Vol" CONCORD, N. C., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1895. Whose KO. XL-No. 114. niftPf r ml Cokcord, N. 0. President, Cashier. Assistant Cashier $50,000 $16,000 p B.' CCLTBAKE, J), COLTRAKE, Capital, Surplus, -DIRECTORS; I m Odell, ' D. F. Cannon FiAM'Kisft. J. W. Cannon, IV 11 Odell, W. H, Lilly, 1). B, Coltrane. ( i r IrScuiation, MONEY. i tender, and silver dollars a legal ten- MR, BURLEYSON THE FIRST der for whatever amount might seem JSiO. 12. The ratio 16 to 1 is eyidence that an inequality exists betwaen gold and silver. If the metals were neat tor theweiiaieox all interests. If silver is too heavy and less desir able as a money metal than gold, to attempt to force people to receive, carry and handle it to a burdensome Ml Mis if mm, ?Ian to Reach tlie Concord Market With Mew Cotton-Just Seven Days tater Than Last Year. MT. PLEASANT, N. U. About 6 o'clock this (Friday) REV- J- D- SHIREY, D. P., PRES morning. SeDtember 7. Mr. Ben jxujujuoiiv9 uiim. aiiioiai. jamin Burleyson, of No. 10 town- and COLLEGIATE COURSES. m 1 2? fc and HAMMOND & CO. Brokers. 130 & 132 Pearl Street, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. coined on that basis, in order that there might be equal chances riven eltent' would be alent to using ship, reached the city with a 423 fi,fl iv. J . . means to destroy its use b a mnnev w n.:. m.i waxcuj, tue jegai ienuer laws remain- L , " , . j yvuuu utc ui mis years coium oiai necessary expenses . I moral tha Tro-rTT flnr .' ,. U - I .... .. .. . l . mg in force, there should be 16 ' . J uugm, Crop, which is the first bale for Ca- session of 38 weeks, 85. 00 to not oeuesirea. barrus. He was the flrst last year $137,000. By haying the single gold stands by three hour?, Capt j M Odell be- Next session begins Sept ard, a stop would be put to the ing the second. He was just seven 3.1895. For cotalogue and contention between tLe standards in ay8 later this year than last, having sPecial information, address tue iraumg anu commercial worm hrnno-ht in hU on rfc SO h Air, f x 1MiUOUl.d8 awuv c Ul Ancrnaf:.. Mr Rnrlsnn cor. Mo a less doubtful basis. It would stop crop will be about two-thirds, and juggling with' the standards, and that it i$ at least two weeks later, thus remove disturbing forces which He received 8 cents for his cotton are a constant hinderance to promote this year, Cannons & Fetzer haying ing the business interests of the purchased it. The contest between OOUnuy. Mr Rnrlavsnn and Hani: OrUll fnr times as many gold dollars coined as silver dollars, that is for every 1,000,000 silyer dollars there sbould be 16,000,000 gold dollars. On that bas s for the 600,000,000 silver dollars now in circulation in this country there should be sixteen times 600,000,000, that is to say 9,600,000,000 gold dollars. Take of 600,000,000 dollars for gold now in circulation, and we have 9,000,s 000,000 as the number of dollars lm. Secretary of Faculty. gold is behind. The caoacitv of he , , me urst caie was ciose cms year, too, . , .n : " . scanuara oi naiure wnicn must from cant Odell having had his ai; the mint beingr 50.000.000 dollar nieces .. . , . . , . : . a vPar. if. fnllnw that, tn nnin Q Of'n A 6 WhQ(X &t U Burleyson's Was OU nnh nnn u J.-:'Jtne 8ame PrmciPle a8 m the cases of the market uuu,uuy oiugic uuuaia wuuiu require 110 years, which seems to be the grain, fruit, stock and so forth THE COAT HE WEARS. ahnnld obtain. Tt. is hiattpr tn trrndp I tu; u r. r -r j SlockS) Bonds and Gram bought and period as demanded by the rat.o 16 upward thaQ d It ia beMei Cabarrag Qne , sold, or carried on Margin. p s. Send for explanatory circus lar oa speculation, also weekly mar ket letter.- (Free) dwly f f 1. 'Iniinv mVi l n Vi nn n nil taw -11 fcy uwU U. uu . ycx uu.- fc0 raige gtandar(1 thaQ lar should be coined, that is if the to Mount -Amoeru) SEMINARY A Flourishing School for Young: Ladies. TEN TEACHERS. Orxttmenta Branches ReceiTS Caref ui Attention, HEV. C. L. T. FISHER, A. M PKINCIPAi., MOUNT PL AS ANT. N. C mim':: UNIVERSITY OF College of Agriculture and Mechanic arts. The next session of this Col- limn in lower as a souvenir he has preserved for it. if a change must ba madp. Bv l fmtTr-can .ova fV. two metals are to have an equal . . 7U. . . . V 7" ! " j---" au uo . u . " 4 adhering to this principle people be- married in and the same was the come more thrnty, they possess the one he wore to town this morning. essential oualification t.n hprnmplTf mna mAa. "KwT'of t r a i r, ,1 coinage shall take nlace on the above , w xxCAuc ine next session 01 tnis oi- i i ? a. thufty. They value their money as Lf th;s city, and says that not a We will be?in Sentember nth. oa3is. iNeitneris ii auvocaiea, as i nr4, onrn .- ,P. n .Q, j " ' care of it, and are more careful as to off. The material of which the coat first Saturday in August, how they spend it. They are likely Was made is a black French cloth, Young men desiring a tech to be more economical. which at the time it was purchased nical education at an unusual- Bat to make the standard too nnst $7 nervard. ly.Jow cost win oowen to ap- x. r j some seem to think it should be,that the ratio 16 to 1 signifies that we should have sixteen dollars where we Comprises the University, the have one now- 0n thafc basis .the College, the Law and Medical www UUI uu uiruuia" high would not be well. That Schools, and the tion,wonld have to be raised-Ho six. mieht do iniury to certain classes. teen times that amount,that is, to en, Tae general opinion of the most oomoua sum of 25,600,000,000 dol- enlightened people of 'the w6rld lar8,which would give us acirculation fc - ? - ttJ d th matter t of nearly f our hundred dollars per lfc for the present. . Gold has been I Aonita nrl fatro ASH Tonra tn nnin it. I , "'. .. -. - , i forteachers. Tuition $60 ; 35 - nnn nnn 8electea ;fl8 tne stanaara, ana wju teachers. 471 students. Ad ductiug the 1,600,000,000 already remaili the standard until the corn dress President Winston, in circulation. The trouble with melciaI world digcoyers a .better. Its Chapel Hill, N C, for Cata- the double standard seems to be !the stability of yaloe makes it fit for iogne and handbook on "UNI-1 effort to eniorce oy law an equaiuy the standard. SUMMER SCHOOL ply for catalogue to A. Q. HOLLADAY, Pres., 2wd&w. Raleigh, N. C. VERSITY EDUCATION." 1 iisitoisg Oo., MANUFACTURERS OF whprA t.hfiiv is no natnral eoualitv.l t L i -r. ii ' il n ; . ' " 7 v a 11 auj part OJ lue peupie reauy w orld. Twenty-five cents xv , vc-i,. w - desire silver as the standard, the Besure and ask for ,.Mr3. winslow3 on two thing, equally for one. of best way to proceed would seem to Soothing Syrtlp;. and take no other which they have a preference. be ,0 8et about tersuadlne and not , . , . i I ' " K1QU. Uiwimw . in ow a country must nave muucjr forcing tne commercial world to and plenty of it, too, this all will take it. Persuasion is sometimes admit, an wuiaamit mat ine mney more effectlve than force. - , JSAVIGNY. For Over Firty Tears. Mrs. Winslow's Sooth;ng Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the' child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and ' is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by I have now in stock at my rooms Druggists m every part of the a bottle FUR W ITU COFFINS &C. opposite tne court nouse a splen did line of well-made Furnitura such as FLY GINGHAMS, OUTING CLOTHS, should -be' good money, and that every dollar should have the same purchasing power as every other dollar. To attain this desired re sult there should not be too many EE'S The IalIes" DIdnH Come. The small boy stood at the ball-ground , gate; l' ' ; :' He saw bleechers all around, But Manager Ritz did then relate : xx o gins aro uix iuo gxuuuu.. n. - pr yjT-nv arris T?Ti 7VV standards by which to measure the PLAIDS, SHEETING dolIarS: If there be more than one SJIJjI njlKjrO. Sianuaru auu tucy vmj Thp Rmall hnv tnrned and droned his the values of the standards, what he&d, they may be at any future time, be- -As if he couldn't reply, '- . j coming confusing elements in all But a small voice then from the outside time transactions. The uncertainty ,said 1 . . ,V , . . , , , j . "He wanted to risk one eye." as to what would be the standard of Jfc a disappointed look tho measure at the maturity of a note v ba,eM11 enthusiits 0 DEALERS IN General Merchandise. BUYERS OF Country Produce of all Kind AND - Four-Foot wood always wonted best prices for same. We invite an in spection of all the goods Manufacture. Co, would have the effect of making ha(j this morning when the females rate of interest high enougn 10 cqyer any possible loss from a change; in the value of the standard, or the kind of money to be paid would ' be named in the note. This would cause the money rated by the high est standard to be withdrawn frem circulation or if used as money, to noori in fnnivalents of the lower UXj uuww standard, and consequently at a premium. -Nobody would pay a hundred dollar debt with gold, il seventy 'five dollars in gold would buy silver dollars enough to pay the debt. - To avoid this, it seems that the world has decided that it would be best to make gold the standard and then coin all the gold and silver tpat the business of the country might need. Make goid;an unlimited legaP didn't arrive. Men ! we're here from this is your all parts of the county to "take it portunity in," and indeed, the early morning reminded one of circus day. From a drummer who was in the city dl" rect from Atlanta, it was learned that the7 "lady baseball players of New York" disbanded at that place on Monday. Of course, all those who lay off from work and ceme many: miles to town, had other GREAT -S .A- L $50,000 Worth of Goods must and shall be sold quick. $20,000 W holesale , Goods, con -sisting of 'Dry goods- All wool Jeaneskerseys, Notions and Hots COUNTRY MERCHANTS, time and op Bed Steads, Tables, Wash Stands Safe?v Chairs, &c. ', defy competition in regard to quality and price. You will be surprised when you hear my prices Come and see. If not in stock $3o,ooo Retail goods of every de scription: Diy Goods, Millinery, Ribbons, Silks, Satins, Laces, Carpet, etc.j etc - To the out of town public, I suggest that it may jiot be Tmrticahlft for all to come U... TI ' H a a H rrair- com ary r At thft I f ' . t t 11 t.1. . uuoiuceo. x uc auittwBouiw.uw i jjQfQ wUO Wisu, to t a v aii tiieiiJ rrn m i mats a crffA ' mVo I . f 4-V i n nvirArf 11111 t"TT TUTre. that they club together and If the Democratic party will re- send some one here to make main true to its sacred and immortal purchases for them. principles; and nofc.dopt every ; ' ; ?eSwC V political fallacy .that is introduced. , S. WiTTKOWSKY. it may expect to continue to be the Assignee of H. Banich ; frreat and only true party in North viidiiuuo, n. v. Carolina. Cleveland Star,.,. can supply you in a few da have a nice line of -COFFINSz at prices that will surprise you. I keep a full lline on hand for im mediate supply. I buy LUMBER and run my planing machane, and all persons who wish any thing -in this line, will do well to call and see me. Very Respectfully, J. T. Pounds. Concord. N. C. July 13. 1895. Salem FEMALE ACADEMY. The 94th Annual Sessiapiegins September 5th 1S95. Register for last yeapshows more than 500 persons under instruction during the year. Spe cial features: the development of Health, Char acter and Intellect. Buildings thoroughly remod elled. Fully equipped Preparatory, Collegiate and Post s Graduate Departments, besides first -class schools in Music, Art, Languages, Commercial and industrial btudies. . J. H. CLEWELl, Rrincipal, SalrmN daw 2w. Concord HIGH SCHODL Opens September 2. Offers full, thor ough preparation for college ; practical, thorough training for business or life," For information or announcement, ad dress. HOLLAND THOMPSON. tt&s a22tw CoKcord, N. a

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