmphl. $ L.o not cbic? reprints of uci.'iit'etilttr4. xtnTic vnii miY a 0- ?f 3 c For men, women or. hoys at prices ranging . : from f 15 to$80. We ship from factory factory subject 8oifi ; to approval and are the only mannf actur 1 etS selling direct to Conmmera. We have ! no Agenta. .We offer greater value in our Oxford Gladiator wheels at SftO to $HO than : other mantif acturera with prices from tl CO ! to $150. Every Wheel fally vr a r rantert. J Don't p&V local dealers a profit of Fifty per cent. Cut thi3 out and write tQ-dty for ' our handsome catalogue. Address, - I - . " W" rAI t' 'A r 1 YFtiVVKI I W is fut thr fhki for buu'nrss and pre fnuonil mrn-vkn have a fewUtteri to'trite cV want those letters to look well. I'oclors and lawyers, I pitially ; f nJ H'very handy. Chil dren easi'y and quickly learn t to ;&rite en itl It wi!l do just ms good work as V fk $ I oo.oo mtuktnsii 'Ofeoun tl is not quite as fast. It ts simply eontrvted, easily learned,- easily beratrJL. "' '" ' We'll send you a letter written en it along with a apeeial circular if jou'll send us jour address. g 63 FIFTH AVE., NEW YORK $ I VCv Andrews , f TK rfinn! ,1 Company r S greater portion of the time at Mrs. u 13 lit. i

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