I, Vol. XI. No. 111. ional Bail, u J. M. Odell, . President, D,B. Ocltranb,- ' Cashier. L. D. CoLTRANEi Assistant Cashier Capital, Surplus, $50,000 $16,000 -DIHEGTOHfe: X X J. M. Odell, D. F. Cannon Elau King, J. W. Cannon, W K. Odell, W. A Lilly, i D. B, OOLTBANE, " Speculation, HAMMOND & CO. Stock and Bond Brokers 130 & 132 Pearl Street, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. VBBBBBWM Scocks, Bonds and Grain bought and sold, or carried on Margin. P. S. Send for explanatory circus lar on speculation, iilso weekly mar ket letter. (Free) dwly UNIVERSITY OF WQRTr vompuBes me university, tne College, the Law ana Medical Snhnnln a. V SCHOOL for teachers. Tuition $60 : 35 leacners, 471 students. Ad dress President Winston. Chapel Hill, N C, for Cata logue and handbook on "UNI VKKSITY EDUCATION." JIANUFACTUEEES OF FIJYJS GINGHAMS, OUTiJYG CLOTHS, PLAIDS, SHHET1NG AND SALT BAGS. O DEALERS IN Gener al Merchandise BUYEE3 OF Country Produce of all Kind - AND our-Foot wopd always wonted best grides 6 same. We Invite an int spectionof all the goods we Manufacture. do, a CAROLINA SUMMER ill Manufacturing THREE NEW cilUROHES. SouthTadkl -"'viamin nausbury Graded School, Opened-Miss Ad die Williams Better. Q Salisbury, N. C., Sept. 3.-The South Yfedkin Association, which met in the Baptist church here Fri day, niht, closed about noon jester day. There Were about seventy five delegates in attendance and the sessions were interesting throughout .Three new churches organized du ring the year past, made application ana were received into the associa ioPv The , Biblical Kecorder. the North Carolina Baptist and Baptist yrpnanage, Baptist papers, were represented at the meeting. The association now comprises about twenty-one churches with a mems bership of 2,000 or more. The city cnurches were supplied Sunday by preachers from the association. The city schools opened yesterday. The enrollment at the white graded school was 281, colored graded HI: the private schools opened favor.. ably. The female baseball nlavers are ex- '.' ?epted ?triKe Salisbury Saturday ax lci iiuuii . Miss Addie Williams, the Char lotte Observer's bright and . gifted lacal editor, who has been sick at the home of Mr M O Qainn here is much improved and hopes to be able i to be out in a day or two Mr. N B McCailess returned yes terdry morning foom Boston and ! Othp.r nninfa rnit-Vi to Via a ha mnn i- purchase machinery for the Kesler ... wauu4a"uuuS uuiuy, iua new mill to be bailt here. Another Kind of Fusion. ' .. The Raleigh correspondent of the Charlotte Observer says : 'Assur ances are given tonight that the movement for the co-operation of the Democrats and Populists is un- qestionabiy spreading. A prominent man assures me that Senator Butler favors this arrangement is, in fact, desirous ol seeing it effected. It is alleged that Otho Wilson also is favoring it It is also said that some Populists are expressing dis approval of Russell as the guberna torial candidate because they say that, during the last session of the Legislature'he produced the intro. duction of a bill to provide for the lease of the North Carolina Rail road. 1 l(olllir) TOf lipoma v.a j . ii tiitauia orrivuil All.. In was learned in Concord that Hon. A H A Williams, better known among his friends as "Baldy," was very sick at Chase City, Va where he has been spending some time with the hope of recuperating his much impaired health. His brother. Mr - H G lams, of Washington, u, vj.9 was Kiegrapneu xor ana ar rived at his brother'! bedside Iwt nfgnt. Mr. Williams, so il is leaf n- ed, is suffering from Bright's dis ease and if in a very precarious con- Buildlnjr Scbool Xloase to Let. On Stpt, 16 at 1 o'clock, a"t the school house site of Dist Ko. 10, white, we will let to the lowest, re sponsible bidder the contract for building a gchpol house on rifd site. Plans and Specifications will be bade known on above date, or in the meantime by calling on the under signed. Chas, A. Sherwood, D. T, LlTAKEB, W, N. Babnhabdt, Committee. September 2, 1895. CONCORD; N. a, TUBS PAT ,r SEPTEMBERS, 1895. PATH OP THE EARTHQUAKE. Jl ntlOAU Thf nn-u T j 8fr.-Th. ia , " mm v j m J J v m mv mm W "urBUOn sont rn. ' , . aL5J h WW : c",J,?!Daay r"JU8m ine?inerent -nrf "f,, "V '"0 T ...?"J"fu, lnelr sneiyes, aod.n several mstances was.broken to p,eces. Saspended object, sw.jed for some timA flffo -:u-irii naa ceased. ; The ; seismic disturb ahce occurred ai 6:10 tL m.," ami "the general directien" was from the southwest. ,- . ' T , m the walls of a nnmber of honses. The .sect.on.of Irnn6ton and Dobbs , . 4.aCu wmiB Winsted, Conn,, Sept. 2 .An earthquke shock, lasting several seconds, was felt here and in lor walk shortly after 8 oclock yester day morning. Why Bloomers are so Called. A correspondent to the.fl.leig News and Observer says: "In list Sunday's paper, I notice that you say yon do not know why "bloomers" are so called; Taking the liberty to suppose that you would like to know, and having been informed, I take pleasure in telling you that "bloomers" are so called because buds and blossoms in society wear them." Two Concord Items. . Raleigh, News and Observer -has these personal items of interest to 0Tt Mr. Charles M Cooke, Jr., of Lonisburg, spent yesterday in the city on his way to Concord where he will enter the Odell Manufacturing Co. in order to learn the cotton busi- " . - Miss Lucy Montgomery, who has been yisiting friends and relatives in tnis city, left yesterday for her home in Concord. IIlKb In the Air. Mr. W E Odell and Contractor IE A Brown lef t today (Tuesdaj) for Bessemer city, where Mr, Brown is to do some brick work for Capt. J M Odell on the unfinished factory at that place. A smoke-stack one hundred and fifty feet high will be built yhich will make ii twenty.fiye feet higher I than the one at the Odell mills at I this place. Ah engmei house will H saJ8 that work oh the bridge at Lip built, also. Mr Brown will remove pards mil), on Buffalo creek, is pro his brick machines to that place in gie'ssing rapidly, tie says;' too, thai a few weeks. " Charley Lord, a convict ifroni TDavid In order to catch up with his son county and a cotisin tb'the des work,' MrBrown is making Wick ai perado, Charley Lord, was released night cm f to -12 d'cloci: Mon from the chain gang on that day. day night 15,000 brick weVe made jeirersonTen nie. at the yard. About one half million 1. Take "Ihfhgs always by the of bri6k will bi requited t6 dd the smooth nandle" ' " 'i " ' work at Bessemer city, llie Staid Cominftistfei" fwrtai M I irom jMincroin, Ken., as idlows: er- trilhrbtn; wtaf seemed to-lii i0 bbstlnit cbdisrh in otrf two hildr6ne ld Vi; lntfiiMm DiscoV at n SriS lM lmi. as ouexper ience proyes. that it cures where aU other remedies fail .-Signe K tt: Sterensr- State- Com.Why " not giye Ihia teat medicine a frfal, as it is guaranteed and trial bottles are free at &hikh9B i) Begu iar size fi'JC caa ',u.; A MYSTERIOUS SHOOTING. .1 ' . -v JB W W WT W -M 'erou Deed Allen t chlleu for Tobacco and a Watch. i DECATUa, 111., Sept, 2. Geo. A1. WB,wite and ?teEdanghter, Minnie Deflenbanrh. Wlfl .r. Alien sat. on his p0rch after the'shooUne anU kent n,a neighbors off with revolver for an hoor. Finally he called for to, bacco and a They 1 takW tolhin, and as he ilfJLd'S - w uo ugmeuis tr o uoipnvcreu aua 18 nOW He refuses to say why' he tried to Kill the women. Friends who know h. . ""V j "o is inausiwons overrated last week. Thef S Wis now insane. He movel front JjiiSt st, Louis six months ago Bobbed Masonic Temnle. Chicago, Sept. 2.Five hundred people chased a thief through State street today and aided in his capture. The i prisoner who gave his name as James Williams, of San Francisco was charged with robbing the till of '"""'"S ox tb,e MaSOnlc TcmPle Assodation of Hf & T ? 0n crowd gathered to see the labor day parade. .The prisoner,7 at police head quarters, was identified as John B Gordon, of Louisville. Will Now Eat Eyen ''Cold Crow." A correspondent to the Raleigh B v News and Observer from Kashyilie, N. O. savs : I send you an extract from the speech of W E Henry made here in 1892. It is a substance and almost the exact language used by him on that occasion : "If one dron of PnnMHat should fall into the bottom of a wcii snu mai; wen niiea witn airt and rammed with manl. nnrl rraa should grow over it, and a sheep should eat that grass, I would not eat the mutton for fear of being tainted with Populism." Yours truly, B. H, Sorsby. Patrick Henry has been eating some sheep, sure. But had a Democratic loaf of bread hit Patrick in the abdonienhe would hot how be a Populist, L.ords Conslh Kelea&ed, Manager Earnhardt, of the chain gang was in the city Monday. He ' ' i ever spend your money be fore von have' earhed ft1. Ji- ' , t At iSffS ng'T tbir" " 5. Nothing is troublesome that we do Triilingly, ;"" "v(5f lyer put off until toaorroF what ou caido today. flbve buy Wh4t you do hot itJT : ik' trant bnse it is cheap. ' Hbw hiuch paih the evils have st us that'hatfe'netef happehdi : Hl Xlbiti atfgryCdnhi tea befofd fod speak ; if yerj angry, count oni ibTrtrff. t:-. Whom: NO. 1,252. MT. PLEASANT, N. C rev. j; d: shirey, d, p., pRES AD A DF MIC, COMMMRCIAL I AND . L- . COLLEGIATE COURSES. - - Total necessarv pxipnaPQ session of 38 weeks, $85.00 to Next session begins KoTAf . 3. 1895. For cotalogue and special informati the President as above or im. Secretary of Faculty. Mount Atrib8na SEMINAR Y - A Flourishing School for Ycmnf; .. Ladies. , TEN TEACHERS. 0n4mental Branches Receive Carefm Attention. HEV. C. L. T. FISHER, A. U -Principal, MOUNT PL AS ANT. N. C NORTH CiOflllli College of Agriculture and Mechanic arts. The next session of this (al lege will besrin Sentembftr ftth Examinations at county seats first Saturday in August. Young men desiring a tech nical education at an unusual ly low cost will do welLto ap ply for catalogue to A. QfrlOLLADAY. 2w d&w. T?-il p ich "NT ; n COFFINS &C. I have now in sfcnk opposite the court house a splen did; line of well-made FurDiture such as Bed Steads, Tables, Wash Stands Safe s, Chairs, &c. 1 defy competition in regard to quality and pried. You vill be surprised when you hear my prices Come and see. If not in stock can supply you in a few days. I have a nice line of -COFINSz at prices that will surprise you. I keep av full llihip '"jm hand for ira mediate supply. 1 buy LUMBER- and run my planing machane, and all persons who wish any thing in this line, will do well to call and see me. " Very Eespectf ully, J. T. Pounds. Concord. N. C. July 18. 1895. FEMALE ACADEMY. The gith Annual Session begins September 5th l809. '. Register for last var Tirrar ma fhi. persons unaer instruction aunng tne year. Spe v- - -f J - w cial features: the devejopment of Health, Char- acier ana mieuecu cuuaings tnoroughjy remod elled. Fully equipped Preparatory, Collegiate and Post Graduate Deoartment. txiH firV..u. - - . . -r 1. uv.-viaJ9 rHruM in Kl ncir Art ' T 4nmiivwi . r i .1 and Industrial Studies. J, H. CLEWEL1-, Rrincipal, SaJ-Mn,N daw zw;- s4 - . , HIGH SCHOOL Opens! Sentember 2. Offers fnlL thnr- OUeh nrenarAtion frtr rnllptrfi nra'tlral thorough training for - business of life For information or annnnnrement. &r) dress. HOLLAND THOMPSON, R it mm Fll 1ITU1E 1 - ' , Salem G6n do tH . . . JUKsa2tw"-' UoNcord. ii; C. S !. s

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