j .-No. .121. VONCORD, N. C, WFJ)ESDAY, MARCH 20, . . -.. 1895. -WHOliE NO. 1,477 y i-" . IIO WVv ftai II - A GHASTLY FIND. Tlie Baby- Dead JUody of aero Found In a Gas Pit. The Durham Sun of yesterday says : HAD TO PAY BE D TAX. For Over Fifly Tears. Ifnnr n. l.A-ilnA.. n rk .. . nr. m- . I - ' ' " 'I ueefl used for over fiftv vears .hr ,The ''Hotel de Gurley" at Smith. millions of mothers for children: wmic ct-ctuiu, witn penecc success. It soothes the child, oftens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents "a bottle Be sure and ask for ''Mrs. Wjnslow's Cigarettes "iaA L ft! T. ire. CflFlfl A P PI nMPHANLN-C. U.S.A. YMV- U" MADE FROM Hfah 8rade TobaGGO AITD ABSOLUTELY PURE field. ,N. H . ia fcflnfc hv ".Trrti n f 1 A Uhis morning about 7 o'clock two lev- Everybody calls him "Uncle' colored children, Claude and Daisy Jokn" :H is an original character. Hester, while on the way'to Pinnii rtrayal such a character , . , , would have delighted Dickens. Last prize house, stopped by an old gas week Senator Fowler, of Sampson, pit, in the rear of the Globe Ware-: on his way home after the adjourn house. The pit was about nine ment of the Legislature stopped at feet deep and contained about two the Gurley House. When he went A U1 r . e t. 1 1 tn nov hi hill nnrl if. nraa t0. auu a uau JLcc L UL Water, 111 mere I 1 J w r vuv " v i -v ouicouw aoa jui mi s. m 4UB1UW a they discovered the body of n dhildJ? Xa l0- ftffi0UQt Soothing Syrnp," and take no other rr,, . . . . . ne.wilno to raav 50 cents ameal but j rnis wa3 renorted to two co ored . , . i' ... , , . . mwrccw . . , mougni ou . cenccv,ior. loading was too , , t J r ' u.u.u. uwuu offleeRoomtoRent. muui,tic, ; nere; ajn 1 you one .ci inem a mv r o r-uvr'n1 t. . ,, I . x m,. J The rooms over A J & J F York's j? or some time tnere was a nitcn TocsierB ioai xaxe i my ocas t , iae . . i afrto Senator fftdmitted Vb was. .. ".Well Uewerly store are for rent. The .u.. ,.u. .'n,..u .uJ then." saidiUncle Job "I want yen roms are in splendid condition and n , r,. vr vt. I understand you ve got to pay will be rented at very reasonable j rr enough to rover the ta one of figures. Apply to J F Yorke, Johnson, who went out and made an v hU. TVa SAnflfnrnfnreeiated tr -d .,n. OF I IT FAKES iv:n 1'ikA tn IlltvIiHW. Vr.Cor pressman SpriLget has examination. It was a colored the icik a and Vood hnmoredlv baid lVl'Irl fT vAnnik1n rs r mama 1 . msvrvl n I 1 V- ill wt I I- ' r- I " 'TO 1 old. It was the coroner's opinion eigh Observer ... m!3 1m. Yery Respectfully. W. O. Cokrell. One Thing and Another. Captai n "How is you r paten t , , , -, . , .: , . , . Vr f ,' ;! ' v , i r t - rapid-fire gun getting along ? v,, ,ioHinpd lr Washington since ;j JiL . ; -& : ; ' : - : ? ' - Lieutenant"Not at all" UCCu oeen m inere a weeK -or several i neaiea argument. Lieutenant "Not at all." s tne matter : ,e'of Congress oa account of week3 a8 the wSter wa3 cod enougH There & ; gfeat difference fo. : ,;Oaptaii,-.Whf. .ss illness of wife, ho to pmtrve it that length of time. ! tweenaving to m something and in't it any good ? acate attack of the.gnp. lie Tilere Wa8 nQ cue M evidenCe havibe sometkine to'aav. '" I - Lientenant-Th A rich man to draw a check, Apretty g"r to draw4 attention.. A horse to draw a cait, A plaster to draw a blister. A dog fight to draw a crowd, h nlnof Uoncrress on accouut ui the sen has an acute attack of the grip. He Tere Waa n0 clue or evidence having sometkine tosay. - Lieutenant "The gun is all right And our goods to draw bargain ffiH go to uniudu o whatever as to whose it was or who . .Time flies, and stays for no man. but they took it to Philadelphia to hunters, recovers and look out for a location . ... . .Ur ' ;nnnaaf i i vi u moVflfho foofo rwif i?'Pi.o! I ii.tiiiiiiiiiii.miiiiir-ii.iiiiir-. nil i 1 1 i.tju.ciau riu rir i ir tti j ti w 1111 ivn - mim i, i i i.i r nifirvij luli LinLa mm l i iii u . r r i TCllG SiDgEl' 7 ; I (mo, .t' Yf r w v , w i . -3 , tobeeinTaw practice. mon Stfttcsman said today that he bad received no intimation yec tnai the President meant to tender him a desirable appointment. Mr. Springer will spend the summer at Mackinaw, Mich., where he has a cottage. wa3 not held. Too Iilleral. "Little bors" admonished the left off. Politics Ungrateful. Lots of people have been wonder ing, since seeing the list of magis trates, how in the world several of the hardest workers in the campaign, in season and out of season, were musician. The kick of .a cow i3 not the most acceptable form of a milK punch. "Necessity knows no law." Being tha mother of the invention, she ought, at least, to know the patent law. Ex. The Discovery Saved Ills Life. Mr. G Caillouette, Druggist Beaversville, III., says: "To Dr. King's Kew Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with La Grippe and tried all the physicians for miles about, but of no avail and T7as given up and told I could not live. Having Dr. King's New Discovery in my store I he William Junker and Chairman The Best Salve in tie worU for sent xor a ootue ana oegan to us use t---l i r " m w TTiora Rolf, and from the first dose began to get -'Cause he h These two, in Rheum, Fever Sors, TettersChapped better, and after using three bottles -eplied Sneckeled Mulligan, of the reality, did much for fusion. Mr. Hands, Chilblains, Corns -'.and all was up and about again, It is hill. V Junker held'lots of them by his orar Skin Eruptions, and positively cures worth its weight in goUL Weon t . -r ti L.fi.- '1 v t 1- 0:1 " . ..nn; Th ia keen store or bouse without it." Get de uddev cheek, mistpr. Dot bloke certainly did valiant service, in fact guaranteed to give satisfaction or a free trial at Fetzsrs a 0. p.im L . ' . 1 . 1 good muv"wLy did ydu strike your Every one expected to see Mr. nucnien's Armc halve. little cojipanion ? see how drug store. I j - . ' I nved m; i stingor wid his left duke did more for Mr. Hilemau's election money refunded, rnce 40 cmis per an' den got in wid his right, an' say, than any man in the county. It box. For sale atP, B. Fe tier's Drug T if hsn;Vl 'im a nair o' fives dat was he that made the colored vote store A JVJ Ulli M V V mm " I ' f n1rtr fioo V" I orli1 fnv him iJi.ll 1111 ICl iSlCCU. KJ&V I OUJiu av. i. JL TRUSTEE'S SALE. Rut the unkindest cut of all is Po :a"e; f the overlooking of the tall politician Asai-emedy for all forms of - k iieiU.i-i-. LiectriC bitters nab ' . , u v Tt raw oed. He was the author of fusion proved ,o be the very best. It sriects , .... Pem:,nt cure and the most in Cabarrus He eyen stood ridicule dreaded Ritual sick headaches ithe early part of -the campaign . n xir ii from his own race on accountofhis .who ar ; 'ilicted to procure a bettle, alJ ive thu lemedv a fair trial. In cases of habitual constipation Elec tric Bllttri cures by giying the netued tone to the bowels, and few csea L;- resist ' the use of this rnodicirc. Try it ouce. Large bot tles oaly fifty cents at Feizer?s drug store.- - ' . He 'tint veil IiOiiscr." A 3 11V; '-ndncement to get him to U'd e .lily Johnnie was told that he fvv while he slept One morning be ;;woW with his-feet protruding tbr:u:: The scokeaat the foot of 1 l,Maufi:a," he called, 4tI slept so rd I rowed longer than.the bed. lHuV: J iine! Ahoacl,. people may expect better we:ihc-r -ifter thi3 equinoctial storm ovu All this bad. weather has tweii a seTere hindrance to farm operatioiiH and even to ordinary busi- 5oi:ie people imagine that the unusually bad weather is due to 1'rof. McAnulty'3 not pulling the r on it, Now thathe has again assumed control, those -who have confidence in him, may now rest political relations -but steadfast he stood. And yet he wa3 ignored by Mr. Hileaian, into whose bosom he nestled during the campaign. . w ; 12jc Bloncls Win. The ball game Tuesday afternoon wa3 called at the end of the seventh inning, the score standing 11 to 9 in favor of the "Blonds." Not the best of feeling existed between the two nines at the close of the game, and from bad to worse matters graw until it wound up in a general "free for all fight." This, however, did not amount to much as peace was soon restored. Thnrnbar. the Victors'. catcher, got his left eye plugged; with the ball. His face is beauti fully tinted in spots with blue, black and red. - Harry Montgomery got one of his fingers hurt, but not seriously. It is to be regretted1 that the fracas nonnrrpd Tuesday, but we will trust to the old saying that "a bad begin - mkP8 a ffood ending," ana iouji forward to more pleasing and !better games in the near fa Jure.: -$lJr ttij uri rotnrned to SallS jyir. ju. iu-u vi bury today. W.L.'D(9UGLAI S3 SHOgfm. 3 CORDOVAN, FRENCH &.ENAMULUJ CAUT. 1 1? ft ) 3.5? P0LICE.3 SOLES. EXTRA FINE- I75BDYSSCH0MM1 V s -'Vt A I .rKDf-P I. A. Over One Million People wear tha Lo Douglas $3 & $4 Slices All our shoes are equally satisfactory They give the best value for the money. Thev eaual custom shoes In style and fit. Their wearing qualities ore unsurpassed. The prices are uniform, stamped on sole. From $1 to $3 saved over other makes. If your dealer cannot supply you e can. Sold by IIEILIG HENDRTX' Mi. Pleasant, JV. C. "Rv and under authority vested in me in a deed of trust from J Ivey Cruse, and duly registered in the Register's oihce for Cabarrus county m Book 5, pages 232-3, J, as trustee, will expose to public saJe lor casp, at the court house door in Concord On Monday, the 15th day of April, 1895, all that tract of land named in said deed of trust, adjoining the lands of Richard Walker, Mary Hitcme, D M Cruse and other?, in No. 6 township, said county, being a part of the Sandy Cruse tract of land and laid off to said J Ivey Cruse in division of land and con taining in the aggregate 65i acres and being in two tractp, one of 47f acres and the other 17 J acrer. Sale to take place it 12 o'clock noon on said day. JULIA WHEELER, Nee JULIA. PISHEK, This March 16. 1893. Trustee. THE ARM' LOCK BEDSPR1NG Adjusted -at botJend3.. Tlie most com forts ble BecT Spring yet knovv-n to tlio world. It will not get one sided it stands perfectly square and wiil not ben come loose.. THE ARM LOCKT . BED SPRING is in many of the best homes in town and county. Mr. John P. Allison and Dr. L. M. A i obey 'say Jt is complete and they would not do without them. For further particulars call on me or address, J. Wallace Cook. Concorde N. C, SALE OF REAL ESTATE. By authority of a mortgage exe cuted to me by Washington and TanhAlla ttflfid. oq the 21 day of July, 1886, 1 will sell at the court house ia qoncord, to me nigneat the 18th day of April, 1895, a tract of land containing sev enty-five (75) acres, adjoining tne .Tnhn McAnultv. John S Turner and others, a part . of the Dilla Reed land: 'iv HIRAM. B03T, ' This March 12, '95. Trustee. International Help Wantea. Wanted Active, Honest Gentle mahor. Laijy to travel representing esUbllshed, reliable house. Salary $65 monthly and; traveling expenses, with increase, if united. , Eaclosa re rence and ' elf -addressed 8 tamped envelope. 1 r Tfrs DoiiiKidir, 3 1 7, Omaha Duiiaing, umcago Entirely Nr. T TfT Tl AT A T? 7 Successor of lis "Unabridged.". Standard of the TT. S. Gov't Print ing OE.ee, the U.S. Supreme court amn of nearly all the SehoolfcookS. . . .Warxnly com mended by every State : Superinten dent of Schools, and other Edu ra ters almost with out number. .V College President writes : ' 5 ease vltli vUch - the eye finds the "tion, for effectiVe methods in indi- "eating pronuheiatlon, for terse yet J. " eornrejiensive: statements of fi.cts, ' ard .for; practical use as . wdrMng dictionary f yeh.ster:s( Internatlinairj i "excels aaVottiBME Voie,i . TheOne Great Stddrdjiiilbority So vmtea Ilonps, ifrswr.vusuc ,w . Supreme Court. .; . ..v.. . . . , on T?TrfrA ?,r en.. .Publishers. . i ik 'rite S-JtJ '- '-. &4LA.ivJwi'wO i SpSSf J; Bti ICS IS FOR THE SCHOOLROOil V v A? -If it's anything needed in a scf.och room tee .have it. We are Heal' quarters f or D'..tckhGarJs, Deiks ar.d S?at, Crayon ar.d Erasers, f'afs mud Glebes, Inks Information . . Wtat cr 'Ull you, jo can &'$aut on. Everything t.i sell you is guaranteed. . We do business ctt tl "money-back" plcn, and v do more business than any other iozsje in our Lne. We -x'ant every' ody viterestrd in school ccr lo lave our catalogue, so we can do still more business. Catalogues free. 65 FIFTH AVE., NEW YORK Andrews 3 School 3F' 'J. ft Company Furnishing g

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