--r 1 CIO X ISO. lob. 1' A 7 n-7V:;DUAL vr i vy ii ii i i xi jent Eliot In a recent lecture . i Lowell institute uttered ".'ncnnt words': - ; ; v action to individuals instead tses is corning. to the front. : :peck:l faculty in a rnind !.:u!i, detected a d trained, :k? all the difference between and useless life, a happy and :H tat tin r.v :r czn you detect the !vnt of your child's mind, was the special ": channel in which his. ability lies, thr.ii in securing for your home ' that greatest of all libraries, the Encyclopaedia Britannlca, t now for a short time placed within your easy reach. With these noble books at ' hand vour child will naturally select th.it line of reading which proves to te in the line of his natural bent, for tz-BRITANNICA represents every . lire rfWdV. President Eliot says further : "Ir.xfividual instruction has been too c(ncmv that js" one' reason why it has irh van more ' - : . . . Universally ' Adopted " And President Eliot spoke the truth. But he stopped just a hair's breadth short of the whole truth; for he should ' have added: . . "S n -e .ths ENCYCLOPAEDIA BR1 fANNICA has been brought within reach of any one who can save Ten Cents a day no one need be ' without in .livtdual instruction." No one who has the new edition of ; the ENCYCLOPAEDIA 'i BRITANNICA? we"'say,rieed.be . ?, ' without individual instruction. It Is-. a complete education of itself, and can be obtained now, for a short time, at the unheard of rate of Ten Cents a day. ; If you wish to obtain this great work at introductory rates write for ' an application blank and sample - i ' pages to " ' THE OBSERVER . CHARLOTTE, N. C. CC ToEret a Monument at 7 ville. Anderson. Macon, G3., April 8 The local Grand Army of the Republic is taking active steps-to erect a monu- meat to the Uni:n soldrers Durieu at Andtisonyille cemetery. The Andersor ville ; rison holds a pro. min nt place in the history: of' the war between thi North and South. There are upwards of'30,000 Union soldiers buried in the cemetry. Ex- curaions ar rnr. from all narts.of the South on this occasion of the annual t cmorial services under the ans p v,n,i k'tt nf t.Ti "I'O 1. L UlC UiUUU J-X i luli y v,'J- , i Ren pO'Jl.C. The speakers on these CC."!f!in . q r I A n-il A info rant (in side in the late1 struggle K Macou is the nearest city to the - U fmoci3 cemetery and Macon people encoiira the Grand Army of the public in its efforts to erect the onumt-it. Mr. Wilson Sloan, better known our people as Pat, McGriire, is 111 the city today. . j, - ; :AD3JilNISTBATO'K'S NOTICE. flaying been duly qualified ads gmistrator of the estate of Mrs. M. hniv gle' deceased, all persons joiaiog claims against - said de ZfS are hereby notified to pre- Sher to the undersigned on or S0 Vhe 9th day of April, 1896. rLJayiueilt or this notice will be fi5 a bar to their recovery, ce J Persons owing said de are Dotified that prompt pay is expoctea. G. W. PETREA, isqfv, a Administrator. Ul3yth April, 1895. : v'. v -r.'- .v i!" c CONVENE AND NOMINATE. Tlie Colored Fusionlsts nn4'- Itepnbli cans Met Last Xfgltt. There was a considerable stir among the colored people last (Tnes- day) night, the occasion being a massmeeting cf the voters in Ward 4, to '.nominate men for' the town officers in that ward. The convention was held in the old colored Methodist church in rear of Scotia Seminary. The meeting called to order by Chairman Boger, after which Gabriel Rome was seated as president. It seems there are three factions in the party and that it was difficult no little to corne to a decision as to whom the convention would choose for school commissioner. Sonaa wanted to run Rev. Logan, but Lo- gan declined to run. The names of Bob McRea, Jones Montgomery and Jake Boger were then put in nomina- tion, Boger receiving the majority. The meeting did not put out cm- didates for mayor or aldermen, but will do so at their meeting tonight, A meeting has teen called for xt Tuesday night, but it 13 said that the weakest faction' will meet t)night and reconsider last night's work, and put out a ticket to suit themselves. Bill Junker was present and orated on the ability of Jake Boger for the office to which be had been nominated, and that he was deeply gratified with the result of the meet- " "11 mg, . Jush as we were going to press J L Montgomery inform d ns - that uo.ng juss as mneh ,soas3 bis name was not put in nomination. iQg,, as Pritchard. Judge Dick is He also states that, there i3 no meet ing .called for to night. Thirtieth Anniversary. There are a number of old, gray- haired soldiers in this city and county who will recall to memory this day's parolling of soldiers of Lee's army at Appomattox just 30 years ago. xc was a uriguu i beautiful day, iust .such as this, Wednesday, the 10th day of 1 April, to ihe waniing Pnibiic. j I wish ta announce to the ladies nf Cnncord and surrounding coma munitj that I am prepared .to do any Kind of wcrk in dress making an(i cutting. I solicit a trial. . Mrs. J. L. Brown, Church - street, opposite Reformed nhnrch. m21 1m. If France and England should gtt into a scrimmage over; Africa it w'nnld be another case of 'robbers fighting oyer the plunder. ... - - I iw...,V.-.AWlWa QKQ JBJ.Ii-Jf -V. V r Yntmrnational 1 . DICTIONARY J mt Grand l:ducnt.-r. Successor of the " t ns.br idged." Standai-d of the U. S. Gov't Print jr'.p Office, tLe U.S. pMiireme Court and cf rearly all tto ScroolbcoKS. "Warmly com metisd ty every StsfJ Superiaten Cut of Spools, and other Euua- , tors aiirost -vvita out nurabcr. .ilf-rfl President -writes x - cr.se Willi which the cyo finds the " word Eonght, f r c,ccirrxy of deflni fi,: for effectiro met2iods in indl- catinjr Froxiunci;iti on, for terse yet S " coai-rlioEftlTO etatesaents ci iicis, " -nd for practical use as a working "dictionary, Webster's International' ' excels any other single volume." , lion. J. J. P;. U' S' supreme to- r C C. 'rZSZZt-AH CO., mbllshers. itothepbiisbs3fo J Oil fef I IMS J CONCORD, N. C; WEDNESDAY, U. S. COMMISSIONERS. Trouble Among? the Brethren of lie- publican Faith Who are Here Look ing; After Plums. Th 3 atmosphere in the Benbew House office is biue. Senator Pritch- ard is htre to look after the appoint- m?nt of II; S. Court Commissioners, It teems that Judge Dick baa called for the resignation of all the com7 mlagionera in the district. One of the beat lawyers at the bar says tliis course of Judge Dick is illegal ; that; commiEsioner cannot be removed except for cause. Asking for reek nations is bat a sly way of coercing simple minded mem to get out of the way. 1 Senator Pritchard doea not. hesi- tateto severely criticise' Judge Dick for what he regards as partisan oon. Ict abont tha. commissioners. The Senator asked Jadge Dick to ap. point some men because they were m eyery way qualified and good R - publicans. Judge Dick said he would not listen to any application made on political grounds This rather displeased Pritchard, and he is reported to haye said What do you think Gen. Grant would have said if he had been -asked to - appoint you because you were a good Derao- crat with a Republinan skin V Pritchard cays he is tired of this hon-partizan Republican position of Judge Dick which means playing into the hands of the Democrats. iiX-Gongressman Ewart is just as t T i 1- . 1 I T- 1 1 uui 3 rrucqara, ana Jim uneeic hQ(i many lesser lights are hero certainly getting it from his Re publican friends. A prominent Rep UDiican, here Hda mere, is a great ugnc oerore i.1 ; n 1 l 1 ! j Judge Dick about the commission. ers, tnat District-Attorney Glenn really doe3 the appointing for the Judge and that when tbereare two Democrats after the place the fight 10 , yuu nuwc iudic io & ucmu- crat and a Republican, that is easy, the l. emocrat is appointod on non partisan grounds. Truly tne Jiepubliaus are in hot water, and tne Democrats are getting their nwn "Tna Ln?d will nmvirlA " Greensboro Record. Democratic Executive Committee for This City. The several Ward Committees an pointed last Friday night to meet and elect a township Democratic Executive Committee for the en suing year, met at the court houre Tuesday night and elected the fol lowing five men : " :: W. Ji. Odell, Chairman; at large. Ward 1 J. L. Hartsell. i Ward 2 J. L. Crowell. Ward 3 J. Av Cline, Ward 4 W. L Bell,' When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. -When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria'. ? Old Employes Discharged. Ealeigh, April 9, There is a sen sation and much feeling is aroused by the discharge today by the Sea board Air Line of six more" of its veteran employes in the shops here. Among these is Albert Johnson, the oldest living locomotive engineer, who in 1839 entered the service of iu,, T?.Alfiio-h ard Gaston railrocd. APRIL 10, . 1895. -3 t yiiMMi life mm .vJ DURMAF1, N.C, U.5.A. y--I-J?- SUCCESSOR VS''T 'W. MADE FROM I ; ABSOLUTELY FUSE S liBW3IWBM3l yHHK.JfcyjKyai--10fftffft3MW'Mii Mini ii if; AX SHOT DOWN FROM AMBUSH. Two ToTTHg Jleia Brutally. Asnansinat ei la l nncombe County. . Enifst Sumner and Chtrlie V7tst, the one fifteen, the other nineteen years of . ee, who redded sv i t h their paren s near Ardtn, m Buncomle ounty, were assassinated in almost brutal and cowardly manner Friday night; as tbey were refurmng home from that place, jast aftfr dark. They v;cre riding 'vioube" on one ncrse were noz iro:n am bush, wi.cn near the hou.e tf Jesse - ''--'. Sumner a neighbor and cousin of the Sumner bov killed, - the latter receiving - twenty-two shots in his back and nine in his right arm, dying instantly. -West's bowels were shot out and though he still lingers, he must die. Officers of the law were on the ground shortly alter the killing, and their investi gations resulted in forging such a chain of facts to connect Jesse Sum ner with the horrib!ecrime and he was arrested and committed to jail Young West died Saluiday afters noon and was buried in the same graye' with Sumner Sunday. The coroner's 'jury returned a verdict charging, Jesse Sumner with the death of the two boys.Salisbury Herald. Everyl member of the Deleware Legislature wa3 present when the one hundred and sixth ballot for United States Senator was taken at noon yesterday. The deadlock en tered upon its thirteenth week yes terday and the line3 are as strictly drawn row as they were when the contest began, notwithstanding the death of Governor Mar vil Tuesday, which it was thought would hasten a solution of the question, ' , - t ' ' ' Two Ilves Saved Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City, 111., was told by 'her doctors she had Consumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles Dr. King's New Discovery complete ly cured her and she says it. saved her life. Mr. Thos. Eggers, 139 Florida' St. San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching Consumption, tried without result everything else then bought one bot- tie of Dr. King's New Discovery and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thankful. It is such re sults, of which "these are samples, that prove the wonderful efficacy of this medicine in Coughs and Colds. Free trial bottles at Fetzer's Drug Store, Regular size 50c and $1.00, WnoiiB NO. 1,404 Professional Card. I have located in Concord for' the practice of medicine and surgery, and respectfully ask the public for a share of their patronage I may be found at my office at cny "hour of the day or at my residence at night when not out professionally, and 111 gladly respond to all calls promptly. Office uudr that of Montgomery ct Croell. Respectfully, -tf J. E. Smoot, M. D apecujation HAMMOND & CO. s r Hit i 130 & 132 Pearl S.rt, NEW YORK CITY, IT. If. Siouk8, Bonds and Grain Lc-.ht ar d sold, or carried on fdarein. P. S. Send for exp'aritci'y circus lar on speculation, also weekly mar ket letter. Cree) dwlv - I am back at mj old place of business, : ALLISON'S corner prepared to welcome iny old friends and to make new ones. I keep a full line of DRY GOODS, , ' SHOES, HATS, ; GROCERIES, TCBACCO, &c. always at tlie lowest prices consistent with honest busi ness. Will meet cuts at all times. I can buy as cheap as anybody and will sell as close. Haying a stock suited to the farmers' wants, can use your produce AV ill exchange goods for all kinds of country produce at cash prices. Call to see me. JOHN P. ALLISON. Election Kotlce. f At a meeting af Board Commis sioners for town of Concord, N. C, held April 1st, 1895, an election was called and ordered to be held at the various voting - places on the first Monday in May next for the purpose of electing a Mayor and two Town Commissioners from and by each ward and one Graded School Commissioner from and by eacn ward. Books open now. The fol lowing Registrars were "appointed ; Ward No. 1: John B Caldwell, Ward No. 2: James N BroTfn, Ward No. 3: J? A Correll, Ward No. 4 ; George M Lore. By order of Board J. L. Hartsell, April 2, 1895r Clerk. SUIT IS