fxL-l$o. 124, CO.NCOIID, N. C. "WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18. 1895. Whose ISO. 1,266 lit 0- Cox CORD f 51. ODE" N. 0. President, Cashier. n B, CCLTRA v, pOBhior t D Contra -nooio vv j Capital, $50,000 $16,000 1I HECTORS; Ml.UDKU, ' 'D. F. Canhon Jm Kv J. W. Cannon fr K Ol)ELL H, liTLLY,- " ' 1). B, COLTRANU. Speculation, HAMMOND & CO. ,, ecfeaad Bond Brokers, ; - 130 & 132 Pearl Street,1; ' T OUCHED THE B.UT1 ON. I THE LEASE APPROVED. ' l'resldcnt Cleveland .Marts ilie Knll Jo . Holling -Atlanta Has 40,000 Visitors Imposing ere monies At tended the Formal Opening-Will Close With the PyingYeaK. Special to the Standard. The KtoclilioItierH Meet HlGreenb"ro and Ratify It The Tax Exemption Surrendered Kew directors. NEW GILEAD PICNIC, Tomorrow Sot Anart as a Dar of Pleasure" for the Children Four Sunday Schools Unite. To-morrow, Thursday, will about wind up the picnic season for 1895, Greensoero, Sept. 17. The agony over the North Carolina Railroad is at last over. A called meeting of and great preparations have been Atlanta, Ga., Sept 18. This the stockholders of 1 his road was made to me ke the day one of pleas morning at 6 o'clock the gates of held' here this afternoon; and forthe nre for the Sunday school children tne Uotton States and International rime emce loyo a quorum was or io. o rownsnip, in men tour Exposition rhrnwn n,fl f. ' Present. The directors agreed two schools will unite themselves for one - ' " - -. vr w u vuv. JJ XU1 VULiG I , N, . , . 1 - hundred and twentv davp Till ;t,Tp uuuw iu rauroaa- u aay, at least. JNew uneaa, Mt. uar i .1 1. . , . - - . . pe listed for taxes, out" the stock- rnel, Cold Water, and Trinity Re- . ...... vycxo ui-xixiK aiiti xwjittm- rormeu ( uoncora) win a'l be repre- -j-b j, cuax- ea away irom tne meetings in order 8eDted At 10 o'clock the exercises txon will be open to the people of the to prevent a quorum, so that theac- will bord hv min. foiled wunu. ineiormai opening was at vv " UA lF UU1B n De by recitations by the children, after tended by imposing ceremonies. uu,fcU- imow, nuvever, since tne whlCQ the pastors of ' the different Half of the nations of the earth WPre r0Uinern n?s Jeasea tne road and chnrr.hes will mkft hnrt arldrps. I XXrill rQTT tno f O TOO f Vl CWr mnn i r . I . represented in the procession during nilCQ f , vof;fr; 4llw .4, j Then dinner, which is one of the k j a - m M caiAi 1 l i . a-ai -Kl mm mm max i . . - the day and the more prominent 1.-. J main features, will bo served under , I U10VU! Ul VfAJk. CACUipiIUU. AL T, t . ' - . . . aneakprs nf th nmmtrv flrlrlwaoo h.on .i.m... iB8 snaae oi . me neautiiui oaK the, multitude that gathered in the were on the point of assembling a hrove- A.great is anticipated auditorium to witness the formal telegram earned om the Governor aPtt'De cnnuren, as wen as omer inauanral tptcw ' insisting on a surrender of the exs one wl11 haye sway to many amuse- a u 4 on nnn emption. About 4 o'clock the stocks ments providea tor on tnis,occaa- FIRE INSURANCE, JllH Having transferred my Fire surancft business to MeFrp. H X Woodhouse and B E Harris, I corns mena them to any who. msy be in need of fire-insurance, md bespeak for them a liberal vatronage. Respectfully, J. W- BtTLEIIEAD, We have assumed the Fire Insur ance business of Mr. J. W. EurKhea7, comprising the agencies iot aeverat first-class and well establishes coni panies, and respectfully solicit; n liberal share of business in. that-line. - "Woodhouse & Harris. August 26, ; " tf IT COFFINS &C. ,ttt Tmor rTrp"V "NT V iXi v . r r UinMora met. onrl cnrooH fn em., ions. Kitz. -the .lemonade vender I fit . . - " " la vwv nun , y : : c.. Bonds aud.Orain Wht M W!ePe1l Me macmnery wnen ?M render. Judge tBurwell was made 'will be thar.'! , ..rriMl on Margin;. tBe nonr ot 1:15 P- i resIdeat temporary chairman and Dr. Ben- Cleveland at Buzzard's Biv gently bow secretary. When the, vein in ';0K:" tonched the button and started Urn ritifv the l.-sinL- of thn ro:i,i; tothn Martin.Jhe littlecolored ball to rolling. Southern was taken, not a dissent wjr 1uuuu.iu,. x10u. An imnnfiinir mnnPRSinn. onm J MDg VOlce was heafd manded by Col. W I. Kellog, United gold, or cnrried on Margi pt s, Send for explanatory circus jar on speculation, also weekly mar ket letter. (Free) dwly I have now in stcck at my rooms opposite the court house a splen did line of well-made Fi'.rniturn. such as - Bed Steads, Tables, Wash Stands S afes, Chairs, &c. ninrs in bimei. (LITAKER'S CORNER ) t is. 1 , . l w . : , I have opened-my ME VT MAR KEf in tbs Li raker basement, for merly occupied by Swink & Day vault meats en cr P. beef ei's stor, fell asleep and was locked The. following resolution was up auring luesaay nignt in tne store nflFftrpr nrnl nnnfpfl mnvnw TOOm. He W38 : inenteneQ DV Mr. States Army, movea to tne grounds Kesolved. By the stockholders of Johnston, the niht watchman, and at noon from a point in the center the North Carolina Rauioad Corns was completely -overcome with ner of the city, comprising the Wash- pan y, the president of the said road vbusne;s this morning when lib- ington Artillery of New Orleans ; be and he is hereby directed to "re- I erated. Mr. Johnston and Mr. the Fifth regiment of regulars : the I turn, on the first day of June after Fisher were both ignorant of the Sixth, regiment of Georgia volun- January lst' lm when the div?" tegr eiDg in the store, although tA T'hA Thfrrl rpmpt r,f Opnr. OI Ponts win oxceea b the latter missed the boy'd preeence gia volunteers; the Atlanta Artib rT' 'pTr' fth at closing xfP time. He was on h.nd 6i twi u wis, wv Carolina Railroad Comnanv. with .in c ..T " i - I " -t- , . aL lue pro pei .nine lur uuue. 1WJ ftUU " .wtj. out exemption lorjaxation, asotner At tne grounas aaaresses were i railroad property is leturnea for iie xevcr came Back delivered by President C A Collier, taxation. Mrs. A E Lentz i3 out of a cook Mrs. Joseph Thompson, President of Tne directors on the part of the today. It occurred in this way : dtfy competition in regard to quality and price. You will be surprised when you hear my prices Come and see. If rjof i" stock can supply you in a few -da I have a nice line of v.. 1 . hen you want mcefresn vVomefl's Roard : Booker T Wash- otaie are : d x Aiexanaer, vv u Max Walter Christian, a young: colored , be; f, pork, mutton, etc., Call I . k ' . well. J P Allisnr. J J Ynnn. f! AV 1 v a:a stud in your orders to mgton, colored ; Mayor Forter King, " V; " ::;, a7C'-L DO"V wnu 18 a "Ptcuum wuu S. L. KLTJTTZ. rion Georee Brown renresentin? oullUiiVU DU"J UO UY is fickle in mind, was sent to the . . ' the mar P 6 market for essrs-on Tuesdav morn- cattle aiid iios are tor sale, tne governor, ana juage jmery 11 private stock the directors ar : R Speer. F Hoke Thos. M Holt, H W Fries; A wire waa put in from Buzzard's and B Cameron. Bay, the telegraph station for Gray ing, but he never came back. He had no doubt read in The Stand akd of several .days ago that all the Gables, the home of President Cleye land, and another wire from the auditorium to the machinery build ing. When the time for touching the button arrived the wires were ckaned and an operator in the audi torium notified another operator at Gray Grables. The wire running PLAIDS, SII1ET1NG int0 ths machinery building was connected with two electric machines attached to valyes on the big Frick engine which drives the shaftiDg of the" machinery and the yalva on "the largest water pump. As soon as the President closed the electric current the valves opened and the steam poured into the engines. As they began to act the engineers' building opened all the engines and started every machine in the hall.v There are 40,000 visitors in the city. MANUFACTURERS OF FIX GINGHAMS, OUTING CLOTHS, IV) SALT BAGS. - . . I'ALKRS IN ' r I ' V r r fjl T niT-rlcnn T TnKon on3 i nna fhot noma fn market WPTP hft. , ... o w ing shipped to Atlanta, and accora- nml Anmmiffp. SnPfMftl from Char- 1 o ov. , ingly sent woru to nis mistress tnac he had left foi that place, and in all probability he will not return until he obtains what he was sent for. ; lotte Observer. General .Merchandise; Count liUYEItSOF rv Proflnp.fi of all Kind - AND Fur-Foot wood always Wonted - beat prices for-'. Sau;e- 'Wo invite an in ',plctlon of an the goods Manufacture. Marvelous Results,,, Xot the "Xew Woman'" Many homes in the western por tion of the city were yisi ted by a wearv. wandering descendant of -w Mother Eve Tuesday night AU though a stranger she was not the ('nom wnmon " TTr Oftllificr hours jlav If ' fi vuuiuiu xv O - were unusually Tate and her questions and manner bore evidence of a de mented mind, She was yery well dressed and claimed to have been on her way from Greensboro to South Carolina, where, she said, lived her people. This is not a good story, however," as she arrived here from Charlotte" on the delayed train, about,8;30 o'clock, and after applying at both hotels for lodging and refused, she viated a Uncle Jones in Winston. Winston, Sept. 17 Sam Jones has stirred Winston as she has never been stirred before. The people are talking about little eke, -The ware housemen signed certificates today agreeing, to close on Sunday. The butchers also agreed to do no more work on tbe Sabbath. All but one druggist agrees to close on Sunday. There have been several hundred conversions, and it looks now like no more liscencd barrooms will be seen here after next May. Your Uncle Jones is jumping on the Twin City w w.r i a at prices that wilf surprise : a. i keep a full liue on Iand :or im mediate supply. 1 buy . LUMBER and run my. planing machanf , and ; all - persons who wish" any "thing in this line, will do well to call and see in. Very Respectfully, J. T. Pounds. Concord, N. C. July 13, 1895. ount Amoena SEMIN AR Y A Flourishing: School (cr Yun . L'ois. TEN TEAC HERS Orumental Brai chtH i Loitr va 'Carefui'AttpntntFi, REV. C. L. T. ! -FISHER, A. "M Principal. MOUNT PL ASAN N. C From a letter written by Rev. J annderman. of Diainondale,: Mich., we are permitted to make this ex tract: "I have no hesitation in re commending: Dr. King's New Dis covery, as -the results were almost marvelous in the case of my. wife. While I was pastor of the Baptibt Church at Rivea JunctTon she was brought down with Pneumonia succeeding La Grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last hours with little interuption and .it seemed as if she could not survive them. A friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery; it was quirk in its work and highly satisfactory in Ha" Trial bottles free at, Fetzer's Drug store Regular size . . Pleasure Club with both feet, and dozen or more 1 private residences, ! sin in high.and low places generally. fpllintr a different tale. Electric Bitters is a- medicine suited for any seaor, but-perhaps more; generally needed, when tbe languid exhausted feeling ' pt avails when the liver is ''' torpid and slug gish and the; need of a tonic and alterative is felt . A prompt use of this medicine has often averted long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No medicineyill act more suroly in counteracting and free ing the tystom from the malarial poison. Headache, indigestion, Constipation," dizzioess, yeild ; to Electric Bitters, 60c and $1.00 per bottle at Fetzer's Drug store: For Over Fifty Years. Mrs. Wmslow's Sooth;ng Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child; softens jhe gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best, remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the. poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslows Soothing Syrup," and take no other Em Epn k j ' r . L"jf r i n v fen ii 51 r- 2 I -:::. .i TO N D C ineT ac n.nnn ens Anin ts: ; B -M U IvJi mfrnMrnrnW mW W W mW Hi WARRANTED. PRICE SOcts. Galatia, Ills., Nov. 16, 1833.' Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. Gentlemen: We sold lastyear, 600 bottles of GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TOXIC and havo bought three gross already tills year. In all owr ex perience of 14 years, in the drug business, have never sold an article that gave such universal satis taction as your Tonic. Yours tnT.7, . ABXEl', CAKR Si CO. For sale by all druggists. 50c.ana ft uu..