no CONCORD, N. C, MONDAY; SEPTEMBER 9.. 1895. Whohe NO. 1.258 i x fill National Bank. NO WHERE TO PUT THEM, j MRS. CANNON'S DEATH. I THE BAND DID NOT PLAY Coxcord, N. 0. President, Chief tioxer Ushered Up Four Four More to Ceme-&outl45 Worth or . Fines. . t fega bave changed you, know, from-what used to be the custom 1LKne, Cashier. wW the police wouW fid:, man VfKJ - tnalrini ' . r fi UKAAU uiuxescii. a nuisance. ic was llfi'ooo tnen that ou would see the law- 1 breakers taken to the calaboose and .-DIRECTORS ; safely locked up until he was able D. F. Cannon to stand trial or giye bail. As it is J. W. Cannon, I now, there is no place but the iail to confine a criminal the calaboose is rotten and unsafe. Virtually, the town has no place of its own in which to secure a man. Let the v board of commissioners consider and A L.oVeIy, Christian Lady, of Hosts of Friends Passes Away After a Long Illness. It has been known throughout the town for- some days that the FIRE INSURANCE, But Use Cabarrns Baseball Both Beat a Team from Kowan-Mers raid. Havin? transferred mv Firft TWI well and Rogers Made snort ri118111 88D MeW8. II I Heeches ' Woodhouse and B E Harris, I corns speecnes. mena them to any who may be in The celebration . of he . school- ?ee?,of fire insurance, and bespeak least possible hope could be enter closing of Mr. Joe Cochrane, in the a jioerai vatronaga. pital. plus, Odell, i. K"TN"G. lji tit Tt ;r'.;Twi R ODELL, VV. ri, ui, 1). B. COLTRANE. Speculation, HAMMOND & CO. Utoek &n& Sond Brokers, 130 & 132 Pearl Street, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. a basket picnic, Safurday Glasses was a decided tamed, oy near relatives and friends,; way of? for the recovery of Mrs, Mary Jane, last, at wife of our esteemed townsman, Mr. success. David P Cannon. For days and At noon, Mr. Morrison H Cald nights her life hung by a tender I weV of" thia city, made a brief We have assumed the Fir Insur ance business of Mr.J.W. Burkhea jomprisins the agencies for several nrst-class and well establish e-i con cuu copt3uj,iuuy pouch a thread. Loving relatives and friends I speech On education, followed by a liberal share of business in that line,- August 26, Woodhouse & Harris. tf y Ml Mm Mm, watched eagerly with gladness every talk from Mr. J P Rogers, who slight rallv, but with pain they saw spoke encouragingly of the progress each time she relapsed to a weaker of-the school nnder the management and lower condition. All that fond of Mr, Cochrane. After the speak- attention and skilled physicians nS w3 done, dinner was spread. It could do, availed nothing in com w&3 an abundant one, and in words provide a prison, and help the bating the dis.ease. that was slowly present ; "It was a dinner to policemen. ' J but surelv'saDDing no ner vitalitv: set old Misa Mitchell, with plenty Saturday night at a festival in '."For eraVaya Mrs. Cannon was ." Tne quotation is an express the rear of Scotia Seminary, by the unconscious. sion of one of the baseball boys who 1 1 1 t I m-m ' " . . " ' - I ', J A, i 1 1 ' , peopie, a numoer oi mem xnougn prepared, ior the meviU aD:oiai' tu ca cnuw nine in ae , m f i ' got too hilarious. ;They had the able, her death, which occurred feating- the Grant's creek nine, -in a session of 38 weeks 885 7)0 to town. This (Monday) Morning, the about 9 o'clock Sunday night, wis score of 14 to 1. Brnmley, Fisher, $137,000. ' tables turned, however, the town soon known all over Concord and Keesler, Cook and Rsed, played with Next session begins Sept having them. Ed Martin, Will carried a shock and pain to a host of the 4 men. 3.1895. For cotaloffne and SIT, JfJiMAMANT, N. (J, REV.yJ, Dr SHIREY, D. P., Pres ADADE M IC, CO M M to KU A L . AND COLLEGIATE COURSE?. expenses cks, Bonds and Gram bought and Torrence, John Harris tnd John warm friends of the familj. sold, or carnea on margin. Pressly four young negroes were Mrs. Cannon was a daughter of enjoyed by every one. p,b.-&ena ior expmaaLory circus UBhered into the mayor' court and Mr. J A Moss. Two sisters survive on speculation, also weekly mar- fined $5.00 each for beinsr drunk her ? t letter. (Free) dwly. UNIVERSITY OF, 1m prises the University, the pllege, the Law and Medical ;hools, and the , v v . UMMEK SCHOOL and disorderly. and Mrs, Jas. R Erwin, of Concord ; Four more, who are at work to-1 her brother, Dr. John Moss, died day, will be pulled tonight for the I several years ago. same ofiance. The policemen could Mrs. Cannon was 55 years old and not imprison them because the town surviving her are her husband, one does not afford v a sate place of 1 daughter, Miss Nannie and two eons, keeping. I Masters Frank and Archey Cannon. I She was a nnblft wnnrnr warm. w m mm m w wm r f i ; ' - t , i, i- EarlySundaymorninga red: fox d feeling p8ympithT: and conv v sideratioo fd'r all her acquaintances, nftmA intn town. i ? v fcr a L alJi : t a frtTTTr, i wno neia ner in nignesi esteem He was seen in Love town by) , v - ' M. . several colored persons, who say he was looking; into hogjpens. They followed him through the alley that enters South Main street at Mr. A J Blackwelder'8, then up Main street to court house. Here he darted The day was one of pleasure and special information, address tneAFresident as above, or lm. ! ( Secretary of Faculty. Mount Amoena SEMI NARY A Flourishing School for Xouni? -. .ls Ladies. ten teachers; Ornamental Brancheo Receive Carefui Attention, REV. C. L. T. FISHER. A. 31 r'"r: PbincipaW ! MOUNT 3PL ASaNT. N. C Vhen Baby was sick, Te gave her Castorla. 4 fchen she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. Vbea she had Children, she gave them Castoria. la this saddest- of afflictions a For Oyer Ftfty Years. Mrs. yin8lowV Sooth: ng Syrup: has. been used for over nfty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. r teachers. Tuition $60 ; 35 jachers, 471 students. A6N ess President Winston Japel HilL N C. for Cata- gue and handbook on UUNI- through the yard and was lost. SRSITY EDUCATION." ' husband'robbed of his faithful and soothes the child, softens, the aILa J;.'iv.ii,i... gums, allays all pain, cures' wind their fond' mother-thwe is a home cohc' n?, 18T the best remedy for oa North Main street of sorrow, I ","".1I'uti " 7 where the loss is great and severe, '"Ve BUer ""necnately. Boia oy bat rot that loss which a donbt and UrnSfst3 m "ery part of the uncertainty of the hereafter! WUA1 "WC"UV .r r , re sure ana ass iorv'airs. w msiowa Soothing Syrop' and take no other ruyiiiiBE an causes to sting. To all the, afflicted and bereaved there goes out the ten- The tuneral services were con ducted from the residence at 4 MANUFACTURERS OF fed. n GINGHAMS, ;TiNQ CLOTHS, PLAIDS, SHEETING AND SALT BAGS. 0- DEALERS IN sneral Several years ago a young fox was penned in the court house; he got liWsft. " vana nantured and nennpd - X- I 1 . i.v r Al. .U1 there again. The second time he aere8t lue liberated himself. It is believed multy that the fox was actually hunting its VIV.. uwu L.V " . w - " w-- , . I 1 11 I . TTT t o ciocs, ov ine pastor, rtev. vv u ' m m ' , . , i? 1 Alexander, and the interment took hu TnTanin won a oeiier lie i r I i 4. .u low, or his plume will, decorate the P"f" " w 3 C U. AYM.i. I recora OI eomo uue iu uuuuu nuuui, Four Bis Successes. or words to that effect. Already Having the needed merit to more there is some plotting against him than make good all the advertising by local sportsmen. cioimea ior tnem, tne ionuwing iour -. .. , remedies halle reacnea a pnenome jaarveious uesui.s. . ' , . D .. King.g New Discovery Prom a letter written by Itev. J for consumotion. coughs and colds. nnderman,;of Dimondale, Mich., ; bottle 1 guaranteed-Electric we are permiuea to mase ims Bitters, the greaf remedy for Liver. tract: 'X nave no nesuauon gtomack and KidneySt Buckleu's recommending Dr. King s JNew JJis- Arnica Salve, the best in the world, kind. mw2&w AS 5 1 6 r GREAT n - $50 rnrerv. as the results were almost marvelous in the case of my wife. im,; T Wo niotnr of the Birtist Merchandise, church at Kives Junction she was brougnt down witn jrneumuuia bub ceeding La Grippe- Terrible parox ysms f coughing would last hours with little interruption and it seem ed as if she could not survive them. A -friend recommpnded Dr.' King's New Discover, it was, quick in its work and highly satisfactory in t re BUlfce.'C Trial .bottles free ai Fet zer's drugstore. Bgular . sizfe 50c. and $1.00. BUYERS OF untry Produce of all i Kind - AND lr.Poot wooa f011 W - best ame. always prices for, an in We invite f tionof all the goods ' rnufucture. and Dr. King's New, .Life Pills, which are a perfect pill. Air these remedies are guaranteed' to' do j qst what is. claimed for, them ancl the dealer whose name is attached here K with wi'l be glad to tell you more of them. Sold at Fetzer'd drag store. Bucklen's Arnica uire, r The Best Salve in tlje world for, OntsV BrtiisssT Sores, Ulcers, Said Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Ohappe Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay reqni-ed. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction or moner refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale at P B Fetzer's Drug Store. Notice. ; ; There wiltbe a calls communica tion of Stokes Lodge No. 32, Ai.--.Fi Work in third degree inyited. Bj orde"oT. aB-rJLowESecy. To the Citizens of Con mon out a first-class Meafer market rand will tje gla;4 tdierTaHha;ptlic; with their needs in the fresh, meat: line. My place jcJbmesrilb. in uth$ McNinch' Btore'rodm.. first door above marbievyar&y on rWeat Depot street,' :r Respectfally,.' : .000 Worth of Goods must and shail be sold quick . $20,000 Wholesale Goods,- con sisting of 1 Diy ; goos All wool Jeaneskerseys, Notions and Hats. COUNTRY MERCHANTS, this is your 'time and op pbrtunity. $3o,ooo Retail goods of every de scription : i Dry Goods, Millinery, Ribbons, Silks, Satins, Laces, Carpet., etc., ctc To the put of town public, I be COFFINS &C... I have now in stock at mv looms- opposite the court house a splen did line of well-oiKide Furniture such as Bed Steads, Tables, Wash Stands Safes;' Chairs, &c. . defy competition in regard to quality and , pries. You "will ba surprised when you hear my prices" Come and -see. It not in stock can supply you in a few days. I have a nice line of COFFl Iff snffgest that ; it may not Practicable for all to come Oa'anctaf ter tl 20tl? ay-QthiB, ere hp wisri to ay aiL them 5nfe 0 WV-1! Pen; ietves oi this opportunity; ha t "tbey club together and send sorn.on$r ;here. to . make v- ' TKespepuullys. etov, , at prices that will surprise you. t keep a full lline on hand for im. mediate supply. I buy s LUMBEP and run my planing machane, and all persons who wish any thing in this line, will do well to cafi and see me. Very Respectfully, 3. Pounds. Poncord, N. C. July 1895. Concord HIGH SCHOOL ' Opens September 2. Offers full, thor ough preparatidn for College ; practical, thorough training for business or life,. For information or announcement, ad dress. HOLLAND THOMPSON, -tt&sa22tw -CoNcord, N C. swim Assignee of 'H. Barachj 1 itirr FEMALE ACADEMY. The 94th Annual Session begins September sta iSos. Register for last year shows more than 500 :persons.uiider instruction during the-year Spe mm t j . .. r cial f eaturesi-Hhe development of Health; Chax- acter and Ilntellect. Buildings thoronghly retook- r ally equipped ireparatory, uouegiate ana j t Graduate Departments, besides hrst-clas Aer at led. f I schools .ia Music, Art, Languages, Commercial'' V !J. H. CLElvELL, RrincipaLSalcmM;;

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