Vol- uuiNUUJX, iN. UM SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 1895. WHons NO. I,2t3 an i. COKCOBD, N. 0. TM.ODELL, .President, in Cclteanb, Cashier. I d Coltrane, Assistant Cashier $50,000 $16,000 Capital, SarplQS; -DIRECTORS: j. 11. Odell, vr.kv King, rR. Odell, W. H, Lilly, D. B. OOLTRANE. Speculation, HAMMOND & CO. Stock and lond Brokers, 130 & 132 Pearl Street, NEW YORK CITY, N. 5T. Eaq. Coleman in a Joke. Esq. Coleman, Cabarrus - county's wealthiest colored man, has been do ing lots of travel for several weeks in the interest of the colored ex hibit at the Atlanta Exposition. He has been enthusiastic and energetic. Nearly every paper coming to us this week contains an item about his presence and efforts. In fact Esq; Coleman's name has been mentioned Bad Blood May A cat a Be Stirred Up, The Stat esville Mascot makes reference to the bad blood that er ists m Lexington. Let us all hope that the end ia already here. The Mascot says this : ' 4 "The defendants, Baxter Shemwell and Dr. Lee Payne, appeared last week at Davidson court and submit ted for an affray with deadly wea pons. ' This was the shcoting affair in the morning, and for which they were bound over Jo court just before the killing. The judgment in the case was suspended on the payment AT THE BUFFALO MILLS. oftener in one week than our repre D. F. Cannon r?10 - m Lne J. W. Cannon, last legislative . gathering. But we started to reproduce wnat the Wadet boro Intelligencer, had. The In- of Jfche cost, the Judge remarking temgencer says : that the whole case had been inves- "W 0 Coleman, of Concord, the tigated fully and Shemwell acquit wealthiest colored man in the State, ted and that Payne had suffered in was here last week in the interest of the loss of his father, therefore he tbe colored exhibit at the Atlanta would suspend j udgmen t. The cost Exposition. Coleman is so nearly in the Shemwell murder trial will white that no one who does not know hardly be leas thaa $3,000. The him would for an instant suspect County Commissioners have refused that negro blood flows in his veins, to pay if, and haye employed Lee S and for this reason i Eaph, the Na- Overman, of Salisbury, to resist its tional Hotel porter, cannot be blam- being adjudged against the county. S(Wks, Bonds and Grain bought and ,n to the hotel and The feud between the Shemwell and &t0CK ' . offering him the best the house af- Payne factions has not subsided. Machinery Being Placed and Work " or All DUcriptton Progressing, busier workmen can't be tound than those engaged in placing down the machinery at the large spinning room at the Buffalo Thread mill, , where work of that nature has been iu progress - for ten days or more. ' ; To the left of the mill on the hill are twelve niae 2 family brick houses in course of construction, four of wh en are. about completed. This annex to Concord, when everything gets in motion, will be a little town Within itself. If you have m t been out there you can get only a iaint idea of what our town is get ting to be. - : FIRE INSURANCE. Having transferred my Fire Inn suranca business to Messrs. H I Woodhouse and BE Harris, I corns mena them to any who may be in need of fire insurance, and bespeak for Jhem a liberal vatronage. Respectfully, J. W BUBKHEAD, We have assumed the Fire Iusur ance business of Mr. J.W. Burkhead, fiomprising the agencies for several first-class and well establish e-1 com panies, and respectfully Folicit a liberal share of business in that line. Woodhouse & Harris. August 26, tf tlftfiUii HEi Kittle pt s. Send for explanatory circu proprietor, Mr. Smith, was notrpres- the foreman of the jury twice which Ur on speculation also weekly mar- Lat. hamored the joke tried Shemwell how much money he let letter. (Free) dwly inn in LimiET. (LITAKER'8 CORNER ) until Eaph had assigned him a room, got for rendering his yerdict. This and then he informed the surprised sets the factorial hot blood going; porter that it was Dot customary for and the end of the Shemwell case is negroes to be entertained at hotels not yet. There is also talk of a in tins otate, and therefore he would damage Buit by the jury against have to ask to be directed to the PayLe for having this talk." home of Elder Settle, of the colored ir.ii. .j.' i t I. jj .1 ' Inm Bos er'Captnred. ' ft will be remembered that about a year ago, a negro, lium Uoger, chased Frank White, one of tfe hands at Brown's livery stable, with a pistol, firing at him several times, the bullets striking the house of Mr. Henry Propst, on East Depot street. He was captured Friday afternoon by Sheriff Sims and Deputy Hill near the fair grounds. He has been to Whston and Charlotte since the shooting affair, but returned about ten days ago, and has been hanging around the suburbs. He is in jail. MT. PLEASANT, "N. C. REV. J. D. SHIREY, D. P., Pres ADADEMIO, COM M M IU; I A L - AND . COLLEGIATE COURE?. Mr. w. e. stone out or jail. i toaay ana reports tnat tne wounaea Mr. Walton E Stone, a former men, Safrit and 031,' are still Jiving citizen of .Raleigh, stands charged I and are in a better condition than witn emoezziing irom Jiranicncc there were any hopes or. it is Bach piano firm funds to the Itnought, though, that the change Ihave opened my ME A.T MAR extent of $1,340. The warrant for for the better is onlv temnorarv. TTTlin . m' ti, i . if I ' " I . . . MuntnitaKer tasement, iors . . woa . n- , ., TnQf:0 merly occupied by Swink & Day WJ naole(no coartnoase. vauit. when you want -nice; tresn itoDerts. Mr. otone was Drougni rQ Durham correspondent Z 1 uli.vvi uiuttuu, cvu., v,x hQTe from hlQ homo acranton, Ueit.e writpa cn or send in your orders to - , , ' n .. ' ; JwriieB S. L. KLUTTZ. county, oy snenn it u tiarns, or ".rod Animfltna W Orftham. of P. S. 1 am in thA market WhfiD innnfn of H maa n1aAa1 in Aail ViorA I i . . " . Wf Mfa o, .ay," coi ""J " "v uxrora, was nere tnis mernmg on v,uauuuufia a. xw. ow, I XT- 1 J .1 1.1 1 t I I . : xc Btttjcu iu jn uuui inw ycowtuaj hia way n0me from 15 argaw, where afternoon, when he gave bond for he held court this week. He is $500 and was released. " In tl e looking well and in fine spirits. He preliminary trial before Justice Saya he sent a wagon to the Pender Roberts he waived examination and county' jail to haul a prisoner, J was bound over to the Superior charged with arson,; to the court court. A Ii btone and W VY ia- house The fellow pretended to be wards are the bondsmen. The 8ick, but the county i physician sa'd prosecution is representea oy Messrs he wa3 not too sick to come into J W Hinsdale and T P Devereaux, court, and the judge ordered the and the defence by R H Battle, Bhenff to "haul hiin in." After iLgq. Kaieisn unserye. reachine the court room he would A lot of circus bill posters came in so the judge ordered 'ji plea of , not Sunday and were at the McAdoo. guilty entered and bean the trial. One man was reported sick and After a little whili the fellow's the boss of the gang hired a negro mouth opened, and hi plead guilty to help in the work on Monday. and was sent to the psnitentiary fcr When" the others found out what ten years'! he had done they coclly informed Marvelous nLits, him they would quit before they prom a letter written by Rev. J would work with a "nagar." Gunderman, of DiamDndale, Mich., When a man from the north will we are permitted tonake this ex nnivnrtr with ft neoro. how do thev tract: "I have no hesitation in re- Pmect a Sotheren man to do it ? commending Dr. Kinfe's New Dis Greensboro Record.; v v . Total necessary expenses session of 38 weeks, $85.00 to 137.000. Next session begins Sept 3. 1895. For cotalogne and special information, address the'President as above, or lm. Secreta ey of Fa c ulty. Mou MANUFACTURERS OF HX GLYGHAMS, : WliXG CLOTHS, PLAIDS, SHJiETlJVG W-D SALT BAGS. Electi-ie Bitters. Electric JBitters is a medicine suited for any seaaor, but perhaps more generally needed, when the languid exhausted feeling prevails when the liver is torpid and slug jcjish ; and -the-'2ieed of a tonic and alterative is felt. A prompt use of this ''medicine ' has often averted long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No medicine will act more suroly in counteracting and free' ing the f-ystom from the - malarial poison. Headache, indigestion, Constipation, dizziness yeild to Electric Bitters, 50c and $1.00 per bottle at Fetzer's Drug store. Cotton and Its Price. Several bales of new cotton were on the market today, and the season fairly opened. For new cotton, the best grades brine about 8 cents, which makes tbe good old farmers grin as of yor, and admit that "times are improving." Old cotton, somewhat stained, brought 7 J to 71 cents. ' nt Amoenei SEMIN ART A Flourishing School for Yours? .. - . ' Ladifis. . TEN TEACHERS, ; Ornamental Branches -Rcive Carefui Attention, REV. O. L. T. FISHER, A. :H AMOUNT JPIj ANTrK; C FIIRIITIIIF I . - W U i Liu 0- DEALEES 1ST General Merchandise. BUYERS OP Couiitrv Prnilnno cbvery, as the results marvelous m the case! While I was pastor ct Bncklen's Arnica Salve, The Best Salve in ike world for Church at Rives Jun nrp'fl TTIcers. Salt brought down witl VUtO) Ji UHUB W" V"J " . J ' " Of all Kind Kheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Chappe Hands, Chilblains, uorns ana au Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay reqni-ed. It is guaranteed to give statisf action or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale at P B Fetzer's Drug Store. - AND lml0t W00d always Bam e8t Prices for ;;uui au the goods all the The fragments of the hind parts of a wagon passed through ti e streets this morning, the wagon haT ing been wrecked by heavy loading at the lumber yard on Depot street. were almost of my wife. the Baptist tion she was Pneumonia succeeding La Grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last hours with little inteription and it seemed as if she codd not survive them. A friend recommended Dr. King's Ne w Discovery: it was quick in its woik and highly results." Trial bo Fetzer's Drug store 50c. and $1 00. atisf actory in ties free at Regular size For Sale. x Several hundred bushels winter turf oats at 40 cents at granery or 45 cents wiih sack and delivered at China Groye. J. M. Harrison, Mill Bridge, N. C, ftpt. 9th, '95. mm nn n r M Leu U L!-. L3 COFFINS &:. have now in stock at my rooms opposite the court house a splen did line of well-made Furniture such as Bed Steads, 'Tables, Wash Stands Safes, Chairs, ,&c. I defy competition in regard to quality and price. You? will be surprised when you hear my prices Come and see. If not in stock can supply you in a few days. I have a nice line of -COFFliMSz at prices that will surprise you. I keep a full lline on hand for im . mediate supply. I buy . LUMBEP and run my planing machane, and , all persons who wish any thing in this line, will do well to call and see me. Very Respectfully, J. T. Pounds. Concord. N. C July 13. 1895. . ISJUSTASCOODFORADULTS. VAH RANTED. PRICE 50 ctG. QALATIA, ILLS., NOT. 16, 18S3. Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. - v , Gentlemen: We sold last year, 600 bottles of GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC and hare bought three gross already this year. In all owr ex perience of 14 years, in the drag business, hare never sold an article that gave such universal satis faction as your Tonic. Yours truly, ABNST.CARR For sale by allaruggists. " Concord HIGH SCHOOL Opens September 2. Offers fail, thor ough preparation for college ; practical thorough training for business or life For information or announcement, ad dress. HOLLAND THOMPSON, tt&s a22tw , CoNcord, N. C FEMALE ACADEMY. The 94th Annual Session begins September 5th X895. Register for last year shows, more than 500 persons under instruction during the year. Spe cial features: the development of Health, Char acter and Intellect. Buildings thoroughly remod elled. Fully equipped Preparatory, Collegiate and post Graduate Departments, besides hrst-clasi schools in Music, Art, Languages. Commercial and IndustriaV Studies. . . , , . J. H. CLElELL, Rrinapal,ialem, N dawavr. ' ' : " r ft -