-It 146. CONCORD, N. C. FRIDAY; APBIL 19, 1895. 1. WiioiiE NO. 1,503 fiTi. vestigatton 1kv TOILER EXPLOSION. t Is a Conceded Fact That the library possessed by the scientist, when it covers only his seciI line of work and study. Is 1 inadequate for hfs use. Nature, within whose kingdom Ha k the fields of all science, has so , constituted her domain that no one branch is distinct or independent -of ' another. The scientist who enters some of her fields of study must inform himself upon all. The botanist must seek his , Mr. William Morris Kadly Scalded Ills Condition Not Serious, Fortu nately. ; fey; Mr, Will Morris, who Hve3 about four miles from town, met with a painful accident this (Friday) morn ing. He was running his gin. While working around the engine the boiler exploded, and Mr. Morris wa3 badly scalded. The first report was that he was seriously injured. ; The latest information is that he is not seriously, though painfully hurt. It was impossiole to get full par ticulars of the accident fcr thi8 issue. Fusion and Prohibition. Why, instead of helping the cuse of temperence by legislating it into a fair change in the nice, the Fu sion Legislature did its best it f ram ing the new election law to rub the Prohibition party clerk oil "North pgjy durham w.c. u.s.a. -yy. . ; .: mads from ! , ' ' ; - Ltd , SALE ABSOLlTi&LY PURE MfcMthrr nlants in the studv of geblogy the uses of plants in zoology Carolina territory." Balldt Box. or chemistry r MURDER IS 1KEDELL. in a Dis The.chemist finds his materials for : work in the study of geology or botany, i The sciences all depend one upon the ; other, and the successful scientist must ! thoroughly understand each and Its relation tcrhis chosen branch. Further the scientist, must have his fisfof illation ' . Ing" alls Cnt and Out for Free Coinage. Macon, Mo., April lS.In goun yer8ation with a member of the G A R, at the state en campement being held here, J J Ingalls has declared he was not only in favor of putting a plank into the national platform $14 10 3 23 3 60 2 10 favoring free and unlimited coinage It must be exact and concise, for In the nf R-.ivp- w tw he ;a 8tron?lv in i j . : At I ' - a " for searching large libraries or bulky Uvor-ot nominatug a candidate who volumes. is personally in favor of that prin- He nas touna a remedy tor me cinle inaacquawy ui nis special iiuiaiy , 11 i the new up-to-date Encyclopaedia Brltannica authoritative, concise, accessible, complete. He can turn in Twenty-One Children to Eegfa With. The happiest marriage ever chron a moment to any subject suggested by icTed in this section of the State was, any feature of the experiment. But the scientist is not alone In this discovery, for so complete ancl universal in its bearings is this wonderful reference library that men in A Negro Killed a Wbito Slan pine UTer?i) tcnis. Late Saturday after noon a white man named T J Ovsrcash was killed by a :negro, Jim Femster, in Con cord" fonship, redell county. Feimster' was to hale been married Sunday and had goie to Statesville to get hi3 license, "lie go c full up on whiskey and onlhia way home tuet Oyercash, to whom he owed a balance of 25 cents In a calf purs chased, at a branch. I The negro had a chicken . and Ovfrcasli demanded the balance uuo hixn or the fowl. Feimgter had no monev and refused to give ud the chicken which he said wai fori hi Wrddin dinner. After un vxchunga of iords, both mea in tiie meanwhile having ob to every walk of life find in it just what they need. It is It is unnecessary for us to tell you possibly, that which occurred one dae last wpek at Hat Creek, the con- Wfi rt? hPina Mrs. Mollev ined a rock, Over cash parted Tn rs Mr JamOH Hampr hnthJ cross the branch. The izegro dared .i-whr J him to cross ad as he M so threwi Advance. Tbe marriage took place the rock, stnkipg himon the bead ,mM ,f. rmoincr s.t H,ft home of laud knocking hita dewn, partly in MUlAVk c4.cu -) - " " - ; I ... 1 1 1 rrTTJl .A A af tPrward the haonv; tae waier. reiuidiw pcu uF so you nave kuowuji long, dul u ; i is ours act prom regular offer Address . children, while the groom, who was a widower, ha3 in his family seyen; youngsters, eo that the youngcouple will begin life with 7 twenty-one children. to remind you that unless you couple removed to the home of the) .-o ptly you must buy it at the wh:fih wag nofc far distant.! the wounded ,m3n iun toe gruuuu. retail prices, for theintroductory , Jt - -...! Twn'fltrifr net?ibej who witnessed .. -i'i'i-.v hirin i a t nn m nr noi" rvr Tnnrrnpn i...w.w- r , will last but a short time. iuoiuc. . v.., The Observer CHARLOTTE, N. C Canht by a Decoy Letter. .Cincinnati, Ohio, April 18.-1 ais jn.t been made public that Geo. Monieo. one Of the Counterfeiters "When Daby was sick, we gave her Castoria. of the two cpnt postage stamps, wa3 arrested in the CiccinnJti pa3t cfiice on Tn.25 hy, on a decoy letter. 'He W &er,t to the Chicago-Tribune an advertisement offering to sell-$125 worth of stamps for $100 and di recting the- answers to. be sent to Geo, Morrison. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she becarre Miss, she clung lo Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. the difficulty cjriied Overcash to his home. He rinained unconscious until about 8 o'cck Sunday morn ing when he diej( F6r Ovcn'riny Yeais. Thi,.rEer Felt Hie Ilr.lfcr Draw. The Populists say tbey are tired of hearing so much about that Fred. Douglai Legislature and of the deviltry of derks and unprincipled repre8entatives in stealing and sneak l3S in bills. Doubtless th?y re tired as'J are anxious to hear ko more of T2ie Blllvllle Banner." Biiiville is getting ready for the expo3ition . We have a number of spring alligators that saved five niggers from being lynched by swallowing them alive. The fishing season is not full as usual. The jug factory wastotally destroyed by fi e on Wednesday last, and all we haye left now is bait. During the moonlight picnic ve Media th,Sn;n,rt w for mistook oar .iron " a.in? seed cotton. F I O.oorne threw the same out ofj ne wiu- wa tv, e Thp sheriff caught it on tne ujr, thca sol.citor and made one of T"f oB three shirts and a Ws greatest speeches for ths prose, relieved n8 oJ .tDrlU!, JtUm. ft9r Mr. Osborns closed certificate of good c harac te "imment the prisoner w as asked BillviUe hopes to take the , Wend what he thonght of the madals at the Au, solicitor i i r rt i i - . "W you uod's truth ! never am space . ,L , Hii geteo tire of hearing one speech exhibits conRrman-- 11 my life. That fellow Osborne anything except to Inn rally makes me tired "-Monroe andreturn to his cons titn ten . fairer. a w v , ' AlKfiB 13bnaHation. Mrs. Wfn8lqw,flfSboth5Dg Syrup has been used for jrer fifty years by millions of movers for their children while teethmwith perfect succesp.: It soothes tls child, oftens the gums, allays al pain, cures i wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, ijwill relieve the poor, little sufferer famediately. ' Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Twery-five cents - a bottle Be sure and as for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syr ba" and take no other kind. I , . mw?&w : OF TOWN LOTS FOR TAXES. ) By virture of levies and the cer- tlficate or J L Bocer. Tar Cnll O ' for the town of Concord, , and pur suant to the provisions of the Machinery Acts of the General As-! sembly of North Carolina, I will on: the 1st Monday of May 1895, sell at the Court House door in Concord! the following town lots on which the; taxes levied by the commissioners tor. said town for the year 1894 reV main unpaid, to wit : WABD I.' Isette & Smith, 1 town lot on Main street Pondexter, P F, 1 town lot on Mill street, ad joining W, Thompson, Troutman, W A, 1 town . lot oo Spring street, , WARD 2. Willeforl, J A, 1 town lot Snst Depot street, - waud 3. Branick, Mag, 1 town lot East Depot street, '(El len Bost property), Dry, W F, 151 acres land 3-Mile Branch, Groner, Mary E, 1 town lot (old store room;, WARD 4. Aescvndei Sarah, 1 town1 lot, Coleburg, Alexander, Hiram, 1 town lot Loye Town (balance), Freeman, Allen, 1 town lot Coleburg, Gilmore, bandy, 1 town . lot Broad street, Gibson, Mag, 1 town lot Broad street, Harris, Henry, 1 town lot Broad street, Holbrooks, Adam, 1 town lot Broad street, Icbord, Eliza, 1 -town. ' lot 'Coleburg, : McCarter, xrldre w J , 1' town lot Broad street, McRea, John ' W, 1 lot Broad street (balance), Pharr, ( Martin, 1 town lot Broad street, Spencer, Ellen, 1 town lot Broad street, Miller, Rondolph, 1 town lot Broad street, Blair, Z, 1 town lot Broad street, To THE Shepjef of County : The above is a true list of de liquent property of the. town of Coji cord, presented- as in accordance IT Tiif - . it XAh 1 35 4 Oil 1 35 ; 98 2 05 1 73 1 35 1 5: q an 1 1 5! "I : .. v.-- t .. 1 35; "; ' '3 4l! 2 73 i i 3 60: i i i 7ll 3 GO . t , 1 I6! Cabarrus I am back at my old place of business, ALLISON'S corner prepared to vrelcome iny old friends and to make new ones. I keep a full liheof DRY GOODS, SHOES, HATS, GHOCEEiES, TCBACCO, &c. ! always at the lowest prices consistent with, honest busi ness. Will meet cuts at all times. I can buy as cheap as anybody nnd will sell as close, Haying a stock suited to the farmers' wants, can use your produce, W ill exchange goods for all kinds of country produce at cash prices. Call to see me. JOHN P. ALLISON pecuiatibn, TT & r U Akl n 2Qk 130 & 132 Parl Sti ?i., rTEW YORK CITY, N. T. " - . u- otroaav engaged 3 epeeeh. Herepled, "Well, la ;o r l w id For men, wo: did spsee and, ambtferngs. 1 ;pi hoys at prices ranging : fxpjagps tqt);f 8ijfrapa factory snftjgct i to approval & 4re the on,ly martuf actur- iajezJ r, Offer. jsrattValrtc in c.ur ! OfCsrOL Gladiar wheel3 atJfiOtaJSO .tftan toSlSOu EvJ7 wheel ftally -nrr&ntfc niii t 11 dealr profit of Fifty ,Ctlbt3 out vrits rtpxj fpij tttt iandsoiiitalosua ' "Address, ' . '.. BtoydeBsjwTtoent 5 11, iiil with law for fou to ftdvertie nnder execution for sale for taxes. ! . , J. L. Bgger, j Tax Collector. L. M. MoKrison, Ex Sherifi! of Ca-; bar us County, April 10thV189o. V ' Meeting classis of North Carolina Keforraed church of the U. S., Thcmaeville, N. C. Ticuets of sale April 30th, May 1st and 2nd, limit, May 7th, 1S95. -Fare for round trip $2.50. . Sit tip trai Stocks, Bonds and Grain bo--iq;ht a-i d told, or carried on Margin. P. S. Send for explanatory circus laf on speculation, also weekly mar ket letter. ' (Free) dwlf Professional Card. I have located in Concord for iha practice of medicine, find surgery, and respectfully.ask the public for a share of theirj-pairoaage I may be found fcfc'my' office, at; -any hour of the day or at my residence at night when not - out professionally, and" will gladly respond lo all calhi promptly. OfSce under that of Montgomery & Cro.vell. Respectfully,- . tf . J. E, Smoot, M, D. r :Just as easy to sit tip straight ,on a bicycle as on a horse. Bi cycle iriust be built right,' though i-rr-havp, easily adjustable handle bar and many sizes to fit you. That means your buying a Bicycle,$100 Haven't" said a , word about quality.?, 'No need.?; Everybody knowsf the Columbia is ,tho ; rbest bicycle made. 5 Have lower priced machines tooHartfords Art Catalosme free If voa call. (J. U PA:lwiEKbt; jm , 'AG E si T, ' C(Mcbto,vN. C. 1 1 Mansionnonse Laundry. ; I am the Concord' repeeentative of the Maiieion;Houso Steam Laun dry, of Greeuville. B.C. If you think of wearing nicely done-up collors, cuffs and shirt3, come sec me and find out cost. You will be )aid f or all articles torn or lost. You can le bundles at" the Furniture Store, whether I am pre?anfc or not, It will receive prpnpt attention. I send basket off Tuesday and it returns Saturday morning'. " Come around and'see'inei J mhl3 3m - J. N.Bell IJuc ui en's Arnica aaive. The Bcat'Salve in .tie worla for Cuts, Bruisss, Sores,. Ulcer s, Ss It Rheum, Fever Sor3,Tetter,Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or. no pay required. It is guaranteed ..to .give satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cfnts per box. . For sale, at P. B. Fetzer's Drug: 18 tore t : . . 4i . .