Vol. XL-No. 97, CONCORD, X. C, MONDAY, AUGUST .19, 1895. Whole NO: 1,239 - - - ' - - mlrm """" , n ' - - - , tori Mini Bail. Coxcord, N. C. j. M. Odell, D, B. CCLTKANB, Jj. D. COLTRANE, Capital, Surplus, President : ". Cashier. Assistant Cashier $50,000 : $16,000 DIRECTORS; j jr. Odell, D. F. Cannon Elam King, J. W. Cannon, W R. Odell, W. H. Lilly, D. B, Ooltrane. OPeCU laXIOn , Jinto a hotel large enough to accom- HAMMOND & CO. StflCk &H& !B0B.& Brokers, 130 & 132 Pearl Street, NEW YORK CITY, IT. Y. Siocks, Bonds and Grain bought and sold, or carried on Margin- ' P s -Spn for nlanatonr circn x ' i lar on speculation, also weekly mar- ket letter. (Free) dwly UNIVERSITY OF l ' RTI I P fl M II I I III fl 11 H I n liliMill liliH ilUII I II Ulll I Ulal lull Com-nrises tha Cniversitv. the College, the Law and Medical Schools, and" the SUMMER SCHOOL fnr fpnohftrs. Tuition &60 : 05 -u .Arr r.4.xt aa I -Chapel Hill, N C, for' Cata logue and handbook on "UNI VERSITY EDUCATION." MANUFACTURERS OF ry - FINE GINGHAMS, OUTING CLOTHS, M' li PLAIDS, SHEETING AND SALT BAG!, O- DEALERS IN General I Merchandise. BUYERS OF Country Produce Mil' OfIOhdl-T.ed.d AND our-Foot wood always wonted best prices for same. We invite an in spection of all tne goods! we Manufacture, 8i Co. A NOVEL IDEA. Mineral Springs for Concord-Wby Not Run the Water Irom Hiseii helmer's Springs Lawyer Crow ell Makes a Suggestion. . Ex-Mayor J L Crowell has re turned from Patterson's Springs, He is much improved, The Standard is pleased to flay. But while talking, Lawyer Crowell rnaP fl tin! nncrtrppfinn. t is this; Concord can be made a 'fine sums vvuWiu.au uCuiauCB yue sums mer and. winter ; resort, if a stock company would purchase the Mise'n heimer & Lent z Springs and run the modate a large patronage. r When told that the distance is 17 miW Mr. HrnwAii "w ?a' u right. The direct distance teM over mnes ana nauincn pipe can be buried. These pipes can be purchased for 1 cent a foot and there is an outlay of only 1d9.i6. The Springs property will have to. be purchased, and the only trouble: might be in getting the right cf way. The pipe might be tapped at Mt Pleasant for the benefit of the : - schools, making the expense : ac COrdinglV leSS Mr, Crowell thinks the scheme i -n:- ' V cen &aB8 i' would be a profitable enterPriBe- Sulphur water running 14 miles in iron pipes would make a fine medicinal combination. A Sunday Runaway. Early in the morning on our Holy I babbath day a temnea mule to a buggy Mashed up north Spring street at a 2.20 gait It , was occui pied by seyeral colored people. I A little bov was thrown from the was .rm. hurt wkil another little fellow was scaling a hog pen to escape the honors of being rnn oxer by a mule, when the shafts canght him in the seat of the pants, throwing him into the air and land- flig him at a safe distance-from the wheels, nndeineath which he might have been mashed to death" In the meantime, a plank had been torn from the hog pen, and' the inmates let :out. ;With the yells of he TW' TZTKi, fZa and the whimpering of the fnnous mule, it was indeed a frightful jaf fair. The wounds of the children are not of a serious nature. To the Citizens of Concord. On and after the 20th day of this month ot August, I will open out a first-class meat market and will be glad to serve the public with I their needs in thefresh meat line. ,ty place of business "will be in the Hurly store room, first door below Lowe & Son. Respectfully, alO lm. : :-J J.iF. Dayvault. , f Delicious Berries. Mr. W G Boshamer is a fine ,gar - n'aiiflhil frnif. orrnwpr. Aflfi ffiW. if v . .. . anvntherscan. truthfully say that aeilClOUS Btrawucifico, ao um. Boshamer. His second crop of ber riea were not as large in size; or quantity, as the first, but the berries. he says, were much sweeter. Fresh Mill Cows For Sale. . ' ' v I haye two good fresh milk cows for sale. Apply at the Standabd office for information or to meat my w home, adjoining the rison place, ,lwk John 1 SUNDAY A FEAST DAY, An Ordinance to I'rolii5it Sunday TradingThe oard Will be Con suited To-Night Clears. Tobacco. Melons,-Ice and OtSier Perishable Goods Cannot Lawfully be Sold on Sunday. A prohibitory law has been un earthed to stop Sunday trading by the merchants of the town. This law was passed in 1886 and has never been enforced. At toe meeting o the. board of o " . -7 me"nbt PaJtle conBulfc the authorities and ask that the ,ollowiDg ordinance be strictly enforced, which will aton the-r&Ia of cigars, tobacco, melons, e a, on Sun- " "Ordinance No. 25. That any per on or persons who shall sell on the Sabbath day within the corporate ? rrr""-vi'vF- iuwwiufuv or ih case of necessity, any article of trade or merchandise, shall j be dee.med gailty of a misdemeanor, and npon oonyiction thereof shall be for each and every offence fined, five dollara or imprisoned for five davs." Mercnants m air parts oi tne city nave violated this ordinance.. Sun. day has not been properly observed, 1:1.: ii i l. a lb is uiaimeu, aim uaa Dee a maue a fr An r iBy uaj oiuw mo, ojwuu ccouu ib " M dru stores will not have the cinch on the Sun- day cigar and tobaGco trade, as here: tofore. . , . , ' -ana tne cniei or ponce says ,; the board wants the law enforced, 1 will see that it is done." The com- missioners will re-cohBider the bicy lo nrHinA ncrain fn.mVht. Th feting will be one oMnterest and the result watching. one that everyone; is Mr. Barrage in the Mountains Mr Burrage returned- Saturday- from a Thit to his brother, Mr " " ""b greatly impressed with the pne and bnsiness like ar pearanee of AtBenUe and 8nburb8' ; He ' sports good croPs "f plentiful, business lely. and everything moving oa to prosperity. He Tisited Yanderbilt s plwe.on which js sixty, milesof me. "- '".""TT r8 , ont Vth8 f0"?! S UUBUC1B UJL UitbS, iUUU UUBUCIO, Ui k a .000 bnsheb of. wheat, op , . .. , ' ro tne time ne leic. xney were, noi more than three-fourths done thresh- ing Preparations'have hegun for a hie dinner and reunion at the Van- derhilt, palace at tfiltmore, to 5take place Christmas next. The .palace is now complete. All Free. Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value. - and those who have not, have now the opportunity to try it Free. 5 Call on the, advertised Druggist and get a Tria Bottle, Free. Send your name and address to H E Bucklen & Co. Chicadntand 1 pr. King's New I Wfill ftSfl COliV Oj jtt... .1 u ' ax ?Aii ana nouwuum xumuvm, T-ofA-fi :. t - ft-. tand.Posted' Jfotlce.1 I hereby forbid any .parties from trespassing' such as hunting, "cut - f i mhflr. walkiri p- :nr driving Ti.rnnvincr. f mit Of aTlvthinfiT OI an ilAflnrintion on mv nlantatlon. known as. , the.. Daniel ; Stfier W11J get. a sample box of millions, of, mothers for their children Life, Pills Freei as while eething, with perfect success. P Guide' to fitealtti I K soothes the ? child, softens' the .,fVr,.:?r rrUn?8 will calVonrDn Ajchej John H Mor-dc? Wynne s: : pe prosecured'to pe fullest Extent! tionvvr . r t 1 ' NEAR SENECA CITY. A Terrible Wreck Occnred Sunday Morning About 3 O'clock One Man Killed-Fire Cars Derailed. The cause "of the irregularities in the arrival of trains is due to the terrible wreck on the Southern, be low Seneca City, Sunday ; morning about 3 o'clock. it is said by parties who came in from Charlotte last night and this morning that the train, due here at 8:01 Sunday morning, while running at a rate of 70 miles per hour in a per short "curve, jumped the track and the whole train of-six coaches, with ine exception or tne engine ana one sleeping car rolled down a 60 foot embankment. : One man, Express man Frank Grier, was mashed to death by heavy freight falling upon him.' vs "v-, ' : ":'y ' Nothing more definite concerning thef wreck could te obtained. r It! oc curred near the Georgia and South Carolina line, ! AN EXPLOSION. A Small Clilld Badly Burned at' Can non's Factory Powder Bott Bnrsted. . j' The 12-year old child of Mr. P C Howell; of - Cannonyille, met - with quite a painful accident this (Mon day) morning. The little girl had gotten hold of a flask containing nearly a half pint of gun powder, and in some way whilA nlavincr nftar fWstn in flip --r : 7 xJUv cook r0om fire got into the bottle, whlch cauBed an explosion, burning and cutting the child severely. The loud report.of the explosion attracted the attention of the inmates of i the house and when the little girl was found it was some time before she was able to tell the story of the ac cident. M Teranda at Morris Blouse. Occasional changes ; at tt U.:. A mi, u;irl tlOUSe are Oting made. Ihe DUlia lDg IS lU Dei.ier,Saape lUU.ll lor Some ' i- i xl - v : - - .-' , - ume. Mr Mnrrifl rias nnf. t.hft' nnnt.rftnf. 'co'n8trnctioil of a Veranda t0 the front o the hotel Work thl8 (Monday morn;Bg It wil, ae dded,yiBVe tte.' appearancaof the hotel and be an additional com fort. A Calf That Gives Milk. Mr. Uolph Mosley, who , lives a mu.' i,. . u u; ? osity m the shape of a young milker. He has a young heifer one year old which gives milk daily. 1 The truth mis siaiemeni is voucneu ior uy :the: hest . people in , Mr. Mosley's 1 neigh Dornooa.,,:xne ximes says tnis animal was horn, and raised in : the I nnrt-n f tt KtrrfTT onrl . olinrilrl , Vo placed in dime museum along with ? w Trtf,! ' ' 1 ; r., r.,v--?. f v n : I For over nrty Tears Mrs.'Wirislow's SoOth'hg Syrup has been used for: over r f ty - years by f prima- alUva all nam.' ' enrpa wind 7-7'yi : - T , " yr l VWFiWW? wiu uy world, ,vTwenty-he,cent8.. a bottle ie sure and ask for 'Mrsl. Winslows 1 Soothing Syr up,'', and take-no other kindV V : Q , A j ti inwx&W VI Ilonse For Sale. . . That five-room house on East Jewti fell MX. PLEASANT, NV 0. ' REV. j. p.r SHRIEY, D. D., Pres. A DADE MIC, COMMERCIAL AND- COLLEGIATE COURSES. Total necessary expenses session of 38 weeks. $85. 00 to $137,000. Next session begins Seat - loyy- or cotaiogne and sPeci?1 information, address the President as above, or lm. Secretaey of Fatttltv nt Amoena ' A Floiinshinfir School for Young Ladies. TEN TEACHERS, Ornamental Brar ches Receive Carefui Attention, HEV. O. ii. T. FISHER, A. M ) ; PBI3JCIPAL,? MOUNT PL , ASANT.IN. C? NORTH CHROLl COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE ' - l ; AND MECHANIC ARTS. The next session of this Col- le8e , wil1 begin September 5 th . Examinations . at county seats WttlUiuaJ' AU uuat. Young men desiring a , teclt nicai education at an Wusual- iy lbw.cost will do well to ap- ply for catalogue to A. Q. HOLLAD A Y, Prf a.. . J 2wd&w Raleigh, N. C. Salem FEMALE: ACADEMY. The 94th Annual Session beeins September ;th 1895, " Register for last year shows more than sco aticrana imeiiea. cunaings uiorcugniy rernoa- Uned. Fully equipped Preparatory, Collegiate and 1 rw aj Post Graduate Departm fits, besides hrst-clas I schools in Music, Art, Languages, Commercial I and industrial studies J. H. CLEVVELL, Rrincipal, Salem,. N daw 2v. : COFFINS &C. : I have now in stock at my rooms opposite the court house a splen did line "of well-made Furniture such as Pnrl fAnc Tnltl n fyVS Mwaujj TJlfocK Qtonc Qoiao VV dbn OldnaS OaleS, c Phairc Xrri I defy competition in regard to quality and price. You will be 'surprised when you hear my prices Come and see. If not in etock can supply you in a few days. I have a nice line of COFFINS at prices that will surprise you. I keep a full Iline on hand for iia mediate supply. I buy ' LUMBER AnA riin mv aninff machane. and ana see me. " ; f Very Respectfully, J. T.i Pounds. Concord.N. CJuly 13. 1895. . J rfEtJfJYRDVAL: PILLS r, aJtway. r.lUW jladic ak 1A DmHa ftr CaieJUrta Xnoluk JcZlMrmtul fa and oid etaiUaV . M vnM " 7 . . . . : axea. aealM vltk ine ntoon. late ir i . . - - r I men . . , rcklhesrOkeBtcftlCWtX2A.H XJ Mou F U R ft! r J U R E I 5- , 1 .-. jw4 rifaim At DraggUi a; or aend 4. A W .''JJfci Manip tw artlenlan, tetomUli and : Hi Mr