I Bank. a CONCOBD, N; 0. j M. Odell, President n B. Ccltrane, v Cashier. Tj.' D. Coltrane, Assistant Cashier Capital, Surplus, $50,000 $16,000 DIRECTORS i M. Odell, D. F. Oannoit ElamKing, W, Canok, Speculation; HAMMOND & 00. Broils, 130 & 132 Pearl Street, NEW YORK CITY, it. Y. Stocks, Bonds and Oram bought and bow, or carnea on Margin. , P. S. Send for explanatory circu lar on speculation, also weekly mar ket letter. (Free) dwly OUT LllltT. (LITAKER'S CORNER ) , l naye opened my ja.xuvx Man" EET in the Litaker basement, f or- -merly occupied by S wink & Day vault, When you want nice j fresh meats, beef, pork4 mutton, tc., call on or send in your orders to S. K KLTJTTZ. P. S. 1 am in the market when beef cattle and hogs are for sale. Go., MANUFACTURERS OF -FINE GINGHAMS, 7 OUTING CLOTHS, PLAIDS, SH&ET1NG AND SAL T B'4GS. O- DEALERS IN General luGrchEndlSOJ BUYERS OF Country Produce of all Kind and . ; Fr-Foot wood always touted -best prices, for same. We invite an inv Action of all the goods Manufacture. Go, SlIII'S f SELLS BROTHERS' SHOW. - I T? 'andeSt TrlnmPh Known i in the History of the Circus World. Sella Brothers will be in Charlotte, Friday, ; October 4, in a ' blaze of glory, and it is, without doubt, the most : gigantic exhibition that has everHisited that city, intrbdacing triple ring circus, five continent me nagerie, real Roman 'Hippodrome, huge African quariam, Australian a?iary, Arabian caravan , and the un- equalled . free: street s parade.- The sea : Brothers big enterprise has agement xor a longer period than any other in existence, being now in its twenty -fourth prosperous year. Go to town esply and see the free daily street parade of glittering splendor. The procession leave! the show grounoa at xv o'ciock on tne morns ing of the exhibition. It is over a mile in length See the vast city of canyai 1 Then decide whether or not you want to see the greatest show on earth; Two performances daily Uiternoon at 2, night at 8. Doors open one hour earlier. Special ex- cursion rates on ail line s of travel. Goods Recovered, Bat Thief Escapes. Early this morning a thief enter ed the meat house of Mrs. Q W Tay lor on West Corbin street and took therefrom a ham. He was traced and run for one hundred yards and the goods were recovered, but the thief (which was a hound) escaped. Snakes 25 1-2 Feet Long. Superintendent Geo. Barnhardt, of the Cabarros chain gang, is works ing n ear the Lippard mill in No: 11. On Saturday he met up : with 25 feet of snakes. Discovering a moccasin, he killed her and through a lascerated place out crawled 43 little snakes averag ing 6 inches long. He set the chain gang on to this covey and demolished every one of them. Their entire length, including 4 feet for the mammy, amounted to 25 feat. Saturday was a bad day, too. A Derby Hat In a Hen Moose. The chief of police has been handed a derby hat that was found one morning in the chicken coop in the rear of Mr. John K Patterson's store. The supposition is that the gen tleman who yisited this hen house in the dark lost his hat. The hat bears these marks on the ineide : F- H- & R: s- Tncer RaN eigh, N. C, and in pencil mark these initials "H. M. B." Alarion Art School. Miss Bettie V Alexander, who has for the past several years taught successfully the Marion Art School i " f hia oifv. "hfts rnrpnd with a large class in the rooms formerly occupied by her at the home of Mrs. Paul B Means. Class hours are from 3 te 5 o'clock p. m., every day except Saturday. Tuition $3.00 to $4.00. 816 3t. For Over Fifty Years. Mrs- Wi"8!wV peen usea ior over mtj jcam j millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the ' child, softens, the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part J of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle tumm and ask for Mrs. Winslows 8oothing Syrup," and take no other J kind. mw&w EVEN THB DARKNESS PALED r. WaUetftlenry Threaten, to Take Off Ills Belt and Lick. Somebody. Mr. t Walter R Henrv wr xrv vV - ' - J " 'J I much ipleasea with the handsome portra t)f Ihimself In yesterday's tA-k;- tt- r -v. I ?C"B w&c cr jclb reiurnea ves- m?m8L haS quit f'Blowing Rock" for the pres- ent Whether he has quit blowing Walter is not stated. HercatledJ attention to the rapid gait with wjiich he was"Ieaving the party', andggested that he ib get ting tneW'mth toth feet, 1 s ( Lest nightllr, Henry wore a belt j ra leatherbelt with. rings in it and a curious buckle possibly a cham-1 pionship belt with leather medal I bel t worn byilhe Supreiiie Snark as he f resides bvct-Hhe Hoo Hooa of the Univerce. . But if Mr. Henry is a Hob Hoo, he did not say so, Touching with impressive hand I this equator of his fleshy sphere, he said significantly : "If some people I don't watch out I'll null this belt off and lick somebody." Even the darkness grew -pale at I the thought, Raleigh Observer. His Head Dnngea up. I Jim . McKnight, a colored boy about 13 years of i age, came near passing out oi existence tnis alter- noon when he was thrown irom a I ' s ' m ' - i " mm I wagon with which a horse was runi t . . .1 ning away, stnKing nis nead upon a stick of wood, severely cutting and bruising it. He was hauling cloth for the Odell Manufacturing Com-1 pany, and was in the mill yard. Dr, Li M-Archey gave him tne. proper surgical attention. He is now doing Quite well, considennc: the severe blow. The Sick Ust. Mr. L B Etheredge, who clerks at Mr. D P Dayvault'8, is quite sick at Mr. John A Cline's. where he is boarding. Mrs. James C Fink is sick with chills. v Master George 8 wink, who has fever, is better. Mr. Herbert Cook is considerably better today, although his fever is high at times. Miss Ada Carter, of Forest Hill, is still very low. The condition of Mr. Safrit is very encouraging anu xiupes are enieriam- ed for his recovery, while there is a change for the worse in the case of -j . mx. xosi, aunougu me lawer is brighter today than yesterday. r Miss Nannie Cannon is no better today. She is very sick. Master Edgar Caldwell is "at home" entertaining the chills. Wallace Brothers Assign. m m mi m " Statesville has had an immense crash in financial circles." r Wallace Bros, composed of V Isaac, tw,m nA wniiam WoiiSno Hninfr ' . . business in St&tesviUe since 1859, made an assignment last Saturday, & .. , naming HiX80licitor L.ong as as oirrnpo . 1 xne nrm nas Deen carrying on one of the largest businesses in Western North; Carolina. They borrowed lots of money, principally from the Merchants & Farmers bank, of Char lot te, and from private parties'. The labilities are estimated at $200,000, with a probable similar amount of They tnrned over, eyerytning, . ... their private residences included,. . It is a crash that surprises the - - i . . ; whole western part of the state. NO THIRD TERM. President Cleveland's Sinter rati That He Wouldn't Accept One. , . . . . . TVAW Yftl-IT Nont. -11 A enrna I tfcft xktia- v. : tt t,-. ni J ; " cuuiauo yucmii, wuwr f Prfl.;flf n.ia.ij w, Bays the President would hot ftMflnlft ' - -- accept a third term. ' FN nan all rpt xppII sleep soundly. l - . MM1 A Item ArkKitiA rnM " tt ir o .. .. xrui. jo. ju omufl, 01 oiaunion, Va., who has been the guest of A 8 Hielig, tells , us of a remarkable cur of a young man, whose name Everett .Strauss arid who is indent! fied with one of the foremost famit Bright' disease. The physicians had lost all hope of their medicines proving etncaciqus. When air hope was given up it was suggested that the xaitn cure be tried. Accordinly the young man was annomted with pare oliye oil and six elders from the different churches were sent for. They began praying in the morning at six and continued to pray without intermission until four. At the ex plration of that hour Mr. Straus RrnkA frnm h! ht Hrpeaorf and walked down the street. He attended to some mail matter and wen t out r. ..- . driving the same afternoon. He Prof. Smith tells us that the care is "J W U WUMW U AH VttVWVI M Will creating no little amount of WOnder and astonishment and he I Touches f or its accuracy, being an eye witness. Salishury World. rThe part . of .this story that re f naeB ta go down is six elders that can pray that long; Africans Going Exposltlonward, A car load of native Africans passed. through Sunday night bound for the Atlanta Exposition. They were robed ii the African apparel and were curious to behold. They were stacked in the car, which was securely fastened, like so many hogst and their chattering was like unto the cackling of geese to on r natives. None of them got out, or prcbably several people would have been eiten up. The Scene of Explosion. From all quarters of the counfv. Be0Dle. BOme through svmnatbv. i " gome curi0aity, and some for the want 0f elsewhere to spend the gabbath, went gunday to view the gcene of the osjfevJack Jon-'Safrit' wmhVoccured di (m Wednesday motning lasci The place ..was a rendezvous, and tne unusual sight of wonderment for ..." - several hundred people. Mnrvelons Hesnlts, From a letter written by Rev. J Gundfirman. of Diamondale. Mich.. I we are permitted to make this- ex i . i i it i t tract: -1 nave no nesitauou wrer coverr. as the results vere almost 1 UUU1U1CUU1UK -li XlUb, W HU" mra marvelous m the case of my wife While I was pastor of the Baptist church at Rives Junction she was l Drousut UUWU wifcu jluouiuuuw BaMXTBmg;o couehiug would last hours with little interuption and it lZf iULtleVS King's Ne jv Discovery; it was quick , TOrlrT petzer's Drug store Regular size 50c. and $1,00. :'l Fop Sal. I ' Ocvcrai nunurcii uubucio wiuici tnrf oata at 4a cents at sranerv or 1 45 cents wih sack and delivered at China Groye. J. M. Habbison, Mill Bridge, N. 0., Sept. 9 th, '95 FIRE INSURANCE. Having transferred my Fire In suranc 'business to Messrs. H I WftnHhAnnA O XT' TT T mena them to any who mav ho in fire insurance, tnd bespeak ior mem a unerai vatronaxre. vatronac( iXespectiuJJy, J. W BUJRKHEAD. I iwe have assumed the Fire Ircsur- Anmnriflincr ThA ocrAnniAo tnf calami hrst-class and well establish e i com twin . MV v ov V WX Cfe pames, ana respecuuuy eoucit a iiiueroi Buarooi ouBiuess in iuai nue. hi i i ' i i? . I - VVOODHOUSE & HAEB18. Aueust 26. tf . COJFFIInS c&C . j. have now iri stock at inv rooms opposite the court house a splen- - ?AVi e well-made f urniture Ta A Qf anlo ToVkl Wash Stands Safes, Chairs, &c. I defy competition y in regard to quality and price. You will be surprised when you hear my prices Come and see. If not in stock can supply you in a few days. I have a nice line of , - - ; . NS- at prices thatill Surprise you. ' ' 1 - keep a full lime on hand for im . mediate supply-X buyv; - . - ' LUMBEP and run tny-planingr macjiaue, and all ' persons who wish anythiDg: in this line, will do well to call and see me. . Very Respectfully, J. T. Pounds. Concord. N. C. Julv 13, 1895. JVil . A nr nn "4 "Uy.llL UfiUSia S E M I N A R Y A A Flourishing School for-Young Ladies. . TEN TEACHERS, Ori. amental Brai cLeu iieueire Careiui Attertnon. HEV. C. L. T. FISHER, A. M Principa MOUNT PL ASANX. N. C IS JUST A3 COOD FOR ADULTS. V7ARRAUTED. PRICE 50 cts. GALATIA, ILLS., NOT. 16, 1893. Paris Medicine Co.; St. Louis, Mo. Gentlemen: We sold last year, 600 bottles of GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL. TONIC and haye bought three pross already this rear. In all ovr ex perience of 14 years, in the drug business, have never sold an article that rare such universal satlsr taction as your Tuoic ours truly, - i ABXET, CAKB li CO- For sale by all druggists. COFJii ram rn n nrp nj IrJ Oil W 73 rui n it r . Tffl M D E

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