yi No. ns. CONCORD, N. C, WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER .11; 1895. WnoiiE NO. 1.260 iu n mm ber under the shed whet the others ! m Skn,1.Cracke1 o- N. 0. President Cashier. jSSlrt Assistant Cashier D.Co iital MOST DESTRUCTIVE AND FATAL OCCURENCE. $50,000 $16,0001 -DIRECTORS: I I? fll VTVTMkT ), JL J T TIT nvrvrxT v Odell, W. H, Lillys : ' D B, COLTRANE, Speculation, HAMMOND & CO. Stock and Brokers, 130 & 132 Pearl Street, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y A rianlnj? Mill in No, 5 Demolished One Hilled and Several Wounded Engine and Boiler Thrown 80 Feet -Mr. Jack Safrit May Not Recover; Ile'f Badly Hurt. Mr Jackson Safrit lives about 6 J miles northeast of this city on what is known as the Salisbury and Hags ler's ford road. It was at his home, about 150 yards in rear of his resi dence, where was the Btene of a hor rifying explosion this (Wednesday) morning at 7:30 o'clock. Mr Safrit and his sons, Robert and Victor, were engaged in running a planing mil, and were assisted by laborers John Bost, of No, 5 town ship, near Hileman's mill, and An- k-3 Bonds and Gram bought and , - T n pens, iJwauo u. dprflnn HTTiftp. nf No sow, or tarneu on luargiu. , S. Send for explanatory circus on specuiJiLiuiJ, iuau wee&ij uiar- letter. (Free) dwly UNIVERSITY OF I 1 I All five of the above named were under the shed in the lumber room in which the machine had been run ning, Robert Safrit waa under the mill changing the knives to dress coarser lumber when suddenly se en the vhen bear- were. He was the only outside of the shed, and ing the curious noise abat the en fijine gave the ' alarm of Unger and ran, barely e&caping Deit blown in to atoms by flying pie-es of the boiler. He was struck b the left side and badly-scalded b Master Victor Safri ' . i killed, was a bright litti steam. : who was fellow of 15 years. He was a genSral favorite with all who knew him,ind nothing but worthy praise was peard from the lips of those who vere present at the scene of death. Mr, W R Black welder who lives three-quarters of a mill from Mr. Safrit's, in conversatin with a Standard reporter, who was on the scene shortly after the gaye his opinion as to t the explosion, and statedtbat it was a defect in the boiler, aid that it occurrence e cause of FIRE INSURANCE The Il-year old son of Mr. Dan- i uTUB, ui u lowuauip, met Havin? transferred mv Pirn Tn with a serious accident this (Wednes suranca business to Me&rrs. EI I day) afternoon about 1;30 o'clock, V??8e nd ms, I corns while attending to his father's mule need of fire insurance, and bespeak team in the lot at Corl'a livery for ttem a liberal t atronagt. stables." The little fellow, with a Respectfully brother about the same size, brought 1 a load of wood to town and after anWn unloading:, went to the' lot to feed, omprisins the agencies for several By accidentally coming in close firsVclass and well ostablishe i com ' J & came?, and resnpfif.fn v an f r. contact with the animal's heels, one liberal share of business in ibatline. WOODHOUSE & HaKEIS. mule kicked a hole about an inch long through the bov's forehead. The little fellow was knocked xxn concious, but was soon brought to. The wound was dressed by Drs. Lilly & Montgomery, and the boy sent home in a buggy by Mr, Corl. August 26,. tf Hortli Eirolii CiW The Town Fathers Meet. The committee, consisting of Messrs Duval, Brown, Alexander and the mayor, appointed to wait on the MT. PLEASANT, N. C. REV. J. D. SHIREY, D. P., Pres ADADEMIC, COMM. Ml; ol AL AND COLLEGIATE COURSES. expenses .$85.00 to to careless1- explosion pome, di8H Total necessarv county commissioners to secure the session of 38 weeks chain gang to work some in Con- $137,000. cord, was refused. The committee Next session begins Sept was continued. . 3.1895. For cotalogue and The Fire Company was authorized special information, -address to put shafts to the reel and secure thePresident as above, or I O . Vinnfn iinvi'nlif Vor1 ka.n 'Phfi Rlpnfrift 1 il OrVl f. fir TY1 nan V TP in constant use tor seieral months, Used to reduce the charge for iVlOlint Am08!1& It was purchased by Mr. Robert Saf. hZhts more than ?300 b shutting rit, who owned the Jlaining mill, ofE at 12 o'cloclc.; could not be attributed ness. The report of th was heard by him at, his tinctly. HuuitsiuiuK weui wrong wuu me r T Unt in nfiw town in the re'ar of the L . old Virginia Dare Institute. parnuger; a uege, fools, and the UMMER SCHOOL teachers. Tuition $60 ; 35 chers, 471 students. Ad pss rrtsident Winston. working of the engine. It was only an instant until the report of the ex mprises the Qniversitytbe plosion was heard, when the engine, me mwana. Meaicai boiler and p!at?prm on which ifc wa8 built shot through the'f shed into the air, and tell at a distance of about seventy-eight feet from its base, sweeping as it went the shed from its foundation and blowing pieces of machinery and lumber in every direction for several hundred apelHill, N C, for Cata- yards. The lumber shed and one Sue and handbook on 4 'UNI- end of a work shop were completely 'KSITY -EDUCATION." ilpmnlisKpd and BnlintP.ri.fi- lftaviriD- -" only fragments of thel buildings and a heap of wreckage on the mill site. As it passed through the shed, Master Victor Safrit was caught up by the engine and badly mangled. His skull was crushed, one arm and one leg broken. His death was in 6tant. Among the debris was found Mr. Safrit, father of the boy that ii VI MANUFACTURERS OF n GLYGIMMS, VUG CLOTHS, 0- DEALERS IN pner 9 BUYERS OF Ul Produce of all Kind - AND WUi-.oot Mr. Jackson Safrit aw of Esquire J J Three new lishts SE MI N A R Y were ordered " A Flourishinpr School for Youim Ladies. ' TEN TEA C HBB S , Ornamental BraEches Bo ive Carefui Ait en nor.. brother to Mr. Matthew Safrit. and Bucuien's Arnica salve, ti- a I ine rest oaive in tae woria ior twv. vj. u. l. ciotiu, Principal. MOUNT PL AS ANT. brothersinlaw to Mr. John A inp. nf fnia nifv. I ' 7 Messrs Jackson Safrit ind John - .m n rrtr,, : i n iuh. uuiiuiuiuo. wuxub auu au Bost were still living at U o'clock, gkin Ernptiong) and positively cares n but no hopes were enter m - their recovery. ained for Do Ton Want Either ? The following articles are offered for sale privately and . reasonably : One pool table, balls and cues ; one bagatelle table, one cook Etove, one grate, two parlorstoves antt a dining Piles or no pay requi-ed. It is guaranteed to give statisfaction or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale at P B Fetzer's Drug Store. v m i it "Pure Bred Fowls. ' I have for sale several Cockerels, of each: Cornish Indian Game and table. For further particulars call Barred Plymouth Rock, COFFINS &C. I have now in stock at my rooms opposite the court house a splen did line of welKmade Fur'nitur?. such as at this offiice. s2tf 8141 w. J. F, Goodsok. PLAIDS, SHEETING was killed, with a large bole in his ngni tempie ana omerwise oruisea m a,v -U bJLLl M.Lro. his wounds are considered fatal, and he may.die at any time. Mr. John Bost, a resident of No. 5 township and father of five chil dren, asred about 50 years, was : 9 a mt ' - found -under tho wreck in an un. conscious stafe with his skull V! ArrVin-M15r p.rnsipd in behind his left ear. In all probability he wilt die. Mr. -Robert Safrit, who owns the plaining mill, is about 20 years old, and showed great presence of mind in laying flat under the machine when the gulshing engine and boiler passed directly over him. lie. es caped with a few sliphl; bruises on the face and back. Anderson Cruse, a laborer, who lives probably a mile and a half from the scene of the explosion, was badly hurt about the face and head. He walked from the wreck to his borne where he became unconscious. His injuries are not serious, although he is badly bunged up. Mr. Davis Barrier was within a J 1 Little Rlchartl Wilson Killed. A telegram was received this after noon from Mr. .Sidney 'Allen, of Winston, to Mr. R S Harris statin? that his (Mr. Harris') little grand son, Richard Wikon, was run oyer by a street car and instantly killed. Little Richard is well remembered here as a bright little fellow and it is with regret that we chronicle the sad-affair. Mrs. Wilson and little children were here only a few weeks ago. I wood always -best prices for v-e invito rvuunof nil pnted pme. 1 an in'. the goods ure. Funeral of Mr. Burkheart. The funeral services of Mr. J V Burkhead will be conducted to morrow at nine o'clock at the First Presbyterian church, by the pastor, Rev. W C Alexander. The inter ment will take place at the Town Cemetery, GREAT $50,000 Worth of Goods must and sliail be sold quick. $20,000 Wholesale Goods, con ieisting of , :Dry goods All wool Jeaneskerseys, Notions and Hats. . COUNTRY MERCHANTS, this is your time and op portunity. $3o.ooo : Retail goods of every de scription : Diy Goods, Millinery, Ribbons, Silks, Satins, Laces; Carpet'5, etc., etc. To the out of town public, I mkMw k Four Biff Successes. Having the needed merit to more than make good all tho advertising cloimed for them, the following four remedies halle reached a phenome rial sale: Dr. King's New Discovery : ' . f r ' - i 1 ? J r -I -I frtr innoiimminn nriierra Ann or I n a each bottle jruaranteed Electric ugcai mat u uul Bitters, tHe great remedy for Liver, practicable for all to come Stomach and Kidneyls.1 Bucklens here who wish to avail thems Arnica Saiyf , ;the bept in the world, selves of this opportunity, and Dr. Kinfs . Nw LUe Piils that they club together and which "arera erfec send some one here to make remedies are guaranteed to do just purchases for them, wkat is claimed theia nldtte' ; 1 espectfu Witn wm pe giaa to tell you more oi J Assignee of H. Baruch, Chairs, &e. I defy competition in regard j to quality and pries. You will be surprised when you hear'Liy prices Come and see. If noi! in stock, can supply you in a few days. I have a nice line of " COFFilMS at prices that will surprise you. I keep a full lline on band f or im- mediate supply. 1 buy LUMBER and run my planing machane, acd all persons who -wish any thiEg in this line, wiil do well to call and see me. Very Respectfully, J. T. Pounds. Concord, N. C. July 13, 1895. Goineord. HIGH SCHOOL Opens September 2. Offers full, thor ough preparation for college; practical, thorough. training for business or life For information or announcement, ad dress. HOLLAND THOMPSON., tt&s a22tw CoNcord, N. C. few feet of the boiler, putting lum-, them. Sold at Fetzer's drug store: ' . Charlotte, N. O. Salem FEMALE ACADEMY- ,The 94th Annual Session begins September 5th ,.. 1895, Register for last year shows mere than 500 persons under instruction during the year. Spe cial features: tne development ot lieartn, inar- du cter and Intellect. Buildings thorough.; remod elled. Fully equipped Preparatory, C llejpate and Post Graduate DeDartments. beside 3 first-class schools in Music, Art, Languages, Commercial and-Industrial Studies. , J. H. CLB1VELL, RrincipalSal'-mNi daw 2vr.