V m f i: i ft ? f s i ! I ? I I if f 8 y: 'I' 1! - f. .5 if The Daily Standard BY JAMES P. COOB. OFFICE IN CASTOR BUILDING 100 35 05 The Standard is published every day (Sunday excepted) and delivers ed by carriers- BATES OF felTUSCRIPTlON 9l;u: " . ...200 Q1X LU'JlHiLia . Three months One month ' Sing1'" copy....-.- ADVERTISING RATES. Ter na for regular advertisements inado known on application. Address allommunications to THE STANDARD, Concord. N. C. CONUORD, MARCH 16, 1805. ASTKIKIXCJ CONTRAST. During the last campaign the Fu. sioaiats abused tbe Democrats roundly for extravagance, v. One of the charges madcf was that the wicked Democrats ' appropriated money oat of the State Treasury to pay men w ko were contesting for seats in the Legislature, They took the high groupd that every contest ant and contf-stee ought to pay his own expenses, as every litigant in the courts is lorced to do, and that when they came into power 'they would put a stop to this shameless waste oi the people's money. They came into poer. Let us see how they keep this promise. Two years ago the Democratic Legislature appropriated $200. to pay the expenses of contestees. This Legislature appropriated 3, 262.37 to pay contestants and con testees. r They spent $3,062.37 more on this item than the Democrats. This h the difference between promiee and performance of the two Legislatures. folks is sound asleep m tneir ucuo, Harlem Life, V Visitor "So your brother is tak ing lessons on the violin ? Is be making progress ?" Little Girl 'Yes'm.' He's got so now we can tell whether he's tuning or playing." Musical Record. "Johnny, you come right down out of that tree and I'll give you one of the best licking you eyer had in yonr life." "1 wouldn't come down for two of the best lickings I ever had in my life." New York Journal. An old hen is the most exclusive of fowls. She doesn't allow any chicks about her that don't belong to her set. Atlanta Journal. "She seems to get a good deal of standing among men. 1 wonder hovf it is?" "She rides home in the street G'ar about 6 o'clock every evening. De troit Tribune, He' That Mrs. Grimshaw, who lectures on bimetallism. 1'ye heard her. How exasperating clever she seems to btl' She but how consolingly ugly!" Punch. She "John, what was that you were talking about in your dreams last night? Yoa kept' saying 'That was a good kiss.' " John "Oh er I . was playing billiards at the club er last night. That accounts for ii." Syracuse Post. t "Now, all of you give something. If you can't give a dollar, giye half a dollar, or a quarter, or a dime, or a nickel If you can't give a nickel, why, spit in the hat, do something, anyhow." The Rev. Sam Jones. "I wonder who started that slang about getting it in the neck?" a?ed the curious boarder, "Some man wh;se wife bought him a necktie at a bargain sale, likely," said the Cheerful Idiot, and then the conversation languished while the pie disappeared Indian apolia Journal. UNT0L0 MISERY ...-iV -' from . ; BHEURiiATiaia' C.'H. King, Water Valley, Miss., cured by Ayjer's SarsapatiHa ."For 'five years, I suffered untold misery from muscular rheumatism. I tried every known remedy, consulted the best physi cians, visited Hot Springs, Ark., three times, spending 1000 there, besides doctors' bills; but could obtain only temporary relief. My flesh was wasted away so that I weighed only ninety-three pounds ; my left arm and leg were drawn out of shape, the muscles AY Yon often hear what the country needs. Leaders etc. We think it needs more home-made ferterlizer and men who don't blame the Al mighty for their own shortscomings and shif tlessness, High bats and tall sleeves couldn't keep those with general admissions ticKets from seeing the recent eclipse of the moon. . o - ' . . The -States vi lie Landmark calls Otho Wilson, "a bullet-headed an archist." Wonder if Wilson will enter plea of "nolo contendere" to that indictment, - o What is this I hear about th,ere being a water famine in your town, colonel ?" The colonel sipped his hot whislry slowly and lthen' replied: "I did understand, sah, that some fellow from Ohio did come down4ouah iway and discoyeh something of the sort." Cincinnati Tribune. BREEZY 1SITS. First Burglar ;Bill, : yer never hear no one who has a vgood word for a house-breaker. They never takpsinto consideration that we're obliged to ba out in all kinds o' weather and that most o' our work ha to be done while Ifzv wise or Otherwise. Economy may be as unwise as exw travagance. Never accuse a man of insobriety when he slips on your orange peel. Never talfc back. It shows a lack of knowledge of human nature. Because a woman trusts a man is no sign that he should be trusted. A nickle makes more noise in the contribution box than a dollor bill. A man may win a woman on moonshine, but he can't maintain her on it. , A man never learns how to step on the tack of adversity with comfort to himself. ' Endeavor so to live that when ycu come to die even the undertaker will be sorry, Many a man who is waiting . for a chance has been standing on the wrong corner. . Cupid is a brave little foot pad who never attempts to hold up one victim only. ; Do you sudo96 that the world would be as wicked as it is if Satan was so .indolent ' iri doing evil as many Christians are doing: good? If We " thought of ourselves as othfs4ninks of lis we would sit up nights wondering what we were born lor. , ; : "Folly is joy that is destitute of wisdom," but a delinquent sub s'criber cauFeth suffering iD ? tha house of a newspaper- maker. Hartford Religious Herald. being twisted up in knots.; I was unable to dress myself, except with assistance, acd could only hobble about by using a cane. had no appetite, and was assured, by the doctors, that I could not live. The pains, at times, were so awful, that I could procure relief only by means of hypodermic injec tions of morpku.o. I had my limbs bandaged in clay, in sulphur, in poultices; but these gave only temporary relief. After trying everything, and suffering the most awful tortures, I began to take Ayer's Sarsapaiilla. iluside of two months, I was able to walk without a cane. In three months, my limbs began to strengthen, and in the course of a year, I was cured. My weight has increased to 1C5 pounds, and I am now able to do my full day's work as a railroad blacksmith." fa) ? mi The' Only World's Fair Sarsaparilla. AYER'S PILLS cure Headache. Last Notice Town Taxes. On April the 1st, 1895, I will advertise all property, upon which the taxes for the year 1894 are not pa;d, Call at my cffice and settle at once, and saye costs. March 4, i95. - J. L. Boger, al. Town Tax Collector. MANUFACTURERS OF FINE GINGHAMS OU i'lNG CLOTHS, PLAIDS AND SHEETINGS, Q . . ! - : i AND SALT BAGS, -0 DEALERS IN GEUERAL You can not imagine how bad the roads ara. Few country people came to town today. ' BUYERS OF i ANH Four foot! w ood alv-Jys wanted best iiices for same. We . invite an inspects a of 'all; tie' goods wa li Kinds WATCH THIS SPACE CHANGE EVERYDAY. :s: !! :p o w 00 w I I PC w o oq S o in o 1-1 o o I ( ) in o in V w w o w p o per W P o 5d in :: 1 R5) (ST) (2) THE RACKET Alanufactur D. J. BOSTIANPROP'R

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