XL No. 25. G ON CORD, N. C. , MONDAY , MAY 27, 1895. W Honr. ICO. 1.155 0 fc-a Era -a - Bt glGABETTESi v . -;tr. TV -c FIFTEEN f'H ANNIVERSARY. I A DOUBLE LYNCHING. The Crystal Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. W. It. odeli Celebrated Saturday Eventng. Presents Numerous ami Haudsome150or More Guests. Two Youiigr Men llanged for Brutally Assultins a Youh;-' U(Iy-The Jlob ted by the Girl's father. , - D AVVTT.I P ' Mow K !?...! T 7 uuBome flome at this morning a mob whicn bad been the head of North Main street, was In possegsion of Vermillion countj the place; Saturday.eyening from-8 jail for several .bWrs, sueceeied in wu u was ine nme; ana tne celebra- W. Duke Sons &.Ca theamerican TOBACCO CO -j DURHAM, N.C. U.S. A MACS FROM AND ABSOLUTELY PURE ansa XnoSmKlen Deaths. . Sim Jay night about- 9 o'clock, vhlle attending the colored baptist church, Susan Thompson, an aged and rejected colored woman of this 0tv, became suddenly faint and re- luriicti to her home, only a distance i( ... ids, whtre she expired in a very few minutes. "Aunt Socky" waa the wife of 'Washington Thomp son and mother of Cicero, the gbar ber. . She. was 84 years, old and was well and favorably known. Washington Peas, an old -colored raao living in Pineiand, took sud denly sick Saturday afternoon and died Sun iav night. His death was due to stomach disorder. When Eaby vras sick, we gave her Castoria. "hen she was a ChUJ, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. Whea she had Children, she gave them Castoria. At St. Andrews. Sunday night the union Sunday schools of the Lutheran and Metho dist churches at Uannonyille carried out an entertaining, programme es pecially arranged for Children's Day, which consisted of singing and reciting. The singing was especially fine, and e ;ch one who took part in tha txercisea did his or her part re markably well. Kev. R H Parker, of Central Methodist . church, de iivered a short address. Mr. L D Ouval Is superintendent and has the children under splendid control. The school is in a flourishing con- . dition. A collection was taken for missionary purposes. iel at Torest Hill. Mr Clayton Walter, who has been ck- for tome time, died Sunday ":n--of bicod poison, at Forest reflfiD8 will be ' interred if1' Carr-n-i rivejfird tomorrow I 'Uoid'iy) 10 o'clocl. H o leayes t.na three children. Mr. :ic vjbonr, 24 xp.nr& old. R"V cLauiiii v.iil conduct he funeral &vices. r' it Found. ace the rtceut cold spell in May X na2 been on, there has been much ersity of opinion over the Scrip furfes, which is said to read : "The llQs will come when ve - shall 'not c,v fit ter from summer except lfle putting forth of the buds." aay that it is in the Bible, wnile others contend thit it is not, h it is enh an old saying. We locite the' quotation, and i(i like for soma one-well -Versed .ell ns in what part of 'the Bible r 13 10 be found, if found at all. 1 youeof the force. ton of the 15 th anniversay of tne marriage of Mr.and Mrs. W R Odell was the occasion. i It was the briilia it occasion of years, in Concord. From the time the beautifuly en graved cards were issued to the many" friends of these most excellent peo pie, it was the coming eyent to all. The many looked forward .with exx pectations of a most joyous occa sion ElbethVone of the loveliest of Concord's elegant homes, was, if possible, even more beautiful on this occasion. The light streaming from within wheneyer doors opened and through the windows, mingling its rays among the Raindrops falling without and those hanging heavy on trees and sbrubberj, the scene to those advancing upon Elbeth wa3 suggestive of the crystal wedding occasion within. At the. door little Miss Barrow re ceived the cards of nearly 150 in vited friends of the bridal couple. Once in, amid the hospitalities of these good people, and surrounded by the grace and beauty of Concord, Charlotte, Greensboro and Salis bury, without a care and m couch with all that's cheerful and charm ing and inspired by music each individual saw a living picture, which my pen can not describe. It was not a dream it was real, life like and earnest. Not only a pleasure to be present, but doubly so to see Mr. and Mrs. W R Udell, the bride and groom, and give them heartiest congratu lations upon the 15 th anniyersary of their matrimonial voyage, and to wish thenar long, long, voyage be yond tnis occasion, all without a breaker, without a cloud in sight. Mr. and Mrs. W H Branson, of Durhan, and Mr. and Mrs. S J Dur ham, of Dallas, assisted Mr. and Mrs. W R Odeli in receiving. Dozens after dozens entered the N ... dining hall there a scene of beauty .and one never to be forgotten was be fore every one. The decorations were in roses and water lilies, the latter predominating. This, cheer ful and grand in appearance, was only surpassed by the marriage sup per in abundance and prepared fit for gods. How could memory forget! Never. That scene will be yivid when the crystal wedding years will have tnppled themselves. The presents, all cut-glass, preB senfed to all a picture of rare beauty and brilliancy tHey were numerous, handsome and many of them C03tly. In long rememberance the crystal wedding of Mr. end Mrs. W R Odell will be held by the 150 guests presant. It was an occasion of ioy and happiness not 'a single thing was left undone to, make the even ing perfection itsel f. Mr. J. W. Mehaffey JDead. Just as our forms were about to close, at 4 o'clock, the death of Mr. Joseph W Mehaffey, whose serious illness we have noted, is announced. We haven't space nor time for fur ther particulars in this issue.- "The weather has broke," says Prof, McAnnlty. locating John Halls, Jr., and .Wm. Royce in their cells,: took them aside and hanged them for agaulticg Miss 1 Laura Barnett. brom midNnight, Jvhen the crowd first made its appearance at the j ill until the victims weVe reached, it was a determined, deperate struggle of a frenzied mob to baeet summary justice, battling against heavy oaken doors and iron bars and occasionally halted by the grim stand of a little band cf defenders of law and order under the command of "Sheriff Thompson. . After repeated efforts to break down the outer jail door with a tele phone pole the crowd for a moment desisted in their efforts to break into the jail. Ed McCusker stood on the iail steps and addressed the mob, begging them to desist. They laughed him down, Sheriff Thomp son, his. wife and deputy sheriff James Sloan also besought the mob to disperse. F V Barnett, the father of the in jured girl, said to Mrs. Thompjon: "Madam, her blood demands venge- ance. His reply was wuaiy ap plauded. ' ; At 2 o'clock Sheriff Thompson sent for Judge Bookwalter, of the Circuit Court, ,who addressed. the crowc from the jail corridor. He made an earnest plea to let the law take - its course. He assured them that Halls and Rojce would receive severe punishment if found guiltv; that the 'iial jurj would do it& duty. But the leaders, who were among the ,mo3t prominent men m the county replied : "Yea, we know the jury will con vict them and give them a severe sentence, but Governor Altgeld will pardon them out. He recently pardoned three brutes you sent up from Champagne county for 20 years and he will pardon these men. If any other man than Altgeld was Governor we would not lynch these men. But we are determined he will neyer have a chance to turn them loose." With these words thej again com menced at 3 o'clock. - Sheriff Thompson, finding himself powerless to control the mob tele graphed the Governor asking that the militia be sent to hja aid. At 3:15 the mob secured both of the prisoners and started toward the bridge. with rope3 about their n-cks. They were hanged almost upon the : scene ef the crime. - I ZJt- -i- 1 Ill II mm "A- 4 GIVING TElEsK THINGS A WAY Wl PH IS 1 t'p-w..Tl ".' .L'rf.li I m warn 1 j mm- mmm m jiif I! I ll ; ii hi ,1 lc''rr-V.?fgg?T.-..;- rp.--.rr -. .. : n, ir - j - , m SB V. m tuxtea.m Improved Chautauqua Kindergarten Drawing Board and Vritlng Desk i Open for wax TRADE 1 Lisa COMB ASD SEE S For the Iadies. j Mrs Nd Ireland -Thacker. 1 007 I aentutive of W7 H & R STuckvr & Co , wholesale and retail mercL&nts . of Raleigh, is at the St. Gloud with j samples, at retail, of new and ex. tensive lines of Spring and Summer colored and black dress goods, silk?, velvets, laces, trimmings, corsets, , kid gloves, shoes, etc, all of the latest styles, and invites all the iadiesof ' the town and country to ; call and inspect . her display. She will be here only a few days-and to get a good selec ipn it would be to, your interest to go - at your earliest ! convenience. - ad. " j THEM And get a cir cular that will "d op'enfofute tell you all abou it iiilli i'.ti! SJ Hi 5 Ik Folded for Shipping firemen meet tonight, ' s.'j Es'i .r- . r r J : ia. Lid.; IgEUr f i CANNONS & FETZER.", ' ' ' -X. - ' V: " : :'