A 4 - ( A 4 A t " III! I LI I I II llll II Lflpd Mind Rant Mill M III I IIMI lit A. CONCORD, N. C, TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1895. Whohe NO. 1,246 A MINISTER GUARANTEES Full COKCORD, N. 0. President Cashier. S R CCLTRAKE, I ' j)t coltrane, Assistant Cashier JFrult Cron If niiiiii..,, la Stoppea-Mlss Fisher Accepts a Position at Von Bora Semlnary 8,000 to 10,000 Bnsbels of Wbeat Threshed-Dr, Rariiharclt to Locate $50,000 $16,000 There. Mt. Pleasant, August 27 A ,cjy Xr more money may betoken an impoverished condition of the mass es, but had the cry, which has been beard for many months, been for iood, our condition would be serious indeed. We ought to be thankful that a money famine and food fam me have not come upon us at once. A fair crop of fruit will be added to the food supply tor another year. With us it is being dried and pre served,for the German and their descendants arc fond of "snits and dumplings' Much of the fruit is being distilled in different parts of the county, but that is always dote when it is plentiful. This may be the came of the frequent destruction of the fruit. In fact some men be lieve so; for we haard a minister once declare from the pulpit that he Locks, Bonds and Grain bought and would guarantee that fruit would be gold, or carried on Margin. pientnui every year us tne people P. S.-Send for explanatory circu would desist from making brandy. 1 Ueatll ofEsa.J. O. Withprsnnnn ..... ,. .. . ; : Cabarrus county never had a better citizen' than Ejq. J 0 Wither flpoon, of Coddle 'Creek, No. 3. STANbARD.readers have'l'een ads ! vised of hie i serious illness with ty pnoia-pneumonia, jl ne loving at tention of family and many friends ! A NEGRO MURDERER; Capital, DIRECTORS;. . i. Opell, D. P. Cannon Slacking. j. w. uannon, Y r. Odell, W. H, Lillt, j D. B, COLTRANE. Specu HAMMOND & CO. gtock and Bond 130 & 132 Pearl Street, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. Charlie Lloyd Commits a Cold-Blood-- ed Murder Captured and Escaped and Captnred Again, His Victim a 17 Year Old Boy. ' At the Haile fGold Mine, S. C Mr. William Welsh, a1 year-old and the skill of physicians could not , . .ni, v T , , r T. murdered oy Charlie L oyd, a mean arrest the disease. It went from . , . T 4A10rtU v,0 negro aesperaao, wno was reared in of our friend, popular with and -esteemed by all, perished and death came to him Monday between 11 and 12 o'clock. :' -v It is a shock to the neighborhood and to the many who knew him and admired him! His death is a loss to No. 3, to the county. Though not over 35 he was developing into a fine business man, of fime taste and 9 0 ? MT. PLEASANT, N. C. REV. J, D, SHIREY,; D. D Pres ADADEMIC, COM M MR CI A L COLLEGIATE COURSES. and iD cold blood. The negro Lloyd shot the deceased through the body, killing Him al most instantly, and shot him twice through the head after he was ap parently dead. He also shot and riTrtTfP tVlO orm rf a . Trrn n rr mart splendid ludgement. A bright and ,n t.t . Al. . . J x guu uu Damed Hought at the same time. He promisins: future was before him, A , , . , ' A , f .L .. . , , ' made good his escape and started death hath an end to this good man's earthly careei except the never-dying influences of the good deeds and that characterized his life these will live on. Total necessary expenses this county near the Phoenix mines J session of 38 weeks. $85.00 to and went to South Carolina with $137,000. Capt. Thies force. There was no Next session begins Sept- provocation, the deed was dasiard d- J0.yo- . or cotalogue aijd tne President as above, or lm. Secretary of Faculty. M i on speculation, also weekly mar ket letter. (Free) dwly Mins Sallie Ifisher, of this place, cowards Charlotte. O ' The following officers at once set out to catch him : J 3 Bowers, Jack fJrnw and l?ppd Williamq nf TTpV the excellent example, . . V" sua w, o, kj., ana vv x n.eiin, j onn Shepherd 'and Frank Wesley, of Mnnrnp - i rrhp. fnrrriAr tarn rpaiVitfl Mr. Withersnoon had a store at , Tf , . . nnrl lot raalr ma a r Ha nnaimosf a onH I " ' , v v v - , . - . - 'r I others came in from Monroe, having caugnc tne scnooi at tne academy , a The following from the Monroe ount Amoena SEMINARY A Flourishing School for Youner ; Ladies. TEN TEACHER?, Orxamental BraEchea Receive A 4. . Caref ui intention, REV. C. L. T. FISHER, v Pkincipau, MOUNT PL AS ANT. N C M ElQRTfl CAROL UNIVERSITY OF ii m CHI correspondent of the Charlotte Ob server explains it all : Comprises the University, the College,-the Law and Medical Schools, and the - n will leave in a few days for Virginia, there for several years with great having accepted a position in Van Success. J . r - t Bora Female seminary, : He was married twice, the first a Mr. E Grant Buchanan came down Miss Patterson and the widow as a Saturday evening to spend a few Miss Kerr. He leaves fi?e children. days with hid brother. ' John Witherspoon's death is a Threshing was completed last beavy loss to his community and week in thU section.' Several com- nia p.lace will De nam to mi and" ne . . ,nni: anA fioH f panies'threBhed from 8,000 to 10,000 be greatly miBeed". TBevcom; bnt he ran and, as there were bnshels of grain. munxty ana many tnends will aeepiy eTeral ia the w th We learn that Dr. 0 H Barn, sjmpatnize vritn tne Dereavea.HE couldnot8h60tr till he was Some ate- hardt willf on his return from the ?iaikd nas loaxaaoyai, ne-pmg tance :awav . when thev shot tour College of Agriculture : ; and Mechakic arts. The next session of this Col lege will begin September 5th. SUMMER. () J seashore, establish himeelf heie for fli"nd for teachersr Tuition $60 : ,35 - v r j j mA "Two oflScers started here and Examinations at ccuntj seats arrived Sunday afternoon. By a first Saturday in August, strange coincidence they met up Young)men desiring a tech- with the desperado at the high nicaV eaucauon at an unusual ly iow cost win ao wen to ap ply for catalogue to A. Q. HOLLADAY, Prrs., 2w d&w. - Raleigh. N. O. fpfl nil pre 471 atnanta A rl . dress President Winston, 8ood fellow- vnapei miii xs u.t iot uaia logne and handbook on "UNI VERSITY EDUCATION." Tbe Salisbury Racing Association. . , . f. -- : . It is a myth. There is no such an Col. Earnhardt Paralyzed. Several days ago Col. Jacob Bern hardt; of Pioneer Mills, this county, suffered'a slight stroke of paralysis. In a few days Col. and Mrs. Barn- - Sa;lem FEMALE organization. The president John nardt will break up housekeeping Go. MANUFACTURERS OP FW GINGHAMS, r OUTING CLOTHS, PLAIDS, SHLETlJYa AND SALT BAGS. C Montclair, claimed to be a New -York man, is none other than Ike Fraley. He's the man that' did it all. It was said that there were purses !of $201)0. This.brouglit many fine horses. It was found out that there was no money and no associan 1Jr"4,a7i times at him as he fled. He turned and shot twice -at them and made niS escape. I The 04th Annual Session begins September sth . , . - ' 1 1895, Register for last year shows more than 50 : A CrOWd WaS Organized and Wen,t persons under instruction during the year. Spe . . 1 r cial features: the development of Health, Char in. pursuit at Once and WaS Cl08e OU acter and Intellect., Buildings thoroughly remod . . , . . , -- . . , , 1 i- 'j elled. Fully equipped Preparatory, Collegiate and -nim Several times las: Eight DUt did Post Graduate Departments, besides nrst-class . . 1 . " tt . t schools fn Music, Art, La.usuages, Commercial not get him. He was arrested this and industrial studies. ' . n e. ! . V ! j. ' J. H. CLEWELi-, Rrincipal, Salm, N morning fifteen miles north of here dav2w. by Depu ty .John Q riffin ' and Mr. Cley burn. They disarmed him and tied. his' arms above his elbows and behind him. They started here, and Death of Mrs. Michael. The wife of Rev, D W Michael, of Trnnrmati'fl: trVinap illnpRa was nnfcpd- v. , ' . ' . J , when theyreached Stewart's Fork, in this paper a few days ago, died - . , , one was Kev. A - . i - v;- . , " got out of tne boggy. i.;ne norse FU 11 101 COFFINS &C. uoD-uowimji uu im. i,wB.-.-Y.:rr-'-- , ' beeame frightened and atartedito Theie-is indignation against him. ; le!1' ,as, Df fber- , , run.' OUjborn grabbed the hor8e i .The: town people of Salisbury, , JI. Michael s father died la at, t8Q hoid The nave arrangea io nave me raceB anerri rr.r, ,Vv"" I o School Announcement, Miss Marshal having taught so DEALERS IN .frr-i; r : v f f i r he did so the nesro took the uoncora, win again open ner , . - , General Merchandise Two Lives !avexl rJ06J T'uf JncfN successfully for the past two ? yeafs City, DI. was told by her doctors hi r f - : v r. f t r she had ConsumDtion and that there u Iwas no ho'pe f or her, but1 two bottles 1 89?0 Tir. Kmcra New Discovery comolet I same rely cured her and she says it saved meet h'er:life. Mr: 'Thos. Effgers, prisoner took Jyantagt in some mysterious manner instant' ly got untied and knocked Griffin .doftn, arose in a instant, but as I have now in stock at my rooms opposite tKe coiurt house a splen 5 did line of well-made Furniture Buch as Bed Steads, Tables, Wash Stands Safes pistol - a a 1 1 def y comnetition in regard to . , Monday Sept. 2nd, in the "uu . 0& T, qaality. and price. You will be hAcmt nn this time the UlStOl Was onfiriool whon Vnn hflr tnvnnV.fifl building She endeavors to "r - . ; V-' :V K:Z""1a irjr, , . pointed to nis oreasr. out ne Knocisea v the demands of a school com- IT. n- xMl.h v5 I cau supply you in a few days. I, BUYERS OF Country Produce it fifteen feet to one side before the ef ' could 4 shoot. ' He was from a dreadful- cold, approaching; ndV "kW Wnii 12a iknocked dowu the thirds time by th Consumption. tried without result-.' ; vs fT , (desperadc. It was all done in a every thing els then bougnt one r . . : ? f rnntinn of a minnte and the crimi botUeof Pr.pinsNew Piscovery : . Lai ran. Mr. Griffin had his pistdl ana m two weeK was curta. ne is uncKien s Arniciye. i j . , . . , ,1,1.1 Tl . t u. 1.-' 'rnux-D1' oi,vj ;w tnr. I ov mis lime anu buui. iwiuc u mo naiuraiy inanKlui. A6 is duuu resuiiB, i, . cBioaic iu., , wuiiu ' - , , .. ... ii .iMiAd.--. 4Tiof Hnfa . KrYiieo Snrpfl. TTipprfl.. Salt, i neerro. ' D6 cuicer was JBTordia St. San Francisco, suffered U.tpK-,';. rKrQl jiJ. PriS0B lUU UV.O V JL u j oiuai V VI UM Ult I VI V W ' 13 ( TaSl. have a nice line of of all Kind 1 troveHnewonierfurefficcyvof medicine id couub auu uumo. x i "-"w, rfnr , '-.7 ilr. v JinM -o" ill - AND Four-Foot wood always wonted best prices for same. We invite an in spection of all the goods we Manufacture. trlalTibttles aiTetzer's Drug Store. Regular size 50s; and $1.00. L,aiicl. Posted" JSotice. I hereby forbid any parties from trespassing such as hunting, cut ting timber, walking Nor driving, removing fruit or anything of any description on my plantation, known as the Daniel Suther lands, in No. 4 township. Anyone violating this notice will be prosecuted to thev fullest extent j Piles or no pay ; requi-ed1 .It -iia1 guaranteed to 1 give statisf action. or monev reiunaea. rnce tco cenrs per, box, For sale at ? B"tE,elzer,s Store. ;:C',:;",i: ::V;- ; yf ,Tf )' - : .J House For Sale hat fiyb-ioom house on Jlast' Depot 8 tree t, now occupied by Mrs. parties wiff call on Dr L M Archey tor terms ana otner uesirea .lmormar badly -BGFFINS-: at prices that will surprise you. I keep a full line on hand for inw mediate supply. ' I buy LUBBER bruised and; a posse ot aboti fifty and my pianini maohane, and went and caught the murderer in the T all persons who wish any thing minis line,,: vrui uu iu cuu and see me. ' Very Bespectfully, '. woods about a quarter of a mile from there. He was wounded but many shots were fired before he was taken: He has eeyeral shot in him but, none of the wounds are serious. He is in: jail awaiting word from the author! jties in South Carolina. , " Chief Boger pulled Mr. D Mon roe Widenhonse for 'too touch .lim herating enthusiasm, resulting from Pounds Concord,!N. C. July 13," 1895. f7T Cblek ester's EncIIah Diamond I ' nJ. - IrEflflVSlOYAL PILLS U (RTV Orlrlaal Only Ceanlne. Ibbxei, aestod iritb. blM ribbon. Tke .f ftiontmnd imitation. At uragfiMs, or waa of Se;r JA Kis" 'if lm- (Mbs). Akk Fi?k. ithefruit,. ' fold " " . T -J -