Hp ii lock A o A t - . ii. 'a t TABLED THE BILL. tetter From tee, of Hay wood, Who Tabled lineman's Bad Bill. WatlEESville, N. C , April 4, Editor News and Observer : In EDI TOR KESTLER CALLED ON a iuisrepresentatiori Raises a Demo-! crat's Ire He Vili Retract. Mr. Xl L EmP.rT.i Rnnr-.rinfcmlov.fr or tne Udell ALUs, who is a Demo- r l is 1 M . V BUKEfOURHAM : GARETTESS5-! wi57 W. D u ke Sons & Ca. T'&tw (VTHEANERICAN TOBACCO COAWffJT DURHAM, N.C. U.g.A. ESSy. MADE FROM Hfgli irade Tobaeeb ABSOLUTELY PURE P7 p?3 09 - Va Sjr5 t nkHn a took heconsuere ,-Vij'for investment b"" ..that if ht obtained but one He ' u. ...nci.lored himself well n nntant m!5innnrv that 1 Siieuv l'ui . - t a j . t - ets Ideas to men, dui ieus There i p?.8,v.. - . f ,, l!mft fcjjv dnft t I w w ' ' ii. a;; a missionary that represents untain-head of all knowledge, the secrets of nature, ana t EJements This missionary Is t. , then tho very that unlocks .a ;..;! Ivtrated new edition .- rSCYCLOP.MA BRITANNICA, and it ito cvcrv hu:nan being who can read. j vou r.3v2 any s4,141 uiviiiiuii h.RRlTANN'lCA and ideas will flock to If you are voun, wan your are Dtrure you regard to the assignment bill which c rat and who has been nothing else seems, in some way. to have passed for the past 18 veary. callorl ,,nnn a the Legislature, I desire to eay that El Kestler, this (Friday) morning Mr. Smith of Stanly, introduced a and requested him to retract through bill to prevent preferences in as- his paper the, following statement, signments, a I understood it; after which appeared in the Vestibule of having: had several conversations this week : with Him in regard to it when the ifrhe Dems haycV put cn a life j bill was reported byHhe Finance time ReDublican for commissioner Committee, Mr. Smith told me that in ward 2 "Fsrb'aplhe sacrifices his it was not the original, but a sub- party for the sake of a j )b. How do stitute, understood to have been the Dems like the fusion ticket ?" prpparea by Hilemau, Chairman of The above statement raised the the Committea. I was opposed to the Djmocratic ire of Mr. Emery, and Smith bill, and when I learnel that justifiaVp, too. When requested, it uau oeea amenaea at tne instance Mr. Kestler said ha; won d tptrw.t ot Mr. Hileman, I was more than the statement. ever oppossd to it, belieying th&t ue i3est oaive in te itn Ideas to advance y ou. our u'l'l furnish vou wi :..,.nr anl tr malf( vnn ji tnnrl tuSineSS lli'.Cicaia, J eful member of-socicty. If you are a tirea Dreaa-wmner u win tiiseani enliven you wurv siories or xravei. ,..3:n; rA reauurui royinoiogicai I j K fte Krtnf 'animal an J flowers, It is never wearisome, ana u iasis a t;.ti!Tie. It IS COS..!t.'?OUiaU , : jlri Democratac For it makes no distinction between tne rcn and the r0'. tut says to both : "I am yours tiniest t-'X the asking:." TEN CENTS ADAY will buy It now, but yoa i - , :e . . . . ; int.. . jnouia oraor ai once ti ywu wish iu vaixcx . 'i:v:ntase of this spheral introductory otter. The Observer CHARLOTTE, N. C for neas interests of the State if radical Cnt3 Bruises, SoreB, Ulcers, Salt legislation snouia oe naa along tnis Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter,Chapped line. And Mr. Smith came to me and said that he would have noth ing further to do with it, inasmuch as the substitute had changed the purpose of his bill. Subsequently 1 called upthe bill and moved to lay it on the table, stating at the time it was a dangerous bill. The motion was carried by a large majority, the Democrats voting the affirmative solidly. Hands, Chilblains Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. , It is guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. Price 2b cents per box; For sale at P. B; Fetzer's Drug storo - Professional Card. I have Iccrted in Ccnccrd for the practice of medicine and surgery, and respectfully ask the j::3 for a share of their patronage I may be found at rny. office at any hour of the day or at my residence at night when not out professionally, and will gladly respond to all crl!a promptly. Office under that of !Vontgcmery & CroU. Respectfully, tf J. E. Smoot, iM.J) speculation, HAMMOND & CO. 03? U. Tlie Kailrond War. Baltimore, April 11, President Hoffman, of the Seaboard Air Line, said today that the decision of the infpr-Rtaifi .nommfima Rommissinri. I never heard of the bill-any more , . . th. Sontheru Kail. until I noticed in the papers after d com t0 weet the cnt in i 1 " j it had become a law. W. T. Lee. A FREAK. Kolt With Two Heads, Four Eyes and Ekh! But it in Dead!. To The Wanting Public. I wish to announce to the ladies a of Concord and surroundins: comt mnnitj that I am prepared to do to Atlanta without reducing the rate to intermediate points, would not affect the situation materially, except that the decision might give the im pression that his line was in the wrong in cutting rates. Comment Dr. ijiner. r; vp.rpnnarv snropon place, was at the Stock Farm any Kind f Wrk ln dreS3 maklllg ing on the decision President HdflV ana cutunsr. i soncica mat. il Banks Holt at Graham yester brought back with . i -- i . . . i - - . piesi rreatt ever beneia, neing a I celt witb two distinct and perfect j lir.ed at the sides, four' eyes, So mouths, twn Mrs. J. L. Brown, 1 01 tlie I O 1.-1 VV. Lj yJVHU AlViViW.vv, man said : "I no longer see any use for the inter-State commerce commission. That body has virtually given the why They Are Not, boutnern itaiiroaa. company a Thf KinstonFree I Press savs. in weanon which to fight us and has " v " C l i w backbones and referring to the-new magistrates : repudiated about the only important church. m21 lm. 2 10 aght legs, but with only two ears The newly appointed magistrates clause of the act under which it was one wind pip?. are not magistrates, because tney created 'the long ana snort nam Thecolt was foaled yesterday, but failed to qualify. They failed to clause of the law has been upheld by dead. nuatifv because the certified lists all the courts, and I am surprise a . j . i - -Bauer . says two heads are were not sent out in time by the fees that the inter-State commerce com- petim?g seen but this is the fir?t rctary of state, who did not send mission should be the first to nullify stance on record of this kind. He them out in time because the it I caonot say at present what we blanks to send them on didn't I, will do, next, but we are able apd. . t k riikn 1 ..i. .-.11 ivr.n i frt T(lfrfinr C021Q 10 mm in muw. x uo rtraujp at uluco w fivwvM to him in rights and" proper ty.,; rou?ht the heads and neck home JiLd will j-,reierve thpm in alr.ohnl sboro Kecord. our blanks didn't come L M Archey, of this city, has time because the public printer inula? freak a? th nno- annvA Iitpr ah Winston so far from the 'H only it 33 a kitten instead State capital. The public printer at 1 Col Winofrin was plpfitnd bv th fnSlOn legislature, and is making big money on the public pnntipg paying his printers starvation wages k And this int for IIInsHelf. morning before daylight wis wa3 aroused by a col- Li... iJ i mii niTMimmr rrr ;ivd their o1P;nPC.n iun xa u - - tut; uiau saiu iic lQted a t, arrant for himaplf nnd t lac vuujuu witu mm I ' . ..' r .- 1 came along to get it er -Uk John Gro3e, had. slapn i'en ahd then 7 slapped osviile Landmark A Good Low-Priced Bicycle t'onsmits Snlclcte. '-a April 10. Mr. publisher of the . y j., icu'e here 'trniicrht bv tak- 0 ; 3 ttu iNrfolk' about sixty leave m ml ea a arm in this .ltV W J6lQ -Chicago, He came to Ior Ms Health.' He was IN. , ialh WE don't advise your buying any bicycle but the best one made the COLUMBIA for the $ 1 00 it costs is wise economy, every dollar of it. But if you prefer to pay less, then we have lower priced machines that we know will give you satisfac tion. Patterns for men and women or , boys and girls in THE HARTFORD $80 $60 $50 Come and examine Beautiful Catal,Q5U free lf,yoti call. G.L. PATTERSON, AGENT, CONCORD, N. C. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.' When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. Two lilyes Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction nit. Til was told bv her doctors, wJ' " - "7 ' - - ( she had Consumption and that there, was no hppe for her, but two bottles Dr. King's New Discovery cotnplele ly cured her and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Eggers, 139 Florida St. San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cpld, approaching tried without result everything else then bought one bot tle of Dr. King's New Discovery and in two weeks was cured. He is Daturaliy. thankful. It is such re sults, of which these are samples, tftati prove the; wonderfu) effipacy of ih& medicine in Cbrijghs ancl Qpjds. Free trial bct'leS at Fetzer's Drug Store, Regular size 50c and $100, SALE OF TOWN LOTS FOR ; . - TAXES. ; ' By virture of levies and the cer tificate of J L Boger, Tax Collector for the town of Concord, and pur suant to the provisions of the Machinery Acts of the General As sembly of North Carolina, I will on the 1st Monday of May 1895, sell at the Court House door in Concord the following town lots on which the taxes levied by the commissioners tor said town for the year 1894 re main unpaid, to wit : ward 1. Isette & Smith. 1 town lot , on Main street $ 14 10 Pondexter, P F, 1 town lot on Mill street, ad joining W Thompson, 3 23 Troutman, W A, 1 town lot oo Spring street 3 60 ' ward 2. Peoples, Alfred, 1 town lot (Burrage lot;, ' 1 65 WilleforJ. J A, 1 town lot East Depot street, ward 3. Branick, Mag, 1 town lot East Depot street, (El- : len Best property), Dry, W F, 15 1 acres land 3-Mile Branch, Groner, Mary. E, 1 town lot (old store room;, WARD 4. Alexander, Sarah, 1 town lot, Coleburg, I Alexander, Hiram, 1 town lot Loye Town (balance), Freeman, Allen, 1 town lot Coleburg, f Gilmore, Sandy, 1 town lot Broad street,. Gibson, Mag, 1 town lot Broad street, Harris, Henry, 1 town lot Broad street, " Holbrooks, Adam, 1 town lot. Broad street, Ichord, Eliza, 1 town lot Coleburg, McCarter, Andrew J, 1 town lot Broad street, McRea, John W, 1 lot Broad street (balance), Pharr Martin, 1 town lot Broad street, Spencer, Ellen, 1 town lot Broad street, Miller, Rondolph, 1 town lpt Brpad. stjeety Blair, z;. 1, .town lot Bioad street, TO THE SHERIEF OF County : The ahove is a true list of de ligent property of the town of Con cord, presented as in accordance with law for you to advertise under execution for sale for taxes. J. L. B0GER, Tax Collector. L. M. Morrison, ExSheriff of Ca- barus County, April 10 Ji, 1895. 130 & 132 Pearl Street, NEW YORK CITY, H. Y. Stocks, Bonds and Grain bought acd sold, or carried on Margin. P. S. Send for explanatory circus lar on speculation, also weekly mar ket letter. (Free) dwlv 3 VJ 4 FsiiilLy THE I I am back at my old plac 6 H A of business, ALLISON'S I 35 corner, . prepared to welcome ,my old iriends and to make 4 01 new ones. 1 Keep a lull line or l135a'A,A vvxo, SHOES, HATS, GROCERIES, 1CBACCO, &c. 2 03 always at the lowest prices consistent with honest busi 73 Lnpss. Will mfiftt cuts at all times. I can buv as cheat) as ot I , A O t) I tt r- ttt - 11 fM-l n c gk" r cy .uLujuuuj ULLKX wxii ocii ao viuoc. x 35 Haying a stock suited to the 'farmers' wants, c?fcn use 'your 3 60 produce. Will exchange - goods for all kinds of country 154 produce at cash prices. Call to see me. 1 35 98 JOHN P. ALL1S0H. 3 41 73 3 60 71 3 60 the arid ar.d Election Brotice. At a meeting of Board Commis sioners for town of Concord, N. O., held April 1st, 1895, an election was called and ordered to be held at the various votiog places on the first Monday in May next, for I IQ purpose of electing a Mayor Cabarrus two Town Commissioners from by each ward and one Graded School Commissioner from and by each ward. Books open now. The fol lowing Registrars were appointed : Ward No. 1: John B Caldwell, Ward No. 2 : James N Brown, Ward No. 3: PA Corre!!, Ward No. 4; George M Lore. By order of Board J. L. Hartsell, April 2, 1895, Clerk.