-1. JL ILJJ- JLLx jlaI JJr Lr Oi j 1 fef v 7 r '7T' H v YL". ' CO!SJ C. JrUESBAY,; APRIL 9, 1805. WiioleKO. 1,493 tiTT ii uv President Eliot in a recent lecture Hfcre the Lowell Institute uttered iCeVV-nitiCant words.: . ''Ypitruetion to Individuals instead rf to das is coming to the front. A single special faculty in a mind orv ise vlull,- detected aaa trained,' piv '-.n.'ike all the difference between a useful and useless life,. a happy and -a:;:iierable'one." n',-vv better can you detect the partial:!:? r rent or your cniia's mind, To channel In which his ability lies, 'tel? for yur home that greatest of all libraries, the Encyclopaedia Brltanhica,' now for a short time placed within vour easy reach. With these noble books at . ... a tf 1 a hand your child win naiurauy select that line of reading which prcves to be in the line of his natural bent, for : the BRITANN1CA represents every line of study. -,; President Eliot says further : , "individual instruction has been' too costly that is one reason why it has not Uen more - Universally .Adopted-" And President Eliot spoke the truth. : But he stopped just a hair's breadth short of the whole truth, for he should have added: "Since the ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA has been brought within reach of any one. who. can save Ten Cents a day no one need be ' without individual instruction." . ... v . No one who has the new edition of the ENCYCLOPAEDIA : ' BRITANNICA, we say, need be . without individual instruction.- ft is a complete education of itself, and ! can be obtained now, for a short - time, at the unheard of rate of Ten . Cents a day. . - - If you wish to obtain this great ' work at introductory rates write for ' an application blank and sample ; pages to ' ; - THE OBSERVER . ' CHARLOTTE, N. C WRECK OK W, N. C. ROAD. I Engineer BobLee and His Firemen Both KHIed-rLce From Tuis County. Facts concerning the wreck of last night (Monday) on the Western North Carolina Railroad, were very rteagre and all that we could learn of the horrible castrophe is to the effect that Engineer Bob Lee, a former resident of this county, was killed. The wreck cccumed beN yond Marion a few iniles on the slope of the mountain, 1 It was an extra freight train and' was due in Salisbury about 4 o'clock this morn ing, But alas, the long train's des tination was not reached. The engine jamped the track, pulling down a high embankment eight or more carl Bob Lee and his firemau were killed outright. Lee's body had not been found at dav break, and was supposed to have been buried beneath the debris. -The wreck occurred ' about mid night, it is said, and ,it was some time before any connection could be made over the wires. ' . Le: w s born and reared in this county on the old Dr. Miis' place, in the Poplar Tent neighborhood. We couldn't learn the name of the KORN ER WRITES- . match, or take a glass of beer.5' Just after the war every nigger thought km . T am rp.allTr rrlo "U- vr ! ture has again opened out her fascinating and enchant ing stock of blossoms and flowers and Terdant foliage m the soft, melting sunshine and balmy breezes of spring time. I am glad the long, gdreary,, winter is ever, and I am glad that, the -Nortn Carolina Fusion Legislature ha, with it, diec the death that , has nq awakening.1 Of its death I can truly say : Not a tear .was sJied,not funeial vote, As its course to a finish was hurried ; Kot a State guard discharged a farewell shot - O'er the gray e where the bum bum is buried. The people will tilk of this bum bum . .that's gone And oer its cold ashes upbr&id it 5 But it won't care a d n "if they'Jl let it , sleep on . . ; . In t he grave Where its meauhess has laid it. -A r r. ' I ! . : ! . ' - .. - I am glad the time hascome when the devotee of Isaac Walton, with hook and line and a tin can of red 7trm8 can On tho neighboring preek bank set. While the noonday sun is warmly beaming, ' ' " His nose and neck a turkey red .,, .. , Ana -his eve.- wTitn raaiant nope a he was entitled to "forty p.cres and a mule,5- -Now, every fellow, white and black, thinks he ought to be a Vanderbilt or an office holder and the cry of "the rich or richer and the poor poorer" is wafted on every passing breeze ; at the same time eyery mother's son of them is trying to make something out ot somebody else. The bid time days wage plan has lost caste, competition is the watch word, contractors are getting uas thick as fi Idlers in hades." Nine ou); of ten fail, and then legislation,. the administration and goyernmen policy get a dose of spleen,Jvitupera tion and popular indignation. Po litical harpie3 and sharp-trickers take advantage of fhis discontent to foist themselves into office or fill their coffers. Where is the remedy? ; . Korxer. rrloo mi n nr unfortunate fireman. No other But , lives were l03t that is known at this V,Manv a when 'twas getting late '...- I've seen him socakm through the gate time ac tnis piace. j , The aboye is about all the partic ulars that could be learned. Professional Card. , I have located in Concord for the practice of medicine and surgery. and respectfully ask the public for a share of their patronageI may be found at ray office at any hoar cf the day or at my residence at night when not out nrofessionallv. ami vkill gladly respond to all clla promptly. ,; , Office, under that of Montgomerv & Cro.vell. Respectfully, 'f J. E Smoot, M.D pecuiatiof HAMMOND & CO. Considerate Cotton. There was lots of cotton on the market today (Tuesday.) A big lot was told by Mr. Frank Morrison, one cf the best farmers of No. 2, and by Mrs. Frank Pethel. 5 The prevail ing price wr.3 mi cents. 130 & 132 Pearl .Street, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. S cocks, Bonds and Grain bought attl sold, or carried on Margin P. S. Send for explanatory circnv lar on speculation, also weekly mar ket letter. (Free) dwlv Throwing backward an anxious tjance At a jagged tear in the back of his pants When he'd been fishin'. JLaiil Three EgTS at One Time. bpeaking about nens Lookins 50 Per C ent Better The S ran dad failed to note , the presence in the city, Monday, cf one yi. 113 uiu citizcuo ue eav uiu. fiotwith any allusion to the , indi Tidual'g ae, but old as regards his citizenship m Uoncord compared to time gpent elsewhere- Dr. Thco. fharr, ho has taken up his yine , e. , n 1.1 - Memory carries us Ijack ward to the springtimes of our boyhopd when atid eggs the cup of spicewood or sasgatras Durham can come in and go you teas, proverbial for the;r health. giy- one. Unas, nines, wno presides ins and spring aeonuy uestroying oyer the Carolina barber shop, jes- properties, - graced each evening terday evening bought a hen of the meal. K Methinks the mesdames. of CochinfcChina species and took her old were right when they put their home. This morning he found that faith in these simple remedies 0 she had .made a nest during: the home manufacture, instead of Jhe night "and had laid three egg. All nowaday nostrums. North Carolina of them were well developed of the politically after a sixty days attack usual size, excepting that one had a of Fusion feyer, needs ! a prolonged hard shell and the other two were dosing with good ".old time; common soft-shells. When a Durham hen sense antiseptic remedies. 4 IaH 41 iv Ant i y -t- ur 11 (iihiiivii i.urui 1111 l 1 . . t t ; iind a remarkable cow or a 1 township. wa3. here and "j'V that he looks so and fleshier brought forth and fig in Ko. the ire youDge: Qumerojs enquires about the prescnpvscns and remedies that are wcrhin sa admirable. The? enly excuse Tor all this change is that Doctor sleeps now, whereas fcea in town he seldom ever retired. AlHsjwell that end3 well. iFvay BOY A-- get? up such an enterprise as this, it t V is no wonder that we nave cheap eggs. Durham Sun. ' It wouldn't take Jim RobiDson's latest hen discovery long to fill a threshing machine, such as he re ported not long since. By the way, can't the Sun let up on the egg and enough to When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla, When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla. When she became Miss, . she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. Curious Pocket Rule. Bid you . know that mm a silver quarter, haldollar, or one dollar, ; TO III TIIE TISO ! each make a handy pocket rule ? The silver quarter measures just three fourths of an inch in diameter.1 ... m The silver half measures one inch I a,m "back at my old plactf 1 n i diameter. The silver dollar u Dusinesss, ALLISON'S spring enakes ? I have been trying to satisfy my self as to the cause of such rapid and sudden changes in the , popuiur pulse of . late years. Germany, France, Italy and our own country are the greatest protection countries and in them is the greatest discon tent. In -America we; have ttrolec- nest of P1?? Hchedi6: us from .year vto year, dul our-inuusiries nactuaie still, go up and down, and the real laboring American citizen finds no relief. There may be protraction beneficial to the uinfant industries" but to him there is no. protection against the overwhelming hordes of foreign riffraff who compete with him for work at his very door. Di,d you ever notice that anarchism, so cialism, fire bugism and all ideas an tagonistic to our free institutions have their inception in this foreign element. Little by little these doc trines are .being instilled and mcuU cated In the minds of our home peo ple. Yankee ingenuity is dropping into line with foreign depravity ambition, for. office and an insatiate desire for. wealth brings to the sur face the boVd? selfish, unprincipled and incompetent. Populists, in- foa ST'0 wom2n or toys at Friffss ranging Jivl5to30. We fihinfrnmfaetorv select Provaiand are the only xnacuf actur- To Go to Albany. Guilford will be represented at the Albany penitentiary in a week or two. Alonso Smith and a negro man, counterfeters, were Gonvicted Jn the Federal court Saturday and sentenced to twelve months each. Orlando Kirkman, implicated with them, was also convicted, but got off with six months in the jail. They were engaged m making counterfeit nickles, the moulds bo ing found in Smith's house. It was a plain case. Greensboro Kecord. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE: It Qualified ads .e.?V"t nf the Estate of Mrs. M. lUlUiD."" , 11 no.cnTifl n : :t- Bangle, deceaseu, w- uauonisis, r usiuuiaio wucaucuicoj holding claims -vvur i8 the outcome. We have qt7-- " o oner ereater vaxa 111 othe aiaLCr nccla at SftO to $m wan to actrers with prices from eiO Every wheel fully wrgrraratcd. r21ocal dealerg a. tiro tit of gifjy jjSSii Cut this out and write to-day fOI , asome catalogue. Address, AF0R!H!Ef BleyeleDepjrtaentntlO, ftcrainst said ceadrTherebrnotified to pres sent them to the undersigned cm or before the 9th day of April, 18J6. for Daymerit or this rnotice will be vleXl bar to their recovery. Sjgo all persons . 6wfnR said den asel arlnotified that prompt pay. ment is expectea. pjjTREA, Administrator. This 9th April, 1895. in measures one and a naii incnes in diameter. Salisbury Herald. Without questioning the Herald's corner prepared to welcome accuracy, we intend to test this my old mends and to maKe when the wherewithal is secured, new ones. I keep a full line of 1 Just now the test is, impracticable. mjy GOODS SHOES, BATS, GROCERIES, TOBACCO, &c lowest prices she had Consumption and that there The SoiUa bound Vestibule was fiye hours late today. Two Lives Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction nitv. Til . was toiri hV hpr dontora always at, the v . , ' v v consistent with honest bnsi ness. Will meet cuts at all times. I can buy as cheap as anybody and, will sell as close. Haying a stock suited to the farmers' wants, can use yonr The laboring man You will be paid le in a ay, sees Horn or lost. You was no hope for her, but two bottles Dr. King's 'New Discovery cbmplele 1 v cured her and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Eggers, 139 Florida ot. can Francisco, sunered produce. W ill exciianp;e from a drfiadfnl cold. aDnroachink I eroods for all kinds of countrv r X a I O, ' " Consumption, tried without result produce at cash prices. OaJJ everything else then bought one boWjto see me. tleof Dr. King's Ne L.Scbvery JtIM p ALLISON" and in two weess was curea. ne is nntrirallv f.hankfnl' Tt is such re . J , . ., . , - .(Election Notice. suits, or wmcn mese are BampteB, At & metncr 0f Board Oommis- tnat prove tne wonoenui emcacy 01 8i01jerg for town of Concord, 3ST. 0., this medicine in Doughs and Colds. hed April 1st, 1895, - an elation ree trial bottles at etzera .rug wa3 and ordered to be told at Store, Regular size ,50c .and $1 00. tbe various voting places on the ' first Mondav in: May next for the Ii am tfce. Concord xepesentative purpose of electing a Mayor and of the MaDsionlHouse Steam Laun-1 two Town Commissioners from and :.I , V ' - 1" ' - I 1- ... by each ward and one, Graded School Commissioner from and by each wardv Books Open now. The fol lowing Registrars were; appointed ; sees fbrtnnesinade others of his. pwn class rise r. to. the millionairV.n and chaffing increases. Jgets that tteseiferioifa who get! rich "are the mear low Sown, selfish chaps who. never stands treat, go to a ball jmhl3 3m, dry, of ureeuvjdie . .u. .11 . you think . of wearing nicely , doneup. collors, cuffn and sriirts, come see me and find out" cost. for , al articles can leave your bundles at the Furniture Store, whether I am presant. or not, It wiU. receivs prompt attention. : . . . I send basket off Tuesday and it returns baturaay morning. Come around andiseelme J. N.Bell Ward No. Ward No. 1 2: 1 John Bt Caldwell Jam?s N Brown, ,Ward No. 3 : P A Correll, Ward No. 4 ; George M Lore.. By order of Board v . : J. L Hartsell, ' , April 2, 1895, Clerk.