Arrivnl of Trains. fmm Richmond arrives at 11:15 a. m. So. 11 fr?,m Washington " " ' io:q3 p. m. 35 Atlanta " ." 7:23 p.m. bnta " 8:05 a.m. vpwVork ,v " 8:53 a.m. 12 -,6 57 .. tianta " 9:03 p.m. ' . fi-pisrht leaves at 12m. 63 Southbound the ' locai trains' between No5- u, -" Atlanta. Nos. 35 and 36 are the Ricnmu Kiciu - between Atlanta anu whm-muk-tast mall tiu afe the Washington and " . . . . - j itr i: - T.on u -tern Vestibuled Limited trains ana stop TV rxC 77 il I V- - - .. .. . . jlt Concord on A BATOH OF LOCAL NEWS. l,lfkoll'pa'lrtPutin Shape By On llustlintf Pencil Pusher. Concord has six beef markets. No lack for beef. g I, Kluttz has now opened his beef market, jlr. Herbert Cook is quite sick with typhoid feyor. Mrs. U J Bostian is qaite sick,. we regret to announce. Mr.- Noah Correll quit work Tuesday eyening with a chill. Mr. Maury Richmond is at his post again at Swink's, after a week's illness. : Sims & Alexander haye the finest assortment of French and plain candy in the city. Mr, Harry Fryling has a contract for wiring some buildings at Chapel Hill. He is there now. . ' Big line of children's knee, pants just in 20, 25, 40 and 5'0 cents per pair at Cannors & Fetzer'e, tf Miss Bessie Gainey, who was quite sink, is again at her post in the office at tne Odeli Company store. Just received a full line of sample ailklined Golf caps, worth 50 cents take your choice for 25 cents, . at Cannons & Fetzer's. tf, Mr. Gilland, Esq. W J Hill's tinner, has gone to Rock Hill, S. C, where he puts a roof upon the 3150.000 cotton factory at that place. Butler, Webster. & Co., of Char lotte, made an assignment Wednes oay evening, They could, not nur- vive tne ettects or tne nre some months ago. Harve Blackwelder and his aaugnter, Juna, both colored, were arrested Wednesday night by Sheriff Sims, Harve gave bail and was liberated, while Julia was sent to jail. Our Mr. Deaton, with a nose for news and an enerav to follow it. left here Wednesday at 9.45, went 6 miles into the countrv to the scene of the explosion, returned and by o'clock the matter was all in cold type. This Is rapid transit. - A hacking cough keeps the bron shial tubes in a state of constant ir ritation, which, it not speedily re moved, may lead to chronic bron caitis. No prompter remedy can be found than Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Its effect is immediate and the re sult permanent. Capi. T S Robertson, of Burling- ton. the second man to run a loco motive engine over the North Oaro- !ina railroad, is in the citv. He is nn a i . , . - . v I iZ r ni8 many triena?, 01 -6 gu, ana astea about Beverai ins Ornate ones that w r ,w. t Which is worse, imprisonment for lie or a life-long disease, like scro fula, for example? The former certainly, would be preferable were itnnfv j. not that Oyer's Sarsaparilla can ayg come to the rescue and give ihi poor sufferer health, utreneth. fcappineM. , , The city water works company is a a "ain pipe on mill Bireei deptb of eighteen inches more than owing to the pipe having 11 close to the surface to pre- nilfreezing iQ the winter. At rut ' Wbile the work is going on a 13 hung out as a danger sig- Another Boiler Explosion. Sheriff John A Sims Las just ie-c-ived a letter from Mr. R S Sloan, forme ly of this county, who writes from Eureka, Texas, his home. He tells of a boiler explosion there. Two wen (brothers) were instanly killed and buried in th duiud laiCi I'he boiler was thrown through the building, going through nineteen 2x12 joice and tearing up floor and press and striking the ground 305 yards from the foundation and re bounding went 80 yards further be. fore coming to the ground. Mr. Sloan adds that the crops are a failure, especially cotton and corn. The price of cotton runs from 7 to 71; and corn from 18 to 20, cents. . This accident in it extent, to re turn, seems almost incredible, but Mr. Sloan is perrectly reliable and is a high-toned, Christian gentle. man, Laid to Rest, The funeral of Mr. J Whit Burk head was conducted from the First Presbyterian church this morninsr at 9 o'clock by his pastor, Rev. W O Alexander, who paid a sweet tribute o the deceased, and very touchingly dwelt upon his faithfulness to man and to his Savior, after which the remains were conveyed to the ceme iery, where they were laid to rest. The pallbearers were: Messrs. J C Wadsworth, J L Hartsell, A M Faggart, W M Stuart, D L Bost and A E Lentz. The Jiegro Convention. There were 150 delegates at the colored conyention in Raleigh on Wednesday. John Williamson and Ed John- son were the leaders, and they claim that it was solid against fusion. It was a har nonious and enthusiastic meeting. Do You Want Either ? The following articles are offered for sale privately and reasonably: One pool table, balls and cues ; one bagatelle table, one cook stove, one gra., two parlorstoves and a dining table. .For further particulars call at this offiiee. s2tf Abont the Wounded. Mr. Matthew Safrit, a brother to Mr. Jackson Safrit, the old gentle man who was so badly wounded in the explosion yesterday, arrived in the city this afternoon and states that his brother and old Mr. Bost are vet alive" bnt H isnot thouSbt that they can live 24 hours longer. Senator liutler Issues Cards. RanAtnr Butler and other Repub- licans issue a call to their followers to attend the non partisan silver con Mr. Chalmers Voils, once a resi yention, which Mr. Ed Chambers dent of this place, but now of Smith has inaugurated. It is pre'. Mooresville, is spending several dieted that an immehse crowd will be present. A Greek Devil Belief. The Greek conception of their devil, whom they call Yama, make that personage one of the most sa- tViP whole devil tribe. Ac- cording to their ideas of him he is 240 miles high and the hairs on his v i- nt-A nnf I ?lra nalm trees on a I Z: nrniHhe8 to mouuiiu o-.. hifl doomed beings submitted to his ... . Uat?Z? DOliing on, -6 ' . two. pouring molten lead in ears and such other little pranks as lit M Ad 0.nf1 otillinff out meir iuuguco, wo gngeraiia and goughiog out their eye8. He is a heartless old devil of the most devilish kind, and has many other exquisite little tortures signed to his "chamber of horrors. laia up ioru rv.r.- :;V'- i M.m a no n v. rnUjii luu" IVhen Baby was sick, we gave her Castorta. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. Wfcen she had Children, she gave them Castoria. THE RUSH OF HUMANITY. People Who Travel, as Seen ty Oar Beorter. ' Rufus D Patterson is in the city. ' Mrs. G T Crowell is vi3iting in Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Reed have returned from the springs. Oapt, J M Odell has returned from a several weeks trip north. Lawyer S J Durham arrived in the city last night from Bessemer City. ; " - Mr. Charles Phifer returned to the city today from a trip to Wins 8 ton. Dr. and Mrs. J D Lisle, of the Reed mine was in the city Wednes day night. -Messrs S J Ervin and Charles E Alexander spent Wednesday evening in Stanly, Miss Mollie Dadson, oneof the graded school teachers, arrived in the dty TueSday nighfc- Master Lindsay Ross will .leave tomorrow morning for Mebanes, N. 0,, where he enters school. ! Miss Lou King left this mom- ing for her home atKingwood, after spending several days in the city. Mrs, W A Wilkinson and little Annie Kime have returned from a i1 l relatives in Iredell county, Mrs. W L Wiseman, of Saliss bury, will arrive in the city this evening to visit Mrs. G W Brown. llr. H P Torrence, of Forest Hill, has gone to Charlotte, David eon and Iredell, to spend several weeks. Mrs. p R T?txr. nhn iifl visiting at Dr. H C Herring's in Charlotte, arrived home Wednesday evening, I Mr. James A Deaton left on the 11:15 train today for Columbia, S. CM where he has secured a position ina:e- iur, anu Dira. iv a. rowen are snendin? several davs in Charlotte. Mr. Powell snperintenda the work at the Heed gold mine. Mrs. K S Harris left this moms ing for Winston, being called there by the sad and fatal accident to lit tle Richard Wilson, her grand son. Rev. J Y Allison, wife and daughter and Miss Davant, left the city last evening for Roanoke, Va, W BUCUU DC Y CI al CCS UC1UIO tarring to their home in Louisiana, - days with his sister, Mrs. John Litaker, at Forest Hill. Rev. W H L McLaurin and family left today for Rutherford College where thev will spend some time. Rev. McLaurin was adyised by his physician to take a rest in the mount tains, Mr. Charles Burdette Cross, Jr who was injured Monday evening Uj his horse falling with him J " . :J o'clock af hi. iiraciurinff ni8 buii, uieu .ficuuoo UsvnA n.av -KTawaIIV in MpftVlftnhnrff county. He was just 20 years old. MORRISON H. CALDWEL ATTOBKBY AT LAW, CONCORD, N. O, Office in Morris building, opposite ! Court House. ADVERTISE rT RIGHT HERE! LOWE SON. . W are not offering our en tire stock of goods for less than it costs us we don't want you to think so. But we want you to know that we have gone through or stock and picked out sevh eral hundfed pairs of Ladies Shoes the finest goods we carry in No. ,2, 2h 3, Bh and 4, that we waht to get out of our way. You may know this means prices are not wnat we are looking for today, but we want you to have a pair of these shoes. They will go anyway at about Half-Price. Now is the time t0 come- They v. ill not last but a few ilays. Tn the iot will' be about 50 pairs of Men's Shoes lo. 6, 6 and 7 that must be m, ci 1 :ii 11 i tti rt irun r u r. 11 f imm u i i x e be on Bargain Counter on the right when you enter the door. Come in a hurry to LOWE & SON. THE COMING WOMAN If the fashion plates are to be believed, will wear black, and there never wasUuch a demand for . BLACK DRESS GOODS to the exclusion of all col ored fabrics. Nothing adds more to the beauty and dignity of a woman' appearance than a .fine black gown, which is alike economical and ultra fash ionable. We have just gotten in our black and navy blues bought when the prices were low can sell you 75 cent Henrietta Surah for 50c 46 inches wide Can sell you a $1 ' goods 50 inches wide for 75c. Our stock of. Black Creapones are the latest production. We ask all Ladies to see our dress goods betore buying else where. Do you want to see the prettiest line of , LADIE'S SHOES " ever shown in Concord 0i . Then come and see us and be convinced. Our No. 49 narrow Opera Toe perfect beauty. Cur No. 71 Needle Square Toe"prettiest seoe on the mar ket. Our No, 69 Pointed Razor Toe the most stylish yt. Our No, 70 Round Toe a grand seller, all at low figures. UNLAUNDRIED SHIRTS , Our city trade VLeader" pure Linen Bossom extra heavy muslin double front and bacK, patent continu ous facings on back and sleeves, custom cut and at the low price of 50c. Morrion, Lentz Af. Co Fall Goods Bought Before the Advance in Price. Beautiful, dark Crepons as changable and as Pretty as silk only 12 cents, worth 15 cents. WWW JTJfLL S!TT.f7ES inpLenriettas 40 inches wide only 25 cents per yard. ALL WOOL SERGh 36 inches wide, 27 cents wortb 35 cents. PRETTlt I FALIA STILES in irercaies oni y lv cents. ALL WOOL (fine Merino) French- Flannel for Ladies Dressing Saeqmes only 50 cents Der vard. See our Croyenette abso lately BAIN PBOOF 56 j inches wide.

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