Vol- Xl--No- 108. COS COBB, N. 0.,FBIDAY AUGUST 30, 1895. WnonEKO. 1.24 8 MURDER WILL OUT. I WHO WOULD THINK IT ? ft ia m Cokcokd, f N. 0. tM.Odl, President, i t fir ltbane, Cashier. j; D. Coltrake, Assistant Cashier Capita Surplus $50,000 $16,000 -DIRECTORS ; V ' D. F, Cannon J. .iw J. W. GANNON, Jo W B. Odell, YV. n. -UiLLY. , Speculation, HAMMOND & CO. Stock &nd !okers. 130 & 132 Pearl Street, , NEW YOEK CITY, IT. X". Stocks, Bonds and Grain bought and c ' , . . - p. s. Send for explanatory circu ur oTi speculation, also weekly! mar- ket letter. (Free) 1U4 v - . dwly UNIVERSITY OF RQLII Schools, and the ,A J"'S -) I SUMMER for teachers. Tuition $60 : 35 teachers, 471 students. Ad dress President Winston, Chapel Hill, N C., ? for Cata , r - . - I logue and handbook on "UI VERSITY EDUCATION.,, Him SCHOOL logue and handbook on ..ul?lr.TMW 7V ;J ill i Co, J MANUFACTURERS OP FIJV'-E GINGHAMS, OUTING CLOTHS, PT 7T7VO .CT7"7V 77r7T7 7V3 1 "w;;wux(iiii AND SALT BAG& O DEALERS IN General Merchandise. I BUYERS OF Country Produce 01 ail Kina o w AND - f Pour-Foot wood always wonted best prices for same. We invite an in spection of all the goods e Mannfactnre, k A Strnngc Rownncp-A Husband, a Wire and a Ctiilcl The Second Hus band Also ' MissingHay Know It All, . There - ia linking arotind loose among the atmosphere around HickT ory one of the most bloodr curdling and romantic, as well as highly sen sational recountals of murder, at tempted murder and suicide, which in all our long experience, has ever come to our knowledge. It now Dronoged to snnnrR numen for the prcient in order that the law, u&e xiubure, may iaK6 us course. It is said that murder will out and this case is no exception, but seems to justify the statement. -Fifteen or sixteen years ago a man , residing near Hicko.y, suddenly and yery mysteriously dis appeared from mortal ken. It was whispered about that he had been murdered and his body cast into the Catawba river. Not long before that he had trouble with his wife. In fact he shot her in the breast and attempted to shoot himself. He was before the Superior Court J udge at f. ia ; rtrt,f w w the i udge m open court that he had intended to also kill himself, but that the pistol would not go off and there were only three loads in it anyway, He created quite a scene in court It was something about his child, which 'he wanted to take from the mother. He told the judge he would have the child if it was the last act in ,L lx t TT L UMJ 1 luc auempr. xie gut tuc uunu uu went away, but was induced to re- turn tc bis wife again. It was not long before he disappeared. In course 'of time the widow married. ... ..: i ...... She did not live rery happily in her second alliance. - ITt long ago hei second husband left and told some ngly tales. There was something oairl oVmnf a rrroro and ltd lnOftlirV- vestigated the graye; It was there, but there were no human remains in it. Husband number two has made himself scarce in this section. The officers want to find Mm, He may clear up the mystery of the missing husband number one. Meantime the good people round about are saying 8uch s' range things do happen. Hickory Press. THinkorv has a sensation, but out . - . . ' 8idera can t have one over this ar- r0' krcl what a difference there is when names are left oui !J Bad DeTilment, 4 Besides their trains being rocked, thft Southern suffers m Quite a different way at the depot. Capt. Ed Patterson, of the local freight eteen Charlotte and Salisbury tells a reporter that some mean per- - M a m X l r V m A son or persooB wo m luo uaul pulling the coupling pins from the cars mat ; m u0 and carrying them off or hidmg tnem; ana mat iu w 1 . . pieces. Such devilment as this,each t m ; Bhould be looked into and the ones who perpetrate such deeds should be accordingly dealt with. Two Bro titers There. Prof. C A Smitn, a young brother of. Prof. Lou is SmI th, now con nected with the institution, has b:en elected to succeed Dr. Curll, of the chair of English at Davidson College. Prof. Smith is an aluinnus of Davids son. Tvreaf y Car Loads of 31acliliiery Side track at Tills Place. - ; Owing to the scarcity of lumber a delay of several days was necessary in the construction of the tressle on the sidetrack at the Buffalo mills, which has caused only twenty cars of machinery to accumulate at the depot, taking up nearly all the space on the siding. Ten of these cars are loaded with looms for No. 4 : mill of the Odell manufacturing company, the other ten being filled with ma chinery for the Bnffalo mills. On Monday the work of trans f erring the machinery from the rail road to the Buffalo mills will begin, and of course the placing of same will then be in ord;r. Lumber for the flooring at the Odell mill No. 4 is so slow about arriving that the company is m a quandary as to where they will store their looms until the flooring is al pat down. It will take up consid erable space. Hmotbersock Answered by lexicon Editor Standard William Smothersock seems to have run against a problem that gives him as ' , . f, , , . much trouble to elucidate as the financial question eiye the ordinary Democrat. If he had submitted the question to the Populiats every one ujl tutm cguiu uavB giyeu 111m u i ciear, concise ana ewiisiactory an swer, juBt as easy as they can solve the financial question. True, there would have been this difficulty about it:. each one would have given) him a Hiffoinh answer onrl nrnhltr some of the answers would have been diametically opposed to the other, hut then you see he would have had the adyantage of variety as well as the privilege of selecting the answer that be3t suited his taste, Now as he says he is a odontolo gist, let me suggest that he stick to his calling and, Odon't go into that alley after nine. Better keep on the Main street, Willie, if you do haye to go a little further around. Now, were he perambulating around Concord the mud hole would have lemained stationary even if it were in an alley. No, William, stick to the ioda fountain and coca cola and that mud hole wm remain as fixed as Mount Mitobel; Odon't you see! As to. the question of why you should always get your left footlnto the mud hole is a mucU harder , , 4 . u . ... a .A problem to solve, but with the aid of our futurity glasses we shall not despair of solying even this. Now William being a man is consequently a biped; a biped, unless he should have been in the late unpleasantness, has two feet. No v William being a biped; a biped having two feet, William necessarily has two qqL 0ne oUhese for convenience I . a. . h cagd his right the other bis Istt f00t. When both of these pea.l ex- tremitie8 come in contact with the UU8 mij;ture( vulgarly termed a mud hole, th:n necessarily his left i luub.uiuoii uato uctu - m iuc wuu That's why this is thusiy, William. TSTnw. O f ion'r. von fiftP. whpn a min is chock full of scieacf, futurity , , - , " glasses and the dead; languages, how easy it is to make perf eel ty trans- parent a subject that to those who crrnn in aark- ftllftva at nitrht. i aa ft - I "- . sealed book. M. Yours fondlyj Greek Lexicon. XltbOache in2 xniautea, "One cent a doao? PUIIEIOURHAM Iff n . . a r LW'J THE AMEKiCIN TOBACCO CO; DURHAM, W.C. U. 9 A. MADE FROM HigSi Oracle Tobaooo ABSOLUTELY PURE SHATTERED THE GLASS, Borne One Threw Rocks in a passen ger Car Window Thursday Night. No. 35. the southbound nassen&rer train due here at 10:03 o'clock p. m., was rocked Thursday nieht while running through the deep cut sav- ' , v , w ; . . . eral miles above town, near the Furr plantation. It is pot Known how many rocks were thrown, but several windows and a 'transom were shat- tereu. in o one was uuri, tue ruuis.8 naving 6irucK niga enougn to pre- yent hitting any of the passenger?. but small parcels of . glass were I scattered over the face of a man who was sleeping direotly under one win- Anxr Opinions of different ones are that it was the work of revengeful trainpe, who are eo numerous and sore on the town and community, but as an occurrenc similar to the mentioned happened near the same place about a year ago, Jwe are clined to believe otherwise. Two Live Saved, ; Mrs Phnfihfi PhomaR. of 'Junction Cifcyj Ilh was told by her:. doctors she had Consumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles Dr. Kings New Discovery complet ely cured her and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Eggers, 139 ! Flordia St. San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching Consumption, tried without result every thing els then bought one bottle of Dr, King's New Discovery and m two weelc was curea. , ne is naturaiy tnanKim. u is sucn ream, of which these are samples, that prove the wonderful efficacy of this medicine in coughs and colds.' Free trial bottles at Fetzer's Drug Store. Regular size 50s. and $1.00. "Land Po9led" Kotlce. I hereby forbid any parties from trespassing such as hunting, cut ting timber, walking or driving, removing fruit or anything of any description on my plantation, known as the Daniel Suther lands, in No. 4 townsnip. Anyone violating this notice will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.V J)fb. A Kimmons For Over Finy Tear. Mrs. Winslow's Sooth;ng Syrup has been used for over 'fifty years by """ UJU"U! :i 1 : u .( v.nVi A.n t im Vint i i-Vi i 1 rl ran i wnne leecnmg, witu pencu ouweoa. kt soothes the " hild, softens the gUmgj allays all . pain, cures wind (colic, and is the best remedy tor I Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists m every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle Be sure and ask for ''Mrs. Winslows I Soothing STTnp,,, and take no other Ui 11 I SJV TT mi Mm, MT. PLEASANT, N. O. REV. J. D; SHIREY, D. D., PRES AUADEMIC, COMMMRCIAIa . AND COLLEGIATE COURSES Total necessary expenses session of 38 weeks, $85.00 to $137.000,. Next session begins Sept d. 1895. For cotalogue and special information, address the President as above, or lm. Secretary of Faculty. Mount Amoena S EM IN A R Y A Flourishing School for Young; .oV; . Ladies. Ct.:y;; TEN TEACHERS. Orcamental Bratchec Be-coivo Carefui Attention, REV. C. L. T. FISHER; A. 11 Principal, MOUNT PL ASANT. N. C I1UII1U UkilULlii College of Agriculture ' ' and Mechanic arts.- The next session of this Col lege will beerin Senteni-ber . 5 th . Examinations at CCUlitV sert iirst Saturday in August Youngmen '.desiring a tech nical education at an unusual- ly low cost will do well to ap- Py lor. catalogue, to A. . nULUAlll, Xir i., 2w d&w. ;Saleigb,N,.a Salem FEMALE , ACADEMY. The 94th Annual Session begins Seicrr.ber 5th 1S95, Register for last year shows morL than 500 persons under instruction during the year. Spe cial features: the development of Cliar- -acter and Intellect. Buildings thoroughly ref mod elled. Fully eiquipped Preparatory, Collegiate and Post . Graduate Departments, besides nrst-clas schools in Music, Art, ; Languages', . Commercial and Industrial Studies. J. H. CLEWELL, Rrincipal, SalcmN daw 2w. " COFFINS &C. I have now in stock at my roomsr opposite the court house a splen did line of well-made Furnitura such as. Bed Steads, Tables Wash Stands Safes, Chairs, &c. I defy competition in regard to : quality and price. You will be surprised when you hear my prices Come and see. If not in stock cau supply you in a few days. X have a nice line of . -CGFFINSz at prices that will surprise you. X keep a full line on hand for im mediate supply. I buy LUMBER and run my planing machanc, and oil rorenTiB whn ttith arwr thir in this line, will do well to call and see me. Very Respectfully,. . . J. T. Pounds. Concord, N. C. July 13, 1895. . - Concord. HIGH SCHOOL . Opens September 2. Offers full, thor ough preparation for college ; practical, thorough training for business or lif eL For Information or announcement, ad dress. , HOLLAND THOMPSON. tt&sa22tw Concord, N.