f J , ' ; COKUOBI), y. C, TUESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1895. ' . .'Whom .'NO. 1,240 f J VJnl Dnnlr I HOTEL BLOWN UP. j OfF THE SIDEWALKS. j" BURGLARS IN TOWN. In,, . 'llHlffilil ildlllulldl UdUlAt I Battery ofBollers Explode at Ben - BIcycKsti i Mi.t Stay Clear tne Pare- Tliey Enter Houses anil Frlgnten a 1 41 QPyll UflF8IlP& Cokcord, N. 0, President, Cashier. A Battery of Boilers Explode at Den ver, Col. Hotel and About Twenty- five Persons Killed and Burned to Death Sunday Right. , Denyer, Col., Aug. Il9 Fifteen or twenty persons perished by fire in Bicyclists Must Stay Clear the Pave taents in all Tarts of tlie Town Ordinance 25 Must be Enforced Considering Sir. Fctzer's Proposi tion. MT. PLEASANT. N. C. REV. J. . D. SHRIEY, D. I)., PRES. M. Odell, j I ... . -n h R. CCLTBAAJS, "r fho nntnrar TTofM T WAS ft ttlpnfr" fiftlM ft MnvrtKaf: thia U " j' street, in whwh . n mornin?. - when - another askpd him w w , - A V M V M. .ft. A - llllinillll I fT" V - A DADE MIC, COMMMRCIAL . AND COLLEGIATE COURSES. 50.000 fnnV nUAA ftk 19-in rrwn abentthfl. final action of tha tnwn i - . V ' . , ; v . ." J AV-ii aa I r - .v r L : T . . : ; ' street tnrougn jne iront aoor, Dut session ot 3b weeks. Total necessary ssion oJ From there $137,000. to TXiey; Enter Houses and Frighten a Number of People-A Valise Stolen In Broad Daylight. Sunday night burglars 'got in their work in the west end of the "And what they did. Monday night cltJ( having Tisited a number of They entered the home of Mrs;. Jane Willis on West Depot ., 1 .TliMJ-WlMI I I.I1I1K I I I M.I '- M I, y,- I O TT1 ' I ty A "rtr 1 fM kJ0 U U Llltj " II IlfXl LU blUU Ul L1IK LUWU l,ifd y,7 T I ww w. . .v.aV u. .Uli JL UU i . - Surplus, ,r i naiioi jne .puMcunsr, a, nye story uuuiiuibSxuiiCi m rru tu wre frightened away. x nnnk' u n ri ornn a orrnnrnro nran t- ri -tttvi i iuium mcvf hn . iiii l.hk n ii h wh. i k k. i ' . . i .r . , r i . m HTRECTORS .w- v. uv, wvwxw, trw.uunu - o rj:-;rr - - - .tiv:'' it seems tneymaae a - tour, --.ana' en- cai sesston D.egms ccpf I .mZrr D. R Cannon with a cra8h- The hotel was crod- The ordinance prohibits the riding tered the home of Mr. John Parnell 3. 1895.. For Vcotaloffne -iid TP m E'lXG,- J. ,)V. (JAN,N0N", eu.witn guests, ana many or tnem yir ? ;u1vj15 vv : . tR. Odell, W. H. Lilly, must haye been killed outright, as corporate limits of the"town, the wen as aoont ten . hotel employes, PePauX I0f same emg a one oi Jio were aleeping. In the portion of $5 or imprisonment for ten 'days, the building Vhich fell. The cause This Jaw; goes into effect on and was the battery of boilers in the after August 23, ' hoter .basement exploding. The As to ordinance No. 25 of the Rftnnrl nf fho e-rnlnainn xvaa VicorVl laWS ffO'veininff the town, it WUS de-t.! :4.u- i B0I1& HuShout the city, awakening the piedat "ttJicg shld oUfjr Several other houses were visited, people a mne irom ine scene, i?vu v u,v but nothing is reported as haying Later: 1 portion of Gumrey iatence of the law and that it would been stolen. . , Hotel, ,the scene ' of last night's he; strictlyj enforced:; Ice houses pre On Monday afternoon a valise had trighfcf ul ctisaster, . Js . still standing, to be allowed to deliYer their .sUnd.. tbeen packed and was placed upon gaunt ana sinister, constantly P"& vru " " ' " the piazza of the home ot Mrs. James 1). B. COLTRANE. Specuiiort HAMMOND & CO. - 1m. Secretary of Faculty. on Valley street. As this place they sPecial information, sddreas entered the room of Zeb Parnell andLL1IC 5"BnL as aoove, or in ransacking ahd plundering things, one of them caught young ' Parnell by the foot, which awakened him. Out the window they went, Parnell following them, firing at them sev. Mount Asnoena S-E'MI N;AR Y A Flourishing School for Voungr 130 & 132 Pearl Street, NEW YORK CITY, N. 5T. Ladies.- TEN TEACHERS, On amental Brarche3 -IU-ceive threatening; jto, crash down upon t0Mi P?1!.1? case? of. necessity. lCIar at. Cannonville. . -JVhen the r.nnRA iinveriTiy in rne rnins ftr an v-i w nu ..u . Vwrv " o - partv returned to whom the valise Stocks, Bonds and Grain bought and moment. The search for victims cigars, tobacco and watermelons on bejong his property had been gold, or carried on Margin. baa been carried onHo'the utmost Sunday; will have to do their pur- stolen, and has not yet been recov P.S. Send for explanatory" circuh energy constantly with the aid of chasing turday night or efore. ej.edj- ' , , lar cn speculation, also weekly mar- twenty, arc lights. Flames broke rnQ r? VX? ' CarefuAttentiOD, REV. C. L. T. FISHER, A. ii - PbincipaIo MOUNT PL AS ANTrlN. l ket letter. (Free) dwly UNIVERSITY OF (HI out afresh in the wreckage tonight, mittee was instructed to investigate AM aResnlt. ' v but fire engines are again pouring and make a report tonight in regard Boys' who have nothing to do to forth water, still further impeding to the new street asKea loi oy Mr. r exercise their muscles and who oc- the work of rescue. HORTH C&ROLI College of Agriculture and. Mechanic' arts. The. next session of this Col lege will begin September 5tb, B Fetzer and one. by citizens on the casionally get stout and feel them- Examinations at count s seats .The list of dead and missing now sooth side of town. Mr. Fetzer's selves, have for sometime been in the first Saturday in August, numbers 25, making the disaster the proposition was reviewed and it is habit of getting. on the platform in Young men desiring a tech llikelv that the board will consider I nical education at an unusual- mPii0C tu 'R.An fnni nni; even RodieJ it favorably. ; . and sail rocks, sheet iron and iron V " xm uosi aviii aowe.ii 10 ap- Schools, and the. .. 1 had. been f ocoyered, being those of i ? oara graweU Mr. r , et- slugs oyer the PrbTterirn ,chjitch. 1 J a Q HOlEaDA Y IVm Maiiager Grenner and his wife, zer permissiorr-to cut down and; .At one time a small rock strnck Mr. 2ff i&'0 - Ra)eiirhN""0: ed in each other's arms : Gore SF,aae a poruon oi vreoreia avenue bcott freeze, who ,was in Jdr, MCr . , : ... .. , . .; PIT TT r TV K m 1 . - , ' ' Burt, rHOOT George R Wolf and daughter, Fred of his and Dr. N for teachers. Tuition $60 teachers, 471 students. Ad Burt, a Bock Island conductor ; Mrs. and Academy street along. the front Ninch's backyard, on the haV, knock- Hubbold and Will Richards, the dences. elevator operator of the hotel, Salem resi- iDg it from his head- This (Tues- v v , v : . . day) morning Master ly The board meets tonight to hear ton of tthe . church brought us a The 94th AnnuIisLicmiens septet 5 teachers, 471 students. Am (he misaing is now the report of the street committee. slug that had passed through a S(.llm,SNe C.. -for eluded Eimer Tierce who is -id to Ilorsy-. , bhnd and window pane of the loTiS hnnflWlr on "TTNI- haye entered the hotel jnst before Woln - tWef ha church. Be says small pieces of logue and handbook on "UNI VERSITY EDUCATION.' ' 3IANUFACTURERS OF -FjS GINGHAMS, OUTING CLOTHS, the explosion occurred. It is to this man's carelessness that the disaster is attributed. 5 The horse and buggy thief has been captured in Spartanburg, 5. C. It is belieyed this is the fellow that stole Mr. Chas. A . Murph's buggy. :The Charlotte Observer ..'saya this : The.thief who stole Mr. W ,B persons under instruction during the year. Spe cial features: the development of Health, Char acter and Intellect. . Buildings thoroughly rernotl dled Fully equipped Preparatory, Collegiate and Post Graduate Departments, besides first-class glass ,were scattered all oyer , the Und industrial studies. .W?;; Ti,;o ?3 "!, Valf . J- H- CLEWELL., Rrincipal, Sakm, N UUUILU lUOlUvt AU1Q 0 "V 1VBU1J. (jaw 2W. A Stanly Man Dlesat Albany. The fallowing news comes from Albany, N. : Y. about John Honey- NeweH's horse was caught at Spar cutt, aged twenty two, the counter- tanbuVg, S. 0., on Sunday. He gave leuer, .-who uiu m mw -yemveu- .ni8 name as U U uampoeii, an . es letting boys haye their own way and not giving them a chance to exercise their arms at the wood pile at horned The Sew Roller Mills. Messrs Lippard Bros have received aVinnf. all f.ne marTiinerv for the new I , - f T , : " !-t; v 1 have now in FUR 1ITURE '. - . y .... . . , . : - , COFFINS &C. tocK at my rooms pary Satnrday, a victim otconsumpp caped conyict. He stole; the':, bug roller mill and are placing same as opposite the court house a splen tion. He was born at Fort, Stanly hpiliad iiQm- M Ohas Murph fast as it can be hauled up from the ; didline of well-made Furnitura county,' N; C, and was convicted 0f .Concord who offered .$15 reward depot. Tbey will not be ready 'for . : 7 Pr zrne otttv 77 7 oa 94- e.as; paoned ri c,ge wW pother Bed SteaClS, fablCS i ,JLlJd, DI1JLJ!,1J.JY Lr nnfc Iftflt week bv President CleVei ifhnnf ronnlaffinn- frnm 'fnaV Tl,0 merino hmlpra Ptn '.- ,m : ' - AND SALT BAGS, Uaidbut was pot able to nndertekeT( here J have all been placed, and in connec- (the journey bome. asiquickly as possible; : No ;pirticut O ; . r.miii.iMT " " - lawliave:beenearned in 'regards ; Will soon be again behind the his deviltry. the flour mill will be about fifty Wash Stands Safes,. Chairs, &e. DEAL15RS IN General I defy competition in regard to quality and price. . You will bo surprised when you hear my prices Come ,and. see. , If . not in stock Merchandise. BUYERS OF Country Produce of'all Kind AND Four-Foot wood alwavs m wonted.--best prices for same. We invite an in spection of all the goods We Manufacture, counters at Fetzer's drug store. Mr. gome one broke into the store pt barrels per day. .loe Goodman, for a lone time sales- F W Boat & Co., at China Grove man triftre ana ror ine last iwu vcar iwsu uiuj. a wcca .oKw.auu .owjc head clerk in an Augiiita, , Ga. drug go6d 'store, 'will sometime in September gold' return and accept a position with kerchiefs WW , ,V ..; ' - V """vV ; ;n1lonf id? homa5CorDiis: Christ! r -at prices that will surprise you. I Mr.'Goodman is an' exceptionally tne same uiet wno nas oeen caugnc t TfSVmV,B'li.kv T,vPr : keepa f all nine on Land for im- fine salesman and whoever has him in, Spartanburg.. . c ; isAiHrilA-'l'iii I1 : medi'sifCHds?- 1 btw' Free pin. ; , ii Texas amers irom tnose.sent out MV K H K few days-. I US- the public- al way ;iegarl the :M having a prize. The Standard welcomes hTi! backo Concord. A 11. Free. Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and those who have not, have now the opportunity to try it Free. Call on the advertised Druggist and get a Tria Bottle, Free. Send your name and address to H E Bucklen & Co. Chicadn, and get a sample box of Dr. King's New Life, Pills Free, as well as a covy of Guide to Health and Hooehold Instructor, Free. AH of which is guaranteed to do you -end jaaressoucKien py prewcorrp & j6:r. Chicago, andret a freeskm- the'erbps i his sVciori f' heTXpne pie box pf:Dr.Kins ewifWills. gfcar Ste wenuEU x A trial will: convince you :ol- their . vtlJwii'' in mAr?fa:TriAHA Tiillsare easv m action I -in LVxjs.i;y?l v I M are particular,ly..offecUT,in.th9. e T' aphe,' For Malaria ami Jtirer trouti.. he has hef n pending ietiei& . days, les thoT have beea prpTea.- ipvaluas .'. I'ZTZZZiZZTZTZ- " toerfectlT free irom every.cieietenous i i "l-Siv yy, r siibatftncA ana to be purlev Tveffeta- for sale. ; Apply at the: bTANDARi ; 4nB wakejiby; ihelr 1 oce iiftoVit me3 my actidni bufiiy: givinj tona tb stomach! UmeV adioiniriff hn JS Mori Ii . - ' - . , - ; ; and run my planing macbane, and all persons fwho wish any thiDgr iii'this-lih wiil do: well to call .and see me t,--. , - ; Very Respectfully, J. T. oimds: 4 S U Con.Q0rd,3?. CJuly 13, 1895. viriru4nfii a i nil tf and? feowelBj greatly jjiivigorate rison place, r i ' r irc'alirf reliable, cadic k TlrVrtritV tor t?hlckattr k Bnetitk Dut-i mtmd&Htnd in Bed a4 ? tnetauw v- 1 MmH fcr.kfMrt. MiOmartsi Relief fo- In le'r fc. V Co. good and cost you nothing at Fetzers ) Sold by tzei Brti&gi4. Drug store.