'SO- " 35 U " s6 37 A,rl1 of Trams. :moffd arrives at 11:15 a. m. from r.u ncrton " i:03 P- m- (i 11 7:23 p, m.. 8:05 a. m. 8:53 a. m. 9:03 p.m. Atlanta " Atlanvrtrk 'ew'VorJc . -S " A H freight leaves at 12m. Northbound frejg" .. m ... 63uthtt2 are the local trains between -ns. a Uinta. Nos. 35 and 36 are the , vSond ami A Jjn AUanta and .Washing ''?Sl trains bet ee Washington and S NoS' 37 vestibuled umited trains and stop 3tCono BATCH OF LOOAL NEWS. By Our JwTftnlPtnShale 1,nSaiPncilPn!lier Will we lira. W Church street nas lypnoiu . -. - . . . r : e "". ..... t - . An Interstlnar PrSramme. A Demorest memorial contest "will be hld.m Cold Water Baptist chu rob ou Saturday, September 31, lbUo. exercises to begin at 8 o'clock, p. m. Sal jects aud recitations as folio we: "No compromise; It 'must be settled right. "Luther Fisher. " "Young America to the front," John Connell. "fl ouse ver f u s Kriminger. . "IMnew fashioned man. Wes ley Tolbirt sa!oon.,,. Paul have sanitary protection ? c., r Vi a iirM Bible and the liquor traffic. it "The new declaration of inde pendence. ' Lonnie Blackwelder. a mass meeting of I Decision of judges and presenta election of a board of tion of medals The exercises will be interspersed with music South fever, flnw about .ifiVftns for .health. Tje weather signals call for lo ghower, followed by fair weather. Gains and Losses. A colored woman attended the re yival at Coleburg and became happy. In her exceedingly iovf ni state cf Daring the absence of Mr. Col 4" lJ "T " T"-. in t; Wr. " "bbons that bedecked her bonnet 4t tne were appropriated by hands that The little child of Mr. .and Mrs. ere quicker than the eve, and today Giles Croweli, is quite sick. The the melancholy .appearance of the child's illness was serious Monaay WOman indicates that she is grieved night. over her wordily losses more than she THE BUSH OF HUMANITY. feopU WUo TravlH as, Bn by Oar Reporter. Mr. T, H Kirby, of Abbeville, is in the city. Mr, Will P owe was in from No. 10 today. Mr. Martin Boger, of No. 10, spent day in the city. , Maj. S J Pemberton, of Albe marle, is m the city. Veteran H M Goodman went over to Charlotte today. Messrs N F and J F Yorke re turned last evening from Albemarle. 1 . Mrs. P 0 Pape returned to the city this morning from a visit to Charlotte. ' v Mrs. W K Odell and Master Ralph, are spending the afternoon in Charlotte. Mr. Hiram Foard, of Leaksville, spent last night with his sister, Mrs. Paul B Means. Mrs. Kate Cress, who was visit ing at Mr, W C Boyd's returned to her home last night. LOWE&SON, We are not offering our en tire stock of goods for less than it costs ns-we don' t want you to think so. But we want you to know that we have gone t hrough Mrs. J O King, of Harvey's, "Carbuncles are not pleasant s pieaseaNwitn tne supposea sweet uuuuuy, is visiung ner sister. Mrs. D J Hnsfi an. nmuanv Bays lr, u vj vaiuweii; vw"""mu,w" v u"n,J . ,-. ' ,z ir- - Mrs. Truman Chapman and uar BtoCK ana P1C5Kea our sevh daughter, Miss Chapman, have re- eral hundred pairs of turned lrom a trip north. one for sev- religion. i?ho has been nursing weeks paat. John Miller, the lb year oia son of Mr. John Miller, Sr., of Forest Hill, is in very bad health. He is quite sick. . . w-rr TT- T t 1 Mr W K liVIPS. OI JNO. f tDWTl So Near, Tet so Far. left" better than any man in Oabar ""MrS" McC1Uand to- gt CLXG S 1 O JtlO G S rus. He was to go to the United u Aur a Vi84b w uer uaugnter.rB. Synod at Staunton with the other Jo8ie Sother, at Chester, S. 0. delegates. He got about Walter's Mrs. Bichard Eames. of Salis. -ship, well known in the city and j store when the train pulled out. He bury, who has been yisi ting at Mr. ; Mr10 ' A county, has entered North Carolina wenton, and thinking he could make M H Caldwell', has returned home, we waht to set out of our . I - - - - - . . . I v I O - - the depot olliciala feel bad, too, He M- Be . DenaQn m ,eftTa ..nri . . I . - asKei ; vv nac time is tnac iram due ?" He was told tomorrow morn- College at Mt. Pleasant. Couldn't the police put a stop to the small colored boys playing marbles and creating a nuisance in .rear of the stores ? the finest goods we carry in 5U q Ti rl A fhaf waht t way. tomorrow moinincr for AshPTillA. to renma w .tndiM t th. NTnrm.i You may know this means w mm w w -w b mm w w w v h w mm, m m mmtm w mm- in or n.f. R03 Stand nn. Mr. Wertz I , . . . I " don't you know that a lailroaa train h w. " . . . won't wait on a man, even though a L . . v " looting lor today, but we The special Florida vestibule train her ? morning m oausoury m company will be nut on. it is rumored, for the - wna a numoer oi young laaies winter exodus of northern people U cmtea synod-Deieuntes- who were en route to school at Ashe- these shoes. They will go south, about the first week in Oc - U The United Synod of the H-yan- ville. I T it 1 Lt 'B A. l . I r -w r m -rr ... rt , 4ober' gencai luuineran cnuruu oi vue Mrs. Jj m ;neing, or oans- . , , . Southern states meets in the First bury, spent the morning with Mrs. Little Johnnie Alexander, who is T tlln fihnmh of Staunton. Va.. W a Binaham whil ronte to ,i ..l t n i ; . 4. 1 ' 'I o " ;Uuu m nniHjiTWH, wrineday ut. pieaaant, where she will visit scnaaoeie: "l long lor oncoru ; ,nllnwintr naharma citizens. W fth.r. Mr. W Tl TCindlev. iU-.J- 1 1ft. .V . - T i. 1 .U w ' I J ui..np.KeuW;; 8" ho are deleeates f rom the North 1 11 Stay. . i-.xv... n..j.. Do Ton'Wsnt Ellber I n r,.. , . 0 . i o q "Rmurn The following articleslare offered Egquire George Bitchie says that morning: Bey. B S Brown, Key. . s u . , . . m fin QKa.or rov T o Wfirty for 8ae privately and - reasonably : ram would help the farmers jost ?ij!w,bl lU m later in One pnol table, balls and;cues ; one now as oat eow.ng ,. m progress several ay delegates will go later m P , - . luiatoes ana otner crops neeuitue wc. , . .... mm ni ater. -- ? . . .7- r7 7. r -7" "7,, JVjLHIL S AIIUCS i tah o H flr Tnirnor mrrwin ATS nn i w ' 1 - - JPQp Rale. I Mv . ' JL W. WV Mk V.WW .M. W WM.a Mr, P M Morria is baildini? a new Srrr-1 hundred bushels winter at this offiice. s2tf 0 . i i hop on the lot at Corl's stables, turf oats at 40 cents at granery or Other, and ('greater improvements, 5nte wi:h Back and deUverea at prices are looking fc want you to have a pair of anyway at about Half-Price. Now is the time to come. They v.ill not last but a few days, Xn the lot will be about 50 pairs of THE comW8man If the fashion plates are to be believed, will wear black, and there never. wa such a demand for BLACK DRESS . GOODS to the exclusion of all col ored fabrics. , Nothing; adds more to the beauty and dignity of a woman appearance than a fine black gown, which is alike economical and ultra fash ionable. We ha ve just gotten in our black and navy blues bought when the prices were low can sell yon 75 cent Henrietta Surah for 50c 46 inches wide Can sell you a $1 goods 50 inches wide for 76c, Our stock of Black Creapones are the latest production. We ask all Ladies to see our dress goods betore buying else where. Do you want to see the prettiest line of LADIE'S SHOES ever shown in Concord . Then come and see us and be convinced. Our No. 49 narrow Opera Toe perfect beauty, , Our No. 71 Needle Squar9 Toe prettiest seoe on the mar ket. .. Our No, 69 Pointed Razor Toe the most stylish y At. Our No, 70 Round Toe a grand seller, all at lpw figures. UNLAUNDRIED SHIRTS Our city trade ''Leader", pure Linen Bossom extra heavy muslin double front and bacK, patent continu ous f acings on back and sleeyes, custom x cut .i and at the low price of 50c? MorriqnLentz Co Bond Fires on tne streets. - i i pu:n .-ntta UT TT a TJTJTROT0-. I Knnd firfta ar hommon on OUT I moved.. T .. .. I I lllllia 111U C U AJJL . Am n limwv! I w m. w " " I " w.anQerstand, are contemplated by Mm Bridge, N. 0., Sept. 9th, '95 gtreets in the early part of the morn. be - B." ings, in which waste paper and trash Mr. Anderson Cruse, who was so The condition ot miss istner accumulated in the stores during No. 6, 6h and 7 that must be The Shoes will all on terribly bruised up in the boiler 1i continues to improve. 18S the day are destroyed. While such explosion, was in the city today. He Janie Ervin, her sister, ia assisting a fire waa at its best this morning, has about 'thirty', bruises and a at the postoffice during her lllnes?. j8SUjncr np large flames, Mr. John E broken jaw bone, to say nothing of It was a struggle for the "Stars Misenheimer, of No. 5 township, the door. several shattered teeth and a few to last during the baseball, season, driving fine team, passed directly Bargain Counter on the right when you enter Fall Goods cracked ribs. but they held up till witnm me oyer it witb a load of dry hay on his past twenty-four hours, iney nave 0 E rv one who saw the disbanded, I daring deed, and even Mr. Misen The hat found in Mr. Patterson s heimer, expected to see wagon and chicken coop proyed to belong to ' a hay all enyeloped in a theet of flames, colored boy named Martin, and its Dnt were agreeably disappointed. being there was satisfactorily ac- The hay did not ignite. It was too counted for. In days of yore it was ate o stop when the fire was no fKo nronartvof Mr. H M Barrow, of ;pH h thm driver; thfirp.fore he run . . . I Vmmm j W J I WV J J mmmmm -mmmt -mr m, v s uair Vigor tones up theUnis ritv. once of Raleigh. th risk. 1 V Ami Mtmm W- w J I w wmmmm . eas hairroots, stimulates the yes There is-nothing to preyen. anyone ana took boiler wreck at three Miss Maggie Neisler, of No. 5 township, one day - last week dis 5oyered an apple that contained, 6y actual count, fifty-two seed The aPple was of the ordinary size and the number of seed it bore was sur : Posing to its examiners,- Come in a hurry to LOWE1&1SON. Bought Before the Advance in Price, i - - .- i ' Beautiful, dark Crepons as changable and as PrettyJas silk only 12 JJcents, worth 15 cents. NEW FALLISHADES inJHenriettas 40 mcheswide only 25 cents per yard. ALL WOOLlXSERGIt 86 inches wide, 27 cents worth 35 cents. .UmH tissues which: supply the con00ctine a mixture ahd calling it T,!7'''0w"ck . ' wth nutrition, strengthens the and there is nothing ' Mr. Z E Scott went out hair itpoir A. -t. sarsaparuw, o necrative of the boile -vu, auu auuu W1 Oil WniCU U ntront anVOne SDenQlUZ KOUU . w , , Mr Jacks keeps the shafts soft, lustrous, and IftlUaOle tOllAf. rtrawaiiafinn in rViO . , . L i- U anna rtf thpir peopl ..ww3 ; Tns three photographs show in i a.manTT' tbvh IIIIIV Xl. W B -rm ren .,-.- -rj rT" Mr. Jackson Sifrifs from testing the stuff; but prudent ad v take only Ayer's Sarsap r. 15 L GriflRn. triA vofprinarv i nil and SO ffet Cured. age0n18 8tiU at Brown Bros s 3les an is better prepared to visit I l treat and work on chronic cases ever before at stahhs. No ""nres are ma(aa 011 of horses. Pulling horse teeth specialty. Call and see him at s olace in Brown Bris. Stables. Wben Baty waa rick, ve gave her Castorla. . JThen she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. Wben she had Children, she gave them Castoria, splendid manner the terrible wreck. One who has not seen the real, can geat a fair idea from seeing the photos. Mr. Scott has them for eale. Cat Rue Is Iiunny. If the moonwillj spend her last quarter to get fall, Trhatcaawe expect of a cr.n who is boozerinicaliy inclined PRETT1FALU STALES ... . in Percales only 10 cents ALL WOOL (fine Merino) French Flannel for Ladies Dressing Saeqmes only, 60 cents per yard. See our Croyenette abson lutely RAIN; PROOF 56 inchesjjwide. Mm . . t i i r.